# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018, IBM.
# This source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 found in
# the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of this source tree.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
Ignis Logging
import logging
import logging.handlers
import logging.config
from logging import Logger
import os
import glob
from datetime import datetime
import re
from typing import List, Union, Optional
[docs]class IgnisLogger(logging.getLoggerClass()):
A logger class for Ignis
IgnisLogger is a like any other :class:`logging.Logger` object except it has an
additional method, :meth:`log_to_file`, used to log data in the form of
key:value pairs to a log file. Logging configuration is performed via a
configuration file and is handled by IgnisLogging.
Refer to Python's logging documentation for more details on how to use
logging in Python
def __init__(self, name: str, level: Optional[int] = logging.NOTSET):
Initialize the IgnisLogger object
name: name of the logger. Usually set to package name using __name__
level(logging.NOTSET): Verbosity level (use logging package enums)
Logger.__init__(self, name, level)
self._file_logging_enabled = False
self._file_handler = None
self._stream_handler = None
self._conf_file_exists = False
self._warning_omitted = False
[docs] def log_to_file(self, **kwargs):
Log key:value pairs to a log file.
Note: Logger name in the log file is fixed (ignis_logging)
kwargs: key/value pairs to be logged, e.g t1=0.02,
if not self._file_logging_enabled:
if not self._warning_omitted: # Omitting this warning only once
msg = "File logging is disabled"
if not self._conf_file_exists:
msg += ": no config file"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._warning_omitted = True
# We defer setting up the file handler, since its __init__ method
# has the side effect of creating the file
if self._file_handler is None:
self._file_handler = IgnisLogging().get_file_handler()
assert(self._file_handler is not None), "file_handler is not set"
Logger.removeHandler(self, self._stream_handler)
Logger.addHandler(self, self._file_handler)
logstr = ""
for k, v in kwargs.items():
logstr += "'{}':'{}' ".format(k, v)
Logger.log(self, 100, logstr)
Logger.removeHandler(self, self._file_handler)
Logger.addHandler(self, self._stream_handler)
[docs] def enable_file_logging(self):
Enable file logging for this logger object (note there is a single
object for a given logger name
self._file_logging_enabled = True
[docs] def disable_file_logging(self):
Disable file logging for this logger object (note there is a single
object for a given logger name
self._file_logging_enabled = False
[docs]class IgnisLogging:
"""Singleton class to configure file logging via IgnisLogger
Logging to file is enabled only if there is a config file present. Otherwise
IgnisLogger will behave as a regular logger.
Config file is assumed to be in <user home>/.qiskit/logging.yaml
**Config file fields:**
file_logging: {true/false} - Specifies whether file logging is enabled
log_file: <path> - path to the log file. If not specified,
ignis.log will be used
max_size: <# bytes> - maximum size limit for a given log file.
If not specified file size is unlimited
max_rotations: <count> - maximum number of log files to rotate
(oldest file is deleted in case count is reached)
# TODO: Should we allow to override file settings programmatically ?
# (e.g. enable logging)
_instance = None
_file_logging_enabled = False
_log_file = None
_max_bytes = 0
_max_rotations = 0
_log_label = "ignis_logging"
_default_datefmt = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
_config_file_exists = False
# Making the class a Singleton
def __new__(cls):
if IgnisLogging._instance is None:
IgnisLogging._instance = object.__new__(cls)
return IgnisLogging._instance
def _load_config_file():
Load and parse the config file
dict: A dictionary containing all the settings
config_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
".qiskit", "logging.yaml")
config = dict()
if os.path.exists(config_file_path):
with open(config_file_path, "r") as log_file:
for line in log_file:
# removing comments
line = line[:line.find('#') if "#" in line else None]
line = line.split(':') # Splitting to key value
if len(line) < 2:
config[line[0].strip().lower()] = line[1].strip().lower()
IgnisLogging._config_file_exists = True
return config
def _initialize():
Initialize the logging facility for Ignis
log_config = IgnisLogging._load_config_file()
# Reading the config file content
IgnisLogging._file_logging_enabled = \
log_config.get('file_logging') == "true"
IgnisLogging._log_file = log_config.get('log_file') if \
log_config.get('log_file') is not None else "ignis.log"
max_size = log_config.get('max_size')
IgnisLogging._max_bytes = int(max_size) if \
max_size is not None and max_size.isdigit() else 0
max_rotations = log_config.get('max_rotations')
IgnisLogging._max_rotations = int(max_rotations) if \
max_rotations is not None and max_rotations.isdigit() else 0
[docs] def get_logger(self, name: str) -> IgnisLogger:
Return an IgnisLogger object
To be used in by the code which needs logging.
