# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
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Quantum error class for Qiskit Aer noise model
import logging
import copy
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.base_operator import BaseOperator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Kraus, SuperOp, Choi, Operator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import ATOL_DEFAULT, RTOL_DEFAULT
from ..noiseerror import NoiseError
from .errorutils import kraus2instructions
from .errorutils import circuit2superop
from .errorutils import standard_instruction_channel
from .errorutils import standard_instruction_operator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class QuantumError:
Quantum error class for Qiskit Aer noise model
WARNING: The init interface for this class is not finalized and may
change in future releases. For maximum backwards compatibility
use the QuantumError generating functions in the `noise.errors`
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
_MAX_TOL = 1e-4
def __init__(self,
Create a quantum error for a noise model.
Noise ops may either be specified as list of Kraus operators
for a general CPTP map, or as a list of ``(circuit, p)`` pairs
where ``circuit`` is a qobj circuit for the noise, and ``p`` is
the probability of the error circuit. If the input is Kraus
operators they will be converted to the circuit format, with
checks applied for determining if any Kraus operators are
unitary matrices.
An example noise_ops for a bit-flip error with error probability
``p = 0.1`` is:
.. code-block:: python
noise_ops = [([{"name": "id", "qubits": 0}], 0.9),
([{"name": "x", "qubits": 0}], 0.1)]
The same error represented as a Kraus channel can be input as:
.. code-block:: python
noise_ops = [np.sqrt(0.9) * np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]),
np.sqrt(0.1) * np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])]
noise_ops (list): A list of noise ops. See additional information.
number_of_qubits (int): specify the number of qubits for the
error. If None this will be determined
automatically (default None).
standard_gates (bool): Check if input matrices are standard gates.
atol (double): Threshold for testing if probabilities are
equal to 0 or 1 (Default: 1e-8).
NoiseError: If input noise_ops are not a CPTP map.
# Shallow copy constructor
if isinstance(noise_ops, QuantumError):
self._number_of_qubits = noise_ops._number_of_qubits
self._noise_circuits = noise_ops._noise_circuits
self._noise_probabilities = noise_ops._noise_probabilities
# Initialize internal variables
self._number_of_qubits = None
self._noise_circuits = []
self._noise_probabilities = []
# Convert operator subclasses into Kraus list
if issubclass(noise_ops.__class__, BaseOperator) or hasattr(
noise_ops, 'to_quantumchannel') or hasattr(
noise_ops, 'to_operator'):
noise_ops, other = Kraus(noise_ops)._data
if other is not None:
# A Kraus map with different left and right Kraus matrices
# cannot be CPTP
raise NoiseError("Input quantum channel is not CPTP.")
# Convert iterable input into list
noise_ops = list(noise_ops)
# Check if Kraus
if isinstance(noise_ops[0], np.ndarray):
noise_ops = kraus2instructions(
noise_ops, standard_gates, atol=atol)
minimum_qubits = 0
# Add non-zero probability error circuits to the error
for circuit, prob in noise_ops:
if prob > 0.0:
# Determinine minimum qubit number for error from circuits
for gate in circuit:
gate_qubits = max(gate["qubits"]) + 1
minimum_qubits = max([minimum_qubits, gate_qubits])
# Set number of qubits
if number_of_qubits is None:
self._number_of_qubits = minimum_qubits
self._number_of_qubits = number_of_qubits
# Combine any kraus circuits
noise_ops = self._combine_kraus(noise_ops, self.number_of_qubits)
# Error checking
if minimum_qubits > self._number_of_qubits:
raise NoiseError("Input errors require {} qubits, "
"but number_of_qubits is {}".format(
minimum_qubits, number_of_qubits))
if len(self._noise_circuits) != len(self._noise_probabilities):
raise NoiseError(
"Number of error circuits does not match length of probabilities"
total_probs = np.sum(self._noise_probabilities)
if abs(total_probs - 1) > atol:
raise NoiseError(
"Probabilities are not normalized: {} != 1".format(
if [p for p in self._noise_probabilities if (isinstance(p, complex) or (p < 0))]:
raise NoiseError("Probabilities are invalid.")
# Rescale probabilities if their sum is ok to avoid
# accumulation of rounding errors
self._noise_probabilities = list(np.array(self._noise_probabilities) / total_probs)
def __repr__(self):
"""Display QuantumError."""
return "QuantumError({})".format(
list(zip(self.circuits, self.probabilities)))
def __str__(self):
"""Print error information."""
output = "QuantumError on {} qubits. Noise circuits:".format(
for j, pair in enumerate(zip(self.probabilities, self.circuits)):
output += "\n P({0}) = {1}, QasmQobjInstructions = [{2}".format(
j, pair[0], pair[1])
return output
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Test if two QuantumErrors are equal as SuperOps"""
if not isinstance(other, QuantumError):
return False
return self.to_quantumchannel() == other.to_quantumchannel()
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Make a copy of current QuantumError."""
