Source code for qiskit.ignis.verification.topological_codes.fitters

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Decoders for quantum error correction codes, with a focus on those that can be
expressed as solving a graph-theoretic problem.

import copy
import warnings
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute

    from qiskit import Aer
    HAS_AER = True
except ImportError:
    from qiskit import BasicAer
    HAS_AER = False

[docs]class GraphDecoder(): """ Class to construct the graph corresponding to the possible syndromes of a quantum error correction code, and then run suitable decoders. """ def __init__(self, code, S=None): """ Args: code (RepitionCode): The QEC Code object for which this decoder will be used. S (networkx.Graph): Graph describing connectivity between syndrome elements. Will be generated automatically if not supplied. Additional information: The decoder for the supplied ``code`` is initialized by running ``_make_syndrome_graph()``. Since this process can take some time, it is also possible to load in a premade ``S``. However, if this was created for a differently defined ``code``, it won't work properly. """ self.code = code if S: self.S = S else: self.S = self._make_syndrome_graph() def _separate_string(self, string): separated_string = [] for syndrome_type_string in string.split(' '): separated_string.append(syndrome_type_string.split(' ')) return separated_string def _string2nodes(self, string): separated_string = self._separate_string(string) nodes = [] for syn_type, _ in enumerate(separated_string): for syn_round in range( len(separated_string[syn_type])): elements = \ separated_string[syn_type][syn_round] for elem_num, element in enumerate(elements): if element == '1': nodes.append((syn_type, syn_round, elem_num)) return nodes def _make_syndrome_graph(self): """ This method injects all possible Pauli errors into the circuit for ``code``. This is done by examining the qubits used in each gate of the circuit for a stored logical 0. A graph is then created with a node for each non-trivial syndrome element, and an edge between all such elements that can be created by the same error. """ S = nx.Graph() qc = self.code.circuit['0'] blank_qc = QuantumCircuit() for qreg in qc.qregs: blank_qc.add_register(qreg) for creg in qc.cregs: blank_qc.add_register(creg) error_circuit = {} circuit_name = {} depth = len(qc) for j in range(depth): qubits =[j][1] for qubit in qubits: for error in ['x', 'y', 'z']: temp_qc = copy.deepcopy(blank_qc) = str((j, qubit, error)) =[0:j] getattr(temp_qc, error)(qubit) +=[j:depth + 1] circuit_name[(j, qubit, error)] = error_circuit[] = temp_qc if HAS_AER: simulator = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') else: simulator = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') job = execute(list(error_circuit.values()), simulator) for j in range(depth): qubits =[j][1] for qubit in qubits: for error in ['x', 'y', 'z']: raw_results = {} raw_results['0'] = job.result().get_counts( str((j, qubit, error))) results = self.code.process_results(raw_results)['0'] for string in results: nodes = self._string2nodes(string) assert len(nodes) in [0, 2], "Error of type " + \ error + " on qubit " + str(qubit) + \ " at depth " + str(j) + " creates " + \ str(len(nodes)) + \ " nodes in syndrome graph, instead of 2." for node in nodes: S.add_node(node) for source in nodes: for target in nodes: if source != target: S.add_edge(source, target, distance=1) return S
[docs] def weight_syndrome_graph(self, results): """Generate weighted syndrome graph from result counts. Args: results (dict): A results dictionary, as produced by the `process_results` method of the code. Additional information: Uses `results` to estimate the probability of the errors that create the pairs of nodes in S. The edge weights are then replaced with the corresponding -log(p/(1-p). """ results = results['0'] count = {element: {edge: 0 for edge in self.S.edges} for element in ['00', '01', '10', '11']} for string in results: nodes = self._string2nodes(string) for edge in self.S.edges: element = '' for j in range(2): if edge[j] in nodes: element += '1' else: element += '0' count[element][edge] += results[string] for edge in self.S.edges: edge_data = self.S.get_edge_data(edge[0], edge[1]) ratios = [] for elements in [('00', '11'), ('11', '00'), ('01', '10'), ('10', '01')]: if count[elements[1]][edge] > 0: ratio = count[elements[0]][edge]/count[elements[1]][edge] ratios.append(ratio) edge_data['distance'] = -np.log(min(ratios))
[docs] def make_error_graph(self, string, subgraphs=None): """ Args: string (str): A string describing the output from the code. subgraphs (list): Used when multiple, semi-independent graphs need need to created. Returns: E: The subgraph(s) of S which corresponds to the non-trivial syndrome elements in the given string. """ if subgraphs is None: subgraphs = [] for syndrome_type in string.split(' '): subgraphs.append(['0']) set_subgraphs = [ subgraph for subs4type in subgraphs for subgraph in subs4type] E = {subgraph: nx.Graph() for subgraph in set_subgraphs} separated_string = self._separate_string(string) for syndrome_type, _ in enumerate(separated_string): for syndrome_round in range(len(separated_string[syndrome_type])): elements = separated_string[syndrome_type][syndrome_round] for elem_num, element in enumerate(elements): if element == '1' or syndrome_type == 0: for subgraph in subgraphs[syndrome_type]: E[subgraph].add_node( (syndrome_type, syndrome_round, elem_num)) # for each pair of nodes in error create an edge and weight with the # distance for subgraph in set_subgraphs: for source in E[subgraph]: for target in E[subgraph]: if target != (source): distance = int(nx.shortest_path_length( self.S, source, target, weight='distance')) E[subgraph].add_edge(source, target, weight=-distance) return E
