Source code for qiskit.ignis.characterization.hamiltonian.circuits

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Circuit generation for measuring hamiltonian parametes

import numpy as np
import qiskit
from ..characterization_utils import pad_id_gates

[docs]def zz_circuits(num_of_gates, gate_time, qubits, spectators, nosc=5): """ Generates circuit for measuring ZZ. Two Ramsey experiments, the first with the spectator in the ground state, the second with the spectator in the excited state Args: num_of_gates (list of integers): the number of identity gates in each circuit. Must be in an increasing order. gate_time (float): time of running a single gate. qubits (list of integers): indices of the qubits to measure and perform the Ramsey spectators (list of integers): indices of the qubits to flip the state (ie measure the ZZ between qubits and spectators). Must be the same length as qubits nosc (int): number of oscillations to induce using the phase gate Returns: A list of QuantumCircuit xdata: a list of delay times osc_freq: the induced oscillation frequency Raises: ValueError: If the number of qubits differs from the number of spectators """ if len(qubits) != len(spectators): raise ValueError("Number of qubits and spectators must be the same") for _, qubit in enumerate(qubits): if qubit in spectators: raise ValueError("Qubits and spectators must be different") xdata = gate_time * num_of_gates qr = qiskit.QuantumRegister(max([max(qubits), max(spectators)])+1) cr = qiskit.ClassicalRegister(len(qubits)) osc_freq = nosc/xdata[-1] circuits = [] for qflip in [False, True]: for circ_index, circ_length in enumerate(num_of_gates): circ = qiskit.QuantumCircuit(qr, cr) = 'zzcircuit_' + str(circ_index) + '_%d' % qflip for _, qspec in enumerate(spectators): if qflip: circ.x(qr[qspec]) circ.barrier(qr) for qind, qubit in enumerate(qubits): circ.h(qr[qubit]) circ = pad_id_gates(circ, qr, qubit, circ_length) circ.u1(2*np.pi*osc_freq*xdata[circ_index], qr[qubit]) circ.h(qr[qubit]) circ.barrier(qr) for qind, qubit in enumerate(qubits): circ.measure(qr[qubit], cr[qind]) circuits.append(circ) return circuits, xdata, osc_freq