# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Backend namespace for an IBM Quantum Experience account provider."""
import logging
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Callable, Optional, Any, Union
from types import SimpleNamespace
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from qiskit.providers import JobStatus, QiskitBackendNotFoundError # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from qiskit.providers.providerutils import filter_backends
from qiskit.providers.ibmq import accountprovider # pylint: disable=unused-import
from .api.exceptions import ApiError
from .apiconstants import ApiJobStatus
from .exceptions import (IBMQBackendValueError, IBMQBackendApiError, IBMQBackendApiProtocolError)
from .ibmqbackend import IBMQBackend, IBMQRetiredBackend
from .job import IBMQJob
from .utils.utils import to_python_identifier, validate_job_tags, filter_data
from .utils.converters import local_to_utc
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class IBMQBackendService(SimpleNamespace):
"""Backend namespace for an IBM Quantum Experience account provider.
Represent a namespace that provides backend related services for the IBM
Quantum Experience backends available to this provider. An instance of
this class is used as a callable attribute to the :class:`AccountProvider`
class. This allows a convenient way to query for all backends or to access
a specific backend::
backends = provider.backends() # Invoke backends() to get the backends.
sim_backend = provider.backends.ibmq_qasm_simulator # Get a specific backend instance.
Also, you are able to retrieve jobs from a provider without specifying the backend name.
For example, to retrieve the ten most recent jobs you have submitted, regardless of the
backend they were submitted to, you could do::
most_recent_jobs = provider.backends.jobs(limit=10)
It is also possible to retrieve a single job without specifying the backend name::
job = provider.backends.retrieve_job(<JOB_ID>)
def __init__(self, provider: 'accountprovider.AccountProvider') -> None:
"""IBMQBackendService constructor.
provider: IBM Quantum Experience account provider.
self._provider = provider
def _discover_backends(self) -> None:
"""Discovers the remote backends for this provider, if not already known."""
for backend in self._provider._backends.values():
backend_name = to_python_identifier(backend.name())
# Append _ if duplicate
while backend_name in self.__dict__:
backend_name += '_'
setattr(self, backend_name, backend)
[docs] def __call__(
name: Optional[str] = None,
filters: Optional[Callable[[List[IBMQBackend]], bool]] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = None,
**kwargs: Any
) -> List[IBMQBackend]:
"""Return all backends accessible via this provider, subject to optional filtering.
name: Backend name to filter by.
filters: More complex filters, such as lambda functions.
For example::
AccountProvider.backends(filters=lambda b: b.configuration().n_qubits > 5)
timeout: Maximum number of seconds to wait for the discovery of
remote backends.
kwargs: Simple filters that specify a ``True``/``False`` criteria in the
backend configuration, backends status, or provider credentials.
An example to get the operational backends with 5 qubits::
AccountProvider.backends(n_qubits=5, operational=True)
The list of available backends that match the filter.
backends = self._provider._backends.values()
# Special handling of the `name` parameter, to support alias
# resolution.
if name:
aliases = self._aliased_backend_names()
name = aliases.get(name, name)
kwargs['backend_name'] = name
return filter_backends(backends, filters=filters, **kwargs)
[docs] def jobs(
limit: int = 10,
skip: int = 0,
backend_name: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[Union[JobStatus, str, List[Union[JobStatus, str]]]] = None,
job_name: Optional[str] = None,
start_datetime: Optional[datetime] = None,
end_datetime: Optional[datetime] = None,
job_tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
job_tags_operator: Optional[str] = "OR",
descending: bool = True,
db_filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> List[IBMQJob]:
"""Return a list of jobs, subject to optional filtering.
Retrieve jobs that match the given filters and paginate the results
if desired. Note that the server has a limit for the number of jobs
returned in a single call. As a result, this function might involve
making several calls to the server. See the `skip` parameter for
more control over pagination.
limit: Number of jobs to retrieve.
skip: Starting index for the job retrieval.
backend_name: Name of the backend to retrieve jobs from.
status: Only get jobs with this status or one of the statuses.