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
# The constructor of subclasses from raw data should be a copy
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def atol(self):
"""The default absolute tolerance parameter for float comparisons."""
return QuantumError._ATOL_DEFAULT
def rtol(self):
"""The relative tolerance parameter for float comparisons."""
return QuantumError._RTOL_DEFAULT
[docs] @classmethod
def set_atol(cls, value):
"""Set the class default absolute tolerance parameter for float comparisons."""
if value < 0:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid atol ({}) must be non-negative.".format(value))
if value > cls._MAX_TOL:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid atol ({}) must be less than {}.".format(
value, cls._MAX_TOL))
cls._ATOL_DEFAULT = value
[docs] @classmethod
def set_rtol(cls, value):
"""Set the class default relative tolerance parameter for float comparisons."""
if value < 0:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid rtol ({}) must be non-negative.".format(value))
if value > cls._MAX_TOL:
raise NoiseError(
"Invalid rtol ({}) must be less than {}.".format(
value, cls._MAX_TOL))
cls._RTOL_DEFAULT = value
def size(self):
"""Return the number of error circuit."""
return len(self._noise_circuits)
def number_of_qubits(self):
"""Return the number of qubits for the error."""
return self._number_of_qubits
def circuits(self):
"""Return the list of error circuits."""
return self._noise_circuits
def probabilities(self):
"""Return the list of error probabilities."""
return self._noise_probabilities
[docs] def ideal(self):
"""Return True if current error object is an identity"""
instructions, probability = self.error_term(0)
if probability == 1 and instructions == [{
"name": "id",
"qubits": [0]
logger.debug("Error object is ideal")
return True
return False
[docs] def to_quantumchannel(self):
"""Convert the QuantumError to a SuperOp quantum channel."""
# Initialize as an empty superoperator of the correct size
dim = 2**self.number_of_qubits
channel = SuperOp(np.zeros([dim * dim, dim * dim]))
for circuit, prob in zip(self._noise_circuits,
component = prob * circuit2superop(circuit, self.number_of_qubits)
channel = channel + component
return channel
[docs] def to_instruction(self):
"""Convert the QuantumError to a circuit Instruction."""
return self.to_quantumchannel().to_instruction()
[docs] def error_term(self, position):
Return a single term from the error.
position (int): the position of the error term.
tuple: A pair `(p, circuit)` for error term at `position` < size
where `p` is the probability of the error term, and `circuit`
is the list of qobj instructions for the error term.
NoiseError: If the position is greater than the size of
the quantum error.
if position < self.size:
return self.circuits[position], self.probabilities[position]
raise NoiseError("Position {} is greater than the number".format(
position) + "of error outcomes {}".format(self.size))
[docs] def to_dict(self):
"""Return the current error as a dictionary."""
error = {
"type": "qerror",
"operations": [],
"instructions": list(self._noise_circuits),
"probabilities": list(self._noise_probabilities)
return error
[docs] def compose(self, other, front=False):
"""Return the composition error channel other * self.
Note that for `front=True` this is equivalent to the
:meth:`QuantumError.dot` method.
other (QuantumError): a quantum error channel.
front (bool): If True return the reverse order composation
self * other instead [default: False].
QuantumError: The composition error channel.
NoiseError: if other cannot be converted into a QuantumError,
or has incompatible dimensions.
if front:
return self._matmul(other, left_multiply=False)
return self._matmul(other, left_multiply=True)
[docs] def dot(self, other):
"""Return the composition error channel self * other.
other (QuantumError): a quantum error channel.
QuantumError: The composition error channel.
NoiseError: if other cannot be converted into a QuantumError,
or has incompatible dimensions.
return self._matmul(other, left_multiply=False)
[docs] def power(self, n):
"""Return the compose of a error channel with itself n times.
n (int): the number of times to compose with self (n>0).
QuantumError: the n-times composition error channel.
NoiseError: if the power is not a positive integer.
if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1:
raise NoiseError("Can only power with positive integer powers.")
ret = self.copy()
for _ in range(1, n):
ret = ret.compose(self)
return ret
[docs] def tensor(self, other):
"""Return the tensor product quantum error channel self ⊗ other.
other (QuantumError): a quantum error channel.
