# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
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# pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return,invalid-name
Clifford Operator class
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli
[docs]class Clifford:
"""Clifford Operator Class."""
def __init__(self, num_qubits=None, table=None, phases=None):
# Initialize an n-qubit Clifford table.
# Use index for initializing 1 and 2 qubit Cliffords
# If index is none initialize to identity.
# It will be easier for internal functions to use a single np array
# for the Clifford table rather than the Pauli class, and we can
# convert rows to the Pauli class as needed.
# Initialize internal variables
self._num_qubits = None
self._table = None
self._phases = None
# Initialize from table and phases
if table is not None:
# Store symplectic table
self._table = np.array(table, dtype=bool)
shape = self._table.shape
if len(shape) != 2 or shape[0] != shape[1] or (shape[0] % 2):
raise ValueError("Invalid symplectic table input")
self._num_qubits = shape[0] // 2
# Store phases
if phases:
self._phases = np.array(phases, dtype=np.bool)
shape = self._phases.shape
if len(shape) != 1 or shape[0] != 2 * self._num_qubits:
raise ValueError("Invalid phases")
# Initialize all phases as zero
self._phases = np.zeros(2 * self._num_qubits, dtype=np.bool)
# Initialize from num_qubits only:
if num_qubits is not None:
self._num_qubits = num_qubits
# Initialize symplectic table
zeros = np.zeros((num_qubits, num_qubits), dtype=np.bool)
iden = np.eye(num_qubits, dtype=np.bool)
self._table = np.block([[zeros, iden], [iden, zeros]])
# Initialize phases
self._phases = np.zeros(2 * num_qubits, dtype=np.bool)
def __repr__(self):
# TODO: truncate output for large tables
output = 'Clifford(phases={},\n'.format(repr(self._phases.tolist()))
table_str = ' table=['
pad = "".join(len(table_str) * [' '])
for j, row in enumerate(self._table):
if j > 0:
table_str += pad
table_str += repr(row.tolist())
if j < 2 * self.num_qubits - 1:
table_str += ",\n"
table_str += "])"
return output + table_str
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data accessors
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def num_qubits(self):
"""Return the number of qubits for the Clifford."""
return self._num_qubits
def table(self):
"""Return the Clifford table."""
return self._table
def phases(self):
"""Return the Clifford phases."""
return self._phases
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Get element from internal symplectic table."""
return self._table[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
"""Set element of internal symplectic table."""
if isinstance(value, Pauli):
# Update from Pauli object
self._table[index] = np.block([value.z, value.x])
# Update table as Numpy array
self._table[index] = value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Interface with Pauli object
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def stabilizer(self, qubit):
"""Return the qubit stabilizer as a Pauli object."""
num_qubits = self._num_qubits
z = self._table[num_qubits + qubit, 0:num_qubits]
x = self._table[num_qubits + qubit, num_qubits:2 * num_qubits]
return Pauli(z=z, x=x)
[docs] def update_stabilizer(self, qubit, pauli):
"""Update the qubit stabilizer row from a Pauli object."""
self[self._num_qubits + qubit] = pauli
[docs] def destabilizer(self, row):
"""Return the destabilizer as a Pauli object."""
num_qubits = self._num_qubits
z = self._table[row, 0:num_qubits]
x = self._table[row, num_qubits:2 * num_qubits]
return Pauli(z=z, x=x)
[docs] def update_destabilizer(self, qubit, pauli):
"""Update the qubit destabilizer row from a Pauli object."""
self[qubit] = pauli
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# JSON / Dict conversion
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def as_dict(self):
"""Return dictionary (JSON) represenation of Clifford object"""
# Modify later if we want to include i and -i.
phase_coeffs = ['', '-']
stabilizers = []
for qubit in range(self.num_qubits):
label = self.stabilizer(qubit).to_label()
phase = self.phases[self.num_qubits + qubit]
stabilizers.append(phase_coeffs[phase] + label)
destabilizers = []
for qubit in range(self.num_qubits):
label = self.destabilizer(qubit).to_label()
phase = self.phases[qubit]
destabilizers.append(phase_coeffs[phase] + label)
return {"stabilizers": stabilizers, "destabilizers": destabilizers}
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, clifford_dict):
"""Load a Clifford from a dictionary."""
