Source code for qiskit.chemistry.core.hamiltonian

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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This module implements a molecular Hamiltonian operator, representing the
energy of the electrons and nuclei in a molecule.
import warnings
from typing import Optional, List, Union
import logging
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import MinimumEigensolverResult, EigensolverResult
from qiskit.aqua.operators import Z2Symmetries, WeightedPauliOperator
from qiskit.chemistry import QMolecule, QiskitChemistryError
from qiskit.chemistry.fermionic_operator import FermionicOperator
from .chemistry_operator import ChemistryOperator, MolecularGroundStateResult
from ..components.initial_states import HartreeFock

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TransformationType(Enum): """ Transformation Type enum """ FULL = 'full' PARTICLE_HOLE = 'particle_hole'
[docs]class QubitMappingType(Enum): """ QubitMappingType enum """ JORDAN_WIGNER = 'jordan_wigner' PARITY = 'parity' BRAVYI_KITAEV = 'bravyi_kitaev'
[docs]class Hamiltonian(ChemistryOperator): """ A molecular Hamiltonian operator, representing the energy of the electrons and nuclei in a molecule. """ def __init__(self, transformation: TransformationType = TransformationType.FULL, qubit_mapping: QubitMappingType = QubitMappingType.PARITY, two_qubit_reduction: bool = True, freeze_core: bool = False, orbital_reduction: Optional[List[int]] = None, z2symmetry_reduction: Optional[Union[str, List[int]]] = None) -> None: """ Args: transformation: full or particle_hole qubit_mapping: jordan_wigner, parity or bravyi_kitaev two_qubit_reduction: Whether two qubit reduction should be used, when parity mapping only freeze_core: Whether to freeze core orbitals when possible orbital_reduction: Orbital list to be frozen or removed z2symmetry_reduction: If z2 symmetry reduction should be applied to resulting qubit operators that are computed. For each symmetry detected the operator will be split in two where each requires one qubit less for computation. So for example 3 symmetries will split in the original operator into 8 new operators each requiring 3 less qubits. Now only one of these operators will have the ground state and be the correct symmetry sector needed for the ground state. Setting 'auto' will use an automatic computation of the correct sector. If from other experiments, with the z2symmetry logic, the sector is known, then the tapering values of that sector can be provided (a list of int of values -1, and 1). The default is None meaning no symmetry reduction is done. Note that dipole and other operators such as spin, num particles etc are also symmetry reduced according to the symmetries found in the main operator if this operator commutes with the main operator symmetry. If it does not then the operator will be discarded since no meaningful measurement can take place. Raises: QiskitChemistryError: Invalid symmetry reduction """ transformation = transformation.value qubit_mapping = qubit_mapping.value orbital_reduction = orbital_reduction if orbital_reduction is not None else [] super().