# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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Qiskit Aer qasm simulator backend.
import logging
from math import log2
from qiskit.util import local_hardware_info
from qiskit.providers.models import QasmBackendConfiguration
from .aerbackend import AerBackend
# pylint: disable=import-error
from .controller_wrappers import qasm_controller_execute
from ..version import __version__
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class QasmSimulator(AerBackend):
Noisy quantum circuit simulator backend.
The `QasmSimulator` supports multiple simulation methods and
configurable options for each simulation method. These options are
specified in a dictionary which may be passed to the simulator using
the ``backend_options`` kwarg for :meth:`QasmSimulator.run` or
The default behavior chooses a simulation method automatically based on
the input circuit and noise model. A custom method can be specified using the
``"method"`` field in ``backend_options`` as illustrated in the following
example. Available simulation methods and additional backend options are
listed below.
.. code-block:: python
backend = QasmSimulator()
backend_options = {"method": "statevector"}
# Circuit execution
job = execute(circuits, backend, backend_options=backend_options)
# Qobj execution
job = backend.run(qobj, backend_options=backend_options)
**Simulation method**
Available simulation methods are:
* ``"statevector"``: A dense statevector simulation that can sample
measurement outcomes from *ideal* circuits with all measurements at
end of the circuit. For noisy simulations each shot samples a
randomly sampled noisy circuit from the noise model.
``"statevector_cpu"`` is an alias of ``"statevector"``.
* ``"statevector_gpu"``: A dense statevector simulation that provides
the same functionalities with ``"statevector"``. GPU performs the computation
to calculate probability amplitudes as CPU does. If no GPU is available,
a runtime error is raised.
* ``"density_matrix"``: A dense density matrix simulation that may
sample measurement outcomes from *noisy* circuits with all
measurements at end of the circuit. It can only simulate half the
number of qubits as the statevector method.
* ``"density_matrix_gpu"``: A dense density matrix simulation that provides
the same functionalities with ``"density_matrix"``. GPU performs the computation
to calculate probability amplitudes as CPU does. If no GPU is available,
a runtime error is raised.
* ``"stabilizer"``: An efficient Clifford stabilizer state simulator
that can simulate noisy Clifford circuits if all errors in the noise model are also
Clifford errors.
* ``"extended_stabilizer"``: An approximate simulated based on a
ranked-stabilizer decomposition that decomposes circuits into stabilizer
state terms. The number of terms grows with the number of
non-Clifford gates.
* ``"matrix_product_state"``: A tensor-network statevector simulator that
uses a Matrix Product State (MPS) representation for the state.
* ``"automatic"``: The default behavior where the method is chosen
automatically for each circuit based on the circuit instructions,
number of qubits, and noise model.
**Backend options**
The following backend options may be used with in the
``backend_options`` kwarg for :meth:`QasmSimulator.run` or
* ``"method"`` (str): Set the simulation method. See backend methods
for additional information (Default: "automatic").
* ``"precision"`` (str): Set the floating point precision for
certain simulation methods to either "single" or "double"
precision (default: "double").
* ``"zero_threshold"`` (double): Sets the threshold for truncating
small values to zero in the result data (Default: 1e-10).
* ``"validation_threshold"`` (double): Sets the threshold for checking
if initial states are valid (Default: 1e-8).
* ``"max_parallel_threads"`` (int): Sets the maximum number of CPU
cores used by OpenMP for parallelization. If set to 0 the
maximum will be set to the number of CPU cores (Default: 0).
* ``"max_parallel_experiments"`` (int): Sets the maximum number of
qobj experiments that may be executed in parallel up to the
max_parallel_threads value. If set to 1 parallel circuit
execution will be disabled. If set to 0 the maximum will be
automatically set to max_parallel_threads (Default: 1).
* ``"max_parallel_shots"`` (int): Sets the maximum number of
shots that may be executed in parallel during each experiment
execution, up to the max_parallel_threads value. If set to 1
parallel shot execution will be disabled. If set to 0 the
maximum will be automatically set to max_parallel_threads.
Note that this cannot be enabled at the same time as parallel
experiment execution (Default: 0).