# Validation
if not isinstance(clifford_dict, dict) or \
'stabilizers' not in clifford_dict or \
'destabilizers' not in clifford_dict:
raise ValueError("Invalid input Clifford dictionary.")
stabilizers = clifford_dict['stabilizers']
destabilizers = clifford_dict['destabilizers']
if len(stabilizers) != len(destabilizers):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid Clifford dict: length of stabilizers and "
"destabilizers do not match.")
num_qubits = len(stabilizers)
# Helper function
def get_row(label):
"""Return the Pauli object and phase for stabilizer."""
if label[0] in ['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']:
pauli = Pauli.from_label(label)
phase = 0
elif label[0] == '+':
pauli = Pauli.from_label(label[1:])
phase = 0
elif label[0] == '-':
pauli = Pauli.from_label(label[1:])
phase = 1
return pauli, phase
# Generate identity Clifford on number of qubits
clifford = cls(num_qubits)
# Update stabilizers
for qubit, label in enumerate(stabilizers):
pauli, phase = get_row(label)
clifford[num_qubits + qubit] = pauli
clifford.phases[num_qubits + qubit] = phase
# Update destabilizers
for qubit, label in enumerate(destabilizers):
pauli, phase = get_row(label)
clifford[qubit] = pauli
clifford.phases[qubit] = phase
return clifford
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unique Clifford index
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def index(self):
Returns a unique index for the Clifford.
int: A unique index (integer) for the Clifford object.
mat = self.table
mat = mat.reshape(mat.size)
ret = int(0)
for bit in mat:
ret = (ret << 1) | int(bit)
mat = self.phases
mat = mat.reshape(mat.size)
for bit in mat:
ret = (ret << 1) | int(bit)
return ret
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Canonical gate operations
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: These might change based on changes to QuantumCircuit API.
# They should mimic the circuit API as much as possible.
[docs] def x(self, qubit):
"""Apply a Pauli "x" gate to a qubit."""
self._phases = np.logical_xor(self._phases, self._table[:, qubit])
[docs] def y(self, qubit):
"""Apply an Pauli "y" gate to a qubit."""
iz, ix = qubit, self._num_qubits + qubit
zx_xor = np.logical_xor(self._table[:, iz], self._table[:, ix])
self._phases = np.logical_xor(self._phases, zx_xor)
[docs] def z(self, qubit):
"""Apply an Pauli "z" gate to qubit."""
ix = self._num_qubits + qubit
self._phases = np.logical_xor(self._phases, self._table[:, ix])
[docs] def h(self, qubit):
"""Apply an Hadamard "h" gate to qubit."""
iz, ix = qubit, self._num_qubits + qubit
zx_and = np.logical_and(self._table[:, ix], self._table[:, iz])
self._phases = np.logical_xor(self._phases, zx_and)
# Cache X column for qubit
x_cache = self._table[:, ix].copy()
# Swap X and Z columns for qubit
self._table[:, ix] = self._table[:, iz] # Does this need to be a copy?
self._table[:, iz] = x_cache
[docs] def s(self, qubit):
"""Apply a phase "s" gate to qubit."""
iz, ix = qubit, self._num_qubits + qubit
zx_and = np.logical_and(self._table[:, ix], self._table[:, iz])
self._phases = np.logical_xor(self._phases, zx_and)
self._table[:, iz] = np.logical_xor(self._table[:, ix],
self._table[:, iz])
[docs] def sdg(self, qubit):
"""Apply an adjoint phase "sdg" gate to qubit."""
# TODO: change direct table update if more efficient
[docs] def v(self, qubit):
"""Apply v gate v = sdg.h ."""
# TODO: change direct table update if more efficient
[docs] def w(self, qubit):
"""Apply w gate w = v.v ."""
# TODO: change direct table update if more efficient
[docs] def cx(self, qubit_ctrl, qubit_trgt):
"""Apply a Controlled-NOT "cx" gate."""
# Helper indices for stabilizer columns
iz_c, ix_c = qubit_ctrl, self.num_qubits + qubit_ctrl
iz_t, ix_t = qubit_trgt, self.num_qubits + qubit_trgt
# Compute phase
tmp = np.logical_xor(self._table[:, ix_t], self._table[:, iz_c])
tmp = np.logical_xor(1, tmp) # Shelly: fixed misprint in logical
tmp = np.logical_and(self._table[:, iz_t], tmp)
tmp = np.logical_and(self._table[:, ix_c], tmp)
self._phases ^= tmp
# Update stabilizers
self._table[:, ix_t] = np.logical_xor(self._table[:, ix_t],
self._table[:, ix_c])
self._table[:, iz_c] = np.logical_xor(self._table[:, iz_t],
self._table[:, iz_c])
[docs] def cz(self, qubit_ctrl, qubit_trgt):
"""Apply a Controlled-z "cz" gate."""
# TODO: change direct table update if more efficient
self.cx(qubit_ctrl, qubit_trgt)
[docs] def swap(self, qubit0, qubit1):
"""Apply SWAP gate between two qubits."""
# TODO: change direct swap of required rows and cols in table
self.cx(qubit0, qubit1)
self.cx(qubit1, qubit0)
self.cx(qubit0, qubit1)