QuantumError: the tensor product error channel self ⊗ other.
NoiseError: if other cannot be converted to a QuantumError.
return self._tensor_product(other, reverse=False)
[docs] def expand(self, other):
"""Return the tensor product quantum error channel self ⊗ other.
other (QuantumError): a quantum error channel.
QuantumError: the tensor product error channel other ⊗ self.
NoiseError: if other cannot be converted to a QuantumError.
return self._tensor_product(other, reverse=True)
def _matmul(self, other, left_multiply=False):
"""Return the composition quantum error.
other (QuantumError): a quantum error.
left_multiply (bool): If True return other * self
If False return self * other [Default:False]
QuantumError: The composition quantum error.
NoiseError: if other cannot be converted into a QuantumError,
or has incompatible dimensions.
# Convert other into a quantum error
if not isinstance(other, QuantumError):
other = QuantumError(other)
# Error checking
if self.number_of_qubits != other.number_of_qubits:
raise NoiseError(
"QuantumErrors are not defined on same number of qubits.")
combined_noise_circuits = []
combined_noise_probabilities = []
# Combine subcircuits and probabilities
if left_multiply:
noise_ops0 = list(
zip(self._noise_circuits, self._noise_probabilities))
noise_ops1 = list(
zip(other._noise_circuits, other._noise_probabilities))
noise_ops0 = list(
zip(other._noise_circuits, other._noise_probabilities))
noise_ops1 = list(
zip(self._noise_circuits, self._noise_probabilities))
# Combine subcircuits and probabilities
for circuit0, prob0 in noise_ops0:
for circuit1, prob1 in noise_ops1:
combined_noise_probabilities.append(prob0 * prob1)
tmp_combined = circuit0 + circuit1
# Fuse compatible ops to reduce noise operations:
combined_circuit = [tmp_combined[0]]
for instr in tmp_combined[1:]:
last_instr = combined_circuit[-1]
last_name = last_instr['name']
name = instr['name']
can_combine = (last_name in ['id', 'kraus', 'unitary'] or
name in ['id', 'kraus', 'unitary'])
if (can_combine and self._check_instr(last_name) and
combined_circuit[-1] = self._compose_instr(
last_instr, instr, self.number_of_qubits)
# If they cannot be combined append the operation
# Check if circuit is empty and add identity
if not combined_circuit:
combined_circuit.append({'name': 'id', 'qubits': [0]})
# Add circuit
noise_ops = self._combine_kraus(
zip(combined_noise_circuits, combined_noise_probabilities),
return QuantumError(noise_ops)
def _tensor_product(self, other, reverse=False):
"""Return the tensor product error channel.
other (QuantumError): a quantum channel subclass
reverse (bool): If False return self ⊗ other, if True return
if True return (other ⊗ self) [Default: False
QuantumError: the tensor product error channel.
NoiseError: if other cannot be converted to a QuantumError.
# Convert other into a quantum error
if not isinstance(other, QuantumError):
other = QuantumError(other)
combined_noise_circuits = []
combined_noise_probabilities = []
# Combine subcircuits and probabilities
if reverse:
shift_qubits = self.number_of_qubits
noise_ops0 = list(
zip(self._noise_circuits, self._noise_probabilities))
noise_ops1 = list(
zip(other._noise_circuits, other._noise_probabilities))
shift_qubits = other.number_of_qubits
noise_ops0 = list(
zip(other._noise_circuits, other._noise_probabilities))
noise_ops1 = list(
zip(self._noise_circuits, self._noise_probabilities))
for circuit1, prob1 in noise_ops1:
for circuit0, prob0 in noise_ops0:
combined_noise_probabilities.append(prob0 * prob1)
# Shift qubits in circuit1
circuit1_shift = []
for instr in circuit1:
tmp = instr.copy()
tmp['qubits'] = [q + shift_qubits for q in tmp['qubits']]
tmp_combined = circuit0 + circuit1_shift
# Fuse compatible ops to reduce noise operations:
combined_circuit = [tmp_combined[0]]
for instr in tmp_combined[1:]:
# Check if instructions can be combined
last_instr = combined_circuit[-1]
last_name = last_instr['name']
name = instr['name']
can_combine = (last_name in ['id', 'kraus', 'unitary'] or
name in ['id', 'kraus', 'unitary'])
if (can_combine and self._check_instr(last_name) and
combined_circuit[-1] = self._tensor_instr(
last_instr, instr)
# If they cannot be combined append the operation
# Check if circuit is empty and add identity
if not combined_circuit:
combined_circuit.append({'name': 'id', 'qubits': [0]})
# Add circuit
# Now we combine any error circuits containing only Kraus operations
noise_ops = self._combine_kraus(
zip(combined_noise_circuits, combined_noise_probabilities),
self.number_of_qubits + other.number_of_qubits)
return QuantumError(noise_ops)
def _combine_kraus(noise_ops, num_qubits):
"""Combine any noise circuits containing only Kraus instructions."""
