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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
Expand 2-qubit Unitary operators into an equivalent
decomposition over SU(2)+fixed 2q basis gate, using the KAK method.
May be exact or approximate expansion. In either case uses the minimal
number of basis applications.
Method is described in Appendix B of Cross, A. W., Bishop, L. S., Sheldon, S., Nation, P. D. &
Gambetta, J. M. Validating quantum computers using randomized model circuits.
arXiv:1811.12926 [quant-ph] (2018).
import math
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from qiskit.circuit.quantumregister import QuantumRegister
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.u3 import U3Gate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.x import CXGate
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import is_unitary_matrix
from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis.weyl import weyl_coordinates
from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis.one_qubit_decompose import OneQubitEulerDecomposer
_DECOMPOSER1Q = OneQubitEulerDecomposer('U3')
[docs]def euler_angles_1q(unitary_matrix):
"""DEPRECATED: Compute Euler angles for a single-qubit gate.
Find angles (theta, phi, lambda) such that
unitary_matrix = phase * Rz(phi) * Ry(theta) * Rz(lambda)
unitary_matrix (ndarray): 2x2 unitary matrix
tuple: (theta, phi, lambda) Euler angles of SU(2)
QiskitError: if unitary_matrix not 2x2, or failure
warnings.warn("euler_angles_q1` is deprecated. "
"Use `synthesis.OneQubitEulerDecomposer().angles instead.",
if unitary_matrix.shape != (2, 2):
raise QiskitError("euler_angles_1q: expected 2x2 matrix")
phase = la.det(unitary_matrix)**(-1.0/2.0)
U = phase * unitary_matrix # U in SU(2)
# OpenQASM SU(2) parameterization:
# U[0, 0] = exp(-i(phi+lambda)/2) * cos(theta/2)
# U[0, 1] = -exp(-i(phi-lambda)/2) * sin(theta/2)
# U[1, 0] = exp(i(phi-lambda)/2) * sin(theta/2)
# U[1, 1] = exp(i(phi+lambda)/2) * cos(theta/2)
theta = 2 * math.atan2(abs(U[1, 0]), abs(U[0, 0]))
# Find phi and lambda
phiplambda = 2 * np.angle(U[1, 1])
phimlambda = 2 * np.angle(U[1, 0])
phi = (phiplambda + phimlambda) / 2.0
lamb = (phiplambda - phimlambda) / 2.0
# Check the solution
Rzphi = np.array([[np.exp(-1j*phi/2.0), 0],
[0, np.exp(1j*phi/2.0)]], dtype=complex)
Rytheta = np.array([[np.cos(theta/2.0), -np.sin(theta/2.0)],
[np.sin(theta/2.0), np.cos(theta/2.0)]], dtype=complex)
Rzlambda = np.array([[np.exp(-1j*lamb/2.0), 0],
[0, np.exp(1j*lamb/2.0)]], dtype=complex)
V = np.dot(Rzphi, np.dot(Rytheta, Rzlambda))
if la.norm(V - U) > _CUTOFF_PRECISION:
raise QiskitError("compiling.euler_angles_1q incorrect result norm(V-U)={}".
return theta, phi, lamb
def decompose_two_qubit_product_gate(special_unitary_matrix):
"""Decompose U = Ul⊗Ur where U in SU(4), and Ul, Ur in SU(2).
Throws QiskitError if this isn't possible.
