# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
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"""A collection of discrete probability metrics."""
import numpy as np
[docs]def hellinger_fidelity(dist_p, dist_q):
"""Computes the Hellinger fidelity between
two counts distributions.
The fidelity is defined as 1-H where H is the
Hellinger distance. This value is bounded
in the range [0, 1].
dist_p (dict): First dict of counts.
dist_q (dict): Second dict of counts.
float: Fidelity
.. jupyter-execute::
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute, BasicAer
from qiskit.quantum_info.analysis import hellinger_fidelity
qc = QuantumCircuit(5, 5)
qc.cx(2, 1)
qc.cx(2, 3)
qc.cx(3, 4)
qc.cx(1, 0)
qc.measure(range(5), range(5))
sim = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
res1 = execute(qc, sim).result()
res2 = execute(qc, sim).result()
hellinger_fidelity(res1.get_counts(), res2.get_counts())
p_sum = sum(dist_p.values())
q_sum = sum(dist_q.values())
p_normed = {}
for key, val in dist_p.items():
p_normed[key] = val/p_sum
q_normed = {}
for key, val in dist_q.items():
q_normed[key] = val/q_sum
total = 0
for key, val in p_normed.items():
if key in q_normed.keys():
total += (np.sqrt(val) - np.sqrt(q_normed[key]))**2
del q_normed[key]
total += val
total += sum(q_normed.values())
dist = np.sqrt(total)/np.sqrt(2)
return 1-dist