# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
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Functions to extract device error parameters from backend properties.
from numpy import inf
# Time and frequency unit conversions
_NANOSECOND_UNITS = {'s': 1e9, 'ms': 1e6, 'µs': 1e3, 'us': 1e3, 'ns': 1}
_GHZ_UNITS = {'Hz': 1e-9, 'KHz': 1e-6, 'MHz': 1e-3, 'GHz': 1, 'THz': 1e3}
[docs]def gate_param_values(properties):
Return parameter error values from a devices BackendProperties.
properties (BackendProperties): device backend properties
list: A list of tuples ``(name, qubits, time, error)``. If gate
error or gate_length information is not available ``None``
will be returned for value.
values = []
for gate in properties.gates:
name = gate.gate
qubits = gate.qubits
# Check for gate time information
gate_length = None # default value
time_param = _check_for_item(gate.parameters, 'gate_length')
if hasattr(time_param, 'value'):
gate_length = time_param.value
if hasattr(time_param, 'unit'):
# Convert gate time to ns
gate_length *= _NANOSECOND_UNITS.get(time_param.unit, 1)
# Check for gate error information
gate_error = None # default value
error_param = _check_for_item(gate.parameters, 'gate_error')
if hasattr(error_param, 'value'):
gate_error = error_param.value
values.append((name, qubits, gate_length, gate_error))
return values
[docs]def gate_error_values(properties):
Return gate error values from a devices BackendProperties.
properties (BackendProperties): device backend properties
list: A list of tuples ``(name, qubits, value)``. If gate
error information is not available ``None`` will be returned
for value.
values = []
for gate in properties.gates:
name = gate.gate
qubits = gate.qubits
value = None # default value
params = _check_for_item(gate.parameters, 'gate_error')
if hasattr(params, 'value'):
value = params.value
values.append((name, qubits, value))
return values
[docs]def gate_length_values(properties):
Return gate length values from a devices BackendProperties.
properties (BackendProperties): device backend properties
list: A list of tuples ``(name, qubits, value)``. If gate length
information is not available ``None`` will be returned for value.
Additional Information:
Gate length values are returned in nanosecond (ns) units.
values = []
for gate in properties.gates:
name = gate.gate
qubits = gate.qubits
value = None # default value
params = _check_for_item(gate.parameters, 'gate_length')
if hasattr(params, 'value'):
value = params.value
if hasattr(params, 'unit'):
# Convert gate time to ns
value *= _NANOSECOND_UNITS.get(params.unit, 1)
values.append((name, qubits, value))
return values
[docs]def readout_error_values(properties):
Return readout error values from a devices BackendProperties.
properties (BackendProperties): device backend properties
list: A list of readout error values for qubits. If readout
error information is not available None will be returned
for value.
values = []
for qubit_props in properties.qubits:
value = None # default value
params_roerror = _check_for_item(qubit_props, 'readout_error')
params_m1p0 = _check_for_item(qubit_props, 'prob_meas1_prep0')
params_m0p1 = _check_for_item(qubit_props, 'prob_meas0_prep1')
if hasattr(params_m1p0, 'value') and hasattr(params_m0p1, 'value'):
value = [params_m1p0.value, params_m0p1.value]
elif hasattr(params_roerror, 'value'):
value = [params_roerror.value, params_roerror.value]
return values
[docs]def thermal_relaxation_values(properties):
Return T1, T2 and frequency values from a devices BackendProperties.
properties (BackendProperties): device backend properties
list: A list of tuples ``(T1, T2, freq)`` for each qubit in the device.
If :math:`T_1`, :math:`T_2`, or frequency cannot be found for qubit a
value of ``Numpy.inf`` will be used.
Additional Information:
:math:`T_1` and :math:`T_2` values are returned in microsecond
(µs) units. Frequency is returned in gigahertz (GHz) units.
values = []
for qubit_props in properties.qubits:
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# Default values
t1, t2, freq = inf, inf, inf
# Get the readout error value
t1_params = _check_for_item(qubit_props, 'T1')
t2_params = _check_for_item(qubit_props, 'T2')
freq_params = _check_for_item(qubit_props, 'frequency')
# Load values from parameters
if hasattr(t1_params, 'value'):
t1 = t1_params.value
if hasattr(t1_params, 'unit'):
# Convert to nanoseconds
t1 *= _NANOSECOND_UNITS.get(t1_params.unit, 1)
if hasattr(t2_params, 'value'):
t2 = t2_params.value
if hasattr(t2_params, 'unit'):
# Convert to nanoseconds
t2 *= _NANOSECOND_UNITS.get(t2_params.unit, 1)
if hasattr(t2_params, 'value'):
freq = freq_params.value
if hasattr(freq_params, 'unit'):
# Convert to Gigahertz
freq *= _GHZ_UNITS.get(freq_params.unit, 1)
# NOTE: T2 cannot be larger than 2 * T1 for a physical noise
# channel, however if a backend erroneously reports such a value we
# truncated it here:
t2 = min(2 * t1, t2)
values.append((t1, t2, freq))
return values
def _check_for_item(lst, name):
"""Search list for item with given name."""
filtered = [item for item in lst if item.name == name]
if not filtered:
return None
return filtered[0]