Source code for qiskit.extensions.quantum_initializer.initializer

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017.
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Initialize qubit registers to desired arbitrary state.

import math
import numpy as np

from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister
from qiskit.circuit import Instruction
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.x import CXGate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.ry import RYGate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.rz import RZGate
from qiskit.circuit.reset import Reset

_EPS = 1e-10  # global variable used to chop very small numbers to zero

[docs]class Initialize(Instruction): """Complex amplitude initialization. Class that implements the (complex amplitude) initialization of some flexible collection of qubit registers (assuming the qubits are in the zero state). Note that Initialize is an Instruction and not a Gate since it contains a reset instruction, which is not unitary. """ def __init__(self, params): """Create new initialize composite. params (list): vector of complex amplitudes to initialize to """ num_qubits = math.log2(len(params)) # Check if param is a power of 2 if num_qubits == 0 or not num_qubits.is_integer(): raise QiskitError("Desired statevector length not a positive power of 2.") # Check if probabilities (amplitudes squared) sum to 1 if not math.isclose(sum(np.absolute(params) ** 2), 1.0, abs_tol=_EPS): raise QiskitError("Sum of amplitudes-squared does not equal one.") num_qubits = int(num_qubits) super().__init__("initialize", num_qubits, 0, params) def _define(self): """Calculate a subcircuit that implements this initialization Implements a recursive initialization algorithm, including optimizations, from "Synthesis of Quantum Logic Circuits" Shende, Bullock, Markov Additionally implements some extra optimizations: remove zero rotations and double cnots. """ # call to generate the circuit that takes the desired vector to zero disentangling_circuit = self.gates_to_uncompute() # invert the circuit to create the desired vector from zero (assuming # the qubits are in the zero state) initialize_instr = disentangling_circuit.to_instruction().inverse() q = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits, 'q') initialize_circuit = QuantumCircuit(q, name='init_def') for qubit in q: initialize_circuit.append(Reset(), [qubit]) initialize_circuit.append(initialize_instr, q[:]) self.definition =
[docs] def gates_to_uncompute(self): """Call to create a circuit with gates that take the desired vector to zero. Returns: QuantumCircuit: circuit to take self.params vector to :math:`|{00\\ldots0}\\rangle` """ q = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits) circuit = QuantumCircuit(q, name='disentangler') # kick start the peeling loop, and disentangle one-by-one from LSB to MSB remaining_param = self.params for i in range(self.num_qubits): # work out which rotations must be done to disentangle the LSB # qubit (we peel away one qubit at a time) (remaining_param, thetas, phis) = Initialize._rotations_to_disentangle(remaining_param) # perform the required rotations to decouple the LSB qubit (so that # it can be "factored" out, leaving a shorter amplitude vector to peel away) rz_mult = self._multiplex(RZGate, phis) ry_mult = self._multiplex(RYGate, thetas) circuit.append(rz_mult.to_instruction(), q[i:self.num_qubits]) circuit.append(ry_mult.to_instruction(), q[i:self.num_qubits]) return circuit
@staticmethod def _rotations_to_disentangle(local_param): """ Static internal method to work out Ry and Rz rotation angles used to disentangle the LSB qubit. These rotations make up the block diagonal matrix U (i.e. multiplexor) that disentangles the LSB. [[Ry(theta_1).Rz(phi_1) 0 . . 0], [0 Ry(theta_2).Rz(phi_2) . 0], . . 0 0 Ry(theta_2^n).Rz(phi_2^n)]] """ remaining_vector = [] thetas = [] phis = [] param_len = len(local_param) for i in range(param_len // 2): # Ry and Rz rotations to move bloch vector from 0 to "imaginary" # qubit # (imagine a qubit state signified by the amplitudes at index 2*i # and 2*(i+1), corresponding to the select qubits of the # multiplexor being in state |i>) (remains, add_theta, add_phi) = Initialize._bloch_angles(local_param[2 * i: 2 * (i + 1)]) remaining_vector.append(remains) # rotations for all imaginary qubits of the full vector # to move from where it is to zero, hence the negative sign thetas.append(-add_theta) phis.append(-add_phi) return remaining_vector, thetas, phis @staticmethod def _bloch_angles(pair_of_complex): """ Static internal method to work out rotation to create the passed-in qubit from the zero vector. """ [a_complex, b_complex] = pair_of_complex # Force a and b to be complex, as otherwise numpy.angle might fail. a_complex = complex(a_complex) b_complex = complex(b_complex) mag_a = np.absolute(a_complex) final_r = float(np.sqrt(mag_a ** 2 + np.absolute(b_complex) ** 2)) if final_r < _EPS: theta = 0 phi = 0 final_r = 0 final_t = 0 else: theta = float(2 * np.arccos(mag_a / final_r)) a_arg = np.angle(a_complex) b_arg = np.angle(b_complex) final_t = a_arg + b_arg phi = b_arg - a_arg return final_r * np.exp(1.J * final_t / 2), theta, phi def _multiplex(self, target_gate, list_of_angles): """ Return a recursive implementation of a multiplexor circuit, where each instruction itself has a decomposition based on smaller multiplexors. The LSB is the multiplexor "data" and the other bits are multiplexor "select". Args: target_gate (Gate): Ry or Rz gate to apply to target qubit, multiplexed over all other "select" qubits list_of_angles (list[float]): list of rotation angles to apply Ry and Rz Returns: DAGCircuit: the circuit implementing the multiplexor's action """ list_len = len(list_of_angles) local_num_qubits = int(math.log2(list_len)) + 1 q = QuantumRegister(local_num_qubits) circuit = QuantumCircuit(q, name="multiplex" + local_num_qubits.__str__()) lsb = q[0] msb = q[local_num_qubits - 1] # case of no multiplexing: base case for recursion if local_num_qubits == 1: circuit.append(target_gate(list_of_angles[0]), [q[0]]) return circuit # calc angle weights, assuming recursion (that is the lower-level # requested angles have been correctly implemented by recursion angle_weight = np.kron([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5]], np.identity(2 ** (local_num_qubits - 2))) # calc the combo angles list_of_angles = # recursive step on half the angles fulfilling the above assumption multiplex_1 = self._multiplex(target_gate, list_of_angles[0:(list_len // 2)]) circuit.append(multiplex_1.to_instruction(), q[0:-1]) # attach CNOT as follows, thereby flipping the LSB qubit circuit.append(CXGate(), [msb, lsb]) # implement extra efficiency from the paper of cancelling adjacent # CNOTs (by leaving out last CNOT and reversing (NOT inverting) the # second lower-level multiplex) multiplex_2 = self._multiplex(target_gate, list_of_angles[(list_len // 2):]) if list_len > 1: circuit.append(multiplex_2.to_instruction().mirror(), q[0:-1]) else: circuit.append(multiplex_2.to_instruction(), q[0:-1]) # attach a final CNOT circuit.append(CXGate(), [msb, lsb]) return circuit
[docs] def broadcast_arguments(self, qargs, cargs): flat_qargs = [qarg for sublist in qargs for qarg in sublist] if self.num_qubits != len(flat_qargs): raise QiskitError("Initialize parameter vector has %d elements, therefore expects %s " "qubits. However, %s were provided." % (2**self.num_qubits, self.num_qubits, len(flat_qargs))) yield flat_qargs, []
def initialize(self, params, qubits): """Apply initialize to circuit.""" if not isinstance(qubits, list): qubits = [qubits] return self.append(Initialize(params), qubits) QuantumCircuit.initialize = initialize