Source code for qiskit.providers.aer.utils.noise_transformation
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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Noise transformation module
The goal of this module is to transform one 1-qubit noise channel
(given by the QuantumError class) into another, built from specified
"building blocks" (given as Kraus matrices) such that the new channel is
as close as possible to the original one in the Hilber-Schmidt metric.
For a typical use case, consider a simulator for circuits built from the
Clifford group. Computations on such circuits can be simulated at
polynomial time and space, but not all noise channels can be used in such
a simulation. To enable noisy Clifford simulation one can transform the
given noise channel into the closest one, Hilbert-Schmidt wise, that can be
used in a Clifford simulator.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
import itertools
import logging
import numpy
from import Kraus
from import SuperOp
from ..noise.errors import QuantumError
from ..noise.noise_model import NoiseModel
from ..noise.noiseerror import NoiseError
from ..noise.errors.errorutils import single_qubit_clifford_instructions
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def approximate_quantum_error(error, *,
Return an approximate QuantumError bases on the Hilbert-Schmidt metric.
Currently this is only implemented for 1-qubit QuantumErrors.
error (QuantumError): the error to be approximated.
operator_string (string or None): a name for a pre-made set of
building blocks for the output channel (Default: None).
operator_dict (dict or None): a dictionary whose values are the
building blocks for the output channel (Default: None).
operator_list (dict or None): list of building blocks for the
output channel (Default: None).
QuantumError: the approximate quantum error.
NoiseError: if number of qubits is not supported or approximation
RuntimeError: If there's no information about the noise type.
Additional Information:
The operator input precedence is: ``list`` < ``dict`` < ``str``.
If a string is given, dict is overwritten; if a dict is given, list is
overwritten. Oossible values for string are ``'pauli'``, ``'reset'``,
For further information see :meth:`NoiseTransformer.named_operators`.
if not isinstance(error, QuantumError):
error = QuantumError(error)
if error.number_of_qubits > 2:
raise NoiseError("Only 1-qubit and 2-qubit noises can be converted, {}-qubit "
"noise found in model".format(error.number_of_qubits))
error_kraus_operators = Kraus(error.to_quantumchannel()).data
transformer = NoiseTransformer()
if operator_string is not None:
no_info_error = "No information about noise type {}".format(operator_string)
operator_string = operator_string.lower()
if operator_string not in transformer.named_operators.keys():
raise RuntimeError(no_info_error)
operator_lists = transformer.named_operators[operator_string]
if len(operator_lists) < error.number_of_qubits:
raise RuntimeError(
no_info_error + " for {} qubits".format(error.number_of_qubits))
operator_dict = operator_lists[error.number_of_qubits - 1]
if operator_dict is not None:
_, operator_list = zip(*operator_dict.items())
if operator_list is not None:
op_matrix_list = [
transformer.operator_matrix(operator) for operator in operator_list
probabilities = transformer.transform_by_operator_list(
op_matrix_list, error_kraus_operators)
identity_prob = numpy.round(1 - sum(probabilities), 9)
if identity_prob < 0 or identity_prob > 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"Channel probabilities sum to {}".format(1 - identity_prob))
quantum_error_spec = [([{'name': 'id', 'qubits': [0]}], identity_prob)]
op_circuit_list = [
for operator in operator_list
for (operator, probability) in zip(op_circuit_list, probabilities):
quantum_error_spec.append((operator, probability))
return QuantumError(quantum_error_spec)
raise NoiseError(
"Quantum error approximation failed - no approximating operators detected"
[docs]def approximate_noise_model(model, *,
Return an approximate noise model.
model (NoiseModel): the noise model to be approximated.
operator_string (string or None): a name for a pre-made set of
building blocks for the output channel (Default: None).
operator_dict (dict or None): a dictionary whose values are the
building blocks for the output channel (Default: None).
operator_list (dict or None): list of building blocks for the
output channel (Default: None).
NoiseModel: the approximate noise model.
NoiseError: if number of qubits is not supported or approximation
Additional Information:
The operator input precedence is: ``list`` < ``dict`` < ``str``.
If a string is given, dict is overwritten; if a dict is given, list is
overwritten. Oossible values for string are ``'pauli'``, ``'reset'``,
For further information see :meth:`NoiseTransformer.named_operators`.