__init__() self._transformation = transformation self._qubit_mapping = qubit_mapping self._two_qubit_reduction = two_qubit_reduction self._freeze_core = freeze_core self._orbital_reduction = orbital_reduction if z2symmetry_reduction is not None: if isinstance(z2symmetry_reduction, str): if z2symmetry_reduction != 'auto': raise QiskitChemistryError('Invalid z2symmetry_reduction value') self._z2symmetry_reduction = z2symmetry_reduction # Store values that are computed by the classical logic in order # that later they may be combined with the quantum result self._hf_energy = None self._nuclear_repulsion_energy = None self._nuclear_dipole_moment = None self._reverse_dipole_sign = None # The following shifts are from freezing orbitals under orbital reduction self._energy_shift = 0.0 self._x_dipole_shift = 0.0 self._y_dipole_shift = 0.0 self._z_dipole_shift = 0.0 # The following shifts are from particle_hole transformation self._ph_energy_shift = 0.0 self._ph_x_dipole_shift = 0.0 self._ph_y_dipole_shift = 0.0 self._ph_z_dipole_shift = 0.0
[docs] def run(self, qmolecule): logger.debug('Processing started...') # Save these values for later combination with the quantum computation result self._hf_energy = qmolecule.hf_energy self._nuclear_repulsion_energy = qmolecule.nuclear_repulsion_energy self._nuclear_dipole_moment = qmolecule.nuclear_dipole_moment self._reverse_dipole_sign = qmolecule.reverse_dipole_sign core_list = qmolecule.core_orbitals if self._freeze_core else [] reduce_list = self._orbital_reduction if self._freeze_core:"Freeze_core specified. Core orbitals to be frozen: %s", core_list) if reduce_list:"Configured orbital reduction list: %s", reduce_list) reduce_list = [x + qmolecule.num_orbitals if x < 0 else x for x in reduce_list] freeze_list = [] remove_list = [] # Orbitals are specified by their index from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of orbitals the # molecule has. The combined list of the core orbitals, when freeze_core is true, with any # user supplied orbitals is what will be used. Negative numbers may be used to indicate the # upper virtual orbitals, so -1 is the highest, then -2 etc. and these will # be converted to the # positive 0-based index for computation. # In the combined list any orbitals that are occupied are added to a freeze list and an # energy is stored from these orbitals to be added later. # Unoccupied orbitals are just discarded. # Because freeze and eliminate is done in separate steps, # with freeze first, we have to re-base # the indexes for elimination according to how many orbitals were removed when freezing. # orbitals_list = list(set(core_list + reduce_list)) num_alpha = qmolecule.num_alpha num_beta = qmolecule.num_beta new_num_alpha = num_alpha new_num_beta = num_beta if orbitals_list: orbitals_list = np.array(orbitals_list) orbitals_list = \ orbitals_list[(orbitals_list >= 0) & (orbitals_list < qmolecule.num_orbitals)] freeze_list_alpha = [i for i in orbitals_list if i < num_alpha] freeze_list_beta = [i for i in orbitals_list if i < num_beta] freeze_list = np.append(freeze_list_alpha, [i + qmolecule.num_orbitals for i in freeze_list_beta]) remove_list_alpha = [i for i in orbitals_list if i >= num_alpha] remove_list_beta = [i for i in orbitals_list if i >= num_beta] rla_adjust = -len(freeze_list_alpha) rlb_adjust = -len(freeze_list_alpha) - len(freeze_list_beta) + qmolecule.num_orbitals remove_list = np.append([i + rla_adjust for i in remove_list_alpha], [i + rlb_adjust for i in remove_list_beta])"Combined orbital reduction list: %s", orbitals_list)" converting to spin orbital reduction list: %s", np.append(np.array(orbitals_list), np.array(orbitals_list) + qmolecule.num_orbitals))" => freezing spin orbitals: %s", freeze_list)" => removing spin orbitals: %s (indexes accounting for freeze %s)", np.append(remove_list_alpha, np.array(remove_list_beta) + qmolecule.num_orbitals), remove_list) new_num_alpha -= len(freeze_list_alpha) new_num_beta -= len(freeze_list_beta) new_nel = [new_num_alpha, new_num_beta] fer_op = FermionicOperator(h1=qmolecule.one_body_integrals, h2=qmolecule.two_body_integrals) fer_op, self._energy_shift, did_shift = \ Hamiltonian._try_reduce_fermionic_operator(fer_op, freeze_list, remove_list) if did_shift:"Frozen orbital energy shift: %s", self._energy_shift) if self._transformation == TransformationType.PARTICLE_HOLE.value: fer_op, ph_shift = fer_op.particle_hole_transformation(new_nel) self._ph_energy_shift = -ph_shift"Particle hole energy shift: %s", self._ph_energy_shift) logger.debug('Converting to qubit using %s mapping', self._qubit_mapping) qubit_op = Hamiltonian._map_fermionic_operator_to_qubit(fer_op, self._qubit_mapping, new_nel, self._two_qubit_reduction) = 'Electronic Hamiltonian' logger.debug(' num paulis: %s, num qubits: %s', len(qubit_op.paulis), qubit_op.num_qubits) aux_ops = [] def _add_aux_op(aux_op, name): aux_qop = Hamiltonian._map_fermionic_operator_to_qubit(aux_op, self._qubit_mapping, new_nel, self._two_qubit_reduction) = name aux_ops.append(aux_qop) logger.debug(' num paulis: %s', aux_qop.paulis) logger.debug('Creating aux op for Number of Particles') _add_aux_op(fer_op.total_particle_number(), 'Number of Particles') logger.debug('Creating aux op for S^2') _add_aux_op(fer_op.total_angular_momentum(), 'S^2') logger.debug('Creating aux op for Magnetization') _add_aux_op(fer_op.total_magnetization(), 'Magnetization') if qmolecule.has_dipole_integrals(): def _dipole_op(dipole_integrals, axis): logger.debug('Creating aux op for dipole %s', axis) fer_op_ = FermionicOperator(h1=dipole_integrals) fer_op_, shift, did_shift_ = self._try_reduce_fermionic_operator(fer_op_, freeze_list, remove_list) if did_shift_:"Frozen orbital %s dipole shift: %s", axis, shift) ph_shift_ = 0.0 if self._transformation == TransformationType.PARTICLE_HOLE.value: fer_op_, ph_shift_ = fer_op_.particle_hole_transformation(new_nel) ph_shift_ = -ph_shift_"Particle hole %s dipole shift: %s", axis, ph_shift_) qubit_op_ = self._map_fermionic_operator_to_qubit(fer_op_, self._qubit_mapping, new_nel, self._two_qubit_reduction) = 'Dipole ' + axis logger.debug(' num paulis: %s', len(qubit_op_.paulis)) return qubit_op_, shift, ph_shift_ op_dipole_x, self._x_dipole_shift, self._ph_x_dipole_shift = \ _dipole_op(qmolecule.x_dipole_integrals, 'x') op_dipole_y, self._y_dipole_shift, self._ph_y_dipole_shift = \ _dipole_op(qmolecule.y_dipole_integrals, 'y') op_dipole_z, self._z_dipole_shift, self._ph_z_dipole_shift = \ _dipole_op(qmolecule.z_dipole_integrals, 'z') aux_ops.append(op_dipole_x) aux_ops.append(op_dipole_y) aux_ops.append(op_dipole_z)'Molecule num electrons: %s, remaining for processing: %s', [num_alpha, num_beta], new_nel) nspinorbs = qmolecule.num_orbitals * 2 new_nspinorbs = nspinorbs - len(freeze_list) - len(remove_list)'Molecule num spin orbitals: %s, remaining for processing: %s', nspinorbs, new_nspinorbs) self._add_molecule_info(self.INFO_NUM_PARTICLES, [new_num_alpha, new_num_beta]) self._add_molecule_info(self.INFO_NUM_ORBITALS, new_nspinorbs) self._add_molecule_info(self.INFO_TWO_QUBIT_REDUCTION, self._two_qubit_reduction if self._qubit_mapping == 'parity' else False) z2symmetries = Z2Symmetries([], [], [], None) if self._z2symmetry_reduction is not None: logger.debug('Processing z2 symmetries') qubit_op, aux_ops, z2symmetries = self._process_z2symmetry_reduction(qubit_op, aux_ops) self._add_molecule_info(self.INFO_Z2SYMMETRIES, z2symmetries) logger.debug('Processing complete ready to run algorithm') return qubit_op, aux_ops