# extract the right component
R = special_unitary_matrix[:2, :2].copy()
detR = R[0, 0]*R[1, 1] - R[0, 1]*R[1, 0]
if abs(detR) < 0.1:
R = special_unitary_matrix[2:, :2].copy()
detR = R[0, 0]*R[1, 1] - R[0, 1]*R[1, 0]
if abs(detR) < 0.1:
raise QiskitError("decompose_two_qubit_product_gate: unable to decompose: detR < 0.1")
R /= np.sqrt(detR)
# extract the left component
temp = np.kron(np.eye(2), R.T.conj())
temp = special_unitary_matrix.dot(temp)
L = temp[::2, ::2]
detL = L[0, 0]*L[1, 1] - L[0, 1]*L[1, 0]
if abs(detL) < 0.9:
raise QiskitError("decompose_two_qubit_product_gate: unable to decompose: detL < 0.9")
L /= np.sqrt(detL)
temp = np.kron(L, R)
deviation = np.abs(np.abs(temp.conj(temp).T.dot(special_unitary_matrix).trace()) - 4)
if deviation > 1.E-13:
raise QiskitError("decompose_two_qubit_product_gate: decomposition failed: "
"deviation too large: {}".format(deviation))
return L, R
_B = (1.0/math.sqrt(2)) * np.array([[1, 1j, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1j, 1],
[0, 0, 1j, -1],
[1, -1j, 0, 0]], dtype=complex)
_Bd = _B.T.conj()
_ipx = np.array([[0, 1j],
[1j, 0]], dtype=complex)
_ipy = np.array([[0, 1],
[-1, 0]], dtype=complex)
_ipz = np.array([[1j, 0],
[0, -1j]], dtype=complex)
class TwoQubitWeylDecomposition:
""" Decompose two-qubit unitary U = (K1l⊗K1r).Exp(i a xx + i b yy + i c zz).(K2l⊗K2r) ,
where U ∈ U(4), (K1l|K1r|K2l|K2r) ∈ SU(2), and we stay in the "Weyl Chamber"
𝜋/4 ≥ a ≥ b ≥ |c|
def __init__(self, unitary_matrix):
"""The flip into the Weyl Chamber is described in B. Kraus and J. I. Cirac,
Phys. Rev. A 63, 062309 (2001).
FIXME: There's a cleaner-seeming method based on choosing branch cuts carefully, in
Andrew M. Childs, Henry L. Haselgrove, and Michael A. Nielsen, Phys. Rev. A 68, 052311,
but I wasn't able to get that to work.
The overall decomposition scheme is taken from Drury and Love, arXiv:0806.4015 [quant-ph].
pi2 = np.pi/2
pi4 = np.pi/4
# Make U be in SU(4)
U = unitary_matrix.copy()
U *= la.det(U)**(-0.25)
Up = _Bd.dot(U).dot(_B)
M2 = Up.T.dot(Up)
# M2 is a symmetric complex matrix. We need to decompose it as M2 = P D P^T where
# P ∈ SO(4), D is diagonal with unit-magnitude elements.
# D, P = la.eig(M2) # this can fail for certain kinds of degeneracy
for i in range(100): # FIXME: this randomized algorithm is horrendous
state = np.random.default_rng(i)
M2real = state.normal()*M2.real + state.normal()*M2.imag
_, P = la.eigh(M2real)
D = P.T.dot(M2).dot(P).diagonal()
if np.allclose(P.dot(np.diag(D)).dot(P.T), M2, rtol=1.0e-13, atol=1.0e-13):
raise QiskitError("TwoQubitWeylDecomposition: failed to diagonalize M2")
d = -np.angle(D)/2
d[3] = -d[0]-d[1]-d[2]
cs = np.mod((d[:3]+d[3])/2, 2*np.pi)
# Reorder the eigenvalues to get in the Weyl chamber
cstemp = np.mod(cs, pi2)
np.minimum(cstemp, pi2-cstemp, cstemp)
order = np.argsort(cstemp)[[1, 2, 0]]
cs = cs[order]
d[:3] = d[order]
P[:, :3] = P[:, order]
# Fix the sign of P to be in SO(4)
if np.real(la.det(P)) < 0:
P[:, -1] = -P[:, -1]
# Find K1, K2 so that U = K1.A.K2, with K being product of single-qubit unitaries
K1 = _B.dot(Up).dot(P).dot(np.diag(np.exp(1j*d))).dot(_Bd)
K2 = _B.dot(P.T).dot(_Bd)
K1l, K1r = decompose_two_qubit_product_gate(K1)
K2l, K2r = decompose_two_qubit_product_gate(K2)
K1l = K1l.copy()