# We need to iterate over all the errors in the noise model.
# No nice interface for this now, easiest way is to mimic as_dict
error_list = []
# Add default quantum errors
for operation, error in model._default_quantum_errors.items():
error = approximate_quantum_error(
error_dict = error.to_dict()
error_dict["operations"] = [operation]
# Add specific qubit errors
for operation, qubit_dict in model._local_quantum_errors.items():
for qubits_str, error in qubit_dict.items():
error = approximate_quantum_error(
error_dict = error.to_dict()
error_dict["operations"] = [operation]
error_dict["gate_qubits"] = [model._str2qubits(qubits_str)]
# Add non-local errors
for operation, qubit_dict in model._nonlocal_quantum_errors.items():
for qubits_str, noise_dict in qubit_dict.items():
for noise_str, error in noise_dict.items():
error = approximate_quantum_error(
error_dict = error.to_dict()
error_dict["operations"] = [operation]
error_dict["gate_qubits"] = [model._str2qubits(qubits_str)]
error_dict["noise_qubits"] = [model._str2qubits(noise_str)]
# Add default readout error
if model._default_readout_error is not None:
error = approximate_quantum_error(
error_dict = error.to_dict()
# Add local readout error
for qubits_str, error in model._local_readout_errors.items():
error = approximate_quantum_error(
error_dict = error.to_dict()
error_dict["gate_qubits"] = [model._str2qubits(qubits_str)]
approx_noise_model = NoiseModel.from_dict({
"errors": error_list,
"x90_gates": model._x90_gates
# Update basis gates
approx_noise_model._basis_gates = model._basis_gates
return approx_noise_model
def pauli_operators():
"""Return a list of Pauli operators for 1 and 2 qubits."""
pauli_1_qubit = {
'X': [{'name': 'x', 'qubits': [0]}],
'Y': [{'name': 'y', 'qubits': [0]}],
'Z': [{'name': 'z', 'qubits': [0]}]
pauli_2_qubit = {
'XI': [{'name': 'x', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'id', 'qubits': [0]}],
'YI': [{'name': 'y', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'id', 'qubits': [0]}],
'ZI': [{'name': 'z', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'id', 'qubits': [0]}],
'IX': [{'name': 'id', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'x', 'qubits': [0]}],
'IY': [{'name': 'id', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'y', 'qubits': [0]}],
'IZ': [{'name': 'id', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'z', 'qubits': [0]}],
'XX': [{'name': 'x', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'x', 'qubits': [0]}],
'YY': [{'name': 'y', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'y', 'qubits': [0]}],
'ZZ': [{'name': 'z', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'z', 'qubits': [0]}],
'XY': [{'name': 'x', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'y', 'qubits': [0]}],
'XZ': [{'name': 'x', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'z', 'qubits': [0]}],
'YX': [{'name': 'y', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'x', 'qubits': [0]}],
'YZ': [{'name': 'y', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'z', 'qubits': [0]}],
'ZX': [{'name': 'z', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'x', 'qubits': [0]}],
'ZY': [{'name': 'z', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'y', 'qubits': [0]}],
return [pauli_1_qubit, pauli_2_qubit]
def reset_operators():
"""Return a list of reset operators for 1 and 2 qubits."""
reset_0_to_0 = [{'name': 'reset', 'qubits': [0]}]
reset_0_to_1 = [{'name': 'reset', 'qubits': [0]}, {'name': 'x', 'qubits': [0]}]
reset_1_to_0 = [{'name': 'reset', 'qubits': [1]}]
reset_1_to_1 = [{'name': 'reset', 'qubits': [1]}, {'name': 'x', 'qubits': [1]}]
id_0 = [{'name': 'id', 'qubits': [0]}]
id_1 = [{'name': 'id', 'qubits': [1]}]
reset_1_qubit = {
'p': reset_0_to_0,
'q': reset_0_to_1
reset_2_qubit = {
'p0': reset_0_to_0 + id_1,
'q0': reset_0_to_1 + id_1,
'p1': reset_1_to_0 + id_0,
'q1': reset_1_to_1 + id_0,
'p0_p1': reset_0_to_0 + reset_1_to_0,
'p0_q1': reset_0_to_0 + reset_1_to_1,
'q0_p1': reset_0_to_1 + reset_1_to_0,
'q0_q1': reset_0_to_1 + reset_1_to_1,
return [reset_1_qubit, reset_2_qubit]
[docs]class NoiseTransformer:
"""Transforms one quantum channel to another based on a specified criteria."""
def __init__(self):
self.named_operators = {
'pauli': pauli_operators(),
'reset': reset_operators(),
'clifford': [{j: single_qubit_clifford_instructions(j) for j in range(24)}]
self.fidelity_data = None
self.use_honesty_constraint = True
self.noise_kraus_operators = None
self.transform_channel_operators = None
[docs] def operator_matrix(self, operator):
"""Converts an operator representation to Kraus matrix representation
operator (operator): operator representation. Can be a noise
circuit or a matrix or a list of matrices.