For example, you can specify `status=JobStatus.RUNNING` or `status="RUNNING"`
or `status=["RUNNING", "ERROR"]`
job_name: Filter by job name. The `job_name` is matched partially
and `regular expressions
can be used.
start_datetime: Filter by the given start date, in local time. This is used to
find jobs whose creation dates are after (greater than or equal to) this
local date/time.
end_datetime: Filter by the given end date, in local time. This is used to
find jobs whose creation dates are before (less than or equal to) this
local date/time.
job_tags: Filter by tags assigned to jobs.
job_tags_operator: Logical operator to use when filtering by job tags. Valid
values are "AND" and "OR":
* If "AND" is specified, then a job must have all of the tags
specified in ``job_tags`` to be included.
* If "OR" is specified, then a job only needs to have any
of the tags specified in ``job_tags`` to be included.
descending: If ``True``, return the jobs in descending order of the job
creation date (i.e. newest first) until the limit is reached.
db_filter: A `loopback-based filter
This is an interface to a database ``where`` filter.
Some examples of its usage are:
Filter last five jobs with errors::
job_list = backend.jobs(limit=5, status=JobStatus.ERROR)
Filter last five jobs with hub name ``ibm-q``::
filter = {'hubInfo.hub.name': 'ibm-q'}
job_list = backend.jobs(limit=5, db_filter=filter)
A list of ``IBMQJob`` instances.
IBMQBackendValueError: If a keyword value is not recognized.
TypeError: If the input `start_datetime` or `end_datetime` parameter value
is not valid.
# Build the filter for the query.
api_filter = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
if backend_name:
api_filter['backend.name'] = backend_name
if status:
status_filter = self._get_status_db_filter(status)
if job_name:
api_filter['name'] = {"regexp": job_name}
# TODO: Remove when decided the warning is no longer needed.
if start_datetime or end_datetime:
warnings.warn('Unless a UTC timezone information is present, the parameters '
'`start_datetime` and `end_datetime` are now expected to be in '
'local time instead of UTC.', stacklevel=2)
# If the datetime timezone info is not UTC, then convert the datetime into UTC.
# Note: datetime objects whose `utcoffset()` is `None`, or not equal to `timedelta(0)`,
# are considered to be in local time.
if start_datetime and (start_datetime.utcoffset() is None
or start_datetime.utcoffset() != timedelta(0)):
start_datetime = local_to_utc(start_datetime)
if end_datetime and (end_datetime.utcoffset() is None
or end_datetime.utcoffset() != timedelta(0)):
end_datetime = local_to_utc(end_datetime)
if start_datetime and end_datetime:
api_filter['creationDate'] = {
'between': [start_datetime.isoformat(), end_datetime.isoformat()]
elif start_datetime:
api_filter['creationDate'] = {'gte': start_datetime.isoformat()}
elif end_datetime:
api_filter['creationDate'] = {'lte': end_datetime.isoformat()}
if job_tags:
validate_job_tags(job_tags, IBMQBackendValueError)
job_tags_operator = job_tags_operator.upper()
if job_tags_operator == "OR":
api_filter['tags'] = {'inq': job_tags}
elif job_tags_operator == "AND":
and_tags = []
for tag in job_tags:
and_tags.append({'tags': tag})
api_filter['and'] = and_tags
raise IBMQBackendValueError(
'"{}" is not a valid job_tags_operator value. '
'Valid values are "AND" and "OR"'.format(job_tags_operator))
if db_filter:
# Rather than overriding the logical operators `and`/`or`, first
# check to see if the `api_filter` query should be extended with the
# `api_filter` query for the same keys instead.
logical_operators_to_expand = ['or', 'and']
for key in db_filter:
key = key.lower()
if key in logical_operators_to_expand and key in api_filter:
# Argument filters takes precedence over db_filter for same keys
api_filter = {**db_filter, **api_filter}
# Retrieve the requested number of jobs, using pagination. The server
# might limit the number of jobs per request.
job_responses = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]
current_page_limit = limit
while True:
job_page = self._provider._api.list_jobs_statuses(
limit=current_page_limit, skip=skip, descending=descending,
if logger.getEffectiveLevel() is logging.DEBUG:
filtered_data = [filter_data(job) for job in job_page]
logger.debug("jobs() response data is %s", filtered_data)
job_responses += job_page
skip = skip + len(job_page)
if not job_page:
# Stop if there are no more jobs returned by the server.
if limit:
if len(job_responses) >= limit:
# Stop if we have reached the limit.
current_page_limit = limit - len(job_responses)
current_page_limit = 0
job_list = []
for job_info in job_responses:
job_id = job_info.get('job_id', "")
