# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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Statevector quantum state class.
import re
import warnings
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.instruction import Instruction
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info.states.quantum_state import QuantumState
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.operator import Operator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import matrix_equal
[docs]class Statevector(QuantumState):
"""Statevector class"""
def __init__(self, data, dims=None):
"""Initialize a statevector object.
data (vector_like): a complex statevector.
dims (int or tuple or list): Optional. The subsystem dimension of
the state (See additional information).
QiskitError: if input data is not valid.
Additional Information:
The ``dims`` kwarg can be None, an integer, or an iterable of
* ``Iterable`` -- the subsystem dimensions are the values in the list
with the total number of subsystems given by the length of the list.
* ``Int`` or ``None`` -- the length of the input vector
specifies the total dimension of the density matrix. If it is a
power of two the state will be initialized as an N-qubit state.
If it is not a power of two the state will have a single
d-dimensional subsystem.
if isinstance(data, (list, np.ndarray)):
# Finally we check if the input is a raw vector in either a
# python list or numpy array format.
self._data = np.asarray(data, dtype=complex)
elif isinstance(data, Statevector):
self._data = data._data
if dims is None:
dims = data._dims
elif isinstance(data, Operator):
# We allow conversion of column-vector operators to Statevectors
input_dim, output_dim = data.dim
if input_dim != 1:
raise QiskitError("Input Operator is not a column-vector.")
self._data = np.ravel(data.data)
raise QiskitError("Invalid input data format for Statevector")
# Check that the input is a numpy vector or column-vector numpy
# matrix. If it is a column-vector matrix reshape to a vector.
ndim = self._data.ndim
shape = self._data.shape
if ndim != 1:
if ndim == 2 and shape[1] == 1:
self._data = np.reshape(self._data, shape[0])
elif ndim != 2 or shape[1] != 1:
raise QiskitError("Invalid input: not a vector or column-vector.")
super().__init__(self._automatic_dims(dims, shape[0]))
def __eq__(self, other):
return super().__eq__(other) and np.allclose(
self._data, other._data, rtol=self.rtol, atol=self.atol)
def __repr__(self):
prefix = 'Statevector('
pad = len(prefix) * ' '
return '{}{},\n{}dims={})'.format(
prefix, np.array2string(
self.data, separator=', ', prefix=prefix),
pad, self._dims)
def data(self):
"""Return data."""
return self._data
[docs] def is_valid(self, atol=None, rtol=None):
"""Return True if a Statevector has norm 1."""
if atol is None:
atol = self.atol
if rtol is None:
rtol = self.rtol
norm = np.linalg.norm(self.data)
return np.allclose(norm, 1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
[docs] def to_operator(self):
"""Convert state to a rank-1 projector operator"""
mat = np.outer(self.data, np.conj(self.data))
return Operator(mat, input_dims=self.dims(), output_dims=self.dims())
[docs] def conjugate(self):
"""Return the conjugate of the operator."""
return Statevector(np.conj(self.data), dims=self.dims())
[docs] def trace(self):
"""Return the trace of the quantum state as a density matrix."""
return np.sum(np.abs(self.data) ** 2)
[docs] def purity(self):
"""Return the purity of the quantum state."""
# For a valid statevector the purity is always 1, however if we simply
# have an arbitrary vector (not correctly normalized) then the
# purity is equivalent to the trace squared:
# P(|psi>) = Tr[|psi><psi|psi><psi|] = |<psi|psi>|^2
return self.trace() ** 2
[docs] def tensor(self, other):
"""Return the tensor product state self ⊗ other.
other (Statevector): a quantum state object.
Statevector: the tensor product operator self ⊗ other.
QiskitError: if other is not a quantum state.
if not isinstance(other, Statevector):
other = Statevector(other)
dims = other.dims() + self.dims()
data = np.kron(self._data, other._data)
return Statevector(data, dims)
[docs] def expand(self, other):
"""Return the tensor product state other ⊗ self.
other (Statevector): a quantum state object.
Statevector: the tensor product state other ⊗ self.
QiskitError: if other is not a quantum state.
if not isinstance(other, Statevector):
other = Statevector(other)
dims = self.dims() + other.dims()
data = np.kron(other._data, self._data)
return Statevector(data, dims)
def _add(self, other):
"""Return the linear combination self + other.
other (Statevector): a quantum state object.