Kraus: the operator, converted to Kraus representation.
if isinstance(operator, list) and isinstance(operator[0], dict):
operator_error = QuantumError([(operator, 1)])
kraus_rep = Kraus(operator_error.to_quantumchannel()).data
return kraus_rep
return operator
[docs] def operator_circuit(self, operator):
"""Converts an operator representation to noise circuit.
operator (operator): operator representation. Can be a noise
circuit or a matrix or a list of matrices.
List: The operator, converted to noise circuit representation.
if isinstance(operator, numpy.ndarray):
return [{'name': 'unitary', 'qubits': [0], 'params': [operator]}]
if isinstance(operator, list) and isinstance(operator[0],
if len(operator) == 1:
return [{'name': 'unitary', 'qubits': [0], 'params': operator}]
return [{'name': 'kraus', 'qubits': [0], 'params': operator}]
return operator
# transformation interface methods
[docs] def transform_by_operator_list(self, transform_channel_operators,
Transform input Kraus operators.
Allows approximating a set of input Kraus operators as in terms of
a different set of Kraus matrices.
For example, setting :math:`[X, Y, Z]` allows approximating by a
Pauli channel, and :math:`[(|0 \langle\rangle 0|,
|0\langle\rangle 1|), |1\langle\rangle 0|, |1 \langle\rangle 1|)]`
represents the relaxation channel
In the case the input is a list :math:`[A_1, A_2, ..., A_n]` of
transform matrices and :math:`[E_0, E_1, ..., E_m]` of noise Kraus
operators, the output is a list :math:`[p_1, p_2, ..., p_n]` of
probabilities such that:
1. :math:`p_i \ge 0`
2. :math:`p_1 + ... + p_n \le 1`
3. :math:`[\sqrt(p_1) A_1, \sqrt(p_2) A_2, ..., \sqrt(p_n) A_n,
\sqrt(1-(p_1 + ... + p_n))I]` is a list of Kraus operators that
define the output channel (which is "close" to the input channel
given by :math:`[E_0, ..., E_m]`.)
This channel can be thought of as choosing the operator :math:`A_i`
in probability :math:`p_i` and applying this operator to the
quantum state.
More generally, if the input is a list of tuples (not necessarily
of the same size): :math:`[(A_1, B_1, ...), (A_2, B_2, ...),
..., (A_n, B_n, ...)]` then the output is still a list
:math:`[p_1, p_2, ..., p_n]` and now the output channel is defined
by the operators:
:math:`[\sqrt(p_1)A1, \sqrt(p_1)B_1, ..., \sqrt(p_n)A_n,
\sqrt(p_n)B_n, ..., \sqrt(1-(p_1 + ... + p_n))I]`
noise_kraus_operators (List): a list of matrices (Kraus operators)
for the input channel.
transform_channel_operators (List): a list of matrices or tuples
of matrices representing Kraus operators that can construct the output channel.
List: A list of amplitudes that define the output channel.
self.noise_kraus_operators = noise_kraus_operators
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
self.transform_channel_operators = transform_channel_operators
full_transform_channel_operators = self.prepare_channel_operator_list(
channel_matrices, const_channel_matrix = self.generate_channel_matrices(
probabilities = self.transform_by_given_channel(
channel_matrices, const_channel_matrix)
return probabilities
[docs] @staticmethod
def prepare_channel_operator_list(ops_list):
Prepares a list of channel operators.
ops_list (List): The list of operators to prepare
List: The channel operator list
# convert to sympy matrices and verify that each singleton is
# in a tuple; also add identity matrix
from sympy import Matrix, eye
result = []
for ops in ops_list:
if not isinstance(ops, tuple) and not isinstance(ops, list):
ops = [ops]
result.append([Matrix(op) for op in ops])
n = result[0][0].shape[0] # grab the dimensions from the first element
result = [[eye(n)]] + result
return result
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def prepare_honesty_constraint(self, transform_channel_operators_list):
Prepares the honesty constraint.
transform_channel_operators_list (list): A list of tuples of matrices which represent
Kraus operators.
if not self.use_honesty_constraint:
goal =
coefficients = [ for ops in transform_channel_operators_list
self.fidelity_data = {
'goal': goal,
coefficients[1:] # coefficients[0] corresponds to I
# methods relevant to the transformation to quadratic programming instance
[docs] @staticmethod
def fidelity(channel):
""" Calculates channel fidelity """
return sum([numpy.abs(numpy.trace(E)) ** 2 for E in channel])
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def generate_channel_matrices(self, transform_channel_operators_list):
Generate symbolic channel matrices.
