Source code for qiskit.ignis.verification.accreditation.qotp

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# pylint: disable=no-member,invalid-name

Quantum one-time pad

import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.converters.circuit_to_dag import circuit_to_dag
from qiskit.converters.dag_to_circuit import dag_to_circuit
from qiskit.compiler import transpile
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError

def layer_parser(circ, two_qubit_gate='cx', coupling_map=None):
    Tranforms general circuits into a nice form for a qotp.

        circ (QuantumCircuit): A generic quantum circuit
        two_qubit_gate (str): a flag as to which 2 qubit
            gate to compile with, can be cx or cz
        coupling_map (list): some particular device topology as list
            of list (e.g. [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]])
        dict: A dictionary of the parsed layers with the following keys:
            ``singlequbit_layers`` (lsit):  a list of circuits describing
                the single qubit gates
            ``cz_layers`` (list): a list of circuits describing the cz layers
            ``meas_layer`` (QuantumCircuit): a circuit describing the final measurement

        QiskitError: If a circuit element is not implemented in qotp

    # transpile to single qubits and cx
    # TODO: replace cx with cz when that is available
    circ_internal = transpile(circ,
                              basis_gates=['u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'cx'],
    # quantum and classial registers
    qregs = circ_internal.qregs[0]
    cregs = circ_internal.cregs[0]
    # conatiners for the eventual output passed to the accred code
    singlequbitlayers = [QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs),
                         QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs)]
    twoqubitlayers = [QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs)]
    measlayer = QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs)
    # some flags for simplicity
    current2qs = []
    # loop through circuit (best to use the dag object)
    dag_internal = circuit_to_dag(circ_internal)
    for dag_layer in dag_internal.layers():
        circuit_layer = dag_to_circuit(dag_layer['graph'])
        for circelem, qsub, csub in circuit_layer:
            n =
            if n == "barrier":
                # if a barrier separates any two qubit gates
                # start a new layer
                if current2qs != []:
                    singlequbitlayers.append(QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs))
                    twoqubitlayers.append(QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs))
                    current2qs = []
                singlequbitlayers[-2].append(circelem, qsub, csub)
            elif n in ('u1', 'u2', 'u3'):
                # single qubit gate
                q = qsub[0]
                if q in current2qs:
                    singlequbitlayers[-1].append(circelem, qsub, csub)
                    singlequbitlayers[-2].append(circelem, qsub, csub)
            elif n == "cx":
                # cx indices
                q_0 = qsub[0]
                q_1 = qsub[1]
                # check if new cnot satisfies overlap criteria
                if q_0 in current2qs or q_1 in current2qs:
                    singlequbitlayers.append(QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs))
                    twoqubitlayers.append(QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs))
                    current2qs = []
                if two_qubit_gate == 'cx':
                    # append cx
                    twoqubitlayers[-1].cx(q_0, q_1)
                elif two_qubit_gate == 'cz':
                    # append and correct to cz with h gates
                    twoqubitlayers[-1].cz(q_0, q_1)
                    raise QiskitError("Two qubit gate {0}".format(two_qubit_gate)
                                      + " is not implemented in qotp")
                # add to current
            elif n == "measure":
                measlayer.append(circelem, qsub, csub)
                raise QiskitError("Circuit element {0}".format(n)
                                  + " is not implemented in qotp")
    if current2qs == []:
        del singlequbitlayers[-1]
        del twoqubitlayers[-1]
    for ind, circlayer in enumerate(singlequbitlayers):
        singlequbitlayers[ind] = transpile(circlayer,
                                           basis_gates=['u1', 'u2', 'u3'])
    parsedlayers = {'singlequbitlayers': singlequbitlayers,
                    'twoqubitlayers': twoqubitlayers,
                    'measlayer': measlayer,
                    'twoqubitgate': two_qubit_gate,
                    'qregs': qregs,
                    'cregs': cregs}
    return parsedlayers

def QOTP_fromlayers(layers, rng):
    An intermediate step of a qotp in which we've converted the circuit
    to layers and only return a single pad or compilation

        layers (dict): parsed layers from the layer parser
        rng (RNG): a random number generator

        tuple: a tuple of type (``qotp_circ``, ``qotp_postp``) where:
            ``qotp_circ`` (QuantumCircuit): output onetime pad circ
            ``qotp_postp`` (list): correction as liist of bits

        QiskitError: If a circuit element is not implemented in qotp

    # make some circuits
    qregs = layers['qregs']
    cregs = layers['cregs']
    twoqubitgate = layers['twoqubitgate']
    qotp_circ = QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs)
    temp_circ = QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs)

