Source code for qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.sparse_pauli_op

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N-Qubit Sparse Pauli Operator class.

from numbers import Number
import numpy as np

from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.base_operator import BaseOperator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.operator import Operator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.pauli_table import PauliTable
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.pauli_utils import pauli_basis
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.custom_iterator import CustomIterator

[docs]class SparsePauliOp(BaseOperator): """Sparse N-qubit operator in a Pauli basis representation. This is a sparse representation of an N-qubit matrix :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Operator` in terms of N-qubit :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.PauliTable` and complex coefficients. It can be used for performing operator arithmetic for hundred of qubits if the number of non-zero Pauli basis terms is sufficiently small. The Pauli basis components are stored as a :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.PauliTable` object and can be accessed using the :attr:`~SparsePauliOp.table` attribute. The coefficients are stored as a complex Numpy array vector and can be accessed using the :attr:`~SparsePauliOp.coeffs` attribute. """ def __init__(self, data, coeffs=None): """Initialize an operator object. Args: data (PauliTable): Pauli table of terms. coeffs (np.ndarray): complex coefficients for Pauli terms. Raises: QiskitError: If the input data or coeffs are invalid. """ if isinstance(data, SparsePauliOp): table = data._table coeffs = data._coeffs else: table = PauliTable(data) if coeffs is None: coeffs = np.ones(table.size, dtype=np.complex) # Initialize PauliTable self._table = table # Initialize Coeffs self._coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs, dtype=complex) if self._coeffs.shape != (self._table.size, ): raise QiskitError("coeff vector is incorrect shape for number" " of Paulis {} != {}".format(self._coeffs.shape, self._table.size)) # Initialize BaseOperator super().__init__(self._table._input_dims, self._table._output_dims) def __repr__(self): prefix = 'SparsePauliOp(' pad = len(prefix) * ' ' return '{}{},\n{}coeffs={})'.format( prefix, np.array2string( self.table.array, separator=', ', prefix=prefix), pad, np.array2string(self.coeffs, separator=', ')) def __eq__(self, other): """Check if two SparsePauliOp operators are equal""" return (super().__eq__(other) and np.allclose(self.coeffs, other.coeffs) and self.table == other.table) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data accessors # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def size(self): """The number of Pauli of Pauli terms in the operator.""" return self._table.size
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return the size.""" return self.size
@property def table(self): """Return the the PauliTable.""" return self._table @table.setter def table(self, value): if not isinstance(value, PauliTable): value = PauliTable(value) self._table.array = value.array @property def coeffs(self): """Return the Pauli coefficients.""" return self._coeffs @coeffs.setter def coeffs(self, value): """Set Pauli coefficients.""" self._coeffs[:] = value
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Return a view of the SparsePauliOp.""" # Returns a view of specified rows of the PauliTable # This supports all slicing operations the underlying array supports. if isinstance(key, (int, key = [key] return SparsePauliOp(self.table[key], self.coeffs[key])
def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Update SparsePauliOp.""" # Modify specified rows of the PauliTable if not isinstance(value, SparsePauliOp): value = SparsePauliOp(value) self.table[key] = value.table self.coeffs[key] = value.coeffs # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # BaseOperator Methods # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_unitary(self, atol=None, rtol=None): """Return True if operator is a unitary matrix. Args: atol (float): Optional. Absolute tolerance for checking if coefficients are zero (Default: 1e-8). rtol (float): Optinoal. relative tolerance for checking if coefficients are zero (Default: 1e-5). Returns: bool: True if the operator is unitary, False otherwise. """ # Get default atol and rtol if atol is None: atol = self.atol if rtol is None: rtol = self.rtol # Compose with adjoint val = self.compose(self.adjoint()).simplify() # See if the result is an identity return (val.size == 1 and np.isclose(val.coeffs[0], 1.0, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) and not np.any(val.table.X) and not np.any(val.table.Z))
[docs] def conjugate(self): """Return the conjugate of the operator.""" # Conjugation conjugates phases and also Y.conj() = -Y # Hence we need to multiply conjugated coeffs by -1 # for rows with an odd number of Y terms. # Find rows with Ys ret = self.transpose() ret._coeffs = ret._coeffs.conj() return ret
[docs] def transpose(self): """Return the transpose of the operator.""" # The only effect transposition has is Y.T = -Y # Hence we need to multiply coeffs by -1 for rows with an # odd number of Y terms. ret = self.copy() minus = (-1) ** np.mod(np.sum(ret.table.X & ret.table.Z, axis=1), 2) ret._coeffs *= minus return ret
[docs] def adjoint(self): """Return the adjoint of the operator.""" # Pauli's are self adjoint, so we only need to # conjugate the phases ret = self.copy() ret._coeffs = ret._coeffs.conj() return ret
