# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
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Readout error class for Qiskit Aer noise model.
import copy
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from qiskit.circuit import Instruction
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import ATOL_DEFAULT, RTOL_DEFAULT
from ..noiseerror import NoiseError
from .errorutils import qubits_from_mat
[docs]class ReadoutError:
Readout error class for Qiskit Aer noise model.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
_MAX_TOL = 1e-4
def __init__(self, probabilities, atol=ATOL_DEFAULT):
Create a readout error for a noise model.
For an N-qubit readout error probabilities are entered as vectors:
.. code-block:: python
probabilities[j] = [P(0|m), P(1|m), ..., P(2 ** N - 1|m)]
where ``P(j|m)`` is the probability of recording a measurement outcome
of ``m`` as the value ``j``. Where ``j`` and ``m`` are integer
representations of bit-strings.
**Example: 1-qubit**
.. code-block:: python
probabilities[0] = [P("0"|"0"), P("1"|"0")]
probabilities[1] = [P("0"|"1"), P("1"|"1")]
**Example: 2-qubit**
.. code-block:: python
probabilities[0] = [P("00"|"00"), P("01"|"00"), P("10"|"00"), P("11"|"00")]
probabilities[1] = [P("00"|"01"), P("01"|"01"), P("10"|"01"), P("11"|"01")]
probabilities[2] = [P("00"|"10"), P("01"|"10"), P("10"|"10"), P("11"|"10")]
probabilities[3] = [P("00"|"11"), P("01"|"11"), P("10"|"11"), P("11"|"11")]
probabilities (matrix): List of outcome assignment probabilities.
atol (double): Threshold for checking probabilities are normalized
(Default: 1e-8).
self._check_probabilities(probabilities, atol)
self._probabilities = np.array(probabilities, dtype=float)
self._number_of_qubits = qubits_from_mat(probabilities)
def __repr__(self):
"""Display ReadoutError."""
return "ReadoutError({})".format(self._probabilities)
def __str__(self):
"""Print error information."""
output = "ReadoutError on {} qubits.".format(self._number_of_qubits) + \
" Assignment probabilities:"
for j, vec in enumerate(self._probabilities):
output += "\n P(j|{0}) = {1}".format(j, vec)
return output
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Test if two ReadoutErrors are equal."""
if not isinstance(other, ReadoutError):
return False
if self.number_of_qubits != other.number_of_qubits:
return False
return np.allclose(self._probabilities, other._probabilities,
atol=self.atol, rtol=self.rtol)
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Make a copy of current ReadoutError."""
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
# The constructor of subclasses from raw data should be a copy
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def number_of_qubits(self):
"""Return the number of qubits for the error."""
return self._number_of_qubits
def probabilities(self):
"""Return the readout error probabilities matrix."""
return self._probabilities
def atol(self):
"""The default absolute tolerance parameter for float comparisons."""
return ReadoutError._ATOL_DEFAULT
def rtol(self):
"""The relative tolerance parameter for float comparisons."""
return ReadoutError._RTOL_DEFAULT
[docs] @classmethod
def set_atol(cls, value):
"""Set the class default absolute tolerance parameter for float comparisons."""
if value < 0:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid atol ({}) must be non-negative.".format(value))
if value > cls._MAX_TOL:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid atol ({}) must be less than {}.".format(
value, cls._MAX_TOL))
cls._ATOL_DEFAULT = value
[docs] @classmethod
def set_rtol(cls, value):
"""Set the class default relative tolerance parameter for float comparisons."""
if value < 0:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid rtol ({}) must be non-negative.".format(value))
if value > cls._MAX_TOL:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid rtol ({}) must be less than {}.".format(
value, cls._MAX_TOL))
cls._RTOL_DEFAULT = value
[docs] def ideal(self):
"""Return True if current error object is an identity"""
iden = np.eye(2**self.number_of_qubits)
delta = round(norm(np.array(self.probabilities) - iden), 12)
if delta == 0:
return True
return False
[docs] def to_instruction(self):
"""Convert the ReadoutError to a circuit Instruction."""
return Instruction("roerror", 0, self.number_of_qubits, self._probabilities)
[docs] def to_dict(self):
"""Return the current error as a dictionary."""
error = {
"type": "roerror",
"operations": ["measure"],
"probabilities": self._probabilities.tolist()
return error
[docs] def compose(self, other, front=False):
"""Return the composition readout error other * self.