    # initial z gates after prep
    paulizs = rng.randint(2, size=len(qregs))
    for qind, q in enumerate(qregs):
        if paulizs[qind]:
    # step through layers
    for lnum, gates2q in enumerate(layers['twoqubitlayers']):
        # add single qubit gates to temp circuit
        temp_circ = temp_circ+layers['singlequbitlayers'][lnum]
        # generate and add single qubit paulis
        paulizs = rng.randint(2, size=len(qregs))
        paulixs = rng.randint(2, size=len(qregs))
        for qind, q in enumerate(qregs):
            if paulizs[qind]:
            if paulixs[qind]:
        # add to circuit and reset temp
        temp_circ = transpile(temp_circ,
                              basis_gates=['u1', 'u2', 'u3'])
        qotp_circ = qotp_circ+temp_circ
        temp_circ = QuantumCircuit(qregs, cregs)
        # add two qubit layers and get indices for 2qgates
        qotp_circ = qotp_circ+gates2q
        twoqindices = []
        for _, qsub, _ in gates2q:
            twoqindices.append([qsub[0].index, qsub[1].index])
        # update Paulis
        for inds in twoqindices:
            if twoqubitgate == 'cx':
                # iz -> zz and xi -> xx
                paulizs[inds[0]] = (paulizs[inds[0]]+paulizs[inds[1]]) % 2
                paulixs[inds[1]] = (paulixs[inds[1]]+paulixs[inds[0]]) % 2
            elif twoqubitgate == 'cz':
                # ix -> zx and xi -> xz
                paulizs[inds[0]] = (paulizs[inds[0]]+paulixs[inds[1]]) % 2
                paulizs[inds[1]] = (paulizs[inds[1]]+paulixs[inds[0]]) % 2
                raise QiskitError("Two qubit gate {0}".format(twoqubitgate)
                                  + "is not implemented in qotp")
        for qind, q in enumerate(qregs):
            if paulixs[qind]:
            if paulizs[qind]:
    # add final single qubit layer
    temp_circ = temp_circ+layers['singlequbitlayers'][-1]
    # add final Paulis to create the one time pad
    paulizs = rng.randint(2, size=len(qregs))
    paulixs = rng.randint(2, size=len(qregs))
    for qind, q in enumerate(qregs):
        if paulizs[qind]:
        if paulixs[qind]:
    # add to circuit
    temp_circ = transpile(temp_circ,
                          basis_gates=['u1', 'u2', 'u3'])
    qotp_circ = qotp_circ+temp_circ
    # post operations
    qotp_postp = np.flip(paulixs)
    # measurements
    qotp_circ = qotp_circ+layers['measlayer']
    return qotp_circ, qotp_postp

[docs]def QOTP(circ, num, two_qubit_gate='cx', coupling_map=None, seed=None): """ Performs a QOTP (or random compilation) on a generic circuit. This is essentially the same protocol as used in randomized compiling, but follows the methods in Samuele Ferracin, Theodoros Kapourniotis and Animesh Datta New Journal of Physics, Volume 21, November 2019 Args: circ (QuantumCircuit): A generic quantum circuit num (int): the number of one-time pads to return two_qubit_gate (string): a flag as to which 2 qubit gate to compile with, can be cx or cz coupling_map (list): a particular device topology as a list of list (e.g. [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]) seed (int): seed to the random number generator Returns: tuple: a tuple of type (``qotp_circ``, ``qotp_postp``) where: qotp_circs (list): a list of circuits with qotp applied qotp_postps (list): a list of arrays specifying the one time pads """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) # break into layers layers = layer_parser(circ, two_qubit_gate=two_qubit_gate, coupling_map=coupling_map) # output lists qotp_circs = [] qotp_postps = [] # generate circuits and postops for _ in range(num): circ, postp = QOTP_fromlayers(layers, rng) qotp_circs.append(circ) qotp_postps.append(postp) return qotp_circs, qotp_postps
[docs]def QOTPCorrectCounts(qotp_counts, qotp_postp): """ Corrects a dictionary of results, shifting the qotp Args: qotp_counts (dict): a dict of exp counts qotp_postp (list): a binary list denoting the one time pad Returns: dict: the corrected counts dict """ counts_out = {} for key, val in qotp_counts.items(): keyshift = [1 if k == "1" else 0 for k in key] keyshift = [(k+s) % 2 for k, s in zip(keyshift, qotp_postp)] keyshift = ''.join([str(k) for k in keyshift]) counts_out[keyshift] = val return counts_out