# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Methods for working with the CNOT-dihedral group.
from dihedral import CNOTDihedral
g = CNOTDihedral(3) # create identity element on 3 qubits
g.cnot(0,1) # apply CNOT from qubit 0 to qubit 1
g.flip(2) # apply X on qubit 2
g.phase(3, 1) # apply T^3 on qubit 1
print(g) # pretty print g
phase polynomial =
0 + 3*x_0 + 3*x_1 + 2*x_0*x_1
affine function =
(x_0,x_0 + x_1,x_2 + 1)
This means that |x_0 x_1 x_2> transforms to omega^{p(x)}|f(x)>,
where omega = exp(i*pi/4) from which we can read that
T^3 on qubit 1 AFTER CNOT_{0,1} is the same as
T^3 on qubit 0, T^3 on qubit 1, and CS_{0,1} BEFORE CNOT_{0,1}.
import itertools
import copy
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul
class SpecialPolynomial():
"""Multivariate polynomial with special form.
Maximum degree 3, n Z_2 variables, coefficients in Z_8.
def __init__(self, n_vars):
"""Construct the zero polynomial on n_vars variables."""
# 1 constant term
# n linear terms x_1, ..., x_n
# {n choose 2} quadratic terms x_1x_2, x_1x_3, ..., x_{n-1}x_n
# {n choose 3} cubic terms x_1x_2x_3, ..., x_{n-2}x_{n-1}x_n
# and coefficients in Z_8
assert n_vars >= 1, "n_vars too small!"
self.n_vars = n_vars
self.nc2 = int(n_vars * (n_vars-1) / 2)
self.nc3 = int(n_vars * (n_vars-1) * (n_vars-2) / 6)
self.weight_0 = 0
self.weight_1 = n_vars * [0]
self.weight_2 = self.nc2 * [0]
self.weight_3 = self.nc3 * [0]
def mul_monomial(self, indices):
"""Multiply by a monomial given by indices.
Returns the product.
length = len(indices)
assert length < 4, "no term!"
assert True not in [x < 0 or x >= self.n_vars for x in indices], \
"indices out of bounds!"
assert False not in [indices[i] < indices[i+1]
for i in range(length-1)], \
"indices non-increasing!"
result = SpecialPolynomial(self.n_vars)
if length == 0:
result = copy.deepcopy(self)
terms0 = [[]]
terms1 = [[i] for i in range(self.n_vars)]
terms2 = [[i, j] for i in range(self.n_vars-1)
for j in range(i+1, self.n_vars)]
terms3 = [[i, j, k] for i in range(self.n_vars-2)
for j in range(i+1, self.n_vars-1)
for k in range(j+1, self.n_vars)]
for term in terms0 + terms1 + terms2 + terms3:
value = self.get_term(term)
new_term = list(set(term).union(set(indices)))
result.set_term(new_term, (result.get_term(new_term) +
value) % 8)
return result
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Multiply two polynomials."""
assert isinstance(other, (SpecialPolynomial, int)), \
"other isn't poly or int!: %s" % str(other)
result = SpecialPolynomial(self.n_vars)
if isinstance(other, int):
result.weight_0 = (self.weight_0 * other) % 8
result.weight_1 = [(x * other) % 8 for x in self.weight_1]
result.weight_2 = [(x * other) % 8 for x in self.weight_2]
result.weight_3 = [(x * other) % 8 for x in self.weight_3]
assert self.n_vars == other.n_vars, "different n_vars!"
terms0 = [[]]
terms1 = [[i] for i in range(self.n_vars)]
terms2 = [[i, j] for i in range(self.n_vars-1)
for j in range(i+1, self.n_vars)]
terms3 = [[i, j, k] for i in range(self.n_vars-2)
for j in range(i+1, self.n_vars-1)
for k in range(j+1, self.n_vars)]
for term in terms0 + terms1 + terms2 + terms3:
value = other.get_term(term)
if value != 0:
temp = copy.deepcopy(self)
temp = temp.mul_monomial(term)
temp = temp * value
result = result + temp
return result
def __rmul__(self, other):
"""Right multiplication.
