# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""A wrapper for minimum eigen solvers from Aqua to be used within the optimization module."""
from typing import Optional, Any, Union, Tuple, List
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, BasicAer, execute
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import MinimumEigensolver
from qiskit.aqua.operators import WeightedPauliOperator, MatrixOperator, StateFn, DictStateFn
from .optimization_algorithm import OptimizationAlgorithm, OptimizationResult
from ..problems.quadratic_program import QuadraticProgram
from ..converters.quadratic_program_to_ising import QuadraticProgramToIsing
from ..converters.quadratic_program_to_qubo import QuadraticProgramToQubo
from ..exceptions import QiskitOptimizationError
class MinimumEigenOptimizerResult(OptimizationResult):
""" Minimum Eigen Optimizer Result."""
def __init__(self, x: Optional[Any] = None, fval: Optional[Any] = None,
samples: Optional[Any] = None, results: Optional[Any] = None) -> None:
super().__init__(x, fval, results)
self._samples = samples
def samples(self) -> Any:
""" returns samples """
return self._samples
def samples(self, samples: Any) -> None:
""" set samples """
self._samples = samples
def get_correlations(self):
""" get <Zi x Zj> correlation matrix from samples """
states = [v[0] for v in self.samples]
probs = [v[2] for v in self.samples]
n = len(states[0])
correlations = np.zeros((n, n))
for k, prob in enumerate(probs):
b = states[k]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i):
if b[i] == b[j]:
correlations[i, j] += prob
correlations[i, j] -= prob
return correlations
[docs]class MinimumEigenOptimizer(OptimizationAlgorithm):
"""A wrapper for minimum eigen solvers from Qiskit Aqua.
This class provides a wrapper for minimum eigen solvers from Qiskit to be used within
the optimization module.
It assumes a problem consisting only of binary or integer variables as well as linear equality
constraints thereof. It converts such a problem into a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary
Optimization (QUBO) problem by expanding integer variables into binary variables and by adding
the linear equality constraints as weighted penalty terms to the objective function. The
resulting QUBO is then translated into an Ising Hamiltonian whose minimal eigen vector and
corresponding eigenstate correspond to the optimal solution of the original optimization
problem. The provided minimum eigen solver is then used to approximate the ground state of the
Hamiltonian to find a good solution for the optimization problem.
Outline of how to use this class:
.. code-block::
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import QAOA
from qiskit.optimization.problems import QuadraticProgram
from qiskit.optimization.algorithms import MinimumEigenOptimizer
problem = QuadraticProgram()
# specify problem here
# specify minimum eigen solver to be used, e.g., QAOA
qaoa = QAOA(...)
optimizer = MinimumEigenOptimizer(qaoa)
result = optimizer.solve(problem)
def __init__(self, min_eigen_solver: MinimumEigensolver, penalty: Optional[float] = None
) -> None:
This initializer takes the minimum eigen solver to be used to approximate the ground state
of the resulting Hamiltonian as well as a optional penalty factor to scale penalty terms
representing linear equality constraints. If no penalty factor is provided, a default
is computed during the algorithm (TODO).
min_eigen_solver: The eigen solver to find the ground state of the Hamiltonian.
penalty: The penalty factor to be used, or ``None`` for applying a default logic.
self._min_eigen_solver = min_eigen_solver
self._penalty = penalty
[docs] def get_compatibility_msg(self, problem: QuadraticProgram) -> str:
"""Checks whether a given problem can be solved with this optimizer.
Checks whether the given problem is compatible, i.e., whether the problem can be converted
to a QUBO, and otherwise, returns a message explaining the incompatibility.
problem: The optimization problem to check compatibility.
A message describing the incompatibility.
return QuadraticProgramToQubo.get_compatibility_msg(problem)
[docs] def solve(self, problem: QuadraticProgram) -> MinimumEigenOptimizerResult:
"""Tries to solves the given problem using the optimizer.
Runs the optimizer to try to solve the optimization problem.
problem: The problem to be solved.
The result of the optimizer applied to the problem.
QiskitOptimizationError: If problem not compatible.