# Flip into Weyl chamber
if cs[0] > pi2:
cs[0] -= 3*pi2
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipy)
K1r = K1r.dot(_ipy)
if cs[1] > pi2:
cs[1] -= 3*pi2
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipx)
K1r = K1r.dot(_ipx)
conjs = 0
if cs[0] > pi4:
cs[0] = pi2-cs[0]
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipy)
K2r = _ipy.dot(K2r)
conjs += 1
if cs[1] > pi4:
cs[1] = pi2-cs[1]
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipx)
K2r = _ipx.dot(K2r)
conjs += 1
if cs[2] > pi2:
cs[2] -= 3*pi2
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipz)
K1r = K1r.dot(_ipz)
if conjs == 1:
cs[2] = pi2-cs[2]
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipz)
K2r = _ipz.dot(K2r)
if cs[2] > pi4:
cs[2] -= pi2
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipz)
K1r = K1r.dot(_ipz)
self.a = cs[1]
self.b = cs[0]
self.c = cs[2]
self.K1l = K1l
self.K1r = K1r
self.K2l = K2l
self.K2r = K2r
def __repr__(self):
# FIXME: this is worth making prettier since it's very useful for debugging
return ("{}\n{}\nUd({}, {}, {})\n{}\n{}\n".format(
self.a, self.b, self.c,
def Ud(a, b, c):
"""Generates the array Exp(i(a xx + b yy + c zz))
return np.array([[np.exp(1j*c)*np.cos(a-b), 0, 0, 1j*np.exp(1j*c)*np.sin(a-b)],
[0, np.exp(-1j*c)*np.cos(a+b), 1j*np.exp(-1j*c)*np.sin(a+b), 0],
[0, 1j*np.exp(-1j*c)*np.sin(a+b), np.exp(-1j*c)*np.cos(a+b), 0],
[1j*np.exp(1j*c)*np.sin(a-b), 0, 0, np.exp(1j*c)*np.cos(a-b)]], dtype=complex)
def trace_to_fid(trace):
"""Average gate fidelity is :math:`Fbar = (d + |Tr (Utarget \\cdot U^dag)|^2) / d(d+1)`
M. Horodecki, P. Horodecki and R. Horodecki, PRA 60, 1888 (1999)"""
return (4 + np.abs(trace)**2)/20
def rz_array(theta):
"""Return numpy array for Rz(theta).
Rz(theta) = diag(exp(-i*theta/2),exp(i*theta/2))
return np.array([[np.exp(-1j*theta/2.0), 0],
[0, np.exp(1j*theta/2.0)]], dtype=complex)
[docs]class TwoQubitBasisDecomposer():
"""A class for decomposing 2-qubit unitaries into minimal number of uses of a 2-qubit
basis gate.
def __init__(self, gate, basis_fidelity=1.0):
self.gate = gate
self.basis_fidelity = basis_fidelity
basis = self.basis = TwoQubitWeylDecomposition(gate.to_matrix())
# FIXME: find good tolerances
self.is_supercontrolled = np.isclose(basis.a, np.pi/4) and np.isclose(basis.c, 0.)
# Create some useful matrices U1, U2, U3 are equivalent to the basis,
# expand as Ui = Ki1.Ubasis.Ki2
b = basis.b
K11l = 1/(1+1j) * np.array([[-1j*np.exp(-1j*b), np.exp(-1j*b)],
[-1j*np.exp(1j*b), -np.exp(1j*b)]], dtype=complex)
K11r = 1/np.sqrt(2) * np.array([[1j*np.exp(-1j*b), -np.exp(-1j*b)],
[np.exp(1j*b), -1j*np.exp(1j*b)]], dtype=complex)
K12l = 1/(1+1j) * np.array([[1j, 1j],
[-1, 1]], dtype=complex)
K12r = 1/np.sqrt(2) * np.array([[1j, 1],
[-1, -1j]], dtype=complex)
K32lK21l = 1/np.sqrt(2) * np.array([[1+1j*np.cos(2*b), 1j*np.sin(2*b)],
[1j*np.sin(2*b), 1-1j*np.cos(2*b)]], dtype=complex)
K21r = 1/(1-1j) * np.array([[-1j*np.exp(-2j*b), np.exp(-2j*b)],
[1j*np.exp(2j*b), np.exp(2j*b)]], dtype=complex)
K22l = 1/np.sqrt(2) * np.array([[1, -1],
[1, 1]], dtype=complex)
K22r = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]], dtype=complex)
K31l = 1/np.sqrt(2) * np.array([[np.exp(-1j*b), np.exp(-1j*b)],
[-np.exp(1j*b), np.exp(1j*b)]], dtype=complex)
K31r = 1j * np.array([[np.exp(1j*b), 0],
