Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name

""" A module for viewing the details of all available devices.

import math
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError

def get_unique_backends():
    """Gets the unique backends that are available.

        list: Unique available backends.

        QiskitError: No backends available.
        ImportError: If qiskit-ibmq-provider is not installed
        from qiskit.providers.ibmq import IBMQ
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("The IBMQ provider is necessary for this function "
                          " to work. Please ensure it's installed before "
                          "using this function")
    backends = []
    for provider in IBMQ.providers():
        for backend in provider.backends():
    unique_hardware_backends = []
    unique_names = []
    for back in backends:
        if not in unique_names and not back.configuration().simulator:
    if not unique_hardware_backends:
        raise QiskitError('No backends available.')
    return unique_hardware_backends

[docs]def backend_monitor(backend): """Monitor a single IBMQ backend. Args: backend (IBMQBackend): Backend to monitor. Raises: QiskitError: Input is not a IBMQ backend. ImportError: If qiskit-ibmq-provider is not installed """ try: # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module from qiskit.providers.ibmq import IBMQBackend except ImportError: raise ImportError("The IBMQ provider is necessary for this function " " to work. Please ensure it's installed before " "using this function") if not isinstance(backend, IBMQBackend): raise QiskitError('Input variable is not of type IBMQBackend.') config = backend.configuration().to_dict() status = backend.status().to_dict() config_dict = {**status, **config} if not config['simulator']: props = print( print('='*len( print('Configuration') print('-'*13) offset = ' ' upper_list = ['n_qubits', 'operational', 'status_msg', 'pending_jobs', 'backend_version', 'basis_gates', 'local', 'simulator'] lower_list = list(set(config_dict.keys()).difference(upper_list)) # Remove gates because they are in a different tab lower_list.remove('gates') for item in upper_list+lower_list: print(offset+item+':', config_dict[item]) # Stop here if simulator if config['simulator']: return print() qubit_header = 'Qubits [Name / Freq / T1 / T2 / U1 err / U2 err / U3 err / Readout err]' print(qubit_header) print('-'*len(qubit_header)) sep = ' / ' for qub in range(len(props['qubits'])): name = 'Q%s' % qub qubit_data = props['qubits'][qub] gate_data = [g for g in props['gates'] if g['qubits'] == [qub]] t1_info = qubit_data[0] t2_info = qubit_data[1] freq_info = qubit_data[2] readout_info = qubit_data[3] freq = str(round(freq_info['value'], 5))+' '+freq_info['unit'] T1 = str(round(t1_info['value'], 5))+' ' + t1_info['unit'] T2 = str(round(t2_info['value'], 5))+' ' + t2_info['unit'] for gd in gate_data: if gd['gate'] == 'u1': U1 = str(round(gd['parameters'][0]['value'], 5)) break for gd in gate_data: if gd['gate'] == 'u2': U2 = str(round(gd['parameters'][0]['value'], 5)) break for gd in gate_data: if gd['gate'] == 'u3': U3 = str(round(gd['parameters'][0]['value'], 5)) break readout_error = str(round(readout_info['value'], 5)) qstr = sep.join([name, freq, T1, T2, U1, U2, U3, readout_error]) print(offset+qstr) print() multi_qubit_gates = [g for g in props['gates'] if len(g['qubits']) > 1] multi_header = 'Multi-Qubit Gates [Name / Type / Gate Error]' print(multi_header) print('-'*len(multi_header)) for qub, gate in enumerate(multi_qubit_gates): gate = multi_qubit_gates[qub] qubits = gate['qubits'] ttype = gate['gate'] error = round(gate['parameters'][0]['value'], 5) mstr = sep.join(["{}{}_{}".format(ttype, qubits[0], qubits[1]), ttype, str(error)]) print(offset+mstr)
[docs]def backend_overview(): """Gives overview information on all the IBMQ backends that are available. """ unique_hardware_backends = get_unique_backends() _backends = [] # Sort backends by operational or not for idx, back in enumerate(unique_hardware_backends): if back.status().operational: _backends = [back] + _backends else: _backends = _backends + [back] stati = [back.status() for back in _backends] idx = list(range(len(_backends))) pending = [s.pending_jobs for s in stati] _, least_idx = zip(*sorted(zip(pending, idx))) # Make sure least pending is operational for ind in least_idx: if stati[ind].operational: least_pending_idx = ind break num_rows = math.ceil(len(_backends)/3) count = 0 num_backends = len(_backends) for _ in range(num_rows): max_len = 0 str_list = ['']*8 for idx in range(3): offset = ' ' * 10 if idx else '' config = _backends[count].configuration().to_dict() props = _backends[count].properties().to_dict() num_qubits = config['n_qubits'] str_list[0] += (' '*(max_len-len(str_list[0]))+offset) str_list[0] += _backends[count].name() str_list[1] += (' '*(max_len-len(str_list[1]))+offset) str_list[1] += '-'*len(_backends[count].name()) str_list[2] += (' '*(max_len-len(str_list[2]))+offset) str_list[2] += 'Num. Qubits: %s' % config['n_qubits'] str_list[3] += (' '*(max_len-len(str_list[3]))+offset) str_list[3] += 'Pending Jobs: %s' % stati[count].pending_jobs str_list[4] += (' '*(max_len-len(str_list[4]))+offset) str_list[4] += 'Least busy: %s' % (count == least_pending_idx) str_list[5] += (' '*(max_len-len(str_list[5]))+offset) str_list[5] += 'Operational: %s' % stati[count].operational str_list[6] += (' '*(max_len-len(str_list[6]))+offset) str_list[6] += 'Avg. T1: %s' % round(sum([q[0]['value'] for q in props['qubits']])/num_qubits, 1) str_list[7] += (' '*(max_len-len(str_list[7]))+offset) str_list[7] += 'Avg. T2: %s' % round(sum([q[1]['value'] for q in props['qubits']])/num_qubits, 1) count += 1 if count == num_backends: break max_len = max([len(s) for s in str_list]) print("\n".join(str_list)) print('\n'*2)