Statevector: the linear combination self + other.
QiskitError: if other is not a quantum state, or has
incompatible dimensions.
if not isinstance(other, Statevector):
other = Statevector(other)
if self.dim != other.dim:
raise QiskitError("other Statevector has different dimensions.")
return Statevector(self.data + other.data, self.dims())
def _multiply(self, other):
"""Return the scalar multiplied state self * other.
other (complex): a complex number.
Statevector: the scalar multiplied state other * self.
QiskitError: if other is not a valid complex number.
if not isinstance(other, Number):
raise QiskitError("other is not a number")
return Statevector(other * self.data, self.dims())
[docs] def evolve(self, other, qargs=None):
"""Evolve a quantum state by the operator.
other (Operator): The operator to evolve by.
qargs (list): a list of Statevector subsystem positions to apply
the operator on.
Statevector: the output quantum state.
QiskitError: if the operator dimension does not match the
specified Statevector subsystem dimensions.
if qargs is None:
qargs = getattr(other, 'qargs', None)
# Evolution by a circuit or instruction
if isinstance(other, (QuantumCircuit, Instruction)):
return self._evolve_instruction(other, qargs=qargs)
# Evolution by an Operator
if not isinstance(other, Operator):
other = Operator(other)
if qargs is None:
# Evolution on full statevector
if self._dim != other._input_dim:
raise QiskitError(
"Operator input dimension is not equal to statevector dimension."
return Statevector(np.dot(other.data, self.data), dims=other.output_dims())
# Otherwise we are applying an operator only to subsystems
# Check dimensions of subsystems match the operator
if self.dims(qargs) != other.input_dims():
raise QiskitError(
"Operator input dimensions are not equal to statevector subsystem dimensions."
# Reshape statevector and operator
tensor = np.reshape(self.data, self._shape)
mat = np.reshape(other.data, other._shape)
# Construct list of tensor indices of statevector to be contracted
num_indices = len(self.dims())
indices = [num_indices - 1 - qubit for qubit in qargs]
tensor = Operator._einsum_matmul(tensor, mat, indices)
new_dims = list(self.dims())
for i, qubit in enumerate(qargs):
new_dims[qubit] = other._output_dims[i]
# Replace evolved dimensions
return Statevector(np.reshape(tensor, np.product(new_dims)), dims=new_dims)
[docs] def equiv(self, other, rtol=None, atol=None):
"""Return True if statevectors are equivalent up to global phase.
other (Statevector): a statevector object.
rtol (float): relative tolerance value for comparison.
atol (float): absolute tolerance value for comparison.
bool: True if statevectors are equivalent up to global phase.
if not isinstance(other, Statevector):
other = Statevector(other)
except QiskitError:
return False
if self.dim != other.dim:
return False
if atol is None:
atol = self.atol
if rtol is None:
rtol = self.rtol
return matrix_equal(self.data, other.data, ignore_phase=True,
rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
[docs] def probabilities(self, qargs=None, decimals=None):
"""Return the subsystem measurement probability vector.
Measurement probabilities are with respect to measurement in the
computation (diagonal) basis.
qargs (None or list): subsystems to return probabilities for,
if None return for all subsystems (Default: None).
decimals (None or int): the number of decimal places to round
values. If None no rounding is done (Default: None).
np.array: The Numpy vector array of probabilities.
Consider a 2-qubit product state
.. jupyter-execute::
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
psi = Statevector.from_label('+0')
# Probabilities for measuring both qubits
probs = psi.probabilities()
print('probs: {}'.format(probs))
# Probabilities for measuring only qubit-0
probs_qubit_0 = psi.probabilities([0])
print('Qubit-0 probs: {}'.format(probs_qubit_0))
# Probabilities for measuring only qubit-1
probs_qubit_1 = psi.probabilities([1])
print('Qubit-1 probs: {}'.format(probs_qubit_1))
We can also permute the order of qubits in the ``qargs`` list
to change the qubit position in the probabilities output
.. jupyter-execute::
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
psi = Statevector.from_label('+0')
# Probabilities for measuring both qubits
probs = psi.probabilities([0, 1])
print('probs: {}'.format(probs))
# Probabilities for measuring both qubits
# but swapping qubits 0 and 1 in output
probs_swapped = psi.probabilities([1, 0])
print('Swapped probs: {}'.format(probs_swapped))
probs = self._subsystem_probabilities(
np.abs(self.data) ** 2, self._dims, qargs=qargs)
if decimals is not None:
probs = probs.round(decimals=decimals)
return probs
[docs] def reset(self, qargs=None):
"""Reset state or subsystems to the 0-state.
qargs (list or None): subsystems to reset, if None all
subsystems will be reset to their 0-state
(Default: None).
