Source code for qiskit.providers.ibmq.job.ibmqjob

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""IBM Quantum Experience job."""

import logging
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Any, List, Callable, Union
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from concurrent import futures
from threading import Event
from queue import Empty
from types import SimpleNamespace
import dateutil.parser

from qiskit.providers import BaseJob  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from qiskit.providers.jobstatus import JOB_FINAL_STATES, JobStatus
from qiskit.providers.models import BackendProperties
from qiskit.qobj import QasmQobj, PulseQobj
from qiskit.result import Result
from qiskit.providers.ibmq import ibmqbackend  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from ..apiconstants import ApiJobStatus, ApiJobKind
from ..api.clients import AccountClient
from ..api.exceptions import ApiError, UserTimeoutExceededError
from ..utils.utils import RefreshQueue, validate_job_tags
from ..utils import utc_to_local
from ..utils.qobj_utils import dict_to_qobj
from ..utils.json_decoder import decode_backend_properties
from .exceptions import (IBMQJobApiError, IBMQJobFailureError,
                         IBMQJobTimeoutError, IBMQJobInvalidStateError)
from .queueinfo import QueueInfo
from .utils import (build_error_report, api_status_to_job_status,
                    api_to_job_error, get_cancel_status)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IBMQJob(SimpleNamespace, BaseJob): """Representation of a job that executes on an IBM Quantum Experience backend. The job may be executed on a simulator or a real device. A new ``IBMQJob`` instance is returned when you call :meth:`<>` to submit a job to a particular backend. If the job is successfully submitted, you can inspect the job's status by calling :meth:`status()`. Job status can be one of the :class:`~qiskit.providers.JobStatus` members. For example:: from qiskit.providers.jobstatus import JobStatus job = try: job_status = job.status() # Query the backend server for job status. if job_status is JobStatus.RUNNING: print("The job is still running") except IBMQJobApiError as ex: print("Something wrong happened!: {}".format(ex)) Note: An error may occur when querying the remote server to get job information. The most common errors are temporary network failures and server errors, in which case an :class:`~qiskit.providers.ibmq.job.IBMQJobApiError` is raised. These errors usually clear quickly, so retrying the operation is likely to succeed. Some of the methods in this class are blocking, which means control may not be returned immediately. :meth:`result()` is an example of a blocking method:: job = try: job_result = job.result() # It will block until the job finishes. print("The job finished with result {}".format(job_result)) except JobError as ex: print("Something wrong happened!: {}".format(ex)) Job information retrieved from the server is attached to the ``IBMQJob`` instance as attributes. Given that Qiskit and the server can be updated independently, some of these attributes might be deprecated or experimental. Supported attributes can be retrieved via methods. For example, you can use :meth:`creation_date()` to retrieve the job creation date, which is a supported attribute. """ _executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() """Threads used for asynchronous processing.""" def __init__( self, backend: 'ibmqbackend.IBMQBackend', api: AccountClient, job_id: str, creation_date: str, status: str, kind: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, time_per_step: Optional[dict] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None, qobj: Optional[Union[dict, QasmQobj, PulseQobj]] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, run_mode: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """IBMQJob constructor. Args: backend: The backend instance used to run this job. api: Object for connecting to the server. job_id: Job ID. creation_date: Job creation date. status: Job status returned by the server. kind: Job type. name: Job name. time_per_step: Time spent for each processing step. result: Job result. qobj: Qobj for this job. error: Job error. tags: Job tags. run_mode: Scheduling mode the job runs in. kwargs: Additional job attributes. """ self._backend = backend self._api = api self._job_id = job_id self._creation_date = dateutil.parser.isoparse(creation_date) self._api_status = status self._kind = ApiJobKind(kind) if kind else None self._name = name self._time_per_step = time_per_step self._result = Result.from_dict(result) if result else None if isinstance(qobj, dict): qobj = dict_to_qobj(qobj) self._qobj = qobj self._error = error self._tags = tags or [] self._run_mode = run_mode self._status, self._queue_info = \ self._get_status_position(status, kwargs.pop('info_queue', None)) self._use_object_storage = (self._kind == ApiJobKind.QOBJECT_STORAGE) SimpleNamespace.__init__(self, **kwargs) BaseJob.__init__(self, self.backend(), self.job_id()) # Properties used for caching. self._cancelled = False self._job_error_msg = None # type: Optional[str]