def _process_z2symmetry_reduction(self, qubit_op, aux_ops): z2_symmetries = Z2Symmetries.find_Z2_symmetries(qubit_op) if z2_symmetries.is_empty(): logger.debug('No Z2 symmetries found') z2_qubit_op = qubit_op z2_aux_ops = [] z2_symmetries = None else: logger.debug('%s Z2 symmetries found: %s', len(z2_symmetries.symmetries), ','.join([symm.to_label() for symm in z2_symmetries.symmetries])) # Check auxiliary operators commute with man operator's symmetry logger.debug('Checking operators commute with symmetry:') symmetry_ops = [] for symmetry in z2_symmetries.symmetries: symmetry_ops.append(WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[[1.0, symmetry]])) commutes = Hamiltonian._check_commutes(symmetry_ops, qubit_op) if not commutes: raise QiskitChemistryError('Z2 symmetry failure main operator must commute ' 'with symmetries found from it') for i, aux_op in enumerate(aux_ops): commutes = Hamiltonian._check_commutes(symmetry_ops, aux_op) if not commutes: aux_ops[i] = None # Discard since no meaningful measurement can be done if self._z2symmetry_reduction == 'auto': hf_state = HartreeFock(num_orbitals=self._molecule_info[self.INFO_NUM_ORBITALS], qubit_mapping=self._qubit_mapping, two_qubit_reduction=self._two_qubit_reduction, num_particles=self._molecule_info[self.INFO_NUM_PARTICLES]) z2_symmetries = Hamiltonian._pick_sector(z2_symmetries, hf_state.bitstr) else: if len(self._z2symmetry_reduction) != len(z2_symmetries.symmetries): raise QiskitChemistryError('z2symmetry_reduction tapering values list has ' 'invalid length {} should be {}'. format(len(self._z2symmetry_reduction), len(z2_symmetries.symmetries))) valid = np.all(np.isin(self._z2symmetry_reduction, [-1, 1])) if not valid: raise QiskitChemistryError('z2symmetry_reduction tapering values list must ' 'contain -1\'s and/or 1\'s only was {}'. format(self._z2symmetry_reduction,)) z2_symmetries.tapering_values = self._z2symmetry_reduction logger.debug('Apply symmetry with tapering values %s', z2_symmetries.tapering_values) z2_qubit_op = z2_symmetries.taper(qubit_op) z2_aux_ops = [] for aux_op in aux_ops: z2_aux_ops.append(z2_symmetries.taper(aux_op) if aux_op is not None else None) return z2_qubit_op, z2_aux_ops, z2_symmetries @staticmethod def _check_commutes(cliffords, operator): commutes = [] for clifford in cliffords: commutes.append(operator.commute_with(clifford)) does_commute = np.all(commutes) logger.debug(' \'%s\' commutes: %s, %s',, does_commute, commutes) return does_commute @staticmethod def _pick_sector(z2_symmetries, hf_str): """ Based on Hartree-Fock bit string and found symmetries to determine the sector. The input z2 symmetries will be mutated with the determined tapering values. Args: z2_symmetries (Z2Symmetries): the z2 symmetries object. hf_str (numpy.ndarray): Hartree-Fock bit string (the last index is for qubit 0). Returns: Z2Symmetries: the original z2 symmetries filled with the correct tapering values. """ # Finding all the symmetries using the find_Z2_symmetries: taper_coef = [] for sym in z2_symmetries.symmetries: # pylint: disable=no-member coef = -1 if np.logical_xor.reduce(np.logical_and(sym.z[::-1], hf_str)) else 1 taper_coef.append(coef) z2_symmetries.tapering_values = taper_coef return z2_symmetries # Called by public superclass method process_algorithm_result to complete specific processing def _process_algorithm_result(self, algo_result): if isinstance(algo_result, MinimumEigensolverResult): return self._process_algorithm_result_ground_state(algo_result) elif isinstance(algo_result, EigensolverResult): return self._process_algorithm_result_deprecated(algo_result) # TODO return self._process_algorithm_result_excited_states(algo_result) else: return self._process_algorithm_result_deprecated(algo_result) def _process_algorithm_result_ground_state(self, algo_result: MinimumEigensolverResult) \ -> MolecularGroundStateResult: mgsr = MolecularGroundStateResult() mgsr.algorithm_result = algo_result mgsr.hartree_fock_energy = self._hf_energy mgsr.nuclear_repulsion_energy = self._nuclear_repulsion_energy if self._nuclear_dipole_moment is not None: mgsr.nuclear_dipole_moment = tuple(x for x in self._nuclear_dipole_moment) mgsr.computed_electronic_energy = algo_result.eigenvalue.real mgsr.ph_extracted_energy = self._ph_energy_shift mgsr.frozen_extracted_energy = self._energy_shift aux_ops_vals = algo_result.aux_operator_eigenvalues if aux_ops_vals is not None: # Dipole results if dipole aux ops were present dipole_idx = 3 if len(aux_ops_vals) > dipole_idx: mgsr.reverse_dipole_sign = self._reverse_dipole_sign dipm = [] for i in range(dipole_idx, dipole_idx+3): # Gets X, Y and Z components dipm.append(aux_ops_vals[i][0].real if aux_ops_vals[i] is not None else None) mgsr.computed_dipole_moment = tuple(dipm) mgsr.ph_extracted_dipole_moment = (self._ph_x_dipole_shift, self._ph_y_dipole_shift, self._ph_z_dipole_shift) mgsr.frozen_extracted_dipole_moment = (self._x_dipole_shift, self._y_dipole_shift, self._z_dipole_shift) # The first 3 entries are num particles, total angular momentum and magnetization mgsr.num_particles = aux_ops_vals[0][0].real \ if aux_ops_vals[0] is not None else None mgsr.total_angular_momentum = aux_ops_vals[1][0].real \ if aux_ops_vals[1] is not None else None mgsr.magnetization = aux_ops_vals[2][0].real \ if aux_ops_vals[2] is not None else None return mgsr def _process_algorithm_result_deprecated(self, algo_result): warnings.warn('Processing a dictionary result is deprecated,' ' pass a (minimum) eigensolver result now.', DeprecationWarning) # pylint: disable=len-as-condition result = {} # Ground state energy egse = algo_result['energy'] + self._energy_shift + self._ph_energy_shift result['energy'] = egse lines = ['=== GROUND STATE ENERGY ==='] lines.append(' ') lines.append('* Electronic ground state energy (Hartree): {}'.format(round(egse, 12))) lines.append(' - computed part: {}'.format(round(algo_result['energy'], 12))) lines.append(' - frozen energy part: {}'.format(round(self._energy_shift, 12))) lines.append(' - particle hole part: {}'.format(round(self._ph_energy_shift, 12))) if self._nuclear_repulsion_energy is not None: lines.append('~ Nuclear repulsion energy (Hartree): {}'.format( round(self._nuclear_repulsion_energy, 12))) lines.append('> Total ground state energy (Hartree): {}'.format( round(self._nuclear_repulsion_energy + egse, 12))) if 'aux_ops' in algo_result and len(algo_result['aux_ops']) > 0: aux_ops = algo_result['aux_ops'][0] num_particles = aux_ops[0][0] spin_squared = aux_ops[1][0] spin = (-1.0 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * spin_squared)) / 2 m = aux_ops[2][0] lines.append( ' Measured:: Num particles: {:.3f}, S: {:.3f}, M: {:.5f}'.format( num_particles, spin, m)) result['energy'] = self._nuclear_repulsion_energy + egse result['nuclear_repulsion_energy'] = self._nuclear_repulsion_energy if self._hf_energy is not None: result['hf_energy'] = self._hf_energy # Excited states list - it includes ground state too if 'energies' in algo_result: exsce = \ [x + self._energy_shift + self._ph_energy_shift for x in algo_result['energies']] exste = [x + self._nuclear_repulsion_energy for x in exsce] result['energies'] = exste if len(exsce) > 1: lines.append(' ') lines.append('=== EXCITED STATES ===') lines.append(' ') lines.append( '> Excited states energies (plus ground): {}'.format( [round(x, 12) for x in exste])) lines.append( ' - computed: {}'.format([round(x, 12) for x in algo_result['energies']])) if 'cond_number' in