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The Fixed Income Expected Value.
from typing import Optional, Union, List
import numpy as np
from qiskit.aqua.components.uncertainty_models import UncertaintyModel
from qiskit.aqua.components.uncertainty_problems import UncertaintyProblem
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]class FixedIncomeExpectedValue(UncertaintyProblem):
The Fixed Income Expected Value.
Evaluates a fixed income asset with uncertain interest rates.
def __init__(self,
uncertainty_model: UncertaintyModel,
A: np.ndarray,
b: int,
cash_flow: List[float],
c_approx: float,
i_state: Optional[Union[List[int], np.ndarray]] = None,
i_objective: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
uncertainty_model: multivariate distribution
A: PCA matrix for delta_r (changes in interest rates)
b: offset for interest rates (= initial interest rates)
cash_flow: cash flow time series
c_approx: approximation scaling factor
i_state: indices of qubits that represent the state
i_objective: index of target qubit to apply the rotation to
if not isinstance(A, np.ndarray):
A = np.asarray(A)
if i_state is None:
i_state = list(range(uncertainty_model.num_target_qubits))
if i_objective is None:
i_objective = uncertainty_model.num_target_qubits
# TODO: remove dictionary and use direct attributes
self._params = {
'i_state': i_state,
'i_objective': i_objective
# get number of time steps
self.T = len(cash_flow)
# get dimension of uncertain model
self.K = uncertainty_model.dimension
# get total number of target qubits
num_target_qubits = 1 + uncertainty_model.num_target_qubits
# initialize parent class
self.uncertainty_model = uncertainty_model
self.cash_flow = cash_flow
self.c_approx = c_approx
self.A = A
self.b = b
# construct PCA-based cost function (1st order approximation):
# c_t / (1 + A_t x + b_t)^{t+1} ~ c_t / (1 + b_t)^{t+1} - (t+1) c_t A_t /
# (1 + b_t)^{t+2} x = h + np.dot(g, x)
self.h = 0
self.g = np.zeros(self.K)
for t in range(self.T):
self.h += cash_flow[t] / pow(1 + b[t], (t + 1))
self.g += -1.0 * (t + 1) * cash_flow[t] * A[t, :] / pow(1 + b[t], (t + 2))
# compute overall offset using lower bound for x (corresponding to x = min)
self.offset = np.dot(uncertainty_model.low, self.g) + self.h
# compute overall slope
self.slope = np.zeros(uncertainty_model.num_target_qubits)
index = 0
for k in range(self.K):
nk = uncertainty_model.num_qubits[k]
for i in range(nk):
self.slope[index] = \
pow(2.0, i) / (pow(2.0, nk) - 1) * \
(uncertainty_model.high[k] - uncertainty_model.low[k]) * self.g[k]
index += 1
# evaluate min and max values
# for scaling to [0, 1] is then given by (V - min) / (max - min)
self.min_value = self.offset + sum(self.slope)
self.max_value = self.offset
# reset offset / slope accordingly
self.offset -= self.min_value
self.offset /= (self.max_value - self.min_value)
self.slope /= (self.max_value - self.min_value)
# apply approximation scaling
self.offset_angle = (self.offset - 1 / 2) * np.pi / 2 * self.c_approx + np.pi / 4
self.slope_angle = self.slope * np.pi / 2 * self.c_approx
[docs] def value_to_estimation(self, value):
estimator = value - 1 / 2
estimator *= 2 / np.pi / self.c_approx
estimator += 1 / 2
estimator *= (self.max_value - self.min_value)
estimator += self.min_value
return estimator
[docs] def required_ancillas(self):
return 0
[docs] def required_ancillas_controlled(self):
return self.uncertainty_model.required_ancillas_controlled()
[docs] def build(self, qc, q, q_ancillas=None, params=None):
params = self._params
# get qubits
q_objective = q[params['i_objective']]
# apply uncertainty model
self.uncertainty_model.build(qc, q, q_ancillas)
# apply approximate payoff function
qc.ry(2 * self.offset_angle, q_objective)
for i in params['i_state']:
qc.cry(2 * self.slope_angle[i], q[i], q_objective)