[docs] def qobj(self) -> Optional[Union[QasmQobj, PulseQobj]]: """Return the Qobj for this job. Returns: The Qobj for this job, or ``None`` if the job does not have a Qobj. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when retrieving job information from the server. """ if not self._kind: return None # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition,attribute-defined-outside-init if not self._qobj: # type: ignore[has-type] with api_to_job_error(): qobj = self._api.job_download_qobj( self.job_id(), self._use_object_storage) self._qobj = dict_to_qobj(qobj) return self._qobj
[docs] def properties(self) -> Optional[BackendProperties]: """Return the backend properties for this job. Returns: The backend properties used for this job, or ``None`` if properties are not available. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when communicating with the server. """ with api_to_job_error(): properties = self._api.job_properties(job_id=self.job_id()) if not properties: return None decode_backend_properties(properties) return BackendProperties.from_dict(properties)
[docs] def result( self, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait: float = 5, partial: bool = False, refresh: bool = False ) -> Result: """Return the result of the job. Note: Some IBM Quantum Experience job results can only be read once. A second attempt to query the server for the same job will fail, since the job has already been "consumed". The first call to this method in an ``IBMQJob`` instance will query the server and consume any available job results. Subsequent calls to that instance's ``result()`` will also return the results, since they are cached. However, attempting to retrieve the results again in another instance or session might fail due to the job results having been consumed. Note: When `partial=True`, this method will attempt to retrieve partial results of failed jobs. In this case, precaution should be taken when accessing individual experiments, as doing so might cause an exception. The ``success`` attribute of the returned :class:`~qiskit.result.Result` instance can be used to verify whether it contains partial results. For example, if one of the experiments in the job failed, trying to get the counts of the unsuccessful experiment would raise an exception since there are no counts to return:: try: counts = result.get_counts("failed_experiment") except QiskitError: print("Experiment failed!") If the job failed, you can use :meth:`error_message()` to get more information. Args: timeout: Number of seconds to wait for job. wait: Time in seconds between queries. partial: If ``True``, return partial results if possible. refresh: If ``True``, re-query the server for the result. Otherwise return the cached value. Returns: Job result. Raises: IBMQJobInvalidStateError: If the job was cancelled. IBMQJobFailureError: If the job failed. IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when communicating with the server. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if not self._wait_for_completion(timeout=timeout, wait=wait, required_status=(JobStatus.DONE,)): if self._status is JobStatus.CANCELLED: raise IBMQJobInvalidStateError('Unable to retrieve result for job {}. ' 'Job was cancelled.'.format(self.job_id())) if self._status is JobStatus.ERROR and not partial: raise IBMQJobFailureError( 'Unable to retrieve result for job {}. Job has failed. ' 'Use job.error_message() to get more details.'.format(self.job_id())) return self._retrieve_result(refresh=refresh)
[docs] def cancel(self) -> bool: """Attempt to cancel the job. Note: Depending on the state the job is in, it might be impossible to cancel the job. Returns: ``True`` if the job is cancelled, else ``False``. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when communicating with the server. """ try: response = self._api.job_cancel(self.job_id()) self._cancelled = get_cancel_status(response) logger.debug('Job %s cancel status is "%s". Response data: %s.', self.job_id(), self._cancelled, response) return self._cancelled except ApiError as error: self._cancelled = False raise IBMQJobApiError('Unexpected error when cancelling job {}: {}' .format(self.job_id(), str(error))) from error
[docs] def update_name(self, name: str) -> str: """Update the name associated with this job. Args: name: The new `name` for this job. Returns: The new name associated with this job. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when communicating with the server or updating the job name. IBMQJobInvalidStateError: If the input job name is not a string. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise IBMQJobInvalidStateError( '"{}" of type "{}" is not a valid job name. ' 'The job name needs to be a string.'.format(name, type(name))) with api_to_job_error(): response = self._api.job_update_attribute( job_id=self.job_id(), attr_name='name', attr_value=name) # Get the name from the response and check if the update was successful. updated_name = response.get('name', None) if (updated_name is None) or (name != updated_name): raise IBMQJobApiError('An unexpected error occurred when updating the ' 'name for job {}. The name was not updated for ' 'the job.'.format(self.job_id())) # Cache updated name. self._name = updated_name return self._name
