# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""GroverOptimizer module"""
import logging
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, Tuple
import math
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.providers import BaseBackend
from qiskit.aqua import QuantumInstance, aqua_globals
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms.amplitude_amplifiers.grover import Grover
from ..exceptions import QiskitOptimizationError
from .optimization_algorithm import OptimizationAlgorithm, OptimizationResult
from ..problems.quadratic_program import QuadraticProgram
from ..converters.quadratic_program_to_qubo import QuadraticProgramToQubo
from ..converters.quadratic_program_to_negative_value_oracle import \
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class GroverOptimizer(OptimizationAlgorithm):
"""Uses Grover Adaptive Search (GAS) to find the minimum of a QUBO function."""
def __init__(self, num_value_qubits: int, num_iterations: int = 3,
quantum_instance: Optional[Union[BaseBackend, QuantumInstance]] = None) -> None:
num_value_qubits: The number of value qubits.
num_iterations: The number of iterations the algorithm will search with
no improvement.
quantum_instance: Instance of selected backend, defaults to Aer's statevector simulator.
self._num_value_qubits = num_value_qubits
self._n_iterations = num_iterations
self._quantum_instance = None
if quantum_instance is not None:
self.quantum_instance = quantum_instance
def quantum_instance(self) -> QuantumInstance:
"""The quantum instance to run the circuits.
The quantum instance used in the algorithm.
return self._quantum_instance
def quantum_instance(self, quantum_instance: Union[BaseBackend, QuantumInstance]) -> None:
"""Set the quantum instance used to run the circuits.
quantum_instance: The quantum instance to be used in the algorithm.
if isinstance(quantum_instance, BaseBackend):
self._quantum_instance = QuantumInstance(quantum_instance)
self._quantum_instance = quantum_instance
[docs] def get_compatibility_msg(self, problem: QuadraticProgram) -> str:
"""Checks whether a given problem can be solved with this optimizer.
Checks whether the given problem is compatible, i.e., whether the problem can be converted
to a QUBO, and otherwise, returns a message explaining the incompatibility.
problem: The optimization problem to check compatibility.
A message describing the incompatibility.
return QuadraticProgramToQubo.get_compatibility_msg(problem)
[docs] def solve(self, problem: QuadraticProgram) -> OptimizationResult:
"""Tries to solves the given problem using the grover optimizer.
Runs the optimizer to try to solve the optimization problem. If the problem cannot be,
converted to a QUBO, this optimizer raises an exception due to incompatibility.
problem: The problem to be solved.
The result of the optimizer applied to the problem.
AttributeError: If the quantum instance has not been set.
QiskitOptimizationError: If the problem is incompatible with the optimizer.
if self.quantum_instance is None:
raise AttributeError('The quantum instance or backend has not been set.')
# check compatibility and raise exception if incompatible
msg = self.get_compatibility_msg(problem)
if len(msg) > 0:
raise QiskitOptimizationError('Incompatible problem: {}'.format(msg))
# convert problem to QUBO
qubo_converter = QuadraticProgramToQubo()
problem_ = qubo_converter.encode(problem)
# convert to minimization problem
sense = problem_.objective.sense
if sense == problem_.objective.Sense.MAXIMIZE:
problem_.objective.sense = problem_.objective.Sense.MINIMIZE
problem_.objective.constant = -problem_.objective.constant
for i, v in problem_.objective.linear.to_dict().items():
problem_.objective.linear[i] = -v
for (i, j), v in problem_.objective.quadratic.to_dict().items():
problem_.objective.quadratic[i, j] = -v
# Variables for tracking the optimum.
optimum_found = False
optimum_key = math.inf
optimum_value = math.inf
threshold = 0
n_key = len(problem_.variables)
n_value = self._num_value_qubits
# Variables for tracking the solutions encountered.
num_solutions = 2**n_key
keys_measured = []
# Variables for result object.
func_dict = {}
operation_count = {}
iteration = 0
# Variables for stopping if we've hit the rotation max.
rotations = 0
max_rotations = int(np.ceil(100*np.pi/4))
