# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
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# pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence
Superoperator representation of a Quantum Channel."""
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.instruction import Instruction
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.operator import Operator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.channel.quantum_channel import QuantumChannel
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.channel.transformations import _to_superop
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.channel.transformations import _bipartite_tensor
[docs]class SuperOp(QuantumChannel):
r"""Superoperator representation of a quantum channel.
The Superoperator representation of a quantum channel :math:`\mathcal{E}`
is a matrix :math:`S` such that the evolution of a
:class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix` :math:`\rho` is given by
.. math::
|\mathcal{E}(\rho)\rangle\!\rangle = S |\rho\rangle\!\rangle
where the double-ket notation :math:`|A\rangle\!\rangle` denotes a vector
formed by stacking the columns of the matrix :math:`A`
See reference [1] for further details.
1. C.J. Wood, J.D. Biamonte, D.G. Cory, *Tensor networks and graphical calculus
for open quantum systems*, Quant. Inf. Comp. 15, 0579-0811 (2015).
`arXiv:1111.6950 [quant-ph] <https://arxiv.org/abs/1111.6950>`_
def __init__(self, data, input_dims=None, output_dims=None):
"""Initialize a quantum channel Superoperator operator.
data (QuantumCircuit or
Instruction or
BaseOperator or
matrix): data to initialize superoperator.
input_dims (tuple): the input subsystem dimensions.
[Default: None]
output_dims (tuple): the output subsystem dimensions.
[Default: None]
QiskitError: if input data cannot be initialized as a
Additional Information:
If the input or output dimensions are None, they will be
automatically determined from the input data. If the input data is
a Numpy array of shape (4**N, 4**N) qubit systems will be used. If
the input operator is not an N-qubit operator, it will assign a
single subsystem with dimension specified by the shape of the input.
# If the input is a raw list or matrix we assume that it is
# already a superoperator.
if isinstance(data, (list, np.ndarray)):
# We initialize directly from superoperator matrix
super_mat = np.asarray(data, dtype=complex)
# Determine total input and output dimensions
dout, din = super_mat.shape
input_dim = int(np.sqrt(din))
output_dim = int(np.sqrt(dout))
if output_dim**2 != dout or input_dim**2 != din:
raise QiskitError("Invalid shape for SuperOp matrix.")
# Otherwise we initialize by conversion from another Qiskit
# object into the QuantumChannel.
if isinstance(data, (QuantumCircuit, Instruction)):
# If the input is a Terra QuantumCircuit or Instruction we
# perform a simulation to construct the circuit superoperator.
# This will only work if the circuit or instruction can be
# defined in terms of instructions which have no classical
# register components. The instructions can be gates, reset,
# or Kraus instructions. Any conditional gates or measure
# will cause an exception to be raised.
data = self._init_instruction(data)
# We use the QuantumChannel init transform to initialize
# other objects into a QuantumChannel or Operator object.
data = self._init_transformer(data)
# Now that the input is an operator we convert it to a
# SuperOp object
input_dim, output_dim = data.dim
rep = getattr(data, '_channel_rep', 'Operator')
super_mat = _to_superop(rep, data._data, input_dim, output_dim)
if input_dims is None:
input_dims = data.input_dims()
if output_dims is None:
output_dims = data.output_dims()
# Finally we format and validate the channel input and
# output dimensions
input_dims = self._automatic_dims(input_dims, input_dim)
output_dims = self._automatic_dims(output_dims, output_dim)
super().__init__(super_mat, input_dims, output_dims, 'SuperOp')
def _shape(self):
"""Return the tensor shape of the superoperator matrix"""
return 2 * tuple(reversed(self.output_dims())) + 2 * tuple(
def _bipartite_shape(self):
"""Return the shape for bipartite matrix"""
return (self._output_dim, self._output_dim, self._input_dim,
[docs] def conjugate(self):
"""Return the conjugate of the QuantumChannel."""
return SuperOp(np.conj(self._data), self.input_dims(),
[docs] def transpose(self):
"""Return the transpose of the QuantumChannel."""
return SuperOp(np.transpose(self._data),
[docs] def compose(self, other, qargs=None, front=False):
"""Return the composed quantum channel self @ other.
other (QuantumChannel): a quantum channel.
qargs (list or None): a list of subsystem positions to apply
other on. If None apply on all
subsystems [default: None].
front (bool): If True compose using right operator multiplication,
instead of left multiplication [default: False].
