# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""The inequality to equality converter."""
import copy
import math
from typing import List, Optional
import logging
from ..algorithms.optimization_algorithm import OptimizationResult
from ..problems.quadratic_program import QuadraticProgram
from ..problems.quadratic_objective import QuadraticObjective
from ..problems.constraint import Constraint
from ..problems.variable import Variable
from ..exceptions import QiskitOptimizationError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class InequalityToEquality:
"""Convert inequality constraints into equality constraints by introducing slack variables.
>>> from qiskit.optimization.problems import QuadraticProgram
>>> from qiskit.optimization.converters import InequalityToEquality
>>> problem = QuadraticProgram()
>>> # define a problem
>>> conv = InequalityToEquality()
>>> problem2 = conv.encode(problem)
_delimiter = '@' # users are supposed not to use this character in variable names
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._src = None
self._dst = None
self._conv = {} # Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, int]]]
# e.g., self._conv = {'c1': [c1@slack_var]}
[docs] def encode(
self, op: QuadraticProgram, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: str = 'auto'
) -> QuadraticProgram:
"""Convert a problem with inequality constraints into one with only equality constraints.
op: The problem to be solved, that may contain inequality constraints.
name: The name of the converted problem.
mode: To chose the type of slack variables. There are 3 options for mode.
- 'integer': All slack variables will be integer variables.
- 'continuous': All slack variables will be continuous variables
- 'auto': Try to use integer variables but if it's not possible,
use continuous variables
The converted problem, that contain only equality constraints.
QiskitOptimizationError: If a variable type is not supported.
QiskitOptimizationError: If an unsupported mode is selected.
QiskitOptimizationError: If an unsupported sense is specified.
self._src = copy.deepcopy(op)
self._dst = QuadraticProgram()
if name:
self._dst.name = name
self._dst.name = self._src.name
# Copy variables
for x in self._src.variables:
if x.vartype == Variable.Type.BINARY:
elif x.vartype == Variable.Type.INTEGER:
name=x.name, lowerbound=x.lowerbound, upperbound=x.upperbound
elif x.vartype == Variable.Type.CONTINUOUS:
name=x.name, lowerbound=x.lowerbound, upperbound=x.upperbound
raise QiskitOptimizationError("Unsupported variable type {}".format(x.vartype))
# Copy the objective function
constant = self._src.objective.constant
linear = self._src.objective.linear.to_dict(use_name=True)
quadratic = self._src.objective.quadratic.to_dict(use_name=True)
if self._src.objective.sense == QuadraticObjective.Sense.MINIMIZE:
self._dst.minimize(constant, linear, quadratic)
self._dst.maximize(constant, linear, quadratic)
# For linear constraints
for constraint in self._src.linear_constraints:
linear = constraint.linear.to_dict(use_name=True)
if constraint.sense == Constraint.Sense.EQ:
linear, constraint.sense, constraint.rhs, constraint.name
elif constraint.sense == Constraint.Sense.LE or constraint.sense == Constraint.Sense.GE:
if mode == 'integer':
linear, constraint.sense, constraint.rhs, constraint.name
elif mode == 'continuous':
linear, constraint.sense, constraint.rhs, constraint.name
elif mode == 'auto':
linear, constraint.sense, constraint.rhs, constraint.name
raise QiskitOptimizationError('Unsupported mode is selected: {}'.format(mode))
raise QiskitOptimizationError(
'Type of sense in {} is not supported'.format(constraint.name)
# For quadratic constraints
for constraint in self._src.quadratic_constraints:
linear = constraint.linear.to_dict(use_name=True)
quadratic = constraint.quadratic.to_dict(use_name=True)
if constraint.sense == Constraint.Sense.EQ:
linear, quadratic, constraint.sense, constraint.rhs, constraint.name
elif constraint.sense == Constraint.Sense.LE or constraint.sense == Constraint.Sense.GE:
if mode == 'integer':
elif mode == 'continuous':
elif mode == 'auto':
raise QiskitOptimizationError('Unsupported mode is selected: {}'.format(mode))
raise QiskitOptimizationError(
'Type of sense in {} is not supported'.format(constraint.name)
return self._dst
def _add_integer_slack_var_linear_constraint(self, linear, sense, rhs, name):
# If a coefficient that is not integer exist, raise error
if any(isinstance(coef, float) and not coef.is_integer() for coef in linear.values()):
raise QiskitOptimizationError('Can not use a slack variable for ' + name)