# Recreate the backend used for this job.
backend_name = job_info.get('_backend_info', {}).get('name', 'unknown')
backend = self._provider.get_backend(backend_name)
except QiskitBackendNotFoundError:
backend = IBMQRetiredBackend.from_name(backend_name,
job = IBMQJob(backend=backend, api=self._provider._api, **job_info)
except TypeError:
logger.warning('Discarding job "%s" because it contains invalid data.', job_id)
return job_list
def _get_status_db_filter(
status_arg: Union[JobStatus, str, List[Union[JobStatus, str]]]
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return the db filter to use when retrieving jobs based on a status or statuses.
The status db filter used to query the api when retrieving jobs that match
a given status or list of statuses.
IBMQBackendError: If a status value is not recognized.
_final_status_filter = None
if isinstance(status_arg, list):
_final_status_filter = {'or': []}
for status in status_arg:
status_filter = self._get_status_filter(status)
status_filter = self._get_status_filter(status_arg)
_final_status_filter = status_filter
return _final_status_filter
def _get_status_filter(self, status: Union[JobStatus, str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return the db filter to use when retrieving jobs based on a status.
The status db filter used to query the api when retrieving jobs
that match a given status.
IBMQBackendValueError: If the status value is not recognized.
if isinstance(status, str):
status = JobStatus[status.upper()]
except KeyError:
raise IBMQBackendValueError(
'"{}" is not a valid status value. Valid values are {}'.format(
status, ", ".join(job_status.name for job_status in JobStatus))) \
from None
_status_filter = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
if status == JobStatus.INITIALIZING:
_status_filter = {'status': {
'inq': [ApiJobStatus.CREATING.value, ApiJobStatus.CREATED.value]
elif status == JobStatus.VALIDATING:
_status_filter = {'status': {
'inq': [ApiJobStatus.VALIDATING.value, ApiJobStatus.VALIDATED.value]
elif status == JobStatus.RUNNING:
_status_filter = {'status': ApiJobStatus.RUNNING.value}
elif status == JobStatus.QUEUED:
_status_filter = {'status': ApiJobStatus.QUEUED.value}
elif status == JobStatus.CANCELLED:
_status_filter = {'status': ApiJobStatus.CANCELLED.value}
elif status == JobStatus.DONE:
_status_filter = {'status': ApiJobStatus.COMPLETED.value}
elif status == JobStatus.ERROR:
_status_filter = {'status': {'regexp': '^ERROR'}} # type: ignore[assignment]
raise IBMQBackendValueError(
'"{}" is not a valid status value. Valid values are {}'.format(
status, ", ".join(job_status.name for job_status in JobStatus)))
return _status_filter
[docs] def retrieve_job(self, job_id: str) -> IBMQJob:
"""Return a single job.
job_id: The ID of the job to retrieve.
The job with the given id.
IBMQBackendApiError: If an unexpected error occurred when retrieving
the job.
IBMQBackendApiProtocolError: If unexpected return value received
from the server.
job_info = self._provider._api.job_get(job_id)
except ApiError as ex:
raise IBMQBackendApiError('Failed to get job {}: {}'
.format(job_id, str(ex))) from ex
# Recreate the backend used for this job.
backend_name = job_info.get('_backend_info', {}).get('name', 'unknown')
backend = self._provider.get_backend(backend_name)
except QiskitBackendNotFoundError:
backend = IBMQRetiredBackend.from_name(backend_name,
job = IBMQJob(backend=backend, api=self._provider._api, **job_info)
except TypeError as ex:
raise IBMQBackendApiProtocolError(
'Unexpected return value received from the server '
'when retrieving job {}: {}'.format(job_id, str(ex))) from ex
return job
def _deprecated_backend_names() -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Returns deprecated backend names."""
return {
'ibmqx_qasm_simulator': 'ibmq_qasm_simulator',
'ibmqx_hpc_qasm_simulator': 'ibmq_qasm_simulator',
'real': 'ibmqx1'
def _aliased_backend_names() -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Returns aliased backend names."""
return {
'ibmq_5_yorktown': 'ibmqx2',
'ibmq_5_tenerife': 'ibmqx4',
'ibmq_16_rueschlikon': 'ibmqx5',
'ibmq_20_austin': 'QS1_1'