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Convert knapsack parameters instances into Pauli list
The parameters are a list of values a list of weights and a maximum weight of the knapsack.
In the Knapsack Problem we are given a list of objects that each has a weight and a value.
We are also given a maximum weight we can carry. We need to pick a subset of the objects
so as to maximize the total value without going over the maximum weight.
If we have the weights w[i], the values v[i] and the maximum weight W_max.
We express the solution as a binary array x[i]
where we have a 1 for the items we take in the solution set.
We need to maximize sum(x[i]*v[i]) while respecting W_max >= sum(x[i]*w[i])
import logging
import math
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli
from qiskit.aqua.operators import WeightedPauliOperator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def get_operator(values, weights, max_weight):
Generate Hamiltonian for the knapsack problem.
To build the cost function for the Hamiltonian we add a term S
that will vary with our solution. In order to make it change wit the solution
we enhance X with a number of additional bits X' = [x_0,..x_{n-1},y_{n}..y_{n+m-1}].
The bytes y[i] will be the binary representation of S.
In this way the optimizer will be able to optimize S as well as X.
The cost function is
$$C(X') = M(W_{max} - \\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x_{i}w_{i} - S)^2 - \\sum_{i}^{n-1} x_{i}v_{i}$$
where S = sum(2**j * y[j]), j goes from n to n+log(W_max).
M is a number large enough to dominate the sum of values.
Because S can only be positive, when W_max >= sum(x[i]*w[i])
the optimizer can find an S (or better the y[j] that compose S)
so that it will take the first term to 0.
This way the function is dominated by the sum of values.
If W_max < sum(x[i]*w[i]) then the first term can never be 0
and, multiplied by a large M, will always dominate the function.
The minimum value of the function will be that where the constraint is respected
and the sum of values is maximized.
values (list of non-negative integers) : a list of values
weights (list of non-negative integers) : a list of weights
max_weight (non negative integer) : the maximum weight the knapsack can carry
WeightedPauliOperator: operator for the Hamiltonian
float: a constant shift for the obj function.
ValueError: values and weights have different lengths
ValueError: A value or a weight is negative
ValueError: All values are zero
ValueError: max_weight is negative
if len(values) != len(weights):
raise ValueError("The values and weights must have the same length")
if any(v < 0 for v in values) or any(w < 0 for w in weights):
raise ValueError("The values and weights cannot be negative")
if all(v == 0 for v in values):
raise ValueError("The values cannot all be 0")
if max_weight < 0:
raise ValueError("max_weight cannot be negative")
y_size = int(math.log(max_weight, 2)) + 1 if max_weight > 0 else 1
n = len(values)
num_values = n + y_size
pauli_list = []
shift = 0
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
M = 10 * np.sum(values)
# term for sum(x_i*w_i)**2
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
coefficient = -1 * 0.25 * weights[i] * weights[j] * M
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [j])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [i])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
coefficient = -1 * coefficient
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [i, j])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
# term for sum(2**j*y_j)**2
for i in range(y_size):
for j in range(y_size):
coefficient = -1 * 0.25 * (2 ** i) * (2 ** j) * M
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [n + j])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [n + i])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
coefficient = -1 * coefficient
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [n + i, n + j])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
# term for -2*W_max*sum(x_i*w_i)
for i in range(n):
coefficient = max_weight * weights[i] * M
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [i])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
# term for -2*W_max*sum(2**j*y_j)
for j in range(y_size):
coefficient = max_weight * (2 ** j) * M
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [n + j])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
for i in range(n):
for j in range(y_size):
coefficient = -1 * 0.5 * weights[i] * (2 ** j) * M
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [n + j])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [i])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
coefficient = -1 * coefficient
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [i, n + j])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
# term for sum(x_i*v_i)
for i in range(n):
coefficient = 0.5 * values[i]
pauli_op = _get_pauli_op(num_values, [i])
pauli_list.append([coefficient, pauli_op])
shift -= coefficient
return WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=pauli_list), shift
[docs]def get_solution(x, values):
Get the solution to the knapsack problem
from the bitstring that represents
to the ground state of the Hamiltonian
x (numpy.ndarray): the ground state of the Hamiltonian.
values (numpy.ndarray): the list of values
numpy.ndarray: a bit string that has a '1' at the indexes
corresponding to values that have been taken in the knapsack.
i.e. if the solution has a '1' at index i then
the value values[i] has been taken in the knapsack
return x[:len(values)]
[docs]def knapsack_value_weight(solution, values, weights):
Get the total wight and value of the items taken in the knapsack.
solution (numpy.ndarray) : binary string that represents the solution to the problem.
values (numpy.ndarray) : the list of values
weights (numpy.ndarray) : the list of weights
tuple: the total value and weight of the items in the knapsack
value = np.sum(solution * values)
weight = np.sum(solution * weights)
return value, weight
def _get_pauli_op(num_values, indexes):
pauli_x = np.zeros(num_values, dtype=np.bool)
pauli_z = np.zeros(num_values, dtype=np.bool)
for i in indexes:
pauli_z[i] = not pauli_z[i]
return Pauli(pauli_z, pauli_x)