Source code for qiskit.ignis.characterization.coherence.fitters

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
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Fitters of characteristic times

from typing import Union, List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import qiskit
from ..fitters import BaseCoherenceFitter

[docs]class T1Fitter(BaseCoherenceFitter): r""" Estimate T\ :sub:`1`\ , based on experiments outcomes, The experiments were created by `t1_circuits`, and executed on the device. The probabilities of measuring 1 is assumed to be of the form .. math:: f(t) = A\mathrm{e}^{-t/T_1}+B, for unknown parameters `A`, `B`, and T\ :sub:`1`\ . Args: backend_result: result of execution of `t1_circuits` on the backend. xdata: delay times of the T\ :sub:`1` circuits. qubits: indices of the qubits whose T\ :sub:`1`\ 's are to be measured. fit_p0: initial values to the fit parameters, where the order is :math:`(A, T_1, B)`. fit_bounds: bounds on the parameters to fit. The first tuple is the lower bounds, in the order :math:`(A, T_1, B)`. The second tuple is the upper bounds. time_unit: unit of delay times in `xdata`. """ def __init__(self, backend_result: qiskit.result.Result, xdata: Union[List[float], np.array], qubits: List[int], fit_p0: List[float], # any way to enforce length 3? fit_bounds: Tuple[List[float], List[float]], time_unit: str = 'micro-seconds'): circuit_names = [] for cind, _ in enumerate(xdata): circuit_names.append('t1circuit_%d_' % cind) BaseCoherenceFitter.__init__(self, '$T_1$', backend_result, xdata, qubits, self._exp_fit_fun, fit_p0, fit_bounds, circuit_names, expected_state='1', time_index=1, time_unit=time_unit)
[docs] def plot(self, qind, series='0', ax=None, show_plot=False): ax = BaseCoherenceFitter.plot(self, qind, series, ax, show_plot) ax.set_ylabel("Excited State Population") return ax
[docs]class T2Fitter(BaseCoherenceFitter): r""" Estimate T\ :sub:`2`\ , based on experiments outcomes. The experiments were created by `t2_circuits`, and executed on the device. The probabilities of measuring 0 is assumed to be of the form .. math:: f(t) = A\mathrm{e}^{-t/T_2}+B, for unknown parameters `A`, `B`, and T\ :sub:`2`\ . Args: backend_result: result of execution of `t2_circuits` on the backend. xdata: delay times of the T\ :sub:`2` circuits. qubits: indices of the qubits whose T\ :sub:`2`\ 's are to be measured. fit_p0: initial values to the fit parameters, where the order is :math:`(A, T_2, B)`. fit_bounds: bounds on the parameters to fit. The first tuple is the lower bounds, in the order :math:`(A, T_2, B)`. The second tuple is the upper bounds. circbasename: prefix to all circuit names. time_unit: unit of delay times in `xdata`. """ def __init__(self, backend_result: qiskit.result.Result, xdata: Union[List[float], np.array], qubits: List[int], fit_p0: List[float], # any way to enforce length 3? fit_bounds: Tuple[List[float], List[float]], circbasename: str = 't2', time_unit: str = 'micro-seconds'): circuit_names = [] for cind, _ in enumerate(xdata): circuit_names.append('%scircuit_%d_' % (circbasename, cind)) BaseCoherenceFitter.__init__(self, '$T_2$', backend_result, xdata, qubits, self._exp_fit_fun, fit_p0, fit_bounds, circuit_names, expected_state='0', time_index=1, time_unit=time_unit)
[docs] def plot(self, qind, series='0', ax=None, show_plot=False): ax = BaseCoherenceFitter.plot(self, qind, series, ax, show_plot) ax.set_ylabel("Ground State Population") return ax
[docs]class T2StarFitter(BaseCoherenceFitter): r""" Estimate T\ :sub:`2`:sup:`*`\ , based on experiments outcomes. The experiments were created by `t2star_circuits`, and executed on the device. The probabilities of measuring 0 is assumed to be of the form .. math:: f(t) = A\mathrm{e}^{-t / T_2^*}\cos(2\pi ft + \phi) + B for unknown parameters :math:`A, B, f, \phi, T_2^*`. Args: backend_result: result of execution of `t2star_circuits` on the backend. xdata: delay times of the T\ :sub:`2`:sup:`*` circuits. qubits: indices of the qubits whose T\ :sub:`2`\:sup:`*` 's are to be measured. fit_p0: initial values to the fit parameters, where the order is :math:`(A, T_2^*, f, \phi, B)`. fit_bounds: bounds on the parameters to fit. The first tuple is the lower bounds, in the order :math:`(A, T_2^*, f, \phi, B)`. The second tuple is the upper bounds. time_unit: unit of delay times in `xdata`. """ def __init__(self, backend_result: qiskit.result.Result, xdata: Union[List[float], np.array], qubits: List[int], fit_p0: List[float], # any way to enforce length 5? fit_bounds: Tuple[List[float], List[float]], time_unit: str = 'micro-seconds'): circuit_names = [] for cind, _ in enumerate(xdata): circuit_names.append('t2starcircuit_%d_' % cind) BaseCoherenceFitter.__init__(self, '$T_2^*$', backend_result, xdata, qubits, self._osc_fit_fun, fit_p0, fit_bounds, circuit_names, expected_state='0', time_index=1, time_unit=time_unit)
[docs] def guess_params(self, qind: int = 0) -> List[float]: """ Guess fit parameters for oscillation data Args: qind: qubit index to guess fit parameters for Returns: Fit guessed parameters """ a_val = np.max(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) c = np.mean(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) fft_data = np.fft.fft(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) # find the max fft_freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(self.xdata), self.xdata[1]-self.xdata[0]) # main freq main_freq = np.argmax(np.abs(fft_data)[1:]) f_guess = fft_freqs[1:][main_freq] return [a_val, self.xdata[-1]*10, f_guess, np.angle(fft_data[1:][main_freq]), c]
[docs] def plot(self, qind, series='0', ax=None, show_plot=False): ax = BaseCoherenceFitter.plot(self, qind, series, ax, show_plot) ax.set_ylabel("Ground State Population") return ax