[0, -np.exp(-1j*b)]], dtype=complex)
K32r = 1/(1-1j) * np.array([[np.exp(1j*b), -np.exp(-1j*b)],
[-1j*np.exp(1j*b), -1j*np.exp(-1j*b)]], dtype=complex)
k1ld = basis.K1l.T.conj()
k1rd = basis.K1r.T.conj()
k2ld = basis.K2l.T.conj()
k2rd = basis.K2r.T.conj()
# Pre-build the fixed parts of the matrices used in 3-part decomposition
self.u0l = K31l.dot(k1ld)
self.u0r = K31r.dot(k1rd)
self.u1l = k2ld.dot(K32lK21l).dot(k1ld)
self.u1ra = k2rd.dot(K32r)
self.u1rb = K21r.dot(k1rd)
self.u2la = k2ld.dot(K22l)
self.u2lb = K11l.dot(k1ld)
self.u2ra = k2rd.dot(K22r)
self.u2rb = K11r.dot(k1rd)
self.u3l = k2ld.dot(K12l)
self.u3r = k2rd.dot(K12r)
# Pre-build the fixed parts of the matrices used in the 2-part decomposition
self.q0l = K12l.T.conj().dot(k1ld)
self.q0r = K12r.T.conj().dot(_ipz).dot(k1rd)
self.q1la = k2ld.dot(K11l.T.conj())
self.q1lb = K11l.dot(k1ld)
self.q1ra = k2rd.dot(_ipz).dot(K11r.T.conj())
self.q1rb = K11r.dot(k1rd)
self.q2l = k2ld.dot(K12l)
self.q2r = k2rd.dot(K12r)
# Decomposition into different number of gates
# In the future could use different decomposition functions for different basis classes, etc
if not self.is_supercontrolled:
warnings.warn("Only know how to decompose properly for supercontrolled basis gate. "
"This gate is ~Ud({}, {}, {})".format(basis.a, basis.b, basis.c))
self.decomposition_fns = [self.decomp0,
[docs] def traces(self, target):
"""Give the expected traces :math:`|Tr(U \\cdot Utarget^dag)|` for different number of
basis gates."""
# Future gotcha: extending this to non-supercontrolled basis.
# Careful: closest distance between a1,b1,c1 and a2,b2,c2 may be between reflections.
# This doesn't come up if either c1==0 or c2==0 but otherwise be careful.
return [4*(np.cos(target.a)*np.cos(target.b)*np.cos(target.c) +
4*(np.cos(np.pi/4-target.a)*np.cos(self.basis.b-target.b)*np.cos(target.c) +
[docs] @staticmethod
def decomp0(target):
"""Decompose target ~Ud(x, y, z) with 0 uses of the basis gate.
Result Ur has trace:
:math:`|Tr(Ur.Utarget^dag)| = 4|(cos(x)cos(y)cos(z)+ j sin(x)sin(y)sin(z)|`,
which is optimal for all targets and bases"""
U0l = target.K1l.dot(target.K2l)
U0r = target.K1r.dot(target.K2r)
return U0r, U0l
[docs] def decomp1(self, target):
"""Decompose target ~Ud(x, y, z) with 1 uses of the basis gate ~Ud(a, b, c).
Result Ur has trace:
.. math::
|Tr(Ur.Utarget^dag)| = 4|cos(x-a)cos(y-b)cos(z-c) + j sin(x-a)sin(y-b)sin(z-c)|
which is optimal for all targets and bases with z==0 or c==0"""
# FIXME: fix for z!=0 and c!=0 using closest reflection (not always in the Weyl chamber)
U0l = target.K1l.dot(self.basis.K1l.T.conj())
U0r = target.K1r.dot(self.basis.K1r.T.conj())
U1l = self.basis.K2l.T.conj().dot(target.K2l)
U1r = self.basis.K2r.T.conj().dot(target.K2r)
return U1r, U1l, U0r, U0l
[docs] def decomp2_supercontrolled(self, target):
"""Decompose target ~Ud(x, y, z) with 2 uses of the basis gate.
For supercontrolled basis ~Ud(pi/4, b, 0), all b, result Ur has trace
.. math::
|Tr(Ur.Utarget^dag)| = 4cos(z)
which is the optimal approximation for basis of CNOT-class ``~Ud(pi/4, 0, 0)``
or DCNOT-class ``~Ud(pi/4, pi/4, 0)`` and any target.
May be sub-optimal for b!=0 (e.g. there exists exact decomposition for any target using B
``B~Ud(pi/4, pi/8, 0)``, but not this decomposition.)