Generates a list of 4x4 symbolic matrices describing the channel
defined from the given operators. The identity matrix is assumed
to be the first element in the list:
.. code-block:: python
[(I, ), (A1, B1, ...), (A2, B2, ...), ..., (An, Bn, ...)]
E.g. for a Pauli channel, the matrices are:
.. code-block:: python
[(I,), (X,), (Y,), (Z,)]
For relaxation they are:
.. code-block:: python
[(I, ), (|0><0|, |0><1|), |1><0|, |1><1|)]
We consider this input to symbolically represent a channel in the
following manner: define indeterminates :math:`x_0, x_1, ..., x_n`
which are meant to represent probabilities such that
:math:`x_i \ge 0` and :math:`x0 = 1-(x_1 + ... + x_n)`.
Now consider the quantum channel defined via the Kraus operators
:math:`{\sqrt(x_0)I, \sqrt(x_1) A_1, \sqrt(x1) B_1, ...,
\sqrt(x_m)A_n, \sqrt(x_n) B_n, ...}`
This is the channel C symbolically represented by the operators.
transform_channel_operators_list (list): A list of tuples of
matrices which represent Kraus operators.
list: A list of 4x4 complex matrices ``([D1, D2, ..., Dn], E)``
such that the matrix :math:`x_1 D_1 + ... + x_n D_n + E`
represents the operation of the channel C on the density
operator. we find it easier to work with this representation
of C when performing the combinatorial optimization.
from sympy import symbols as sp_symbols, sqrt
symbols_string = " ".join([
for i in range(len(transform_channel_operators_list))
symbols = sp_symbols(symbols_string, real=True, positive=True)
exp = symbols[
1] # exp will contain the symbolic expression "x1 +...+ xn"
for i in range(2, len(symbols)):
exp = symbols[i] + exp
# symbolic_operators_list is a list of lists; we flatten it the next line
symbolic_operators_list = [[
sqrt(symbols[i]) * op for op in ops
] for (i, ops) in enumerate(transform_channel_operators_list)]
symbolic_operators = [
op for ops in symbolic_operators_list for op in ops
# channel_matrix_representation() performs the required linear
# algebra to find the representing matrices.
operators_channel = self.channel_matrix_representation(
symbolic_operators).subs(symbols[0], 1 - exp)
return self.generate_channel_quadratic_programming_matrices(
operators_channel, symbols[1:])
[docs] @staticmethod
def compute_channel_operation(rho, operators):
Given a quantum state's density function rho, the effect of the
channel on this state is:
rho -> sum_{i=1}^n E_i * rho * E_i^dagger
rho (number): Density function
operators (list): List of operators
number: The result of applying the list of operators
from sympy import zeros
return sum([E * rho * E.H for E in operators],
[docs] @staticmethod
def flatten_matrix(m):
m (Matrix): The matrix to flatten
list: A row vector repesenting the flattened matrix
return list(m)
[docs] def channel_matrix_representation(self, operators):
We convert the operators to a matrix by applying the channel to
the four basis elements of the 2x2 matrix space representing
density operators; this is standard linear algebra
operators (list): The list of operators to transform into a Matrix
sympy.Matrix: The matrx representation of the operators
from sympy import Matrix, zeros
shape = operators[0].shape
standard_base = []
for i in range(shape[0]):
for j in range(shape[1]):
basis_element_ij = zeros(*shape)
basis_element_ij[(i, j)] = 1
return (Matrix([
self.compute_channel_operation(rho, operators))
for rho in standard_base
[docs] def generate_channel_quadratic_programming_matrices(
self, channel, symbols):
Generate matrices for quadratic program.
channel (Matrix): a 4x4 symbolic matrix
symbols (list): the symbols x1, ..., xn which may occur in the matrix
list: A list of 4x4 complex matrices ([D1, D2, ..., Dn], E) such that:
channel == x1*D1 + ... + xn*Dn + E
return (
[self.get_matrix_from_channel(channel, symbol) for symbol in symbols],
self.get_const_matrix_from_channel(channel, symbols)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_matrix_from_channel(channel, symbol):
Extract the numeric parameter matrix.
channel (matrix): a 4x4 symbolic matrix.
symbol (list): a symbol xi
matrix: a 4x4 numeric matrix.