# If rhs is float number, round up/down to the nearest integer.
new_rhs = rhs
if sense == Constraint.Sense.LE:
new_rhs = math.floor(rhs)
if sense == Constraint.Sense.GE:
new_rhs = math.ceil(rhs)
# Add a new integer variable.
slack_name = name + self._delimiter + 'int_slack'
self._conv[name] = slack_name
lhs_lb, lhs_ub = self._calc_linear_bounds(linear)
if sense == Constraint.Sense.LE:
sign = 1
self._dst.integer_var(name=slack_name, lowerbound=0, upperbound=new_rhs - lhs_lb)
elif sense == Constraint.Sense.GE:
sign = -1
self._dst.integer_var(name=slack_name, lowerbound=0, upperbound=lhs_ub - new_rhs)
raise QiskitOptimizationError('The type of Sense in {} is not supported'.format(name))
# Add a new equality constraint.
new_linear = copy.deepcopy(linear)
new_linear[slack_name] = sign
self._dst.linear_constraint(new_linear, "==", new_rhs, name)
def _add_continuous_slack_var_linear_constraint(self, linear, sense, rhs, name):
slack_name = name + self._delimiter + 'continuous_slack'
self._conv[name] = slack_name
lhs_lb, lhs_ub = self._calc_linear_bounds(linear)
if sense == Constraint.Sense.LE:
sign = 1
self._dst.continuous_var(name=slack_name, lowerbound=0, upperbound=rhs - lhs_lb)
elif sense == Constraint.Sense.GE:
sign = -1
self._dst.continuous_var(name=slack_name, lowerbound=0, upperbound=lhs_ub - rhs)
raise QiskitOptimizationError('The type of Sense in {} is not supported'.format(name))
# Add a new equality constraint.
new_linear = copy.deepcopy(linear)
new_linear[slack_name] = sign
self._dst.linear_constraint(new_linear, "==", rhs, name)
def _add_auto_slack_var_linear_constraint(self, linear, sense, rhs, name):
# If a coefficient that is not integer exist, use a continuous slack variable
if any(isinstance(coef, float) and not coef.is_integer() for coef in linear.values()):
self._add_continuous_slack_var_linear_constraint(linear, sense, rhs, name)
# Else use an integer slack variable
self._add_integer_slack_var_linear_constraint(linear, sense, rhs, name)
def _add_integer_slack_var_quadratic_constraint(self, linear, quadratic, sense, rhs, name):
# If a coefficient that is not integer exist, raise an error
if any(
isinstance(coef, float) and not coef.is_integer() for coef in quadratic.values()
) or any(isinstance(coef, float) and not coef.is_integer() for coef in linear.values()):
raise QiskitOptimizationError('Can not use a slack variable for ' + name)
# If rhs is float number, round up/down to the nearest integer.
new_rhs = rhs
if sense == Constraint.Sense.LE:
new_rhs = math.floor(rhs)
if sense == Constraint.Sense.GE:
new_rhs = math.ceil(rhs)
# Add a new integer variable.
slack_name = name + self._delimiter + 'int_slack'
self._conv[name] = slack_name
lhs_lb, lhs_ub = self._calc_quadratic_bounds(linear, quadratic)
if sense == Constraint.Sense.LE:
sign = 1
self._dst.integer_var(name=slack_name, lowerbound=0, upperbound=new_rhs - lhs_lb)
elif sense == Constraint.Sense.GE:
sign = -1
self._dst.integer_var(name=slack_name, lowerbound=0, upperbound=lhs_ub - new_rhs)
raise QiskitOptimizationError('The type of Sense in {} is not supported'.format(name))
