Source code for qiskit.ignis.characterization.calibrations.fitters

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019.
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Fitters for calibration routines

import numpy as np
from ..fitters import IQFitter

[docs]class RabiFitter(IQFitter): """ Rabi Experiment fitter """ def __init__(self, backend_result, xdata, qubits, fit_p0, fit_bounds=None): """ See BaseCalibrationFitter __init__ fit_po is [amp, freq, phase, offset] """ schedule_names = [] for cind, _ in enumerate(xdata): schedule_names.append('rabisched_%d_' % cind) IQFitter.__init__(self, '$Rabi$', backend_result, xdata, qubits, self._osc_nodecay_fit_fun, fit_p0, fit_bounds, schedule_names)
[docs] def guess_params(self, qind=0): """ Guess fit parameters for rabi oscillation data Args: qind (int): qubit index to guess fit parameters for Returns: list: List of fit guess parameters [amp, freq, phase, offset] """ a_out = np.max(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) c_out = np.mean(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) fft_data = np.fft.fft(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) # find the max fft_freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(self.xdata), self.xdata[1]-self.xdata[0]) # main freq main_freq = np.argmax(np.abs(fft_data)) f_guess = fft_freqs[main_freq] return [a_out, f_guess, np.angle(fft_data[main_freq]), c_out]
[docs] def pi2_amplitude(self, qind=-1): r""" Return the pi/2 amplitude from the fit Args: qind (int): qubit index Returns: float: :math:`\frac{\pi}{2}` amp """ return self.pi_amplitude(qind)/2
[docs] def pi_amplitude(self, qind=-1): r""" Return the pi amplitude from the fit Args: qind (int): qubit index Returns: float: :math:`\pi` amp """ piamp_list = self._get_param(1, -1) piamp_list = 1/np.array(piamp_list)/2. if qind == -1: return piamp_list return piamp_list[qind]
[docs] def plot(self, qind, series='0', ax=None, show_plot=False): """ Plot the data and fit Args: qind (int): qubit index series (str): data series to plot (for rabi data always '0') ax (Axes): matploblib axes (if none created) show_plot (bool): do Returns: Axes: Plot axes """ ax = IQFitter.plot(self, qind, series, ax, show_plot) ax.set_ylabel("IQ Signal") ax.set_xlabel("Drive Amplitude") ax.axvline(self.pi_amplitude(qind), color='black', linestyle='dashed') return ax
[docs]class DragFitter(IQFitter): """ Drag Experiment fitter """ def __init__(self, backend_result, xdata, qubits, fit_p0, fit_bounds=None): """ See IQFitter __init__ fit_p0 is [a, x0, c] where the fit is a*(x-x0)^2+c """ schedule_names = [] for cind, _ in enumerate(xdata): schedule_names.append('dragsched_%d_' % cind) if fit_bounds is None: fit_bounds = ([-np.inf for e in range(len(fit_p0))], [np.inf for e in range(len(fit_p0))]) IQFitter.__init__(self, '$DRAG$', backend_result, xdata, qubits, self._quadratic, fit_p0, fit_bounds, schedule_names)
[docs] def guess_params(self, qind=0): """ Guess parameters for the drag fit Args: qind (int): qubit index Returns: list: guess parameters [a, x0, c] where the fit is :math:`a * (x - x0)^{2+c}` """ a = np.max(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) - \ np.min(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) i1 = np.argmax(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) i2 = np.argmin(self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean']) if np.abs(self.xdata[i1]) < np.abs(self.xdata[i2]): x0 = self.xdata[i1] a *= -1 c = self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean'][i1] else: x0 = self.xdata[i2] c = self.ydata['0'][qind]['mean'][i2] return [a/np.max(self.xdata)**2, x0, c]
[docs] def drag_amplitude(self, qind=-1): """ Return the drag amplitude from the fit Args: qind (int): qubit index Returns: float: drag amp """ return self._get_param(1, qind)
[docs] def plot(self, qind, series='0', ax=None, show_plot=False): """ Plot the data and fit Args: qind (int): qubit index series (str): data series to plot (for rabi data always '0') ax (Axes): matploblib axes (if none created) show_plot (bool): do Returns: Axes: Plot axes """ ax = IQFitter.plot(self, qind, series, ax, show_plot) ax.set_ylabel("IQ Signal") ax.set_xlabel("DRAG Amplitude") return ax