Source code for qiskit.ignis.characterization.calibrations.ibmq_utils

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
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Utility functions for calibrating IBMQ Devices

from collections import defaultdict
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import numpy as np

from qiskit.pulse import pulse_lib, Schedule, Play, ShiftPhase
from qiskit.pulse.schedule import ParameterizedSchedule

def _fit_drag_func(duration, amp, sigma, beta, exp_samples):
    Helper function to compare a drag pulse to samples from
    the experiment

        duration (int): pulse duration
        amp (complex): gauss amp
        sigma (float): gauss sigma
        beta (complex): drag amp
        exp_samples (ndarray): the experiment pulse, split into real and imag

        ndarray: difference between the drag and experimental samples


    fit_pulse = pulse_lib.drag(duration=duration, amp=amp, sigma=sigma,

    return np.concatenate((fit_pulse.real, fit_pulse.imag))-exp_samples

[docs]def get_single_q_pulse(inst_map, qubits): """ Get the DRAG parameters for the single qubit pulse Args: inst_map (InstMap): Instruction schedule map object for the device qubits (list): list of qubits to extract the parameters Returns: list: List of dictionaries with the parameters for the DRAG Notes: Deprecated once parameterized pulses are supported """ fit_params = [] for q in qubits: # get u2 command u2_q = inst_map.get('u2', qubits=q, P0=1, P1=1) for _, instr in u2_q.instructions: if isinstance(instr, Play): pulse_samples = instr.pulse.samples pulse_dur = len(pulse_samples) pulse_max = np.max(np.abs(pulse_samples)) pulse_samples = np.concatenate((pulse_samples.real, pulse_samples.imag)) break # fit a drag pulse def fit_func_2(x): return _fit_drag_func(pulse_dur, x[0], x[1], x[2], pulse_samples) opt_result = least_squares(fit_func_2, [pulse_max, pulse_dur/4, pulse_max/5]) fit_params.append({'amp': opt_result.x[0], 'duration': pulse_dur, 'sigma': opt_result.x[1], 'beta': opt_result.x[2]}) return fit_params
[docs]def update_u_gates(drag_params, pi2_pulse_schedules=None, qubits=None, inst_map=None, drives=None): """Update the cmd_def with new single qubit gate values Will update U2, U3 Args: drag_params (list): list of drag params pi2_pulse_schedules (list): list of new pi/2 gate as a pulse schedule will use the drag_params if this is None. qubits (list): list of qubits to update inst_map (InstructionScheduleMap): InstructionScheduleMap providing circuit instruction to schedule definitions. drives (list): List of drive chs """ # U2 is -P1.Y90p.-P0 # U3 is -P2.X90p.-P0.X90m.-P1 def parametrized_fc(kw_name, phi0, chan, t_offset): def _parametrized_fc(**kwargs): return ShiftPhase(phase=-kwargs[kw_name]+phi0, channel=chan).shift(t_offset) return _parametrized_fc for qubit in qubits: drive_ch = drives[qubit] if pi2_pulse_schedules is None: x90_pulse = pulse_lib.drag(**drag_params[qubit]) x90_sched = Schedule() x90_sched += Play(x90_pulse, drive_ch).shift(0) else: x90_sched = pi2_pulse_schedules[qubit] pulse_dur = x90_sched.duration # find channel dependency for u2 for _u2_group in _find_channel_groups('u2', qubits=qubit, inst_map=inst_map): if drive_ch in _u2_group: break else: _u2_group = (drive_ch, ) u2_fc1s = [parametrized_fc('P1', np.pi/2, ch, 0) for ch in _u2_group] u2_fc2s = [parametrized_fc('P0', -np.pi/2, ch, pulse_dur) for ch in _u2_group] # find channel dependency for u3 for _u3_group in _find_channel_groups('u3', qubits=qubit, inst_map=inst_map): if drive_ch in _u3_group: break else: _u3_group = (drive_ch, ) u3_fc1s = [parametrized_fc('P2', 0, ch, 0) for ch in _u3_group] u3_fc2s = [parametrized_fc('P0', -np.pi, ch, pulse_dur) for ch in _u3_group] u3_fc3s = [parametrized_fc('P1', np.pi, ch, 2*pulse_dur) for ch in _u3_group] # add commands to schedule # u2 sched_components = [*u2_fc1s, x90_sched, *u2_fc2s] schedule1 = ParameterizedSchedule(*sched_components, parameters=['P0', 'P1'], name='u2_%d' % qubit) # u3 sched_components = [*u3_fc1s, x90_sched, *u3_fc2s, x90_sched.shift(pulse_dur), *u3_fc3s] schedule2 = ParameterizedSchedule(*sched_components, parameters=['P0', 'P1', 'P2'], name='u3_%d' % qubit) inst_map.add('u2', qubits=qubit, schedule=schedule1) inst_map.add('u3', qubits=qubit, schedule=schedule2)
def _find_channel_groups(command, qubits, inst_map): """ Extract frame dependency of control channel on drive channel. Args: command (str): name of command. qubits (int): target qubit index. inst_map (InstructionScheduleMap): InstructionScheduleMap providing circuit instruction to schedule definitions. Returns: list: group of channels in the same frame. """ params = inst_map.get_parameters(command, qubits=qubits) temp_sched = inst_map.get(command, qubits=qubits, **dict(zip(params, np.zeros(len(params))))) synced_fcs = defaultdict(list) for t_0, inst in temp_sched.instructions: if isinstance(inst, ShiftPhase): synced_fcs[t_0, inst.phase].extend(inst.channels) channel_groups = set() for synced_fc in synced_fcs.values(): channel_groups.add(tuple(synced_fc)) return list(channel_groups)