SuperOp: The quantum channel self @ other.
QiskitError: if other has incompatible dimensions.
Additional Information:
Composition (``@``) is defined as `left` matrix multiplication for
:class:`SuperOp` matrices. That is that ``A @ B`` is equal to ``B * A``.
Setting ``front=True`` returns `right` matrix multiplication
``A * B`` and is equivalent to the :meth:`dot` method.
if qargs is None:
qargs = getattr(other, 'qargs', None)
# Convert other to SuperOp
if not isinstance(other, SuperOp):
other = SuperOp(other)
# Validate dimensions are compatible and return the composed
# operator dimensions
input_dims, output_dims = self._get_compose_dims(
other, qargs, front)
# Full composition of superoperators
if qargs is None:
if front:
data = np.dot(self._data, other.data)
data = np.dot(other.data, self._data)
return SuperOp(data, input_dims, output_dims)
# Compute tensor contraction indices from qargs
if front:
num_indices = len(self._input_dims)
shift = 2 * len(self._output_dims)
right_mul = True
num_indices = len(self._output_dims)
shift = 0
right_mul = False
# Reshape current matrix
# Note that we must reverse the subsystem dimension order as
# qubit 0 corresponds to the right-most position in the tensor
# product, which is the last tensor wire index.
tensor = np.reshape(self.data, self._shape)
mat = np.reshape(other.data, other._shape)
# Add first set of indices
indices = [2 * num_indices - 1 - qubit for qubit in qargs
] + [num_indices - 1 - qubit for qubit in qargs]
final_shape = [np.product(output_dims)**2, np.product(input_dims)**2]
data = np.reshape(
Operator._einsum_matmul(tensor, mat, indices, shift, right_mul),
return SuperOp(data, input_dims, output_dims)
[docs] def power(self, n):
"""Return the compose of a QuantumChannel with itself n times.
n (int): compute the matrix power of the superoperator matrix.
SuperOp: the n-times composition channel as a SuperOp object.
QiskitError: if the input and output dimensions of the
QuantumChannel are not equal, or the power is not
an integer.
if not isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)):
raise QiskitError("Can only power with integer powers.")
if self._input_dim != self._output_dim:
raise QiskitError("Can only power with input_dim = output_dim.")
# Override base class power so we can implement more efficiently
# using Numpy.matrix_power
return SuperOp(np.linalg.matrix_power(self._data, n),
self.input_dims(), self.output_dims())
[docs] def tensor(self, other):
"""Return the tensor product channel self ⊗ other.
other (QuantumChannel): a quantum channel.
SuperOp: the tensor product channel self ⊗ other as a SuperOp
QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a channel.
# Convert other to SuperOp
if not isinstance(other, SuperOp):
other = SuperOp(other)
input_dims = other.input_dims() + self.input_dims()
output_dims = other.output_dims() + self.output_dims()
data = _bipartite_tensor(self._data,
return SuperOp(data, input_dims, output_dims)
[docs] def expand(self, other):
"""Return the tensor product channel other ⊗ self.
other (QuantumChannel): a quantum channel.
SuperOp: the tensor product channel other ⊗ self as a SuperOp
QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a channel.
# Convert other to SuperOp
if not isinstance(other, SuperOp):
other = SuperOp(other)
input_dims = self.input_dims() + other.input_dims()
output_dims = self.output_dims() + other.output_dims()
data = _bipartite_tensor(other.data,
return SuperOp(data, input_dims, output_dims)
def _evolve(self, state, qargs=None):
"""Evolve a quantum state by the quantum channel.
state (DensityMatrix or Statevector): The input state.
qargs (list): a list of quantum state subsystem positions to apply
the quantum channel on.