This is an exact decomposition for supercontrolled basis and target ``~Ud(x, y, 0)``.
No guarantees for non-supercontrolled basis.
U0l = target.K1l.dot(self.q0l)
U0r = target.K1r.dot(self.q0r)
U1l = self.q1la.dot(rz_array(-2*target.a)).dot(self.q1lb)
U1r = self.q1ra.dot(rz_array(2*target.b)).dot(self.q1rb)
U2l = self.q2l.dot(target.K2l)
U2r = self.q2r.dot(target.K2r)
return U2r, U2l, U1r, U1l, U0r, U0l
[docs] def decomp3_supercontrolled(self, target):
"""Decompose target with 3 uses of the basis.
This is an exact decomposition for supercontrolled basis ~Ud(pi/4, b, 0), all b,
and any target. No guarantees for non-supercontrolled basis."""
U0l = target.K1l.dot(self.u0l)
U0r = target.K1r.dot(self.u0r)
U1l = self.u1l
U1r = self.u1ra.dot(rz_array(-2*target.c)).dot(self.u1rb)
U2l = self.u2la.dot(rz_array(-2*target.a)).dot(self.u2lb)
U2r = self.u2ra.dot(rz_array(2*target.b)).dot(self.u2rb)
U3l = self.u3l.dot(target.K2l)
U3r = self.u3r.dot(target.K2r)
return U3r, U3l, U2r, U2l, U1r, U1l, U0r, U0l
[docs] def __call__(self, target, basis_fidelity=None):
"""Decompose a two-qubit unitary over fixed basis + SU(2) using the best approximation given
that each basis application has a finite fidelity.
basis_fidelity = basis_fidelity or self.basis_fidelity
if hasattr(target, 'to_operator'):
# If input is a BaseOperator subclass this attempts to convert
# the object to an Operator so that we can extract the underlying
# numpy matrix from `Operator.data`.
target = target.to_operator().data
if hasattr(target, 'to_matrix'):
# If input is Gate subclass or some other class object that has
# a to_matrix method this will call that method.
target = target.to_matrix()
# Convert to numpy array incase not already an array
target = np.asarray(target, dtype=complex)
# Check input is a 2-qubit unitary
if target.shape != (4, 4):
raise QiskitError("TwoQubitBasisDecomposer: expected 4x4 matrix for target")
if not is_unitary_matrix(target):
raise QiskitError("TwoQubitBasisDecomposer: target matrix is not unitary.")
target_decomposed = TwoQubitWeylDecomposition(target)
traces = self.traces(target_decomposed)
expected_fidelities = [trace_to_fid(traces[i]) * basis_fidelity**i for i in range(4)]
best_nbasis = np.argmax(expected_fidelities)
decomposition = self.decomposition_fns[best_nbasis](target_decomposed)
decomposition_angles = [_DECOMPOSER1Q.angles(x) for x in decomposition]
q = QuantumRegister(2)
return_circuit = QuantumCircuit(q)
for i in range(best_nbasis):
return_circuit.append(U3Gate(*decomposition_angles[2*i]), [q[0]])
return_circuit.append(U3Gate(*decomposition_angles[2*i+1]), [q[1]])
return_circuit.append(self.gate, [q[0], q[1]])
return_circuit.append(U3Gate(*decomposition_angles[2*best_nbasis]), [q[0]])
return_circuit.append(U3Gate(*decomposition_angles[2*best_nbasis+1]), [q[1]])
return return_circuit
[docs] def num_basis_gates(self, unitary):
""" Computes the number of basis gates needed in
a decomposition of input unitary
if hasattr(unitary, 'to_operator'):
unitary = unitary.to_operator().data
if hasattr(unitary, 'to_matrix'):
unitary = unitary.to_matrix()
unitary = np.asarray(unitary, dtype=complex)
a, b, c = weyl_coordinates(unitary)[:]
traces = [4*(np.cos(a)*np.cos(b)*np.cos(c)+1j*np.sin(a)*np.sin(b)*np.sin(c)),
4*(np.cos(np.pi/4-a)*np.cos(self.basis.b-b)*np.cos(c) +
return np.argmax([trace_to_fid(traces[i]) * self.basis_fidelity**i for i in range(4)])
two_qubit_cnot_decompose = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(CXGate())