# Initialize oracle helper object.
orig_constant = problem_.objective.constant
measurement = not self._quantum_instance.is_statevector
opt_prob_converter = QuadraticProgramToNegativeValueOracle(n_value,
while not optimum_found:
m = 1
improvement_found = False
# Get oracle O and the state preparation operator A for the current threshold.
problem_.objective.constant = orig_constant - threshold
a_operator, oracle, func_dict = opt_prob_converter.encode(problem_)
# Iterate until we measure a negative.
loops_with_no_improvement = 0
while not improvement_found:
# Determine the number of rotations.
loops_with_no_improvement += 1
rotation_count = int(np.ceil(aqua_globals.random.uniform(0, m-1)))
rotations += rotation_count
# Apply Grover's Algorithm to find values below the threshold.
if rotation_count > 0:
# TODO: Utilize Grover's incremental feature - requires changes to Grover.
grover = Grover(oracle, init_state=a_operator, num_iterations=rotation_count)
circuit = grover.construct_circuit(
circuit = a_operator._circuit
# Get the next outcome.
outcome = self._measure(circuit, n_key, n_value)
k = int(outcome[0:n_key], 2)
v = outcome[n_key:n_key + n_value]
int_v = self._bin_to_int(v, n_value) + threshold
v = self._twos_complement(int_v, n_value)
logger.info('Outcome: %s', outcome)
logger.info('Value: %s = %s', v, int_v)
# If the value is an improvement, we update the iteration parameters (e.g. oracle).
if int_v < optimum_value:
optimum_key = k
optimum_value = int_v
logger.info('Current Optimum Key: %s', optimum_key)
logger.info('Current Optimum Value: %s', optimum_value)
if v.startswith('1'):
improvement_found = True
threshold = optimum_value
# Using Durr and Hoyer method, increase m.
m = int(np.ceil(min(m * 8/7, 2**(n_key / 2))))
logger.info('No Improvement. M: %s', m)
# Check if we've already seen this value.
if k not in keys_measured:
# Assume the optimal if any of the stop parameters are true.
if loops_with_no_improvement >= self._n_iterations or \
len(keys_measured) == num_solutions or rotations >= max_rotations:
improvement_found = True
optimum_found = True
# Track the operation count.
operations = circuit.count_ops()
operation_count[iteration] = operations
iteration += 1
logger.info('Operation Count: %s\n', operations)
# Get original key and value pairs.
func_dict[-1] = orig_constant
solutions = self._get_qubo_solutions(func_dict, n_key)
# If the constant is 0 and we didn't find a negative, the answer is likely 0.
if optimum_value >= 0 and orig_constant == 0:
optimum_key = 0
opt_x = [1 if s == '1' else 0 for s in ('{0:%sb}' % n_key).format(optimum_key)]
# Build the results object.
grover_results = GroverOptimizationResults(operation_count, n_key, n_value, func_dict)
fval = solutions[optimum_key]
if sense == problem_.objective.Sense.MAXIMIZE:
fval = -fval
result = OptimizationResult(x=opt_x, fval=fval,
results={"grover_results": grover_results,
"qubo_converter": qubo_converter})
# cast binaries back to integers
result = qubo_converter.decode(result)
return result
def _measure(self, circuit: QuantumCircuit, n_key: int, n_value: int) -> str:
"""Get probabilities from the given backend, and picks a random outcome."""
probs = self._get_probs(n_key, n_value, circuit)
freq = sorted(probs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Pick a random outcome.
freq[len(freq)-1] = (freq[len(freq)-1][0], 1 - sum([x[1] for x in freq[0:len(freq)-1]]))
idx = aqua_globals.random.choice(len(freq), 1, p=[x[1] for x in freq])[0]
logger.info('Frequencies: %s', freq)
return freq[idx][0]
def _get_probs(self, n_key: int, n_value: int, qc: QuantumCircuit) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Gets probabilities from a given backend."""