Additional Information:
Each entry of the 4x4 symbolic input channel matrix is assumed to
be a polynomial of the form a1x1 + ... + anxn + c. The corresponding
entry in the output numeric matrix is ai.
from sympy import Poly
n = channel.rows
M = numpy.zeros((n, n), dtype=numpy.complex_)
for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)):
M[i, j] = numpy.complex(
Poly(channel[i, j], symbol).coeff_monomial(symbol))
return M
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_const_matrix_from_channel(channel, symbols):
Extract the numeric constant matrix.
channel (matrix): a 4x4 symbolic matrix.
symbols (list): The full list [x1, ..., xn] of symbols
used in the matrix.
matrix: a 4x4 numeric matrix.
Additional Information:
Each entry of the 4x4 symbolic input channel matrix is assumed to
be a polynomial of the form a1x1 + ... + anxn + c. The corresponding
entry in the output numeric matrix is c.
from sympy import Poly
n = channel.rows
M = numpy.zeros((n, n), dtype=numpy.complex_)
for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)):
M[i, j] = numpy.complex(
Poly(channel[i, j], symbols).coeff_monomial(1))
return M
[docs] def transform_by_given_channel(self, channel_matrices,
Transform by by quantum channels.
This method creates objective function representing the
Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the matrix (A-B) obtained
as the difference of the input noise channel and the output
channel we wish to determine.
This function is represented by a matrix P and a vector q, such that
f(x) = 1/2(x*P*x)+q*x
where x is the vector we wish to minimize, where x represents
probabilities for the noise operators that construct the output channel
channel_matrices (list): A list of 4x4 symbolic matrices
const_channel_matrix (matrix): a 4x4 constant matrix
list: a list of the optimal probabilities for the channel matrices,
determined by the quadratic program solver
target_channel = SuperOp(Kraus(self.noise_kraus_operators))
target_channel_matrix = target_channel._data.T
const_matrix = const_channel_matrix - target_channel_matrix
P = self.compute_P(channel_matrices)
q = self.compute_q(channel_matrices, const_matrix)
return self.solve_quadratic_program(P, q)
[docs] def compute_P(self, As):
This method creates the matrix P in the
f(x) = 1/2(x*P*x)+q*x
representation of the objective function
As (list): list of symbolic matrices repersenting the channel matrices
matrix: The matrix P for the description of the quadaric program
from sympy import zeros
vs = [numpy.array(A).flatten() for A in As]
n = len(vs)
P = zeros(n, n)
for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)):
P[i, j] = 2 * numpy.real([i], numpy.conj(vs[j])))
return P
[docs] def compute_q(self, As, C):
This method creates the vector q for the
f(x) = 1/2(x*P*x)+q*x
representation of the objective function
As (list): list of symbolic matrices repersenting the quadratic program
C (matrix): matrix representing the the constant channel matrix
list: The vector q for the description of the quadaric program
from sympy import zeros
vs = [numpy.array(A).flatten() for A in As]
vC = numpy.array(C).flatten()
n = len(vs)
q = zeros(1, n)
for i in range(n):
q[i] = 2 * numpy.real(, vs[i]))
return q
[docs] def solve_quadratic_program(self, P, q):
Solve the quadratic program optimization problem.
This function solved the quadratic program to minimize the objective function
f(x) = 1/2(x*P*x)+q*x
subject to the additional constraints
Gx <= h
Where P, q are given and G,h are computed to ensure that x represents
a probability vector and subject to honesty constraints if required
P (matrix): A matrix representing the P component of the objective function
q (list): A vector representing the q component of the objective function
list: The solution of the quadratic program (represents probabilities)
Additional information:
This method is the only place in the code where we rely on the cvxpy library
should we consider another library, only this method needs to change.
import cvxpy
except ImportError:
logger.error("cvxpy module needs to be installed to use this feature.")
P = numpy.array(P).astype(float)
q = numpy.array(q).astype(float).T
n = len(q)
# G and h constrain:
# 1) sum of probs is less then 1
# 2) All probs bigger than 0
# 3) Honesty (measured using fidelity, if given)
G_data = [[1] * n] + [([-1 if i == k else 0 for i in range(n)])
for k in range(n)]
h_data = [1] + [0] * n
if self.fidelity_data is not None:
G = numpy.array(G_data).astype(float)
h = numpy.array(h_data).astype(float)
x = cvxpy.Variable(n)
prob = cvxpy.Problem(
cvxpy.Minimize((1 / 2) * cvxpy.quad_form(x, P) + q.T @ x),
[G @ x <= h])
return x.value