This operation is commutative.
return self.__mul__(other)
def __add__(self, other):
"""Add two polynomials."""
assert isinstance(other, SpecialPolynomial), "other isn't poly!"
assert self.n_vars == other.n_vars, "different n_vars!"
result = SpecialPolynomial(self.n_vars)
result.weight_0 = (self.weight_0 + other.weight_0) % 8
result.weight_1 = [(x[0] + x[1]) % 8
for x in zip(self.weight_1, other.weight_1)]
result.weight_2 = [(x[0] + x[1]) % 8
for x in zip(self.weight_2, other.weight_2)]
result.weight_3 = [(x[0] + x[1]) % 8
for x in zip(self.weight_3, other.weight_3)]
return result
def evaluate(self, xval):
"""Evaluate the multinomial at xval.
if xval is a length n z2 vector, return element of Z8.
if xval is a length n vector of multinomials, return
a multinomial. The multinomials must all be on n vars.
assert len(xval) == self.n_vars, "wrong number of variables!"
check_int = list(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, int), xval))
check_poly = list(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, SpecialPolynomial),
assert False not in check_int or False not in check_poly, "wrong type!"
is_int = (False not in check_int)
if not is_int:
assert False not in [i.n_vars == self.n_vars for i in xval], \
"incompatible polynomials!"
xval = [x % 2 for x in xval]
# Examine each term of this polynomial
terms0 = [[]]
terms1 = [[i] for i in range(self.n_vars)]
terms2 = [[i, j] for i in range(self.n_vars-1)
for j in range(i+1, self.n_vars)]
terms3 = [[i, j, k] for i in range(self.n_vars-2)
for j in range(i+1, self.n_vars-1)
for k in range(j+1, self.n_vars)]
# Set the initial result and start for each term
if is_int:
result = 0
start = 1
result = SpecialPolynomial(self.n_vars)
start = SpecialPolynomial(self.n_vars)
start.weight_0 = 1
# Compute the new terms and accumulate
for term in terms0 + terms1 + terms2 + terms3:
value = self.get_term(term)
if value != 0:
newterm = reduce(mul, [xval[j] for j in term], start)
result = result + value * newterm
if isinstance(result, int):
result = result % 8
return result
def set_pj(self, indices):
"""Set to special form polynomial on subset of variables.
p_J(x) := sum_{a subseteq J,|a| neq 0} (-2)^{|a|-1}x^a
assert True not in [x < 0 or x >= self.n_vars for x in indices], \
"indices out of bounds!"
indices = sorted(indices)
subsets_2 = itertools.combinations(indices, 2)
subsets_3 = itertools.combinations(indices, 3)
self.weight_0 = 0
self.weight_1 = self.n_vars * [0]
self.weight_2 = self.nc2 * [0]
self.weight_3 = self.nc3 * [0]
for j in indices:
self.set_term([j], 1)
for j in subsets_2:
self.set_term(list(j), 6)
for j in subsets_3:
self.set_term(list(j), 4)
def get_term(self, indices):
"""Get the value of a term given the list of variables.
Example: indices = [] returns the constant
indices = [0] returns the coefficient of x_0
indices = [0,3] returns the coefficient of x_0x_3
indices = [0,1,3] returns the coefficient of x_0x_1x_3
If len(indices) > 3 the method fails.
If the indices are out of bounds the method fails.
If the indices are not increasing the method fails.
length = len(indices)
assert length < 4, "no term!"
assert True not in [x < 0 or x >= self.n_vars for x in indices], \
"indices out of bounds!"
assert False not in [indices[i] < indices[i+1]
for i in range(length-1)], \
"indices non-increasing!"
if length == 0:
return self.weight_0
if length == 1:
return self.weight_1[indices[0]]
if length == 2:
# sum(self.n_vars-j, {j, 1, indices[0]})
offset_1 = int(indices[0] * self.n_vars -
((indices[0] + 1) * indices[0])/2)
offset_2 = int(indices[1] - indices[0] - 1)
return self.weight_2[offset_1 + offset_2]
# sum({self.n_vars-j choose 2}, {j, 1, indices[0]})
offset_1 = int(indices[0] * (2 + indices[0]**2 - 3*indices[0] *
(self.n_vars - 1) -
6 * self.n_vars +
3 * self.n_vars**2)/6)
# sum(self.n_vars-j, {j, 2, indices[1]-indices[0]})
offset_2 = int((indices[1] - indices[0] - 1) *
(2 * self.n_vars - indices[1] + indices[0] - 2)/2)
offset_3 = int(indices[2] - indices[1] - 1)
return self.weight_3[offset_1 + offset_2 + offset_3]
def set_term(self, indices, value):
"""Set the value of a term given the list of variables.
Example: indices = [] returns the constant
indices = [0] returns the coefficient of x_0
indices = [0,3] returns the coefficient of x_0x_3
indices = [0,1,3] returns the coefficient of x_0x_1x_3
If len(indices) > 3 the method fails.
If the indices are out of bounds the method fails.
If the indices are not increasing the method fails.