name: Name of the module being logged
An IgnisLogger object
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
assert(isinstance(logger, IgnisLogger)), \
"IgnisLogger class was not registered"
return logger
[docs] def get_file_handler(self):
Configure and retrieve the RotatingFileHandler object. Called on
demand the first time IgnisLoggers needs to write to a file
RotatingFileHandler: The configured RotatingFileHandler object
# Configuring the file handling aspect
fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
IgnisLogging._log_file, maxBytes=IgnisLogging._max_bytes,
# Formatting
formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s {} %(message)s'.format(IgnisLogging._log_label),
return fh
def _configure_logger(self, logger):
Configure the stream handler of the logger
logger (Logger): the logger to be configured
# Configuring the stream handler
sh = logging.StreamHandler()
stream_fmt = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(name)s - %(message)s')
# This will enable limiting file size and rotating once file size
# is exhausted
logger.configure(sh, IgnisLogging._config_file_exists)
if IgnisLogging._file_logging_enabled:
[docs] def get_log_file(self) -> str:
Get the name of the log file
Name of the log file
return IgnisLogging._log_file
[docs] def default_datetime_fmt(self) -> str:
Get the default date time format used for writing log entries
Default date time format
return IgnisLogging._default_datefmt
[docs]class IgnisLogReader:
Class to read from Ignis log files
Reads and constructs tabular representation of logged data based on
date/time and key criteria
[docs] def get_log_files(self) -> List[str]:
Get Names of all log files (several may be present due to logging
file rotation). File names are sorted by modification time.
list: list of all log file names
file_name = IgnisLogging().get_log_file()
search_path = os.path.abspath(file_name + "*")
files = sorted(glob.glob(search_path), key=os.path.getmtime)
result = list()
m = re.compile(
os.path.abspath(file_name).replace('\\', r'\\') + r"$|" +
os.path.abspath(file_name).replace('\\', r'\\') + r".\d+$")
for f in files:
if m.match(f):
return result
[docs] def read_values(self, log_files: Optional[List[str]] = None,
keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
from_datetime: Optional[str] = None,
from_datetime_format: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None,
to_datetime: Optional[str] = None,
to_datetime_format: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None)\
-> List[List[str]]:
Retrieve log lines using key and date/time filtering criteria
log_files: List of log files to read from
keys: Retrieve only key value pairs of corresponding to keys A row
with no matching keys will not be retrieved. If not specified,
all keys are retrieved (optional)
from_datetime(None): Retrieve only rows newer than the given date and
from_datetime_format(None): datetime format string. If not specified
will assume "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
to_datetime(None): Retrieve only rows older than the given date and
to_datetime_format(None): datetime format string. If not specified
will assume "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
list: A list containing the retrieved rows of key pair values
if log_files is not None:
files = [log_files] if isinstance(log_files, str) else log_files
files = self.get_log_files()
retrieved_date = list()
for file in files:
with open(file, "r") as f:
for line in f:
terms = line.split()
date_time = terms[0:2]
dt_filterd = self._filter_by_datetime(date_time,
if dt_filterd:
key_values = terms[3:]
if keys is not None:
key_values = self._filter_keys(key_values, keys)
if not key_values:
retrieved_date.append(date_time + key_values)
return retrieved_date
def _filter_keys(self, key_values, keys):
Retrieve key value pairs matching the given keys
key_values (list): list of key value pairs
keys (list): list of keys to retrieve key value pair of
list: A list of key value pairs according to keys
result = list()
assert(isinstance(key_values, list)), "key_values is not a list"
for kv in key_values:
if kv.split(":")[0].strip("'") in keys:
return result
def _filter_by_datetime(self, row_datetime, from_dt,
from_dt_fmt, to_dt,
Determine whether the given datetime should be filtered
row_datetime: the date/time in question
from_dt: starting date/time
from_dt_fmt: format of the starting date/time
to_dt: ending date/time
to_dt_fmt: format of the ending date/time
bool: True if the row should be filtered out
ValueError: if invalid date time fields are passed in
if from_dt is not None and not isinstance(from_dt, datetime):
if from_dt_fmt is None:
from_dt_fmt = IgnisLogging().default_datetime_fmt()
from_dt = datetime.strptime(from_dt, from_dt_fmt)
except ValueError as ve:
raise ve
if to_dt is not None and not isinstance(to_dt, datetime):
if to_dt_fmt is None:
to_dt_fmt = IgnisLogging().default_datetime_fmt()
to_dt = datetime.strptime(to_dt, to_dt_fmt)
except ValueError as ve:
raise ve
if from_dt is None and to_dt is None:
return False
row_datetime = datetime.strptime("%s %s" % (row_datetime[0],
if from_dt is not None:
if row_datetime < from_dt:
return True
if to_dt is not None:
if row_datetime > to_dt:
return True
return False