# check compatibility and raise exception if incompatible
msg = self.get_compatibility_msg(problem)
if len(msg) > 0:
raise QiskitOptimizationError('Incompatible problem: {}'.format(msg))
# convert problem to QUBO
qubo_converter = QuadraticProgramToQubo()
problem_ = qubo_converter.encode(problem)
# construct operator and offset
operator_converter = QuadraticProgramToIsing()
operator, offset = operator_converter.encode(problem_)
# only try to solve non-empty Ising Hamiltonians
if operator.num_qubits > 0:
# approximate ground state of operator using min eigen solver
eigen_results = self._min_eigen_solver.compute_minimum_eigenvalue(operator)
# analyze results
samples = eigenvector_to_solutions(eigen_results.eigenstate, operator)
samples = [(res[0], problem_.objective.sense.value * (res[1] + offset), res[2])
for res in samples]
samples.sort(key=lambda x: problem_.objective.sense.value * x[1])
x = samples[0][0]
fval = samples[0][1]
# if Hamiltonian is empty, then the objective function is constant to the offset
x = [0]*problem_.get_num_binary_vars()
fval = offset
x_str = '0'*problem_.get_num_binary_vars()
samples = [(x_str, offset, 1.0)]
# translate result back to integers
opt_res = MinimumEigenOptimizerResult(x, fval, samples, qubo_converter)
opt_res = qubo_converter.decode(opt_res)
# translate results back to original problem
return opt_res
def eigenvector_to_solutions(eigenvector: Union[dict, np.ndarray, StateFn],
operator: Union[WeightedPauliOperator, MatrixOperator],
min_probability: float = 1e-6) -> List[Tuple[str, float, float]]:
"""Convert the eigenvector to the bitstrings and corresponding eigenvalues.
>>> op = MatrixOperator(numpy.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]]) / numpy.sqrt(2))
>>> eigenvectors = {'0': 12, '1': 1}
>>> print(eigenvector_to_solutions(eigenvectors, op))
[('0', 0.7071067811865475, 0.9230769230769231), ('1', -0.7071067811865475, 0.07692307692307693)]
>>> op = MatrixOperator(numpy.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]]) / numpy.sqrt(2))
>>> eigenvectors = numpy.array([1, 1] / numpy.sqrt(2), dtype=complex)
>>> print(eigenvector_to_solutions(eigenvectors, op))
[('0', 0.7071067811865475, 0.4999999999999999), ('1', -0.7071067811865475, 0.4999999999999999)]
For each computational basis state contained in the eigenvector, return the basis
state as bitstring along with the operator evaluated at that bitstring and the
probability of sampling this bitstring from the eigenvector.
TypeError: Invalid Argument
if isinstance(eigenvector, DictStateFn):
eigenvector = {bitstr: val**2 for (bitstr, val) in eigenvector.primitive.items()}
elif isinstance(eigenvector, StateFn):
eigenvector = eigenvector.to_matrix()
solutions = []
if isinstance(eigenvector, dict):
all_counts = sum(eigenvector.values())
# iterate over all samples
for bitstr, count in eigenvector.items():
sampling_probability = count / all_counts
# add the bitstring, if the sampling probability exceeds the threshold
if sampling_probability > 0:
if sampling_probability >= min_probability:
value = eval_operator_at_bitstring(operator, bitstr)
solutions += [(bitstr, value, sampling_probability)]
elif isinstance(eigenvector, np.ndarray):
num_qubits = int(np.log2(eigenvector.size))
probabilities = np.abs(eigenvector * eigenvector.conj())
# iterate over all states and their sampling probabilities
for i, sampling_probability in enumerate(probabilities):
# add the i-th state if the sampling probability exceeds the threshold
if sampling_probability > 0:
if sampling_probability >= min_probability:
bitstr = '{:b}'.format(i).rjust(num_qubits, '0')[::-1]
value = eval_operator_at_bitstring(operator, bitstr)
solutions += [(bitstr, value, sampling_probability)]
raise TypeError('Unsupported format of eigenvector. Provide a dict or numpy.ndarray.')
return solutions
def eval_operator_at_bitstring(operator: Union[WeightedPauliOperator, MatrixOperator],
bitstr: str) -> float:
"""Evaluate an Aqua operator at a given bitstring.
This simulates a circuit representing the bitstring. Note that this will not be needed
with the Operator logic introduced in 0.7.0.
operator: The operator which is evaluated.
bitstr: The bitstring at which the operator is evaluated.
The operator evaluated with the quantum state the bitstring describes.
# TODO check that operator size and bitstr are compatible
circuit = QuantumCircuit(len(bitstr))
for i, bit in enumerate(bitstr):
if bit == '1':
# simulate the circuit
result = execute(circuit, BasicAer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')).result()
# evaluate the operator
value = np.real(operator.evaluate_with_statevector(result.get_statevector())[0])
return value