[docs] def update_tags( self, replacement_tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, additional_tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, removal_tags: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> List[str]: """Update the tags associated with this job. When multiple parameters are specified, the parameters are processed in the following order: 1. replacement_tags 2. additional_tags 3. removal_tags For example, if 'new_tag' is specified for both `additional_tags` and `removal_tags`, then it is added and subsequently removed from the tags list, making it a "do nothing" operation. Note: * Some tags, such as those starting with ``ibmq_jobset``, are used internally by `ibmq-provider` and therefore cannot be modified. * When removing tags, if the job does not have a specified tag, it will be ignored. Args: replacement_tags: The tags that should replace the current tags associated with this job. additional_tags: The new tags that should be added to the current tags associated with this job. removal_tags: The tags that should be removed from the current tags associated with this job. Returns: The new tags associated with this job. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when communicating with the server or updating the job tags. IBMQJobInvalidStateError: If none of the input parameters are specified or if any of the input parameters are invalid. """ if (replacement_tags is None) and (additional_tags is None) and (removal_tags is None): raise IBMQJobInvalidStateError( 'The tags cannot be updated since none of the parameters are specified.') # Get the list of tags to update. tags_to_update = self._get_tags_to_update(replacement_tags=replacement_tags, additional_tags=additional_tags, removal_tags=removal_tags) with api_to_job_error(): response = self._api.job_update_attribute( job_id=self.job_id(), attr_name='tags', attr_value=tags_to_update) # Get the tags from the response and check if the update was successful. updated_tags = response.get('tags', None) if (updated_tags is None) or (set(updated_tags) != set(tags_to_update)): raise IBMQJobApiError('An unexpected error occurred when updating the ' 'tags for job {}. The tags were not updated for ' 'the job.'.format(self.job_id())) # Cache the updated tags. self._tags = updated_tags return self._tags
def _get_tags_to_update(self, replacement_tags: Optional[List[str]], additional_tags: Optional[List[str]], removal_tags: Optional[List[str]]) -> List[str]: """Create the list of tags to update for this job. Args: replacement_tags: The tags that should replace the current tags associated with this job. additional_tags: The new tags that should be added to the current tags associated with this job. removal_tags: The tags that should be removed from the current tags associated with this job. Returns: The new tags to associate with this job. Raises: IBMQJobInvalidStateError: If any of the input parameters are invalid. """ # Tags prefix that denotes a job belongs to a jobset. ibmq_jobset_prefix = 'ibmq_jobset_' tags_to_update = set(self._tags) # Get the current job tags. if isinstance(replacement_tags, list): # `replacement_tags` could be an empty list. # Replace the current tags and re-add those associated with a job set. validate_job_tags(replacement_tags, IBMQJobInvalidStateError) tags_to_update = set(replacement_tags) tags_to_update.update( filter(lambda old_tag: old_tag.startswith(ibmq_jobset_prefix), self._tags)) if additional_tags: # Add the specified tags to the tags to update. validate_job_tags(additional_tags, IBMQJobInvalidStateError) tags_to_update.update(additional_tags) if removal_tags: # Remove the specified tags, except those related to a job set, # from the tags to update. validate_job_tags(removal_tags, IBMQJobInvalidStateError) for tag_to_remove in removal_tags: if tag_to_remove.startswith(ibmq_jobset_prefix): logger.warning('The tag "%s" for job %s will not be removed, because ' 'it is used internally by the ibmq-provider.', tag_to_remove, self.job_id()) continue if tag_to_remove in tags_to_update: tags_to_update.remove(tag_to_remove) else: logger.warning('The tag "%s" for job %s will not be removed, because it was ' 'not found in the job tags to update %s', tag_to_remove, self.job_id(), tags_to_update) return list(tags_to_update)
[docs] def status(self) -> JobStatus: """Query the server for the latest job status. Note: This method is not designed to be invoked repeatedly in a loop for an extended period of time. Doing so may cause the server to reject your request. Use :meth:`wait_for_final_state()` if you want to wait for the job to finish. Note: If the job failed, you can use :meth:`error_message()` to get more information. Returns: The status of the job. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when communicating with the server. """ if self._status in JOB_FINAL_STATES: return self._status with api_to_job_error(): api_response = self._api.job_status(self.job_id()) self._status, self._queue_info = self._get_status_position( api_response['status'], api_response.get('info_queue', None)) # Get all job attributes if the job is done. if self._status in JOB_FINAL_STATES: self.refresh() return self._status
