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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,assignment-from-no-return
Tools for working with Pauli Operators.
A simple pauli class and some tools.
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
def _make_np_bool(arr):
if not isinstance(arr, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)):
arr = [arr]
arr = np.asarray(arr).astype(np.bool)
return arr
def _count_set_bits(i):
Counts the number of set bits in a uint (or a numpy array of uints).
i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x55555555)
i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x33333333)
return (((i + (i >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) & 0xffffffff) >> 24
[docs]class Pauli:
"""A simple class representing Pauli Operators.
The form is P_zx = (-i)^dot(z,x) Z^z X^x where z and x are elements of Z_2^n.
That is, there are 4^n elements (no phases in this group).
For example, for 1 qubit
P_00 = Z^0 X^0 = I
P_01 = X
P_10 = Z
P_11 = -iZX = (-i) iY = Y
The overload __mul__ does not track the sign: P1*P2 = Z^(z1+z2) X^(x1+x2) but
sgn_prod does __mul__ and track the phase: P1*P2 = (-i)^dot(z1+z2,x1+x2) Z^(z1+z2) X^(x1+x2)
where the sums are taken modulo 2.
Pauli vectors z and x are supposed to be defined as boolean numpy arrays.
Jeroen Dehaene and Bart De Moor
Clifford group, stabilizer states, and linear and quadratic operations
over GF(2)
Phys. Rev. A 68, 042318 – Published 20 October 2003
def __init__(self, z=None, x=None, label=None):
r"""Make the Pauli object.
Note that, for the qubit index:
- Order of z, x vectors is q_0 ... q_{n-1},
- Order of pauli label is q_{n-1} ... q_0
- z and x vectors: z = [z_0 ... z_{n-1}], x = [x_0 ... x_{n-1}]
- a pauli is $P_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes P_0$
z (numpy.ndarray): boolean, z vector
x (numpy.ndarray): boolean, x vector
label (str): pauli label
if label is not None:
a = Pauli.from_label(label)
self._z = a.z
self._x = a.x
self._init_from_bool(z, x)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_label(cls, label):
r"""Take pauli string to construct pauli.
The qubit index of pauli label is q_{n-1} ... q_0.
E.g., a pauli is $P_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes P_0$
label (str): pauli label
Pauli: the constructed pauli
QiskitError: invalid character in the label
z = np.zeros(len(label), dtype=np.bool)
x = np.zeros(len(label), dtype=np.bool)
for i, char in enumerate(label):
if char == 'X':
x[-i - 1] = True
elif char == 'Z':
z[-i - 1] = True
elif char == 'Y':
z[-i - 1] = True
x[-i - 1] = True
elif char != 'I':
raise QiskitError("Pauli string must be only consisted of 'I', 'X', "
"'Y' or 'Z' but you have {}.".format(char))
return cls(z=z, x=x)
def _init_from_bool(self, z, x):
"""Construct pauli from boolean array.
z (numpy.ndarray): boolean, z vector
x (numpy.ndarray): boolean, x vector
Pauli: self
QiskitError: if z or x are None or the length of z and x are different.
if z is None:
raise QiskitError("z vector must not be None.")
if x is None:
raise QiskitError("x vector must not be None.")
if len(z) != len(x):
raise QiskitError("length of z and x vectors must be "
"the same. (z: {} vs x: {})".format(len(z), len(x)))
z = _make_np_bool(z)
x = _make_np_bool(x)
self._z = z
self._x = x
return self
[docs] def __len__(self):
"""Return number of qubits."""
return len(self._z)
def __repr__(self):
"""Return the representation of self."""
z = list(self._z)
x = list(self._x)
ret = self.__class__.__name__ + "(z={}, x={})".format(z, x)
return ret
def __str__(self):
"""Output the Pauli label."""
label = ''
for z, x in zip(self._z[::-1], self._x[::-1]):
if not z and not x:
label = ''.join([label, 'I'])
elif not z and x:
label = ''.join([label, 'X'])
elif z and not x:
label = ''.join([label, 'Z'])
label = ''.join([label, 'Y'])
return label
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return True if all Pauli terms are equal.
other (Pauli): other pauli
bool: are self and other equal.
res = False
if len(self) == len(other):
if np.all(self._z == other.z) and np.all(self._x == other.x):
res = True
return res
[docs] def __mul__(self, other):
"""Multiply two Paulis.
Pauli: the multiplied pauli.
QiskitError: if the number of qubits of two paulis are different.
if len(self) != len(other):
raise QiskitError("These Paulis cannot be multiplied - different "
"number of qubits. ({} vs {})".format(len(self), len(other)))
z_new = np.logical_xor(self._z, other.z)
x_new = np.logical_xor(self._x, other.x)
return Pauli(z_new, x_new)
def __imul__(self, other):
"""Multiply two Paulis.
Pauli: the multiplied pauli and save to itself, in-place computation.
