Source code for

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2020.
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ad hoc dataset

import numpy as np
import scipy
from qiskit.aqua import aqua_globals

[docs]def ad_hoc_data(training_size, test_size, n, gap, plot_data=False): """ returns ad hoc dataset """ class_labels = [r'A', r'B'] count = 0 if n == 2: count = 100 elif n == 3: count = 20 # coarseness of data separation label_train = np.zeros(2 * (training_size + test_size)) sample_train = [] sample_a = [[0 for x in range(n)] for y in range(training_size + test_size)] sample_b = [[0 for x in range(n)] for y in range(training_size + test_size)] sample_total = [[[0 for x in range(count)] for y in range(count)] for z in range(count)] # interactions = np.transpose(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])) steps = 2 * np.pi / count # sx = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) # X = np.asmatrix(sx) # sy = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]]) # Y = np.asmatrix(sy) s_z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]]) z_m = np.asmatrix(s_z) j_m = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) j_m = np.asmatrix(j_m) h_m = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]]) / np.sqrt(2) h_2 = np.kron(h_m, h_m) h_3 = np.kron(h_m, h_2) h_m = np.asmatrix(h_m) h_2 = np.asmatrix(h_2) h_3 = np.asmatrix(h_3) f_a = np.arange(2**n) my_array = [[0 for x in range(n)] for y in range(2 ** n)] for arindex, _ in enumerate(my_array): temp_f = bin(f_a[arindex])[2:].zfill(n) for findex in range(n): my_array[arindex][findex] = int(temp_f[findex]) my_array = np.asarray(my_array) my_array = np.transpose(my_array) # Define decision functions maj = (-1) ** (2 * my_array.sum(axis=0) > n) parity = (-1) ** (my_array.sum(axis=0)) # dict1 = (-1) ** (my_array[0]) d_m = None if n == 2: d_m = np.diag(parity) elif n == 3: d_m = np.diag(maj) basis = aqua_globals.random.random_sample((2 ** n, 2 ** n)) + \ 1j * aqua_globals.random.random_sample((2 ** n, 2 ** n)) basis = np.asmatrix(basis).getH() * np.asmatrix(basis) [s_a, u_a] = np.linalg.eig(basis) idx = s_a.argsort()[::-1] s_a = s_a[idx] u_a = u_a[:, idx] m_m = (np.asmatrix(u_a)).getH() * np.asmatrix(d_m) * np.asmatrix(u_a) psi_plus = np.transpose(np.ones(2)) / np.sqrt(2) psi_0 = 1 for k in range(n): psi_0 = np.kron(np.asmatrix(psi_0), np.asmatrix(psi_plus)) sample_total_a = [] sample_total_b = [] sample_total_void = [] if n == 2: for n_1 in range(count): for n_2 in range(count): x_1 = steps * n_1 x_2 = steps * n_2 phi = x_1 * np.kron(z_m, j_m) + x_2 * np.kron(j_m, z_m) + \ (np.pi - x_1) * (np.pi - x_2) * np.kron(z_m, z_m) u_u = scipy.linalg.expm(1j * phi) # pylint: disable=no-member psi = np.asmatrix(u_u) * h_2 * np.asmatrix(u_u) * np.transpose(psi_0) temp = np.real(psi.getH() * m_m * psi).item() if temp > gap: sample_total[n_1][n_2] = +1 elif temp < -gap: sample_total[n_1][n_2] = -1 else: sample_total[n_1][n_2] = 0 # Now sample randomly from sample_Total a number of times training_size+testing_size t_r = 0 while t_r < (training_size + test_size): draw1 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) draw2 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) if sample_total[draw1][draw2] == +1: sample_a[t_r] = [2 * np.pi * draw1 / count, 2 * np.pi * draw2 / count] t_r += 1 t_r = 0 while t_r < (training_size + test_size): draw1 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) draw2 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) if sample_total[draw1][draw2] == -1: sample_b[t_r] = [2 * np.pi * draw1 / count, 2 * np.pi * draw2 / count] t_r += 1 sample_train = [sample_a, sample_b] for lindex in range(training_size + test_size): label_train[lindex] = 0 for lindex in range(training_size + test_size): label_train[training_size + test_size + lindex] = 1 label_train = label_train.astype(int) sample_train = np.reshape(sample_train, (2 * (training_size + test_size), n)) training_input = {key: (sample_train[label_train == k, :])[:training_size] for k, key in enumerate(class_labels)} test_input = {key: (sample_train[label_train == k, :])[training_size:( training_size + test_size)] for k, key in enumerate(class_labels)} if plot_data: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: raise NameError('Matplotlib not installed. Please install it before plotting') fig2 = plt.figure() for k in range(0, 2): plt.scatter(sample_train[label_train == k, 0][:training_size], sample_train[label_train == k, 1][:training_size]) plt.title("Ad-hoc Data") elif n == 3: for n_1 in range(count): for n_2 in range(count): for n_3 in range(count): x_1 = steps * n_1 