# Execute job and filter results.
result = self._quantum_instance.execute(qc)
if self._quantum_instance.is_statevector:
state = np.round(result.get_statevector(qc), 5)
keys = [bin(i)[2::].rjust(int(np.log2(len(state))), '0')[::-1]
for i in range(0, len(state))]
probs = [np.round(abs(a)*abs(a), 5) for a in state]
f_hist = dict(zip(keys, probs))
hist = {}
for key in f_hist:
new_key = key[:n_key] + key[n_key:n_key+n_value][::-1] + key[n_key+n_value:]
hist[new_key] = f_hist[key]
state = result.get_counts(qc)
shots = self._quantum_instance.run_config.shots
hist = {}
for key in state:
hist[key[:n_key] + key[n_key:n_key+n_value][::-1] + key[n_key+n_value:]] = \
state[key] / shots
hist = dict(filter(lambda p: p[1] > 0, hist.items()))
return hist
def _twos_complement(v: int, n_bits: int) -> str:
"""Converts an integer into a binary string of n bits using two's complement."""
assert -2**n_bits <= v < 2**n_bits
if v < 0:
v += 2**n_bits
bin_v = bin(v)[2:]
format_string = '{0:0'+str(n_bits)+'b}'
bin_v = format_string.format(v)
return bin_v
def _bin_to_int(v: str, num_value_bits: int) -> int:
"""Converts a binary string of n bits using two's complement to an integer."""
if v.startswith("1"):
int_v = int(v, 2) - 2 ** num_value_bits
int_v = int(v, 2)
return int_v
def _get_qubo_solutions(function_dict: Dict[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], int], n_key: int,
print_solutions: Optional[bool] = False):
""" Calculates all of the outputs of a QUBO function representable by n key qubits.
function_dict: A dictionary representation of the function, where the keys correspond
to a variable, and the values are the corresponding coefficients.
n_key: The number of key qubits.
print_solutions: If true, the solutions will be formatted and printed.
dict: A dictionary of the inputs (keys) and outputs (values) of the QUBO function.
# Determine constant.
constant = 0
if -1 in function_dict:
constant = function_dict[-1]
format_string = '{0:0'+str(n_key)+'b}'
# Iterate through every key combination.
if print_solutions:
print("QUBO Solutions:")
solutions = {}
for i in range(2**n_key):
solution = constant
# Convert int to a list of binary variables.
bin_key = format_string.format(i)
bin_list = [int(bin_key[j]) for j in range(len(bin_key))]
# Handle the linear terms.
for k in range(len(bin_key)):
if bin_list[k] == 1 and k in function_dict:
solution += function_dict[k]
# Handle the quadratic terms.
for j in range(len(bin_key)):
for q in range(len(bin_key)):
if (j, q) in function_dict and j != q and bin_list[j] == 1 and bin_list[q] == 1:
solution += function_dict[(j, q)]
# Print row.
if print_solutions:
spacer = "" if i >= 10 else " "
value_spacer = " " if solution < 0 else " "
print(spacer + str(i), "=", bin_key, "->" + value_spacer + str(round(solution, 4)))
# Record solution.
solutions[i] = solution
if print_solutions:
return solutions
class GroverOptimizationResults:
"""A results object for Grover Optimization methods."""
def __init__(self, operation_counts: Dict[int, Dict[str, int]],
n_input_qubits: int, n_output_qubits: int,
func_dict: Dict[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], int]) -> None:
operation_counts: The counts of each operation performed per iteration.
n_input_qubits: The number of qubits used to represent the input.
n_output_qubits: The number of qubits used to represent the output.
func_dict: A dictionary representation of the function, where the keys correspond
to a variable, and the values are the corresponding coefficients.
self._operation_counts = operation_counts
self._n_input_qubits = n_input_qubits
self._n_output_qubits = n_output_qubits
self._func_dict = func_dict
def operation_counts(self) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, int]]:
"""Get the operation counts.
The counts of each operation performed per iteration.
return self._operation_counts
def n_input_qubits(self) -> int:
"""Getter of n_input_qubits
The number of qubits used to represent the input.
return self._n_input_qubits
def n_output_qubits(self) -> int:
"""Getter of n_output_qubits
The number of qubits used to represent the output.
return self._n_output_qubits
def func_dict(self) -> Dict[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], int]:
"""Getter of func_dict
A dictionary of coefficients describing a function, where the keys are the subscripts
of the variables (e.g. x1), and the values are the corresponding coefficients. If there
is a constant term, it is referenced by key -1.
return self._func_dict