The value is reduced modulo 8.
length = len(indices)
assert length < 4, "no term!"
assert True not in [x < 0 or x >= self.n_vars for x in indices], \
"indices out of bounds!"
assert False not in [indices[i] < indices[i+1]
for i in range(length-1)], \
"indices non-increasing!"
value = value % 8
if length == 0:
self.weight_0 = value
elif length == 1:
self.weight_1[indices[0]] = value
elif length == 2:
# sum(self.n_vars-j, {j, 1, indices[0]})
offset_1 = int(indices[0] * self.n_vars -
((indices[0] + 1) * indices[0])/2)
offset_2 = int(indices[1] - indices[0] - 1)
self.weight_2[offset_1 + offset_2] = value
# sum({self.n_vars-j choose 2}, {j, 1, indices[0]})
offset_1 = int(indices[0] * (2 + indices[0]**2 - 3*indices[0] *
(self.n_vars - 1) -
6 * self.n_vars +
3 * self.n_vars**2)/6)
# sum(self.n_vars-j, {j, 2, indices[1]-indices[0]})
offset_2 = int((indices[1] - indices[0] - 1) *
(2 * self.n_vars - indices[1] + indices[0] - 2)/2)
offset_3 = int(indices[2] - indices[1] - 1)
self.weight_3[offset_1 + offset_2 + offset_3] = value
def key(self):
"""Return a string representation."""
tup = (self.weight_0, tuple(self.weight_1),
tuple(self.weight_2), tuple(self.weight_3))
return str(tup)
def __eq__(self, x):
"""Test equality."""
return isinstance(x, SpecialPolynomial) and self.key == x.key
def __str__(self):
"""Return formatted string representation."""
out = str(self.weight_0)
for i in range(self.n_vars):
value = self.get_term([i])
if value != 0:
out += " + "
if value != 1:
out += (str(value) + "*")
out += ("x_" + str(i))
for i in range(self.n_vars-1):
for j in range(i+1, self.n_vars):
value = self.get_term([i, j])
if value != 0:
out += " + "
if value != 1:
out += (str(value) + "*")
out += ("x_" + str(i) + "*x_" + str(j))
for i in range(self.n_vars-2):
for j in range(i+1, self.n_vars-1):
for k in range(j+1, self.n_vars):
value = self.get_term([i, j, k])
if value != 0:
out += " + "
if value != 1:
out += (str(value) + "*")
out += ("x_" + str(i) + "*x_" + str(j) +
"*x_" + str(k))
return out
[docs]class CNOTDihedral():
"""CNOT-dihedral Object Class.
The CNOT-dihedral group on n qubits is generated by the gates
CNOT, T and X."""
def __init__(self, n_qubits):
# Construct the identity element on n_qubits qubits.
self.n_qubits = n_qubits
# phase polynomial
self.poly = SpecialPolynomial(n_qubits)
# n x n invertible matrix over Z_2
self.linear = [[int(r == c) for c in range(n_qubits)]
for r in range(n_qubits)]
# binary shift, n coefficients in Z_2
self.shift = n_qubits * [0]
def _z2matmul(self, left, right):
"""Compute product of two n x n z2 matrices."""
prod = [[0 for col in range(self.n_qubits)]
for row in range(self.n_qubits)]
for i in range(self.n_qubits):
for j in range(self.n_qubits):
for k in range(self.n_qubits):
prod[i][j] = (prod[i][j] +
left[i][k]*right[k][j]) % 2
return prod
def _z2matvecmul(self, mat, vec):
"""Compute mat*vec of n x n z2 matrix and vector."""
prod = [0 for row in range(self.n_qubits)]
for i in range(self.n_qubits):
for j in range(self.n_qubits):
prod[i] = (prod[i] + mat[i][j] * vec[j]) % 2
return prod
[docs] def __mul__(self, other):
"""Left multiplication self * other."""
assert self.n_qubits == other.n_qubits, "not same n_qubits!"
result = CNOTDihedral(self.n_qubits)
result.shift = [(x[0] + x[1]) % 2
for x in zip(self._z2matvecmul(self.linear,
result.linear = self._z2matmul(self.linear, other.linear)
# Compute x' = B1*x + c1 using the p_j identity
new_vars = []
for i in range(self.n_qubits):
support = [j for j, e in enumerate(other.linear[i]) if e != 0]
poly = SpecialPolynomial(self.n_qubits)
if other.shift[i] == 1:
poly = -1 * poly
poly.weight_0 = (poly.weight_0 + 1) % 8
# p' = p1 + p2(x')
result.poly = other.poly + self.poly.evaluate(new_vars)
return result
def __rmul__(self, other):
"""Right multiplication other * self."""
assert self.n_qubits == other.n_qubits, "not same n_qubits!"
result = CNOTDihedral(self.n_qubits)
result.shift = [(x[0] + x[1]) % 2
for x in zip(self._z2matvecmul(other.linear,
result.linear = self._z2matmul(other.linear, self.linear)
# Compute x' = B1*x + c1 using the p_j identity
new_vars = []
for i in range(self.n_qubits):
support = [j for j, e in enumerate(self.linear[i]) if e != 0]
poly = SpecialPolynomial(self.n_qubits)
if other.shift[i] == 1:
poly = -1 * poly
poly.weight_0 = (poly.weight_0 + 1) % 8
# p' = p1 + p2(x')
result.poly = self.poly + other.poly.evaluate(new_vars)
return result
def key(self):
"""Return a string representation of a CNOT-dihedral object."""
tup = (self.poly.key, tuple(map(tuple, self.linear)),
return str(tup)
def __eq__(self, x):
"""Test equality."""
return isinstance(x, CNOTDihedral) and self.key == x.key
[docs] def cnot(self, i, j):
"""Apply a CNOT gate to this element.