x_2 = steps * n_2 x_3 = steps * n_3 phi = x_1 * np.kron(np.kron(z_m, j_m), j_m) + \ x_2 * np.kron(np.kron(j_m, z_m), j_m) + \ x_3 * np.kron(np.kron(j_m, j_m), z_m) + \ (np.pi - x_1) * (np.pi - x_2) * np.kron(np.kron(z_m, z_m), j_m) + \ (np.pi - x_2) * (np.pi - x_3) * np.kron(np.kron(j_m, z_m), z_m) + \ (np.pi - x_1) * (np.pi - x_3) * np.kron(np.kron(z_m, j_m), z_m) u_u = scipy.linalg.expm(1j * phi) # pylint: disable=no-member psi = np.asmatrix(u_u) * h_3 * np.asmatrix(u_u) * np.transpose(psi_0) temp = np.real(psi.getH() * m_m * psi).item() if temp > gap: sample_total[n_1][n_2][n_3] = +1 sample_total_a.append([n_1, n_2, n_3]) elif temp < -gap: sample_total[n_1][n_2][n_3] = -1 sample_total_b.append([n_1, n_2, n_3]) else: sample_total[n_1][n_2][n_3] = 0 sample_total_void.append([n_1, n_2, n_3]) # Now sample randomly from sample_Total a number of times training_size+testing_size t_r = 0 while t_r < (training_size + test_size): draw1 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) draw2 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) draw3 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) if sample_total[draw1][draw2][draw3] == +1: sample_a[t_r] = [2 * np.pi * draw1 / count, 2 * np.pi * draw2 / count, 2 * np.pi * draw3 / count] t_r += 1 t_r = 0 while t_r < (training_size + test_size): draw1 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) draw2 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) draw3 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) if sample_total[draw1][draw2][draw3] == -1: sample_b[t_r] = [2 * np.pi * draw1 / count, 2 * np.pi * draw2 / count, 2 * np.pi * draw3 / count] t_r += 1 sample_train = [sample_a, sample_b] for lindex in range(training_size + test_size): label_train[lindex] = 0 for lindex in range(training_size + test_size): label_train[training_size + test_size + lindex] = 1 label_train = label_train.astype(int) sample_train = np.reshape(sample_train, (2 * (training_size + test_size), n)) training_input = {key: (sample_train[label_train == k, :])[:training_size] for k, key in enumerate(class_labels)} test_input = {key: (sample_train[label_train == k, :])[training_size:( training_size + test_size)] for k, key in enumerate(class_labels)} if plot_data: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: raise NameError('Matplotlib not installed. Please install it before plotting') sample_total_a = np.asarray(sample_total_a) sample_total_b = np.asarray(sample_total_b) x_1 = sample_total_a[:, 0] y_1 = sample_total_a[:, 1] z_1 = sample_total_a[:, 2] x_2 = sample_total_b[:, 0] y_2 = sample_total_b[:, 1] z_2 = sample_total_b[:, 2] fig1 = plt.figure() ax_1 = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') ax_1.scatter(x_1, y_1, z_1, c='#8A360F') fig2 = plt.figure() ax_2 = fig2.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') ax_2.scatter(x_2, y_2, z_2, c='#683FC8') sample_training_a = training_input['A'] sample_training_b = training_input['B'] x_1 = sample_training_a[:, 0] y_1 = sample_training_a[:, 1] z_1 = sample_training_a[:, 2] x_2 = sample_training_b[:, 0] y_2 = sample_training_b[:, 1] z_2 = sample_training_b[:, 2] fig1 = plt.figure() ax_1 = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') ax_1.scatter(x_1, y_1, z_1, c='#8A360F') ax_1.scatter(x_2, y_2, z_2, c='#683FC8') return sample_total, training_input, test_input, class_labels
[docs]def sample_ad_hoc_data(sample_total, test_size, n): """ returns sample ad hoc data """ class_labels = [r'A', r'B'] # copied from ad_hoc_data() count = 0 if n == 2: count = 100 elif n == 3: count = 20 label_train = np.zeros(2 * test_size) sample_a = [[0 for x in range(n)] for y in range(test_size)] sample_b = [[0 for x in range(n)] for y in range(test_size)] t_r = 0 while t_r < (test_size): draw1 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) draw2 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) if sample_total[draw1][draw2] == +1: sample_a[t_r] = [2 * np.pi * draw1 / count, 2 * np.pi * draw2 / count] t_r += 1 t_r = 0 while t_r < (test_size): draw1 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) draw2 = aqua_globals.random.choice(count) if sample_total[draw1][draw2] == -1: sample_b[t_r] = [2 * np.pi * draw1 / count, 2 * np.pi * draw2 / count] t_r += 1 sample_train = [sample_a, sample_b] for lindex in range(test_size): label_train[lindex] = 0 for lindex in range(test_size): label_train[test_size + lindex] = 1 label_train = label_train.astype(int) sample_train = np.reshape(sample_train, (2 * test_size, n)) test_input = {key: (sample_train[label_train == k, :])[:] for k, key in enumerate(class_labels)} return test_input