Source code for qiskit.quantum_info.states.measures

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Quantum information measures, metrics, and related functions for states.

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info.states.densitymatrix import DensityMatrix, Statevector
from qiskit.quantum_info.states.utils import (partial_trace, shannon_entropy,
                                              _format_state, _funm_svd)

[docs]def state_fidelity(state1, state2, validate=True): r"""Return the state fidelity between two quantum states. The state fidelity :math:`F` for density matrix input states :math:`\rho_1, \rho_2` is given by .. math:: F(\rho_1, \rho_2) = Tr[\sqrt{\sqrt{\rho_1}\rho_2\sqrt{\rho_1}}]^2. If one of the states is a pure state this simplies to :math:`F(\rho_1, \rho_2) = \langle\psi_1|\rho_2|\psi_1\rangle`, where :math:`\rho_1 = |\psi_1\rangle\!\langle\psi_1|`. Args: state1 (Statevector or DensityMatrix): the first quantum state. state2 (Statevector or DensityMatrix): the second quantum state. validate (bool): check if the inputs are valid quantum states [Default: True] Returns: float: The state fidelity :math:`F(\rho_1, \rho_2)`. Raises: QiskitError: if ``validate=True`` and the inputs are invalid quantum states. """ # convert input to numpy arrays state1 = _format_state(state1, validate=validate) state2 = _format_state(state2, validate=validate) # Get underlying numpy arrays arr1 = arr2 = if isinstance(state1, Statevector): if isinstance(state2, Statevector): # Fidelity of two Statevectors fid = np.abs(arr2.conj().dot(arr1))**2 else: # Fidelity of Statevector(1) and DensityMatrix(2) fid = arr1.conj().dot(arr2).dot(arr1) elif isinstance(state2, Statevector): # Fidelity of Statevector(2) and DensityMatrix(1) fid = arr2.conj().dot(arr1).dot(arr2) else: # Fidelity of two DensityMatrices s1sq = _funm_svd(arr1, np.sqrt) s2sq = _funm_svd(arr2, np.sqrt) fid = np.linalg.norm(, ord='nuc')**2 # Convert to py float rather than return np.float return float(np.real(fid))
[docs]def purity(state, validate=True): r"""Calculate the purity of a quantum state. The purity of a density matrix :math:`\rho` is ..code: \text{Purity}(\rho) = \Tr[\rho^2] Args: state (Statevector or DensityMatrix): a quantum state. validate (bool): check if input state is valid [Default: True] Returns: float: the purity :math:`\Tr[\rho^2]`. Raises: QiskitError: if the input isn't a valid quantum state. """ state = _format_state(state, validate=validate) return state.purity()
[docs]def entropy(state, base=2): r"""Calculate the von-Neumann entropy of a quantum state. The entropy :math:`S` is given by .. math: S(\rho) = - Tr[\rho \log(\rho)] Args: state (Statevector or DensityMatrix): a quantum state. base (int): the base of the logarithm [Default: 2]. Returns: float: The von-Neumann entropy S(rho). Raises: QiskitError: if the input state is not a valid QuantumState. """ # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return state = _format_state(state, validate=True) if isinstance(state, Statevector): return 0 # Density matrix case evals = np.maximum(np.real(la.eigvals(, 0.) return shannon_entropy(evals, base=base)
[docs]def mutual_information(state, base=2): r"""Calculate the mutual information of a bipartite state. The mutual information :math:`I` is given by: .. math: I(\rho_{AB}) = S(\rho_A) + S(\rho_B) - S(\rho_{AB}) where :math:`\rho_A=Tr_B[\rho_{AB}], \rho_B=Tr_A[\rho_{AB}]`, are the reduced density matrices of the bipartite state :math:`\rho_{AB}`. Args: state (Statevector or DensityMatrix): a bipartite state. base (int): the base of the logarithm [Default: 2]. Returns: float: The mutual information :math:`I(\rho_{AB})`. Raises: QiskitError: if the input state is not a valid QuantumState. QiskitError: if input is not a bipartite QuantumState. """ state = _format_state(state, validate=True) if len(state.dims()) != 2: raise QiskitError('Input must be a bipartite quantum state.') rho_a = partial_trace(state, [1]) rho_b = partial_trace(state, [0]) return entropy(rho_a, base=base) + entropy( rho_b, base=base) - entropy(state, base=base)
[docs]def concurrence(state): r"""Calculate the concurrence of a quantum state. The concurrence of a bipartite :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` :math:`|\psi\rangle` is given by .. math: C(|\psi\rangle) = \sqrt{2(1 - Tr[\rho_0^2])} where :math:`\rho_0 = Tr_1[|\psi\rangle\!\langle\psi|]` is the reduced state from by taking the :math:`~qiskit.quantum_info.partial_trace` of the input state. For density matrices the concurrence is only defined for 2-qubit states, it is given by: .. math: C(\rho) = \max(0, \lambda_1 - \lambda_2 - \lamda_3 - \lambda_4) where :math:`\lambda _1 \ge \lambda _2 \ge \lambda _3 \ge \lambda _4` are the ordered eigenvalues of the matrix :math:`R=\sqrt{\sqrt{\rho }(Y\otimes Y)\overline{\rho}(Y\otimes Y)\sqrt{\rho}}}`. Args: state (Statevector or DensityMatrix): a 2-qubit quantum state. Returns: float: The concurrence. Raises: QiskitError: if the input state is not a valid QuantumState. QiskitError: if input is not a bipartite QuantumState. QiskitError: if density matrix input is not a 2-qubit state. """ # Concurrence computation requires the state to be valid state = _format_state(state, validate=True) if isinstance(state, Statevector): # Pure state concurrence dims = state.dims() if len(dims) != 2: raise QiskitError('Input is not a bipartite quantum state.') qargs = [0] if dims[0] > dims[1] else [1] rho = partial_trace(state, qargs) return float(np.sqrt(2 * (1 - np.real(purity(rho))))) # If input is a density matrix it must be a 2-qubit state if state.dim != 4: raise QiskitError('Input density matrix must be a 2-qubit state.') rho = DensityMatrix(state).data yy_mat = np.fliplr(np.diag([-1, 1, 1, -1])) sigma = w = np.sort(np.real(la.eigvals(sigma))) w = np.sqrt(np.maximum(w, 0.)) return max(0.0, w[-1] - np.sum(w[0:-1]))
[docs]def entanglement_of_formation(state): """Calculate the entanglement of formation of quantum state. The input quantum state must be either a bipartite state vector, or a 2-qubit density matrix. Args: state (Statevector or DensityMatrix): a 2-qubit quantum state. Returns: float: The entanglement of formation. Raises: QiskitError: if the input state is not a valid QuantumState. QiskitError: if input is not a bipartite QuantumState. QiskitError: if density matrix input is not a 2-qubit state. """ state = _format_state(state, validate=True) if isinstance(state, Statevector): # The entanglement of formation is given by the reduced state # entropy dims = state.dims() if len(dims) != 2: raise QiskitError('Input is not a bipartite quantum state.') qargs = [0] if dims[0] > dims[1] else [1] return entropy(partial_trace(state, qargs), base=2) # If input is a density matrix it must be a 2-qubit state if state.dim != 4: raise QiskitError('Input density matrix must be a 2-qubit state.') conc = concurrence(state) val = (1 + np.sqrt(1 - (conc ** 2))) / 2 return shannon_entropy([val, 1 - val])