Statevector: the reset state.
Additional Information:
If all subsystems are reset this will return the ground state
on all subsystems. If only a some subsystems are reset this
function will perform a measurement on those subsystems and
evolve the subsystems so that the collapsed post-measurement
states are rotated to the 0-state. The RNG seed for this
sampling can be set using the :meth:`seed` method.
if qargs is None:
# Resetting all qubits does not require sampling or RNG
state = np.zeros(self._dim, dtype=complex)
state[0] = 1
return Statevector(state, dims=self._dims)
# Sample a single measurement outcome
dims = self.dims(qargs)
probs = self.probabilities(qargs)
sample = self._rng.choice(len(probs), p=probs, size=1)
# Convert to projector for state update
proj = np.zeros(len(probs), dtype=complex)
proj[sample] = 1 / np.sqrt(probs[sample])
# Rotate outcome to 0
reset = np.eye(len(probs))
reset[0, 0] = 0
reset[sample, sample] = 0
reset[0, sample] = 1
# compose with reset projection
reset = np.dot(reset, np.diag(proj))
return self.evolve(
Operator(reset, input_dims=dims, output_dims=dims),
[docs] def to_counts(self):
"""Returns the statevector as a counts dict
of probabilities.
DEPRECATED: use :meth:`probabilities_dict` instead.
dict: Counts of probabilities.
'The `Statevector.to_counts` method is deprecated as of 0.13.0,'
' and will be removed no earlier than 3 months after that '
'release date. You should use the `Statevector.probabilities_dict`'
' method instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.probabilities_dict()
[docs] @classmethod
def from_label(cls, label):
"""Return a tensor product of Pauli X,Y,Z eigenstates.
.. list-table:: Single-qubit state labels
:header-rows: 1
* - Label
- Statevector
* - ``"0"``
- :math:`[1, 0]`
* - ``"1"``
- :math:`[0, 1]`
* - ``"+"``
- :math:`[1 / \\sqrt{2}, 1 / \\sqrt{2}]`
* - ``"-"``
- :math:`[1 / \\sqrt{2}, -1 / \\sqrt{2}]`
* - ``"r"``
- :math:`[1 / \\sqrt{2}, i / \\sqrt{2}]`
* - ``"l"``
- :math:`[1 / \\sqrt{2}, -i / \\sqrt{2}]`
label (string): a eigenstate string ket label (see table for
allowed values).
Statevector: The N-qubit basis state density matrix.
QiskitError: if the label contains invalid characters, or the
length of the label is larger than an explicitly
specified num_qubits.
# Check label is valid
if re.match(r'^[01rl\-+]+$', label) is None:
raise QiskitError('Label contains invalid characters.')
# We can prepare Z-eigenstates by converting the computational
# basis bit-string to an integer and preparing that unit vector
# However, for X-basis states, we will prepare a Z-eigenstate first
# then apply Hadamard gates to rotate 0 and 1s to + and -.
z_label = label
xy_states = False
if re.match('^[01]+$', label) is None:
# We have X or Y eigenstates so replace +,r with 0 and
# -,l with 1 and prepare the corresponding Z state
xy_states = True
z_label = z_label.replace('+', '0')
z_label = z_label.replace('r', '0')
z_label = z_label.replace('-', '1')
z_label = z_label.replace('l', '1')
# Initialize Z eigenstate vector
num_qubits = len(label)
data = np.zeros(1 << num_qubits, dtype=complex)
pos = int(z_label, 2)
data[pos] = 1
state = Statevector(data)
if xy_states:
# Apply hadamards to all qubits in X eigenstates
x_mat = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]], dtype=complex) / np.sqrt(2)
# Apply S.H to qubits in Y eigenstates
y_mat = np.dot(np.diag([1, 1j]), x_mat)
for qubit, char in enumerate(reversed(label)):
if char in ['+', '-']:
state = state.evolve(x_mat, qargs=[qubit])
elif char in ['r', 'l']:
state = state.evolve(y_mat, qargs=[qubit])
return state
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_int(i, dims):
"""Return a computational basis statevector.
i (int): the basis state element.
dims (int or tuple or list): The subsystem dimensions of the statevector
(See additional information).