[docs] def error_message(self) -> Optional[str]: """Provide details about the reason of failure. Returns: An error report if the job failed or ``None`` otherwise. """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init if not self._wait_for_completion(required_status=(JobStatus.ERROR,)): return None if not self._job_error_msg: # First try getting error messages from the result. try: self._retrieve_result() except IBMQJobFailureError: pass if not self._job_error_msg: # Then try refreshing the job if not self._error: self.refresh() if self._error: self._job_error_msg = self._format_message_from_error(self._error) elif self._api_status.startswith('ERROR'): self._job_error_msg = self._api_status else: self._job_error_msg = "Unknown error." return self._job_error_msg
[docs] def queue_position(self, refresh: bool = False) -> Optional[int]: """Return the position of the job in the server queue. Note: The position returned is within the scope of the provider and may differ from the global queue position. Args: refresh: If ``True``, re-query the server to get the latest value. Otherwise return the cached value. Returns: Position in the queue or ``None`` if position is unknown or not applicable. """ if refresh: # Get latest position self.status() if self._queue_info: return self._queue_info.position return None
[docs] def queue_info(self) -> Optional[QueueInfo]: """Return queue information for this job. The queue information may include queue position, estimated start and end time, and dynamic priorities for the hub, group, and project. See :class:`QueueInfo` for more information. Note: Even if the job is queued, some of its queue information may not be immediately available. Returns: A :class:`QueueInfo` instance that contains queue information for this job, or ``None`` if queue information is unknown or not applicable. """ # Get latest queue information. self.status() # Return queue information only if it has any useful information. if self._queue_info and any( value is not None for attr, value in self._queue_info.__dict__.items() if not attr.startswith('_') and attr != 'job_id'): return self._queue_info return None
[docs] def creation_date(self) -> datetime: """Return job creation date, in local time. Returns: The job creation date as a datetime object, in local time. """ creation_date_local_dt = utc_to_local(self._creation_date) # TODO: Remove when decided the warning is no longer needed. warnings.warn('The creation date is returned in local time now, ' 'rather than UTC.', stacklevel=2) return creation_date_local_dt
[docs] def job_id(self) -> str: """Return the job ID assigned by the server. Returns: Job ID. """ return self._job_id
[docs] def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the name assigned to this job. Returns: Job name or ``None`` if no name was assigned to this job. """ return self._name
[docs] def tags(self) -> List[str]: """Return the tags assigned to this job. Returns: Tags assigned to this job. """ return self._tags.copy()
[docs] def time_per_step(self) -> Optional[Dict]: """Return the date and time information on each step of the job processing. The output dictionary contains the date and time information on each step of the job processing, in local time. The keys of the dictionary are the names of the steps, and the values are the date and time data, as a datetime object with local timezone info. For example:: {'CREATING': datetime(2020, 2, 13, 15, 19, 25, 717000, tzinfo=tzlocal(), 'CREATED': datetime(2020, 2, 13, 15, 19, 26, 467000, tzinfo=tzlocal(), 'VALIDATING': datetime(2020, 2, 13, 15, 19, 26, 527000, tzinfo=tzlocal()} Returns: Date and time information on job processing steps, in local time, or ``None`` if the information is not yet available. """ if not self._time_per_step or self._status not in JOB_FINAL_STATES: self.refresh() # Note: By default, `None` should be returned if no time per step info is available. time_per_step_local = None if self._time_per_step: warnings.warn('The time per step date and time information is returned in ' 'local time now, rather than UTC.', stacklevel=2) time_per_step_local = {} for step_name, time_data_utc in self._time_per_step.items(): time_per_step_local[step_name] = utc_to_local(time_data_utc) return time_per_step_local
[docs] def scheduling_mode(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the scheduling mode the job is in. The scheduling mode indicates how the job is scheduled to run. For example, ``fairshare`` indicates the job is scheduled using a fairshare algorithm. This information is only available if the job status is ``RUNNING`` or ``DONE``. Returns: The scheduling mode the job is in or ``None`` if the information is not available. """ if self._run_mode is None: self.refresh() if self._status in [JobStatus.RUNNING, JobStatus.DONE] and self._run_mode is None: self._run_mode = "fairshare" return self._run_mode
