Source code for qiskit.circuit.equivalence

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
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"""Gate equivalence library."""

from collections import namedtuple

from .exceptions import CircuitError
from .parameterexpression import ParameterExpression

Key = namedtuple('Key', ['name',

Entry = namedtuple('Entry', ['search_base',

Equivalence = namedtuple('Equivalence', ['params',  # Ordered to match Gate.params

[docs]class EquivalenceLibrary(): """A library providing a one-way mapping of Gates to their equivalent implementations as QuantumCircuits.""" def __init__(self, *, base=None): """Create a new equivalence library. Args: base (Optional[EquivalenceLibrary]): Base equivalence library to will be referenced if an entry is not found in this library. """ self._base = base self._map = {}
[docs] def add_equivalence(self, gate, equivalent_circuit): """Add a new equivalence to the library. Future queries for the Gate will include the given circuit, in addition to all existing equivalences (including those from base). Parameterized Gates (those including `qiskit.circuit.Parameters` in their `Gate.params`) can be marked equivalent to parameterized circuits, provided the parameters match. Args: gate (Gate): A Gate instance. equivalent_circuit (QuantumCircuit): A circuit equivalently implementing the given Gate. """ _raise_if_shape_mismatch(gate, equivalent_circuit) _raise_if_param_mismatch(gate.params, equivalent_circuit.parameters) key = Key(, num_qubits=gate.num_qubits) equiv = Equivalence(params=gate.params.copy(), circuit=equivalent_circuit.copy()) if key not in self._map: self._map[key] = Entry(search_base=True, equivalences=[]) self._map[key].equivalences.append(equiv)
[docs] def has_entry(self, gate): """Check if a library contains any decompositions for gate. Args: gate (Gate): A Gate instance. Returns: Bool: True if gate has a known decomposition in the library. False otherwise. """ key = Key(, num_qubits=gate.num_qubits) return (key in self._map or (self._base.has_entry(gate) if self._base is not None else False))
[docs] def set_entry(self, gate, entry): """Set the equivalence record for a Gate. Future queries for the Gate will return only the circuits provided. Parameterized Gates (those including `qiskit.circuit.Parameters` in their `Gate.params`) can be marked equivalent to parameterized circuits, provided the parameters match. Args: gate (Gate): A Gate instance. entry (List['QuantumCircuit']) : A list of QuantumCircuits, each equivalently implementing the given Gate. """ for equiv in entry: _raise_if_shape_mismatch(gate, equiv) _raise_if_param_mismatch(gate.params, equiv.parameters) key = Key(, num_qubits=gate.num_qubits) equivs = [Equivalence(params=gate.params.copy(), circuit=equiv.copy()) for equiv in entry] self._map[key] = Entry(search_base=False, equivalences=equivs)
[docs] def get_entry(self, gate): """Gets the set of QuantumCircuits circuits from the library which equivalently implement the given Gate. Parameterized circuits will have their parameters replaced with the corresponding entries from Gate.params. Args: gate (Gate) - Gate: A Gate instance. Returns: List[QuantumCircuit]: A list of equivalent QuantumCircuits. If empty, library contains no known decompositions of Gate. Returned circuits will be ordered according to their insertion in the library, from earliest to latest, from top to base. The ordering of the StandardEquivalenceLibrary will not generally be consistent across Qiskit versions. """ key = Key(, num_qubits=gate.num_qubits) query_params = gate.params if key in self._map: entry = self._map[key] search_base, equivs = entry rtn = [_rebind_equiv(equiv, query_params) for equiv in equivs] if search_base and self._base is not None: return rtn + self._base.get_entry(gate) return rtn if self._base is None: return [] return self._base.get_entry(gate)
def _raise_if_param_mismatch(gate_params, circuit_parameters): gate_parameters = [p for p in gate_params if isinstance(p, ParameterExpression)] if set(gate_parameters) != circuit_parameters: raise CircuitError('Cannot add equivalence between circuit and gate ' 'of different parameters. Gate params: {}. ' 'Circuit params: {}.'.format( gate_parameters, circuit_parameters)) def _raise_if_shape_mismatch(gate, circuit): if (gate.num_qubits != circuit.num_qubits or gate.num_clbits != circuit.num_clbits): raise CircuitError('Cannot add equivalence between circuit and gate ' 'of different shapes. Gate: {} qubits and {} clbits. ' 'Circuit: {} qubits and {} clbits.'.format( gate.num_qubits, gate.num_clbits, circuit.num_qubits, circuit.num_clbits)) def _rebind_equiv(equiv, query_params): equiv_params, equiv_circuit = equiv param_map = dict(zip(equiv_params, query_params)) equiv = equiv_circuit.assign_parameters(param_map, inplace=False) return equiv