kraus_instr = []
kraus_probs = []
new_circuits = []
new_probs = []
# Partion circuits into Kraus and non-Kraus
for circuit, prob in noise_ops:
if len(circuit) == 1 and circuit[0]['name'] == 'kraus':
# Combine matching Kraus instructions via Choi rep
if len(kraus_probs) == 1:
elif len(kraus_probs) > 1:
dim = 2 ** num_qubits
iden = SuperOp(np.eye(dim ** 2))
choi_sum = Choi(np.zeros((dim ** 2, dim ** 2)))
for prob, instr in zip(kraus_probs, kraus_instr):
choi_sum = choi_sum + prob * iden.compose(Kraus(instr['params']),
# Renormalize the Choi operator to find probability
# of Kraus error
chan_prob = abs(np.trace(choi_sum.data) / dim)
chan_instr = {
"name": "kraus",
"qubits": list(range(num_qubits)),
"params": Kraus(choi_sum / chan_prob).data
return list(zip(new_circuits, new_probs))
def _check_instr(name):
"""Check if instruction name can be converted to standard operator"""
return name in [
'kraus', 'unitary', 'reset', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'id', 'x', 'y', 'z',
'h', 's', 'sdg', 't', 'tdg', 'cx', 'cz', 'swap', 'ccx'
def _instr2op(instr):
"""Try and convert an instruction into an operator"""
# Try and convert to operator first
operator = standard_instruction_operator(instr)
if operator is not None:
return operator
# Otherwise return SuperOp or None
return standard_instruction_channel(instr)
def _tensor_instr(instr0, instr1):
"""Tensor of two operator qobj instructions."""
# If one of the instructions is an identity we only need
# to return the other instruction
if instr0['name'] == 'id':
return instr1
if instr1['name'] == 'id':
return instr0
# Combine qubits
qubits = instr0['qubits'] + instr1['qubits']
# Convert to ops
op0 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr0)
op1 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr1)
# Check if at least one of the instructions is a channel
# and if so convert to Kraus representation.
if isinstance(op0, SuperOp) or isinstance(op1, SuperOp):
name = 'kraus'
params = Kraus(SuperOp(op0).expand(op1)).data
name = 'unitary'
params = [op0.expand(op1).data]
return {'name': name, 'qubits': qubits, 'params': params}
def _compose_instr(instr0, instr1, num_qubits):
"""Helper function for compose a kraus with another instruction."""
# If one of the instructions is an identity we only need
# to return the other instruction
if instr0['name'] == 'id':
return instr1
if instr1['name'] == 'id':
return instr0
# Convert to ops
op0 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr0)
op1 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr1)
# Check if at least one of the instructions is a channel
# and if so convert both to SuperOp representation
if isinstance(op0,
(SuperOp, Kraus)) or isinstance(op1, (SuperOp, Kraus)):
name = 'kraus'
op0 = SuperOp(op0)
op1 = SuperOp(op1)
name = 'unitary'
# Check qubits for compositions
qubits0 = instr0['qubits']
qubits1 = instr1['qubits']
if qubits0 == qubits1:
composed = op0.compose(op1)
qubits = qubits0
# If qubits don't match we compose with total number of qubits
# for the error
if name == 'kraus':
composed = SuperOp(np.eye(4 ** num_qubits))
composed = Operator(np.eye(2 ** num_qubits))
composed = composed.compose(op0, qargs=qubits0).compose(op1, qargs=qubits1)
qubits = list(range(num_qubits))
# Get instruction params
if name == 'kraus':
params = Kraus(composed).data
params = [composed.data]
return {'name': name, 'qubits': qubits, 'params': params}
# Overloads
def __matmul__(self, other):
return self.compose(other)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other):
return self.dot(other)
def __pow__(self, n):
return self.power(n)
def __xor__(self, other):
return self.tensor(other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError(
"'QuantumError' does not support scalar multiplication.")
def __truediv__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError("'QuantumError' does not support division.")
def __add__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError("'QuantumError' does not support addition.")
def __sub__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError(
"'QuantumError' does not support subtraction.")
def __neg__(self):
raise NotImplementedError("'QuantumError' does not support negation.")