QiskitError: if the number of qubits of two paulis are different.
if len(self) != len(other):
raise QiskitError("These Paulis cannot be multiplied - different "
"number of qubits. ({} vs {})".format(len(self), len(other)))
self._z = np.logical_xor(self._z, other.z)
self._x = np.logical_xor(self._x, other.x)
return self
def __hash__(self):
"""Make object is hashable, based on the pauli label to hash."""
return hash(str(self))
def z(self):
"""Getter of z."""
return self._z
def x(self):
"""Getter of x."""
return self._x
[docs] @staticmethod
def sgn_prod(p1, p2):
Multiply two Paulis and track the phase.
$P_3 = P_1 \otimes P_2$: X*Y
p1 (Pauli): pauli 1
p2 (Pauli): pauli 2
Pauli: the multiplied pauli
complex: the sign of the multiplication, 1, -1, 1j or -1j
phase = Pauli._prod_phase(p1, p2)
new_pauli = p1 * p2
return new_pauli, phase
def num_qubits(self):
"""Number of qubits."""
return len(self)
def numberofqubits(self):
"""Deprecated, use ``num_qubits`` instead. Number of qubits."""
warnings.warn('The Pauli.numberofqubits method is deprecated as of 0.13.0, and '
'will be removed no earlier than 3 months after that release date. '
'You should use the Pauli.num_qubits method instead.',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.num_qubits
[docs] def to_label(self):
"""Present the pauli labels in I, X, Y, Z format.
Order is $q_{n-1} .... q_0$
str: pauli label
return str(self)
[docs] def to_matrix(self):
Convert Pauli to a matrix representation.
Order is q_{n-1} .... q_0, i.e., $P_{n-1} \otimes ... P_0$
numpy.array: a matrix that represents the pauli.
mat = self.to_spmatrix()
return mat.toarray()
[docs] def to_spmatrix(self):
Convert Pauli to a sparse matrix representation (CSR format).
Order is q_{n-1} .... q_0, i.e., $P_{n-1} \otimes ... P_0$
scipy.sparse.csr_matrix: a sparse matrix with CSR format that
represents the pauli.
_x, _z = self._x, self._z
n = 2**len(_x)
twos_array = 1 << np.arange(len(_x))
xs = np.array(_x).dot(twos_array)
zs = np.array(_z).dot(twos_array)
rows = np.arange(n+1, dtype=np.uint)
columns = rows ^ xs
global_factor = (-1j)**np.dot(np.array(_x, dtype=np.uint), _z)
data = global_factor*(-1)**np.mod(_count_set_bits(zs & rows), 2)
return sparse.csr_matrix((data, columns, rows), shape=(n, n))
[docs] def to_operator(self):
"""Convert to Operator object."""
# Place import here to avoid cyclic import from circuit visualization
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.operator import Operator
return Operator(self.to_matrix())
[docs] def to_instruction(self):
"""Convert to Pauli circuit instruction."""
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import IGate, XGate, YGate, ZGate
gates = {'I': IGate(), 'X': XGate(), 'Y': YGate(), 'Z': ZGate()}
label = self.to_label()
num_qubits = self.num_qubits
qreg = QuantumRegister(num_qubits)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qreg, name='Pauli:{}'.format(label))
for i, pauli in enumerate(reversed(label)):
circuit.append(gates[pauli], [qreg[i]])
return circuit.to_instruction()
[docs] def update_z(self, z, indices=None):
Update partial or entire z.
z (numpy.ndarray or list): to-be-updated z
indices (numpy.ndarray or list or optional): to-be-updated qubit indices
Pauli: self
QiskitError: when updating whole z, the number of qubits must be the same.
z = _make_np_bool(z)
if indices is None:
if len(self._z) != len(z):
raise QiskitError("During updating whole z, you can not "
"change the number of qubits.")
self._z = z
if not isinstance(indices, list) and not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray):
indices = [indices]
for p, idx in enumerate(indices):
self._z[idx] = z[p]
return self
[docs] def update_x(self, x, indices=None):
Update partial or entire x.
x (numpy.ndarray or list): to-be-updated x
indices (numpy.ndarray or list or optional): to-be-updated qubit indices
Pauli: self
QiskitError: when updating whole x, the number of qubits must be the same.
x = _make_np_bool(x)
if indices is None:
if len(self._x) != len(x):
raise QiskitError("During updating whole x, you can not change "
"the number of qubits.")
self._x = x
if not isinstance(indices, list) and not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray):
indices = [indices]
for p, idx in enumerate(indices):
self._x[idx] = x[p]
return self
[docs] def insert_paulis(self, indices=None, paulis=None, pauli_labels=None):
Insert or append pauli to the targeted indices.
If indices is None, it means append at the end.
indices (list[int]): the qubit indices to be inserted
paulis (Pauli): the to-be-inserted or appended pauli
pauli_labels (list[str]): the to-be-inserted or appended pauli label
the indices refers to the location of original paulis,
e.g. if indices = [0, 2], pauli_labels = ['Z', 'I'] and original pauli = 'ZYXI'
the pauli will be updated to ZY'I'XI'Z'
'Z' and 'I' are inserted before the qubit at 0 and 2.