# Add a new equality constraint.
new_linear = copy.deepcopy(linear)
new_linear[slack_name] = sign
self._dst.quadratic_constraint(new_linear, quadratic, "==", new_rhs, name)
def _add_continuous_slack_var_quadratic_constraint(self, linear, quadratic, sense, rhs, name):
# If a coefficient that is not integer exist, raise error
if any(
isinstance(coef, float) and not coef.is_integer() for coef in quadratic.values()
) or any(isinstance(coef, float) and not coef.is_integer() for coef in linear.values()):
raise QiskitOptimizationError('Can not use a slack variable for ' + name)
# Add a new continuous variable.
slack_name = name + self._delimiter + 'continuous_slack'
self._conv[name] = slack_name
lhs_lb, lhs_ub = self._calc_quadratic_bounds(linear, quadratic)
if sense == Constraint.Sense.LE:
sign = 1
self._dst.continuous_var(name=slack_name, lowerbound=0, upperbound=rhs - lhs_lb)
elif sense == Constraint.Sense.GE:
sign = -1
self._dst.continuous_var(name=slack_name, lowerbound=0, upperbound=lhs_ub - rhs)
raise QiskitOptimizationError('The type of Sense in {} is not supported'.format(name))
# Add a new equality constraint.
new_linear = copy.deepcopy(linear)
new_linear[slack_name] = sign
self._dst.quadratic_constraint(new_linear, quadratic, "==", rhs, name)
def _add_auto_slack_var_quadratic_constraint(self, linear, quadratic, sense, rhs, name):
# If a coefficient that is not integer exist, use a continuous slack variable
if any(
isinstance(coef, float) and not coef.is_integer() for coef in quadratic.values()
) or any(isinstance(coef, float) and not coef.is_integer() for coef in linear.values()):
self._add_continuous_slack_var_quadratic_constraint(linear, quadratic, sense, rhs, name)
# Else use an integer slack variable
self._add_integer_slack_var_quadratic_constraint(linear, quadratic, sense, rhs, name)
def _calc_linear_bounds(self, linear):
lhs_lb, lhs_ub = 0, 0
for var_name, v in linear.items():
x = self._src.get_variable(var_name)
lhs_lb += min(x.lowerbound * v, x.upperbound * v)
lhs_ub += max(x.lowerbound * v, x.upperbound * v)
return lhs_lb, lhs_ub
def _calc_quadratic_bounds(self, linear, quadratic):
lhs_lb, lhs_ub = 0, 0
# Calculate the lowerbound and the upperbound of the linear part
linear_lb, linear_ub = self._calc_linear_bounds(linear)
lhs_lb += linear_lb
lhs_ub += linear_ub
# Calculate the lowerbound and the upperbound of the quadratic part
for (name_i, name_j), v in quadratic.items():
x = self._src.get_variable(name_i)
y = self._src.get_variable(name_j)
lhs_lb += min(
x.lowerbound * y.lowerbound * v,
x.lowerbound * y.upperbound * v,
x.upperbound * y.lowerbound * v,
x.upperbound * y.upperbound * v,
lhs_ub += max(
x.lowerbound * y.lowerbound * v,
x.lowerbound * y.upperbound * v,
x.upperbound * y.lowerbound * v,
x.upperbound * y.upperbound * v,
return lhs_lb, lhs_ub
[docs] def decode(self, result: OptimizationResult) -> OptimizationResult:
"""Convert a result of a converted problem into that of the original problem.
result: The result of the converted problem.
The result of the original problem.
# convert the optimization result into that of the original problem
names = [x.name for x in self._dst.variables]
vals = result.x
new_vals = self._decode_var(names, vals)
result.x = new_vals
return result
def _decode_var(self, names, vals) -> List[int]:
# decode slack variables
sol = {name: vals[i] for i, name in enumerate(names)}
new_vals = []
for x in self._src.variables:
return new_vals