DensityMatrix: the output quantum state as a density matrix.
QiskitError: if the quantum channel dimension does not match the
specified quantum state subsystem dimensions.
# Prevent cyclic imports by importing DensityMatrix here
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from qiskit.quantum_info.states.densitymatrix import DensityMatrix
if not isinstance(state, DensityMatrix):
state = DensityMatrix(state)
if qargs is None:
# Evolution on full matrix
if state._dim != self._input_dim:
raise QiskitError(
"Operator input dimension is not equal to density matrix dimension."
# We reshape in column-major vectorization (Fortran order in Numpy)
# since that is how the SuperOp is defined
vec = np.ravel(state.data, order='F')
mat = np.reshape(np.dot(self.data, vec),
(self._output_dim, self._output_dim),
return DensityMatrix(mat, dims=self.output_dims())
# Otherwise we are applying an operator only to subsystems
# Check dimensions of subsystems match the operator
if state.dims(qargs) != self.input_dims():
raise QiskitError(
"Operator input dimensions are not equal to statevector subsystem dimensions."
# Reshape statevector and operator
tensor = np.reshape(state.data, state._shape)
mat = np.reshape(self.data, self._shape)
# Construct list of tensor indices of statevector to be contracted
num_indices = len(state.dims())
indices = [num_indices - 1 - qubit for qubit in qargs
] + [2 * num_indices - 1 - qubit for qubit in qargs]
tensor = Operator._einsum_matmul(tensor, mat, indices)
# Replace evolved dimensions
new_dims = list(state.dims())
for i, qubit in enumerate(qargs):
new_dims[qubit] = self._output_dims[i]
new_dim = np.product(new_dims)
# reshape tensor to density matrix
tensor = np.reshape(tensor, (new_dim, new_dim))
return DensityMatrix(tensor, dims=new_dims)
def _init_instruction(cls, instruction):
"""Convert a QuantumCircuit or Instruction to a SuperOp."""
# Convert circuit to an instruction
if isinstance(instruction, QuantumCircuit):
instruction = instruction.to_instruction()
# Initialize an identity superoperator of the correct size
# of the circuit
op = SuperOp(np.eye(4**instruction.num_qubits))
return op
def _instruction_to_superop(cls, obj):
"""Return superop for instruction if defined or None otherwise."""
if not isinstance(obj, Instruction):
raise QiskitError('Input is not an instruction.')
chan = None
if obj.name == 'reset':
# For superoperator evolution we can simulate a reset as
# a non-unitary superoperator matrix
chan = SuperOp(
np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]]))
if obj.name == 'kraus':
kraus = obj.params
dim = len(kraus[0])
chan = SuperOp(_to_superop('Kraus', (kraus, None), dim, dim))
elif hasattr(obj, 'to_matrix'):
# If instruction is a gate first we see if it has a
# `to_matrix` definition and if so use that.
kraus = [obj.to_matrix()]
dim = len(kraus[0])
chan = SuperOp(_to_superop('Kraus', (kraus, None), dim, dim))
except QiskitError:
return chan
def _append_instruction(self, obj, qargs=None):
"""Update the current Operator by apply an instruction."""
chan = self._instruction_to_superop(obj)
if chan is not None:
# Perform the composition and inplace update the current state
# of the operator
op = self.compose(chan, qargs=qargs)
self._data = op.data
# If the instruction doesn't have a matrix defined we use its
# circuit decomposition definition if it exists, otherwise we
# cannot compose this gate and raise an error.
if obj.definition is None:
raise QiskitError('Cannot apply Instruction: {}'.format(
for instr, qregs, cregs in obj.definition:
if cregs:
raise QiskitError(
'Cannot apply instruction with classical registers: {}'
# Get the integer position of the flat register
if qargs is None:
new_qargs = [tup.index for tup in qregs]
new_qargs = [qargs[tup.index] for tup in qregs]
self._append_instruction(instr, qargs=new_qargs)