Source code for

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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Quantum tomography data

# Needed for functions
from itertools import combinations
from functools import reduce
from re import match
from typing import Dict, Union, List
import numpy as np

# Data formats for converting from counts to fitter data
# TODO: These should be moved to a module

[docs]def marginal_counts(counts: Dict[str, int], meas_qubits: Union[bool, List[int]] = True, pad_zeros: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Compute marginal counts from a counts dictionary. Args: counts: a counts dictionary. meas_qubits: (default: True) the qubits to NOT be marinalized over if this is True meas_qubits will be all measured qubits. pad_zeros: (default: False) Include zero count outcomes in return dict. Returns: A counts dictionary for the specified qubits. The returned dictionary will have any whitespace trimmed from the input counts keys. Thus if meas_qubits=True the returned dictionary will have the same values as the input dictionary, but with whitespace trimmed from the keys. """ # Extract total number of qubits from first count key # We trim the whitespace seperating classical registers # and count the number of digits num_qubits = len(next(iter(counts)).replace(' ', '')) # Check if we do not need to marginalize. In this case we just trim # whitespace from count keys if (meas_qubits is True) or (num_qubits == len(meas_qubits)): ret = {} for key, val in counts.items(): key = key.replace(' ', '') ret[key] = val return ret # Sort the measured qubits into decending order # Since bitstrings have qubit-0 as least significant bit if meas_qubits is True: meas_qubits = range(num_qubits) # All measured qubits = sorted(meas_qubits, reverse=True) # Generate bitstring keys for measured qubits meas_keys = count_keys(len(qubits)) # Get regex match strings for suming outcomes of other qubits rgx = [] for key in meas_keys: def helper(x, y): if y in qubits: return key[qubits.index(y)] + x return '\\d' + x rgx.append(reduce(helper, range(num_qubits), '')) # Build the return list meas_counts = [] for m in rgx: c = 0 for key, val in counts.items(): if match(m, key.replace(' ', '')): c += val meas_counts.append(c) # Return as counts dict on measured qubits only if pad_zeros is True: return dict(zip(meas_keys, meas_counts)) ret = {} for key, val in zip(meas_keys, meas_counts): if val != 0: ret[key] = val return ret
[docs]def count_keys(num_qubits: int) -> List[str]: """Return ordered count keys. Args: num_qubits: The number of qubits in the generated list. Returns: The strings of all 0/1 combinations of the given number of qubits Example: >>> count_keys(3) ['000', '001', '010', '011', '100', '101', '110', '111'] """ return [bin(j)[2:].zfill(num_qubits) for j in range(2 ** num_qubits)]
[docs]def combine_counts(counts1: Dict[str, int], counts2: Dict[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, int]: """Combine two counts dictionaries. Args: counts1: One of the count dictionaries to combine. counts2: One of the count dictionaries to combine. Returns: A dict containing the **sum** of entries in counts1 and counts2 where a nonexisting entry is treated as 0 Example: >>> counts1 = {'00': 3, '01': 5} >>> counts2 = {'00': 4, '10': 7} >>> combine_counts(counts1, counts2) {'00': 7, '01': 5, '10': 7} """ ret = counts1 for key, val in counts2.items(): if key in ret: ret[key] += val else: ret[key] = val return ret
[docs]def expectation_counts(counts: Dict[str, int]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Converts count dict to an expectation counts dict. The returned dictionary is also a counts dictionary but the keys correspond to the which subsystems the operators are acting on and the counts are the un-normalized expectation values. The counts can be converted to expectation values by dividing by the value of the all '0's entry. The '0's key is the expectation value of the identity operator, and its value is equal to the number of shots. Args: counts: a counts dictionary. Returns: A new counts dictionary where the counts are un-normalized expectation values for the subsystem measurement operators. Consider a input counts dictionary for `s` shots of measurement of the two-qubit operator XZ (X on qubit-1, Z on qubit-0). The dictionary returned will have keys corresponding to: * ``00``: :math:`s * <II>`, * ``01``: :math:`s * <IZ>`, * ``10``: :math:`s * <XI>`, * ``11``: :math:`s * <XZ>` """ # Get total shots for data set shots = np.sum(list(counts.values())) # Compute measured operators subsets in a data set numq = len(list(counts.keys())[0]) # Get operator subsets subsets = [] for r in range(numq): subsets += list(combinations(range(numq), r + 1)) # Compute expectation values exp_data = {'00': shots} for subset in subsets: exp_counts = 0 exp_op = numq * ['0'] # Get expectation operator for qubit in subset: exp_op[qubit] = '1' # Get expectation value for key, val in marginal_counts(counts, subset, pad_zeros=True).items(): exp_counts += (-1) ** (key.count('1')) * val exp_data[''.join(exp_op)] = exp_counts return exp_data