Pauli: self
QiskitError: provide both `paulis` and `pauli_labels` at the same time
if pauli_labels is not None:
if paulis is not None:
raise QiskitError("Please only provide either `paulis` or `pauli_labels`")
if isinstance(pauli_labels, str):
pauli_labels = list(pauli_labels)
# since pauli label is in reversed order.
paulis = Pauli.from_label(pauli_labels[::-1])
if indices is None: # append
self._z = np.concatenate((self._z, paulis.z))
self._x = np.concatenate((self._x, paulis.x))
if not isinstance(indices, list):
indices = [indices]
self._z = np.insert(self._z, indices, paulis.z)
self._x = np.insert(self._x, indices, paulis.x)
return self
[docs] def append_paulis(self, paulis=None, pauli_labels=None):
Append pauli at the end.
paulis (Pauli): the to-be-inserted or appended pauli
pauli_labels (list[str]): the to-be-inserted or appended pauli label
Pauli: self
return self.insert_paulis(None, paulis=paulis, pauli_labels=pauli_labels)
[docs] def delete_qubits(self, indices):
Delete pauli at the indices.
indices(list[int]): the indices of to-be-deleted paulis
Pauli: self
if not isinstance(indices, list):
indices = [indices]
self._z = np.delete(self._z, indices)
self._x = np.delete(self._x, indices)
return self
[docs] @classmethod
def random(cls, num_qubits, seed=None):
"""Return a random Pauli on number of qubits.
num_qubits (int): the number of qubits
seed (int): Optional. To set a random seed.
Pauli: the random pauli
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
z = rng.integers(2, size=num_qubits).astype(np.bool)
x = rng.integers(2, size=num_qubits).astype(np.bool)
return cls(z, x)
[docs] @classmethod
def pauli_single(cls, num_qubits, index, pauli_label):
Generate single qubit pauli at index with pauli_label with length num_qubits.
num_qubits (int): the length of pauli
index (int): the qubit index to insert the single qubit
pauli_label (str): pauli
Pauli: single qubit pauli
tmp = Pauli.from_label(pauli_label)
z = np.zeros(num_qubits, dtype=np.bool)
x = np.zeros(num_qubits, dtype=np.bool)
z[index] = tmp.z[0]
x[index] = tmp.x[0]
return cls(z, x)
[docs] def kron(self, other):
r"""Kronecker product of two paulis.
Order is $P_2 (other) \otimes P_1 (self)$
other (Pauli): P2
Pauli: self
self.insert_paulis(indices=None, paulis=other)
return self
def _prod_phase(p1, p2):
phase_changes = 0
for z1, x1, z2, x2 in zip(p1.z, p1.x, p2.z, p2.x):
if z1 and not x1: # Z
if x2:
phase_changes = phase_changes - 1 if z2 else phase_changes + 1
elif not z1 and x1: # X
if z2:
phase_changes = phase_changes + 1 if x2 else phase_changes - 1
elif z1 and x1: # Y
if not z2 and x2: # X
phase_changes -= 1
elif z2 and not x2: # Z
phase_changes += 1
phase = (1j) ** (phase_changes % 4)
return phase
[docs]def pauli_group(number_of_qubits, case='weight'):
"""Return the Pauli group with 4^n elements.
The phases have been removed.
case 'weight' is ordered by Pauli weights and
case 'tensor' is ordered by I,X,Y,Z counting lowest qubit fastest.
number_of_qubits (int): number of qubits
case (str): determines ordering of group elements ('weight' or 'tensor')
list: list of Pauli objects
QiskitError: case is not 'weight' or 'tensor'
QiskitError: number_of_qubits is larger than 4
if number_of_qubits < 5:
temp_set = []
if case == 'weight':
tmp = pauli_group(number_of_qubits, case='tensor')
# sort on the weight of the Pauli operator
return sorted(tmp, key=lambda x: -np.count_nonzero(
np.array(x.to_label(), 'c') == b'I'))
elif case == 'tensor':
# the Pauli set is in tensor order II IX IY IZ XI ...
for k in range(4 ** number_of_qubits):
z = np.zeros(number_of_qubits, dtype=np.bool)
x = np.zeros(number_of_qubits, dtype=np.bool)
# looping over all the qubits
for j in range(number_of_qubits):
# making the Pauli for each j fill it in from the
# end first
element = (k // (4 ** j)) % 4
if element == 1:
x[j] = True
elif element == 2:
z[j] = True
x[j] = True
elif element == 3:
z[j] = True
temp_set.append(Pauli(z, x))
return temp_set
raise QiskitError("Only support 'weight' or 'tensor' cases "
"but you have {}.".format(case))
raise QiskitError("Only support number of qubits is less than 5")