Statevector: The computational basis state :math:`|i\\rangle`.
Additional Information:
The ``dims`` kwarg can be an integer or an iterable of integers.
* ``Iterable`` -- the subsystem dimensions are the values in the list
with the total number of subsystems given by the length of the list.
* ``Int`` -- the integer specifies the total dimension of the
state. If it is a power of two the state will be initialized
as an N-qubit state. If it is not a power of two the state
will have a single d-dimensional subsystem.
size = np.product(dims)
state = np.zeros(size, dtype=complex)
state[i] = 1.0
return Statevector(state, dims=dims)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_instruction(cls, instruction):
"""Return the output statevector of an instruction.
The statevector is initialized in the state :math:`|{0,\\ldots,0}\\rangle` of the
same number of qubits as the input instruction or circuit, evolved
by the input instruction, and the output statevector returned.
instruction (qiskit.circuit.Instruction or QuantumCircuit): instruction or circuit
Statevector: The final statevector.
QiskitError: if the instruction contains invalid instructions for
the statevector simulation.
# Convert circuit to an instruction
if isinstance(instruction, QuantumCircuit):
instruction = instruction.to_instruction()
# Initialize an the statevector in the all |0> state
init = np.zeros(2 ** instruction.num_qubits, dtype=complex)
init[0] = 1.0
vec = Statevector(init, dims=instruction.num_qubits * (2,))
return vec
[docs] def to_dict(self, decimals=None):
r"""Convert the statevector to dictionary form.
This dictionary representation uses a Ket-like notation where the
dictionary keys are qudit strings for the subsystem basis vectors.
If any subsystem has a dimension greater than 10 comma delimiters are
inserted between integers so that subsystems can be distinguished.
decimals (None or int): the number of decimal places to round
values. If None no rounding is done
(Default: None).
dict: the dictionary form of the Statevector.
The ket-form of a 2-qubit statevector
:math:`|\psi\rangle = |-\rangle\otimes |0\rangle`
.. jupyter-execute::
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
psi = Statevector.from_label('-0')
For non-qubit subsystems the integer range can go from 0 to 9. For
example in a qutrit system
.. jupyter-execute::
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
vec = np.zeros(9)
vec[0] = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
vec[-1] = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
psi = Statevector(vec, dims=(3, 3))
For large subsystem dimensions delimeters are required. The
following example is for a 20-dimensional system consisting of
a qubit and 10-dimensional qudit.
.. jupyter-execute::
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
vec = np.zeros(2 * 10)
vec[0] = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
vec[-1] = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
psi = Statevector(vec, dims=(2, 10))
return self._vector_to_dict(self.data,
def _shape(self):
"""Return the tensor shape of the matrix operator"""
return tuple(reversed(self.dims()))
def _append_instruction(self, obj, qargs=None):
"""Update the current Statevector by applying an instruction."""
mat = Operator._instruction_to_matrix(obj)
if mat is not None:
# Perform the composition and inplace update the current state
# of the operator
state = self.evolve(mat, qargs=qargs)
self._data = state.data
# If the instruction doesn't have a matrix defined we use its
# circuit decomposition definition if it exists, otherwise we
# cannot compose this gate and raise an error.
if obj.definition is None:
raise QiskitError('Cannot apply Instruction: {}'.format(obj.name))
for instr, qregs, cregs in obj.definition:
if cregs:
raise QiskitError(
'Cannot apply instruction with classical registers: {}'.format(
# Get the integer position of the flat register
if qargs is None:
new_qargs = [tup.index for tup in qregs]
new_qargs = [qargs[tup.index] for tup in qregs]
self._append_instruction(instr, qargs=new_qargs)
def _evolve_instruction(self, obj, qargs=None):
"""Return a new statevector by applying an instruction."""
if isinstance(obj, QuantumCircuit):
obj = obj.to_instruction()
vec = Statevector(self.data, dims=self.dims())
vec._append_instruction(obj, qargs=qargs)
return vec