[docs] def submit(self) -> None: """Submit this job to an IBM Quantum Experience backend. Note: This function is deprecated, please use :meth:`<>` to submit a job. Raises: IBMQJobInvalidStateError: If the job has already been submitted. """ if self.job_id() is not None: raise IBMQJobInvalidStateError( 'The job {} has already been submitted.'.format(self.job_id())) warnings.warn("job.submit() is deprecated. Please use " " to submit a job.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
[docs] def refresh(self) -> None: """Obtain the latest job information from the server. This method may add additional attributes to this job instance, if new information becomes available. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when communicating with the server. """ with api_to_job_error(): api_response = self._api.job_get(self.job_id()) try: api_response.pop('job_id') self._creation_date = dateutil.parser.isoparse(api_response.pop('creation_date')) self._api_status = api_response.pop('status') if 'kind' in api_response: self._kind = ApiJobKind(api_response.pop('kind')) if 'result' in api_response: self._result = Result.from_dict(api_response.pop('result')) if 'qobj' in api_response: self._qobj = dict_to_qobj(api_response.pop('qobj')) except (KeyError, TypeError) as err: raise IBMQJobApiError("Unexpected return value received " "from the server: {}".format(err)) from err self._name = api_response.pop('name', None) self._time_per_step = api_response.pop('time_per_step', None) self._error = api_response.pop('error', None) self._tags = api_response.pop('tags', None) self._run_mode = api_response.pop('run_mode', None) self._use_object_storage = (self._kind == ApiJobKind.QOBJECT_STORAGE) self._status, self._queue_info = \ self._get_status_position(self._api_status, api_response.pop('info_queue', None)) self.__dict__.update(api_response)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Serialize the model into a Python dict of simple types. Note: This is a unsupported method and will be removed in the next release. Returns: An empty dictionary. """ warnings.warn("IBMQJob.to_dict() is not supported and may not work properly. " "It will be removed in the next release.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: Any) -> 'IBMQJob': """Deserialize a dictionary of simple types into an instance of this class. Args: data: Data to be deserialized. Returns: An instance of this class. """ warnings.warn("IBMQJob.from_dict() is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. ", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return cls(**data)
[docs] def wait_for_final_state( self, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait: Optional[float] = None, callback: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> None: """Wait until the job progresses to a final state such as ``DONE`` or ``ERROR``. Args: timeout: Seconds to wait for the job. If ``None``, wait indefinitely. wait: Seconds to wait between invoking the callback function. If ``None``, the callback function is invoked only if job status or queue position has changed. callback: Callback function invoked after each querying iteration. The following positional arguments are provided to the callback function: * job_id: Job ID * job_status: Status of the job from the last query. * job: This ``IBMQJob`` instance. In addition, the following keyword arguments are also provided: * queue_info: A :class:`QueueInfo` instance with job queue information, or ``None`` if queue information is unknown or not applicable. You can use the ``to_dict()`` method to convert the :class:`QueueInfo` instance to a dictionary, if desired. Raises: IBMQJobTimeoutError: if the job does not reach a final state before the specified timeout. """ exit_event = Event() status_queue = RefreshQueue(maxsize=1) future = None if callback: future = self._executor.submit(self._status_callback, status_queue=status_queue, exit_event=exit_event, callback=callback, wait=wait) try: self._wait_for_completion(timeout=timeout, status_queue=status_queue) finally: if future: # Make sure the callback thread wakes up. exit_event.set() status_queue.notify_all() future.result()
def _wait_for_completion( self, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait: float = 5, required_status: Tuple[JobStatus] = JOB_FINAL_STATES, status_queue: Optional[RefreshQueue] = None ) -> bool: """Wait until the job progress to a final state such as ``DONE`` or ``ERROR``. Args: timeout: Seconds to wait for job. If ``None``, wait indefinitely. wait: Seconds between queries. required_status: The final job status required. status_queue: Queue used to share the latest status. Returns: ``True`` if the final job status matches one of the required states. Raises: IBMQJobTimeoutError: if the job does not return results before a specified timeout. IBMQJobApiError: if there was an error getting the job status due to a network issue. """ if self._status in JOB_FINAL_STATES: return self._status in required_status try: status_response = self._api.job_final_status( self.job_id(), timeout=timeout, wait=wait, status_queue=status_queue) except UserTimeoutExceededError: raise IBMQJobTimeoutError( 'Timeout while waiting for job {}.'