Note that for `front=True` this is equivalent to the
:meth:`ReadoutError.dot` method.
other (ReadoutError): a readout error.
front (bool): If True return the reverse order composation
self * other instead [default: False].
ReadoutError: The composition readout error.
NoiseError: if other is not a ReadoutError or has incompatible
if front:
return self._matmul(other)
return self._matmul(other, left_multiply=True)
[docs] def dot(self, other):
"""Return the composition readout error self * other.
other (ReadoutError): a readout error.
ReadoutError: The composition readout error.
NoiseError: if other is not a ReadoutError or has incompatible
return self._matmul(other)
[docs] def power(self, n):
"""Return the compose of the readout error with itself n times.
n (int): the number of times to compose with self (n>0).
ReadoutError: the n-times composition channel.
NoiseError: if the power is not a positive integer.
if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1:
raise NoiseError("Can only power with positive integer powers.")
ret = self.copy()
for _ in range(1, n):
ret = ret.compose(self)
return ret
[docs] def tensor(self, other):
"""Return the tensor product readout error self ⊗ other.
other (ReadoutError): a readout error.
ReadoutError: the tensor product readout error self ⊗ other.
NoiseError: if other is not a ReadoutError.
return self._tensor_product(other, reverse=False)
[docs] def expand(self, other):
"""Return the tensor product readout error self ⊗ other.
other (ReadoutError): a readout error.
ReadoutError: the tensor product readout error other ⊗ self.
NoiseError: if other is not a ReadoutError.
return self._tensor_product(other, reverse=True)
def _check_probabilities(probabilities, threshold):
"""Check probabilities are valid."""
# probabilities parameter can be a list or a numpy.ndarray
if (isinstance(probabilities, list) and not probabilities) or \
(isinstance(probabilities, np.ndarray) and probabilities.size == 0):
raise NoiseError("Input probabilities: empty.")
num_outcomes = len(probabilities[0])
num_qubits = int(np.log2(num_outcomes))
if 2**num_qubits != num_outcomes:
raise NoiseError("Invalid probabilities: length "
"{} != 2**{}".format(num_outcomes, num_qubits))
if len(probabilities) != num_outcomes:
raise NoiseError("Invalid probabilities.")
for vec in probabilities:
arr = np.array(vec)
if len(arr) != num_outcomes:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid probabilities: vectors are different lengths.")
if abs(sum(arr) - 1) > threshold:
raise NoiseError("Invalid probabilities: sum({})= {} "
"is not 1.".format(vec, sum(arr)))
if arr[arr < 0].size > 0:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid probabilities: {} "
"contains a negative probability.".format(vec))
def _matmul(self, other, left_multiply=False):
"""Return the composition readout error.
other (ReadoutError): a readout error.
left_multiply (bool): If True return other * self
If False return self * other [Default:False]
ReadoutError: The composition readout error.
NoiseError: if other is not a ReadoutError or has incompatible
if not isinstance(other, ReadoutError):
other = ReadoutError(other)
if self.number_of_qubits != other.number_of_qubits:
raise NoiseError("other must have same number of qubits.")
if left_multiply:
probs = np.dot(other._probabilities, self._probabilities)
probs = np.dot(self._probabilities, other._probabilities)
return ReadoutError(probs)
def _tensor_product(self, other, reverse=False):
"""Return the tensor product readout error.
other (ReadoutError): a readout error.
reverse (bool): If False return self ⊗ other, if True return
if True return (other ⊗ self) [Default: False
ReadoutError: the tensor product readout error.
if not isinstance(other, ReadoutError):
other = ReadoutError(other)
if reverse:
probs = np.kron(other._probabilities, self._probabilities)
probs = np.kron(self._probabilities, other._probabilities)
return ReadoutError(probs)
# Overloads
def __matmul__(self, other):
return self.compose(other)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other):
return self.dot(other)
def __pow__(self, n):
return self.power(n)
def __xor__(self, other):
return self.tensor(other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError(
"'ReadoutError' does not support scalar multiplication.")
def __truediv__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError("'ReadoutError' does not support division.")
def __add__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError("'ReadoutError' does not support addition.")
def __sub__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError(
"'ReadoutError' does not support subtraction.")
def __neg__(self):
raise NotImplementedError("'ReadoutError' does not support negation.")