[docs] def matching(self, string): """ Args: string (str): A string describing the output from the code. Returns: str: A string with corrected logical values, computed using minimum weight perfect matching. Additional information: This function can be run directly, or used indirectly to calculate a logical error probability with `get_logical_prob` """ # this matching algorithm is designed for a single graph E = self.make_error_graph(string)['0'] # set up graph that is like E, but each syndrome node is connected to a # separate copy of the nearest logical node E_matching = nx.Graph() syndrome_nodes = [] logical_nodes = [] logical_neighbours = [] for node in E: if node[0] == 0: logical_nodes.append(node) else: syndrome_nodes.append(node) for source in syndrome_nodes: for target in syndrome_nodes: if target != (source): E_matching.add_edge( source, target, weight=E[source][target]['weight']) potential_logical = {} for target in logical_nodes: potential_logical[target] = E[source][target]['weight'] nearest_logical = max(potential_logical, key=potential_logical.get) E_matching.add_edge( source, nearest_logical + source, weight=potential_logical[nearest_logical]) logical_neighbours.append(nearest_logical + source) for source in logical_neighbours: for target in logical_neighbours: if target != (source): E_matching.add_edge(source, target, weight=0) # do the matching on this matches = nx.max_weight_matching(E_matching, maxcardinality=True) # use it to construct and return a corrected logical string logicals = self._separate_string(string)[0] for (source, target) in matches: if source[0] == 0 and target[0] != 0: logicals[source[1]] = str((int(logicals[source[1]]) + 1) % 2) if target[0] == 0 and source[0] != 0: logicals[target[1]] = str((int(logicals[target[1]]) + 1) % 2) logical_string = '' for logical in logicals: logical_string += logical + ' ' logical_string = logical_string[:-1] return logical_string
[docs] def get_logical_prob(self, results, algorithm='matching'): """ Args: results (dict): A results dictionary, as produced by the `process_results` method of the code. algorithm (str): Choice of which decoder to use. Returns: dict: Dictionary of logical error probabilities for each of the encoded logical states whose results were given in the input. """ logical_prob = {} for log in results: shots = 0 incorrect_shots = 0 corrected_results = {} if algorithm == 'matching': for string in results[log]: corr_str = self.matching(string) if corr_str in corrected_results: corrected_results[corr_str] += results[log][string] else: corrected_results[corr_str] = results[log][string] else: warnings.warn( "The requested algorithm " + str(algorithm) + " is not known.", Warning) for string in corrected_results: shots += corrected_results[string] if string[0] != str(log): incorrect_shots += corrected_results[string] logical_prob[log] = incorrect_shots / shots return logical_prob
[docs]def postselection_decoding(results): """ Calculates the logical error probability using postselection decoding. This postselects all results with trivial syndrome. Args: results (dict): A results dictionary, as produced by the `process_results` method of a code. Returns: dict: Dictionary of logical error probabilities for each of the encoded logical states whose results were given in the input. """ logical_prob = {} postselected_results = {} for log in results: postselected_results[log] = {} for string in results[log]: syndrome_list = string.split(' ') syndrome_list.pop(0) syndrome_string = ' '.join(syndrome_list) error_free = True for char in syndrome_string: error_free = error_free and (char in ['0', ' ']) if error_free: postselected_results[log][string] = results[log][string] for log in results: shots = 0 incorrect_shots = 0 for string in postselected_results[log]: shots += postselected_results[log][string] if string[0] != log: incorrect_shots += postselected_results[log][string] logical_prob[log] = incorrect_shots / shots return logical_prob
[docs]def lookuptable_decoding(training_results, real_results): """ Calculates the logical error probability using postselection decoding. This postselects all results with trivial syndrome. Args: training_results (dict): A results dictionary, as produced by the ``process_results`` method of a code. real_results (dict): A results dictionary, as produced by the ``process_results`` method of a code. Returns: dict: Dictionary of logical error probabilities for each of the encoded logical states whose results were given in the input. Additional information: Given a two dictionaries of results, as produced by a code object, thelogical error probability is calculated for lookup table decoding. This is done using `training_results` as a guide to which syndrome is most probable for each logical value, and the probability is calculated for the results in `real_results`. """ logical_prob = {} for log in real_results: shots = 0 incorrect_shots = 0 for string in real_results[log]: p = {} for testlog in ['0', '1']: if string in training_results[testlog]: p[testlog] = training_results[testlog][string] else: p[testlog] = 0 shots += real_results[log][string] if p['1' * (log == '0') + '0' * (log == '1')] > p[log]: incorrect_shots += real_results[log][string] logical_prob[log] = incorrect_shots / shots return logical_prob