[docs] def compose(self, other, qargs=None, front=False): """Return the composition channel self∘other. Args: other (SparsePauliOp): an operator object. qargs (list or None): a list of subsystem positions to compose other on. front (bool or None): If False compose in standard order other(self(input)) otherwise compose in reverse order self(other(input)) [default: False] Returns: SparsePauliOp: The composed operator. Raises: QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to an Operator or has incompatible dimensions. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name if qargs is None: qargs = getattr(other, 'qargs', None) if not isinstance(other, SparsePauliOp): other = SparsePauliOp(other) # Validate composition dimensions and qargs match self._get_compose_dims(other, qargs, front) # Implement composition of the Pauli table x1, x2 = PauliTable._block_stack(self.table.X, other.table.X) z1, z2 = PauliTable._block_stack(self.table.Z, other.table.Z) c1, c2 = PauliTable._block_stack(self.coeffs, other.coeffs) if qargs is not None: ret_x, ret_z = x1.copy(), z1.copy() x1 = x1[:, qargs] z1 = z1[:, qargs] ret_x[:, qargs] = x1 ^ x2 ret_z[:, qargs] = z1 ^ z2 table = np.hstack([ret_x, ret_z]) else: table = np.hstack((x1 ^ x2, z1 ^ z2)) # Take product of coefficients and add phase correction coeffs = c1 * c2 # We pick additional phase terms for the products # X.Y = i * Z, Y.Z = i * X, Z.X = i * Y # Y.X = -i * Z, Z.Y = -i * X, X.Z = -i * Y if front: plus_i = (x1 & ~z1 & x2 & z2) | (x1 & z1 & ~x2 & z2) | (~x1 & z1 & x2 & ~z2) minus_i = (x2 & ~z2 & x1 & z1) | (x2 & z2 & ~x1 & z1) | (~x2 & z2 & x1 & ~z1) else: minus_i = (x1 & ~z1 & x2 & z2) | (x1 & z1 & ~x2 & z2) | (~x1 & z1 & x2 & ~z2) plus_i = (x2 & ~z2 & x1 & z1) | (x2 & z2 & ~x1 & z1) | (~x2 & z2 & x1 & ~z1) coeffs *= 1j ** np.array(np.sum(plus_i, axis=1), dtype=int) coeffs *= (-1j) ** np.array(np.sum(minus_i, axis=1), dtype=int) return SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs)
[docs] def dot(self, other, qargs=None): """Return the composition channel self∘other. Args: other (SparsePauliOp): an operator object. qargs (list or None): a list of subsystem positions to compose other on. Returns: SparsePauliOp: The composed operator. Raises: QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to an Operator or has incompatible dimensions. """ return self.compose(other, qargs=qargs, front=True)
[docs] def tensor(self, other): """Return the tensor product operator self ⊗ other. Args: other (SparsePauliOp): a operator subclass object. Returns: SparsePauliOp: the tensor product operator self ⊗ other. Raises: QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a SparsePauliOp operator. """ if not isinstance(other, SparsePauliOp): other = SparsePauliOp(other) table = self.table.tensor(other.table) coeffs = np.kron(self.coeffs, other.coeffs) return SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs)
[docs] def expand(self, other): """Return the tensor product operator other ⊗ self. Args: other (SparsePauliOp): an operator object. Returns: SparsePauliOp: the tensor product operator other ⊗ self. Raises: QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a SparsePauliOp operator. """ if not isinstance(other, SparsePauliOp): other = SparsePauliOp(other) table = self.table.expand(other.table) coeffs = np.kron(self.coeffs, other.coeffs) return SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs)
def _add(self, other, qargs=None): """Return the operator self + other. If ``qargs`` are specified the other operator will be added assuming it is identity on all other subsystems. Args: other (SparsePauliOp): an operator object. qargs (None or list): optional subsystems to add on (Default: None) Returns: SparsePauliOp: the operator self + other. Raises: QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a SparsePauliOp or has incompatible dimensions. """ if qargs is None: qargs = getattr(other, 'qargs', None) if not isinstance(other, SparsePauliOp): other = SparsePauliOp(other) self._validate_add_dims(other, qargs) table = self.table._add(other.table, qargs=qargs) coeffs = np.hstack((self.coeffs, other.coeffs)) ret = SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs) return ret def _multiply(self, other): """Return the operator other * self. Args: other (complex): a complex number. Returns: SparsePauliOp: the operator other * self. Raises: QiskitError: if other is not a valid complex number. """ if not isinstance(other, Number): raise QiskitError("other is not a number") if other == 0: # Check edge case that we deleted all Paulis # In this case we return an identity Pauli with a zero coefficient table = np.zeros((1, 2 * self.num_qubits), dtype=np.bool) coeffs = np.array([0j]) return SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs) # Otherwise we just update the phases return SparsePauliOp(self.table, other * self.coeffs) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Methods # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def simplify(self, atol=None, rtol=None): """Simplify PauliTable by combining duplicaties and removing zeros. Args: atol (float): Optional. Absolute tolerance for checking if coefficients are zero (Default: 1e-8). rtol (float): Optinoal. relative tolerance for checking if coefficients are zero (Default: 1e-5). Returns: SparsePauliOp: the simplified SparsePauliOp operator. """ # Get default atol and rtol if atol is None: atol = self.atol if rtol is None: rtol = self.rtol table, indexes = np.unique(self.table.array, return_inverse=True, axis=0) coeffs = np.zeros(len(table), dtype=np.complex) for i, val in zip(indexes, self.coeffs): coeffs[i] += val # Delete zero coefficient rows # TODO: Add atol/rtol for zero comparison non_zero = [i for i in range(coeffs.size) if not np.isclose(coeffs[i], 0, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)] table = table[non_zero] coeffs = coeffs[non_zero] # Check edge case that we deleted all Paulis # In this case we return an identity Pauli with a zero coefficient if coeffs.size == 0: table = np.zeros((1, 2*self.num_qubits), dtype=np.bool) coeffs = np.array([0j]) return SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional conversions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def from_operator(obj, atol=None, rtol=None): """Construct from an Operator objector. Note that the cost of this contruction is exponential as it involves taking inner products with every element of the N-qubit Pauli basis. Args: obj (Operator): an N-qubit operator. atol (float): Optional. Absolute tolerance for checking if coefficients are zero (Default: 1e-8). rtol (float): Optinoal. relative tolerance for checking if coefficients are zero (Default: 1e-5). Returns: SparsePauliOp: the SparsePauliOp representation of the operator. Raises: QiskitError: if the input operator is not an N-qubit operator. """ # Get default atol and rtol if atol is None: atol = SparsePauliOp._ATOL_DEFAULT if rtol is None: rtol = SparsePauliOp._RTOL_DEFAULT if not isinstance(obj, Operator): obj = Operator(obj) # Check dimension is N-qubit operator num_qubits = obj.num_qubits if num_qubits is None: raise QiskitError("Input Operator is not an N-qubit operator.") data = # Index of non-zero basis elements inds = [] # Non-zero coefficients coeffs = [] # Non-normalized basis factor denom = 2 ** num_qubits # Compute coefficients from basis basis = pauli_basis(num_qubits) for i, mat in enumerate(basis.matrix_iter()): coeff = np.trace( / denom if not np.isclose(coeff, 0, atol=atol, rtol=rtol): inds.append(i) coeffs.append(coeff) # Get Non-zero coeff PauliTable terms table = basis[inds] return SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_list(obj): """Construct from a list [(pauli_str, coeffs)]""" obj = list(obj) # To convert zip or other iterable num_qubits = len(PauliTable._from_label(obj[0][0])) size = len(obj) coeffs = np.zeros(size, dtype=complex) labels = np.zeros(size, dtype='<U{}'.format(num_qubits)) for i, item in enumerate(obj): labels[i] = item[0] coeffs[i] = item[1] table = PauliTable.from_labels(labels) return SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs)
[docs] def to_list(self, array=False): """Convert to a list Pauli string labels and coefficients. For operators with a lot of terms converting using the ``array=True`` kwarg will be more efficient since it allocates memory for the full Numpy array of labels in advance. Args: array (bool): return a Numpy array if True, otherwise return a list (Default: False). Returns: list or array: List of pairs (label, coeff) for rows of the PauliTable. """ # Dtype for a structured array with string labels and complex coeffs pauli_labels = self.table.to_labels(array=True) labels = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=[('labels', pauli_labels.dtype), ('coeffs', 'c16')]) labels['labels'] = pauli_labels labels['coeffs'] = self.coeffs if array: return labels return labels.tolist()
[docs] def to_matrix(self, sparse=False): """Convert to a dense or sparse matrix. Args: sparse (bool): if True return a sparse CSR matrix, otherwise return dense Numpy array (Default: False). Returns: array: A dense matrix if `sparse=False`. csr_matrix: A sparse matrix in CSR format if `sparse=True`. """ mat = None for i in self.matrix_iter(sparse=sparse): if mat is None: mat = i else: mat += i return mat
[docs] def to_operator(self): """Convert to a matrix Operator object""" return Operator(self.to_matrix())
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Iterators # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def label_iter(self): """Return a label representation iterator. This is a lazy iterator that converts each term in the SparsePauliOp into a tuple (label, coeff). To convert the entire table to labels use the :meth:`to_labels` method. Returns: LabelIterator: label iterator object for the PauliTable. """ class LabelIterator(CustomIterator): """Label representation iteration and item access.""" def __repr__(self): return "<SparsePauliOp_label_iterator at {}>".format( hex(id(self))) def __getitem__(self, key): coeff = self.obj.coeffs[key] pauli = PauliTable._to_label(self.obj.table.array[key]) return (pauli, coeff) return LabelIterator(self)
[docs] def matrix_iter(self, sparse=False): """Return a matrix representation iterator. This is a lazy iterator that converts each term in the SparsePauliOp into a matrix as it is used. To convert to a single matrix use the :meth:`to_matrix` method. Args: sparse (bool): optionally return sparse CSR matrices if True, otherwise return Numpy array matrices (Default: False) Returns: MatrixIterator: matrix iterator object for the PauliTable. """ class MatrixIterator(CustomIterator): """Matrix representation iteration and item access.""" def __repr__(self): return "<SparsePauliOp_matrix_iterator at {}>".format(hex(id(self))) def __getitem__(self, key): coeff = self.obj.coeffs[key] mat = PauliTable._to_matrix(self.obj.table.array[key], sparse=sparse) return coeff * mat return MatrixIterator(self)