Source code for qiskit.circuit.gate

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017.
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"""Unitary gate."""

from typing import List, Optional, Union, Tuple
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import schur

from qiskit.circuit.exceptions import CircuitError
from .instruction import Instruction

[docs]class Gate(Instruction): """Unitary gate.""" def __init__(self, name: str, num_qubits: int, params: List, label: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Create a new gate. Args: name: The Qobj name of the gate. num_qubits: The number of qubits the gate acts on. params: A list of parameters. label: An optional label for the gate. """ self._label = label self.definition = None super().__init__(name, num_qubits, 0, params)
[docs] def to_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return a Numpy.array for the gate unitary matrix. Raises: CircuitError: If a Gate subclass does not implement this method an exception will be raised when this base class method is called. """ raise CircuitError("to_matrix not defined for this {}".format(type(self)))
[docs] def power(self, exponent: float): """Creates a unitary gate as `gate^exponent`. Args: exponent (float): Gate^exponent Returns: qiskit.extensions.UnitaryGate: To which `to_matrix` is self.to_matrix^exponent. Raises: CircuitError: If Gate is not unitary """ from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Operator # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from qiskit.extensions.unitary import UnitaryGate # pylint: disable=cyclic-import # Should be diagonalized because it's a unitary. decomposition, unitary = schur(Operator(self).data, output='complex') # Raise the diagonal entries to the specified power decomposition_power = list() decomposition_diagonal = decomposition.diagonal() # assert off-diagonal are 0 if not np.allclose(np.diag(decomposition_diagonal), decomposition): raise CircuitError('The matrix is not diagonal') for element in decomposition_diagonal: decomposition_power.append(pow(element, exponent)) # Then reconstruct the resulting gate. unitary_power = unitary @ np.diag(decomposition_power) @ unitary.conj().T return UnitaryGate(unitary_power, label='%s^%s' % (, exponent))
def _return_repeat(self, exponent: float) -> 'Gate': return Gate(name="%s*%s" % (, exponent), num_qubits=self.num_qubits, params=self.params)
[docs] def assemble(self) -> 'Instruction': """Assemble a QasmQobjInstruction""" instruction = super().assemble() if self.label: instruction.label = self.label return instruction
@property def label(self) -> str: """Return gate label""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, name: str): """Set gate label to name Args: name (str or None): label to assign unitary Raises: TypeError: name is not string or None. """ if isinstance(name, (str, type(None))): self._label = name else: raise TypeError('label expects a string or None')
[docs] def control(self, num_ctrl_qubits: Optional[int] = 1, label: Optional[str] = None, ctrl_state: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None): """Return controlled version of gate. See :class:`.ControlledGate` for usage. Args: num_ctrl_qubits: number of controls to add to gate (default=1) label: optional gate label ctrl_state: The control state in decimal or as a bitstring (e.g. '111'). If None, use 2**num_ctrl_qubits-1. Returns: qiskit.circuit.ControlledGate: Controlled version of gate. This default algorithm uses num_ctrl_qubits-1 ancillae qubits so returns a gate of size num_qubits + 2*num_ctrl_qubits - 1. Raises: QiskitError: unrecognized mode or invalid ctrl_state """ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from .add_control import add_control return add_control(self, num_ctrl_qubits, label, ctrl_state)
@staticmethod def _broadcast_single_argument(qarg: List) -> List: """Expands a single argument. For example: [q[0], q[1]] -> [q[0]], [q[1]] """ # [q[0], q[1]] -> [q[0]] # -> [q[1]] for arg0 in qarg: yield [arg0], [] @staticmethod def _broadcast_2_arguments(qarg0: List, qarg1: List) -> List: if len(qarg0) == len(qarg1): # [[q[0], q[1]], [r[0], r[1]]] -> [q[0], r[0]] # -> [q[1], r[1]] for arg0, arg1 in zip(qarg0, qarg1): yield [arg0, arg1], [] elif len(qarg0) == 1: # [[q[0]], [r[0], r[1]]] -> [q[0], r[0]] # -> [q[0], r[1]] for arg1 in qarg1: yield [qarg0[0], arg1], [] elif len(qarg1) == 1: # [[q[0], q[1]], [r[0]]] -> [q[0], r[0]] # -> [q[1], r[0]] for arg0 in qarg0: yield [arg0, qarg1[0]], [] else: raise CircuitError('Not sure how to combine these two-qubit arguments:\n %s\n %s' % (qarg0, qarg1)) @staticmethod def _broadcast_3_or_more_args(qargs: List) -> List: if all(len(qarg) == len(qargs[0]) for qarg in qargs): for arg in zip(*qargs): yield list(arg), [] else: raise CircuitError( 'Not sure how to combine these qubit arguments:\n %s\n' % qargs)
[docs] def broadcast_arguments(self, qargs: List, cargs: List) -> Tuple[List, List]: """Validation and handling of the arguments and its relationship. For example, ``cx([q[0],q[1]], q[2])`` means ``cx(q[0], q[2]); cx(q[1], q[2])``. This method yields the arguments in the right grouping. In the given example:: in: [[q[0],q[1]], q[2]],[] outs: [q[0], q[2]], [] [q[1], q[2]], [] The general broadcasting rules are: * If len(qargs) == 1:: [q[0], q[1]] -> [q[0]],[q[1]] * If len(qargs) == 2:: [[q[0], q[1]], [r[0], r[1]]] -> [q[0], r[0]], [q[1], r[1]] [[q[0]], [r[0], r[1]]] -> [q[0], r[0]], [q[0], r[1]] [[q[0], q[1]], [r[0]]] -> [q[0], r[0]], [q[1], r[0]] * If len(qargs) >= 3:: [q[0], q[1]], [r[0], r[1]], ...] -> [q[0], r[0], ...], [q[1], r[1], ...] Args: qargs: List of quantum bit arguments. cargs: List of classical bit arguments. Returns: A tuple with single arguments. Raises: CircuitError: If the input is not valid. For example, the number of arguments does not match the gate expectation. """ if len(qargs) != self.num_qubits or cargs: raise CircuitError( 'The amount of qubit/clbit arguments does not match the gate expectation.') if any([not qarg for qarg in qargs]): raise CircuitError('One or more of the arguments are empty') if len(qargs) == 1: return Gate._broadcast_single_argument(qargs[0]) elif len(qargs) == 2: return Gate._broadcast_2_arguments(qargs[0], qargs[1]) elif len(qargs) >= 3: return Gate._broadcast_3_or_more_args(qargs) else: raise CircuitError('This gate cannot handle %i arguments' % len(qargs))