.format(self._job_id)) from None except ApiError as api_err: logger.error('Maximum retries exceeded: ' 'Error checking job status due to a network error.') raise IBMQJobApiError('Error checking job status due to a network ' 'error: {}'.format(str(api_err))) from api_err self._status, self._queue_info = self._get_status_position( status_response['status'], status_response.get('info_queue', None)) # Get all job attributes when the job is done. self.refresh() return self._status in required_status def _retrieve_result(self, refresh: bool = False) -> Result: """Retrieve the job result response. Args: refresh: If ``True``, re-query the server for the result. Otherwise return the cached value. Returns: The job result. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when communicating with the server. IBMQJobFailureError: If the job failed and partial result could not be retrieved. IBMQJobInvalidStateError: If result is in an unsupported format. """ # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition,attribute-defined-outside-init result_response = None if not self._result or refresh: # type: ignore[has-type] try: result_response = self._api.job_result(self.job_id(), self._use_object_storage) self._result = Result.from_dict(result_response) except (ApiError, TypeError) as err: if self._status is JobStatus.ERROR: raise IBMQJobFailureError( 'Unable to retrieve result for job {}. Job has failed. Use ' 'job.error_message() to get more details.'.format(self.job_id())) from err if not self._kind: raise IBMQJobInvalidStateError( 'Unable to retrieve result for job {}. Job result ' 'is in an unsupported format.'.format(self.job_id())) from err raise IBMQJobApiError( 'Unable to retrieve result for ' 'job {}: {}'.format(self.job_id(), str(err))) from err finally: # In case partial results are returned or job failure, an error message is cached. if result_response: self._check_for_error_message(result_response) if self._status is JobStatus.ERROR and not self._result.results: raise IBMQJobFailureError( 'Unable to retrieve result for job {}. Job has failed. ' 'Use job.error_message() to get more details.'.format(self.job_id())) return self._result def _check_for_error_message(self, result_response: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Retrieves the error message from the result response. Args: result_response: Dictionary of the result response. """ if result_response.get('results', None): # If individual errors given self._job_error_msg = build_error_report(result_response['results']) elif 'error' in result_response: self._job_error_msg = self._format_message_from_error(result_response['error']) def _format_message_from_error(self, error: Dict) -> str: """Format message from the error field. Args: The error field. Returns: A formatted error message. Raises: IBMQJobApiError: If invalid data received from the server. """ try: return "{}. Error code: {}.".format(error['message'], error['code']) except KeyError as ex: raise IBMQJobApiError('Failed to get error message for job {}. Invalid error ' 'data received: {}'.format(self.job_id(), error)) from ex def _status_callback( self, status_queue: RefreshQueue, exit_event: Event, callback: Callable, wait: Optional[float] ) -> None: """Invoke the callback function with the latest job status. Args: status_queue: Queue containing the latest status. exit_event: Event used to notify this thread to quit. callback: Callback function to invoke. wait: Time between each callback function call. If ``None``, the callback function is invoked only if job status or queue position has changed. """ status_response = None last_data = (None, None) # type: Tuple[Optional[JobStatus], Optional[QueueInfo]] while not exit_event.is_set(): try: if wait is None: status_response = status_queue.get(block=True) else: exit_event.wait(wait) status_response = status_queue.get(block=False) except Empty: pass if not status_response: continue try: status, queue_info = self._get_status_position( status_response['status'], status_response.get('info_queue', None)) except IBMQJobApiError as ex: logger.warning("Unexpected error when getting job status: %s", ex) continue if status in JOB_FINAL_STATES: return if wait is None: if (status, queue_info) == last_data: continue last_data = (status, queue_info) callback(self.job_id(), status, self, queue_info=queue_info) def _get_status_position( self, api_status: str, api_info_queue: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Tuple[JobStatus, Optional[QueueInfo]]: """Return the corresponding job status for the input server job status. Args: api_status: Server job status api_info_queue: Job queue information from the server response. Returns: A tuple of job status and queue information (``None`` if not available). Raises: IBMQJobApiError: if unexpected return value received from the server. """ queue_info = None status = api_status_to_job_status(api_status) if api_status == ApiJobStatus.QUEUED.value and api_info_queue: queue_info = QueueInfo(job_id=self.job_id(), **api_info_queue) if status is not JobStatus.QUEUED: queue_info = None return status, queue_info