* ``"max_memory_mb"`` (int): Sets the maximum size of memory
to store a state vector. If a state vector needs more, an error
is thrown. In general, a state vector of n-qubits uses 2^n complex
values (16 Bytes). If set to 0, the maximum will be automatically
set to half the system memory size (Default: 0).
* ``"optimize_ideal_threshold"`` (int): Sets the qubit threshold for
applying circuit optimization passes on ideal circuits.
Passes include gate fusion and truncation of unused qubits
(Default: 5).
* ``"optimize_noise_threshold"`` (int): Sets the qubit threshold for
applying circuit optimization passes on ideal circuits.
Passes include gate fusion and truncation of unused qubits
(Default: 12).
These backend options only apply when using the ``"statevector"``
simulation method:
* ``"statevector_parallel_threshold"`` (int): Sets the threshold that
the number of qubits must be greater than to enable OpenMP
parallelization for matrix multiplication during execution of
an experiment. If parallel circuit or shot execution is enabled
this will only use unallocated CPU cores up to
max_parallel_threads. Note that setting this too low can reduce
performance (Default: 14).
* ``"statevector_sample_measure_opt"`` (int): Sets the threshold that
the number of qubits must be greater than to enable a large
qubit optimized implementation of measurement sampling. Note
that setting this two low can reduce performance (Default: 10)
These backend options only apply when using the ``"stabilizer"``
simulation method:
* ``"stabilizer_max_snapshot_probabilities"`` (int): set the maximum
qubit number for the
instruction (Default: 32).
These backend options only apply when using the ``"extended_stabilizer"``
simulation method:
* ``"extended_stabilizer_measure_sampling"`` (bool): Enable measure
sampling optimization on supported circuits. This prevents the
simulator from re-running the measure monte-carlo step for each
shot. Enabling measure sampling may reduce accuracy of the
measurement counts if the output distribution is strongly
peaked (Default: False).
* ``"extended_stabilizer_mixing_time"`` (int): Set how long the
monte-carlo method runs before performing measurements. If the
output distribution is strongly peaked, this can be decreased
alongside setting extended_stabilizer_disable_measurement_opt
to True (Default: 5000).
* ``"extended_stabilizer_approximation_error"`` (double): Set the error
in the approximation for the extended_stabilizer method. A
smaller error needs more memory and computational time
(Default: 0.05).
* ``"extended_stabilizer_norm_estimation_samples"`` (int): Number of
samples used to compute the correct normalization for a
statevector snapshot (Default: 100).
* ``"extended_stabilizer_parallel_threshold"`` (int): Set the minimum
size of the extended stabilizer decomposition before we enable
OpenMP parallelization. If parallel circuit or shot execution
is enabled this will only use unallocated CPU cores up to
max_parallel_threads (Default: 100).
These backend options apply in circuit optimization passes:
* ``"fusion_enable"`` (bool): Enable fusion optimization in circuit
optimization passes [Default: True]
* ``"fusion_verbose"`` (bool): Output gates generated in fusion optimization
into metadata [Default: False]
* ``"fusion_max_qubit"`` (int): Maximum number of qubits for a operation generated
in a fusion optimization [Default: 5]
* ``"fusion_threshold"`` (int): Threshold that number of qubits must be greater
than or equal to enable fusion optimization [Default: 20]
log2(local_hardware_info()['memory'] * (1024**3) / 16))
'backend_name': 'qasm_simulator',
'backend_version': __version__,
'n_qubits': MAX_QUBIT_MEMORY,
'url': 'https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer',
'simulator': True,
'local': True,
'conditional': True,
'open_pulse': False,
'memory': True,
'max_shots': int(1e6),
'description': 'A C++ simulator with realistic noise for QASM Qobj files',
'coupling_map': None,
'basis_gates': [
'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'cx', 'cz', 'id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'h', 's', 'sdg',
't', 'tdg', 'swap', 'ccx', 'unitary', 'diagonal', 'initialize',
'cu1', 'cu2', 'cu3', 'cswap', 'mcx', 'mcy', 'mcz',
'mcu1', 'mcu2', 'mcu3', 'mcswap', 'multiplexer', 'kraus', 'roerror'
'gates': [{
'name': 'u1',
'parameters': ['lam'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit gate [[1, 0], [0, exp(1j*lam)]]',
'qasm_def': 'gate u1(lam) q { U(0,0,lam) q; }'
}, {
'name': 'u2',
'parameters': ['phi', 'lam'],
'conditional': True,
'Single-qubit gate [[1, -exp(1j*lam)], [exp(1j*phi), exp(1j*(phi+lam))]]/sqrt(2)',
'qasm_def': 'gate u2(phi,lam) q { U(pi/2,phi,lam) q; }'
}, {
'parameters': ['theta', 'phi', 'lam'],
'Single-qubit gate with three rotation angles',
'gate u3(theta,phi,lam) q { U(theta,phi,lam) q; }'
}, {
'name': 'cx',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Two-qubit Controlled-NOT gate',
'qasm_def': 'gate cx c,t { CX c,t; }'
}, {
'name': 'cz',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Two-qubit Controlled-Z gate',
'qasm_def': 'gate cz a,b { h b; cx a,b; h b; }'
}, {