Left multiply the element by CNOT_{i,j}.
assert i >= 0, "i negative!"
assert j >= 0, "j negative!"
assert i < self.n_qubits, "i too big!"
assert j < self.n_qubits, "j too big!"
assert i != j, "i == j!"
self.linear[j] = [(self.linear[i][k] + self.linear[j][k]) % 2
for k in range(self.n_qubits)]
self.shift[j] = (self.shift[i] + self.shift[j]) % 2
[docs] def phase(self, k, i):
"""Apply an k-th power of T to this element.
Left multiply the element by T_i^k.
assert i >= 0, "i negative!"
assert i < self.n_qubits, "i too big!"
# If the kth bit is flipped, conjugate this gate
if self.shift[i] == 1:
k = (7*k) % 8
# Take all subsets \alpha of the support of row i
# of weight up to 3 and add k*(-2)**(|\alpha| - 1) mod 8
# to the corresponding term.
support = [j for j, e in enumerate(self.linear[i]) if e != 0]
subsets_2 = itertools.combinations(support, 2)
subsets_3 = itertools.combinations(support, 3)
for j in support:
value = self.poly.get_term([j])
self.poly.set_term([j], (value + k) % 8)
for j in subsets_2:
value = self.poly.get_term(list(j))
self.poly.set_term(list(j), (value + -2 * k) % 8)
for j in subsets_3:
value = self.poly.get_term(list(j))
self.poly.set_term(list(j), (value + 4 * k) % 8)
[docs] def flip(self, i):
"""Apply X to this element.
Left multiply the element by X_i.
assert i >= 0, "i negative!"
assert i < self.n_qubits, "i too big!"
self.shift[i] = (self.shift[i] + 1) % 2
def __str__(self):
"""Return formatted string representation."""
out = "phase polynomial = \n"
out += str(self.poly)
out += "\naffine function = \n"
out += " ("
for row in range(self.n_qubits):
wrote = False
for col in range(self.n_qubits):
if self.linear[row][col] != 0:
if wrote:
out += (" + x_" + str(col))
out += ("x_" + str(col))
wrote = True
if self.shift[row] != 0:
out += " + 1"
if row != self.n_qubits - 1:
out += ","
out += ")\n"
return out
def make_dict_0(n_qubits):
"""Make the zero-CNOT dictionary.
This returns the dictionary of CNOT-dihedral elements on
n_qubits using no CNOT gates. There are 16^n elements.
The key is a unique string and the value is a pair:
a CNOTDihedral object and a list of gates as a string.
assert n_qubits >= 1, "n_qubits too small!"
obj = {}
for i in range(16**n_qubits):
elem = CNOTDihedral(n_qubits)
circ = []
num = i
for j in range(n_qubits):
xpower = int(num % 2)
tpower = int(((num - num % 2) / 2) % 8)
if tpower > 0:
elem.phase(tpower, j)
circ.append(("u1", tpower, j))
if xpower == 1:
circ.append(("x", j))
num = int((num - num % 16) / 16)
obj[elem.key] = (elem, circ)
return obj
def make_dict_next(n_qubits, dicts_prior):
"""Make the m+1 CNOT dictionary given the prior dictionaries.
This returns the dictionary of CNOT-dihedral elements on
n_qubits using m+1 CNOT gates given the list of dictionaries
of circuits using 0, 1, ..., m CNOT gates.
There are no more than 4*(n^2 - n)*|G(m)| elements.
The key is a unique string and the value is a pair:
a CNOTDihedral object and a list of gates as a string.
assert n_qubits >= 1, "n_qubits too small!"
obj = {}
for elem, circ in dicts_prior[-1].values():
for i in range(n_qubits):
for j in range(n_qubits):
if i != j:
for tpower in range(4):
new_elem = copy.deepcopy(elem)
new_circ = copy.deepcopy(circ)
new_elem.cnot(i, j)
new_circ.append(("cx", i, j))
if tpower > 0:
new_elem.phase(tpower, j)
new_circ.append(("u1", tpower, j))
if True not in [(new_elem.key in d)
for d in dicts_prior] \
and new_elem.key not in obj:
obj[new_elem.key] = (new_elem, new_circ)
return obj