'name': 'id',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit identity gate',
'qasm_def': 'gate id a { U(0,0,0) a; }'
}, {
'name': 'x',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit Pauli-X gate',
'qasm_def': 'gate x a { U(pi,0,pi) a; }'
}, {
'name': 'y',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit Pauli-Y gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'z',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit Pauli-Z gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'h',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit Hadamard gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 's',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit phase gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'sdg',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit adjoint phase gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 't',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit T gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'tdg',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Single-qubit adjoint T gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'swap',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Two-qubit SWAP gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'ccx',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Three-qubit Toffoli gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'cswap',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Three-qubit Fredkin (controlled-SWAP) gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'unitary',
'parameters': ['matrix'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit unitary gate. '
'The parameter is the N-qubit matrix to apply.',
'qasm_def': 'unitary(matrix) q1, q2,...'
}, {
'name': 'diagonal',
'parameters': ['diag_elements'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit diagonal unitary gate. The parameters are the'
' diagonal entries of the N-qubit matrix to apply.',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'initialize',
'parameters': ['vector'],
'conditional': False,
'description': 'N-qubit state initialize. '
'Resets qubits then sets statevector to the parameter vector.',
'qasm_def': 'initialize(vector) q1, q2,...'
}, {
'name': 'cu1',
'parameters': ['lam'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Two-qubit Controlled-u1 gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'cu2',
'parameters': ['phi', 'lam'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Two-qubit Controlled-u2 gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'cu3',
'parameters': ['theta', 'phi', 'lam'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'Two-qubit Controlled-u3 gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'mcx',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit multi-controlled-X gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'mcy',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit multi-controlled-Y gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'mcz',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit multi-controlled-Z gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'mcu1',
'parameters': ['lam'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit multi-controlled-u1 gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'mcu2',
'parameters': ['phi', 'lam'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit multi-controlled-u2 gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'mcu3',
'parameters': ['theta', 'phi', 'lam'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit multi-controlled-u3 gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'mcswap',
'parameters': [],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit multi-controlled-SWAP gate',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'multiplexer',
'parameters': ['mat1', 'mat2', '...'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit multi-plexer gate. '
'The input parameters are the gates for each value.',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'kraus',
'parameters': ['mat1', 'mat2', '...'],
'conditional': True,
'description': 'N-qubit Kraus error instruction. '
'The input parameters are the Kraus matrices.',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
}, {
'name': 'roerror',
'parameters': ['matrix'],
'conditional': False,
'description': 'N-bit classical readout error instruction. '
'The input parameter is the readout error probability matrix.',
'qasm_def': 'TODO'
def __init__(self, configuration=None, provider=None):
def _validate(self, qobj, backend_options, noise_model):
"""Semantic validations of the qobj which cannot be done via schemas.
Warn if no measurements in circuit with classical registers.
for experiment in qobj.experiments:
# If circuit contains classical registers but not
# measurements raise a warning
if experiment.config.memory_slots > 0:
# Check if measure opts missing
no_measure = True
for op in experiment.instructions:
if not no_measure:
break # we don't need to check any more ops
if no_measure and op.name == "measure":
no_measure = False
# Print warning if clbits but no measure
if no_measure:
'No measurements in circuit "%s": '
'count data will return all zeros.',