algo_result: # VQKE condition num for eigen vals lines.append(' - cond num: {}'.format(algo_result['cond_number'])) if 'aux_ops' in algo_result and len(algo_result['aux_ops']) > 0: lines.append( ' ......................................................................') lines.append( ' ###: Total Energy, Computed, # particles, S M') for i in range(len(algo_result['aux_ops'])): aux_ops = algo_result['aux_ops'][i] num_particles = aux_ops[0][0] spin_squared = aux_ops[1][0] spin = (-1.0 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * spin_squared)) / 2 m = aux_ops[2][0] lines.append( ' {:>3}: {: 16.12f}, {: 16.12f}, {:5.3f}, {:5.3f}, {:8.5f}'. format(i, exste[i], algo_result['energies'][i], num_particles, spin, m)) else: result['energies'] = [result['energy']] # Dipole computation dipole_idx = 3 if 'aux_ops' in algo_result and len(algo_result['aux_ops']) > 0 and \ len(algo_result['aux_ops'][0]) > dipole_idx: dipole_moments_x = algo_result['aux_ops'][0][dipole_idx + 0][0] dipole_moments_y = algo_result['aux_ops'][0][dipole_idx + 1][0] dipole_moments_z = algo_result['aux_ops'][0][dipole_idx + 2][0] _elec_dipole = \ np.array([dipole_moments_x + self._x_dipole_shift + self._ph_x_dipole_shift, dipole_moments_y + self._y_dipole_shift + self._ph_y_dipole_shift, dipole_moments_z + self._z_dipole_shift + self._ph_z_dipole_shift]) lines.append(' ') lines.append('=== DIPOLE MOMENT ===') lines.append(' ') lines.append('* Electronic dipole moment (a.u.): {}'.format( Hamiltonian._dipole_to_string(_elec_dipole))) lines.append(' - computed part: {}'.format( Hamiltonian._dipole_to_string([dipole_moments_x, dipole_moments_y, dipole_moments_z]))) lines.append(' - frozen energy part: {}'.format( Hamiltonian._dipole_to_string([self._x_dipole_shift, self._y_dipole_shift, self._z_dipole_shift]))) lines.append(' - particle hole part: {}'.format( Hamiltonian._dipole_to_string([self._ph_x_dipole_shift, self._ph_y_dipole_shift, self._ph_z_dipole_shift]))) if self._nuclear_dipole_moment is not None: if self._reverse_dipole_sign: _elec_dipole = -_elec_dipole dipole_moment = self._nuclear_dipole_moment + _elec_dipole total_dipole_moment = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(dipole_moment, 2))) lines.append('~ Nuclear dipole moment (a.u.): {}'.format( Hamiltonian._dipole_to_string(self._nuclear_dipole_moment))) lines.append('> Dipole moment (a.u.): {} Total: {}'.format( Hamiltonian._dipole_to_string(dipole_moment), Hamiltonian._float_to_string(total_dipole_moment))) lines.append(' (debye): {} Total: {}'.format( Hamiltonian._dipole_to_string(dipole_moment / QMolecule.DEBYE), Hamiltonian._float_to_string(total_dipole_moment / QMolecule.DEBYE))) result['nuclear_dipole_moment'] = self._nuclear_dipole_moment result['electronic_dipole_moment'] = _elec_dipole result['dipole_moment'] = dipole_moment result['total_dipole_moment'] = total_dipole_moment return lines, result @staticmethod def _try_reduce_fermionic_operator(fer_op, freeze_list, remove_list): # pylint: disable=len-as-condition did_shift = False energy_shift = 0.0 if len(freeze_list) > 0: fer_op, energy_shift = fer_op.fermion_mode_freezing(freeze_list) did_shift = True if len(remove_list) > 0: fer_op = fer_op.fermion_mode_elimination(remove_list) return fer_op, energy_shift, did_shift @staticmethod def _map_fermionic_operator_to_qubit(fer_op, qubit_mapping, num_particles, two_qubit_reduction): qubit_op = fer_op.mapping(map_type=qubit_mapping, threshold=0.00000001) if qubit_mapping == 'parity' and two_qubit_reduction: qubit_op = Z2Symmetries.two_qubit_reduction(qubit_op, num_particles) return qubit_op @staticmethod def _dipole_to_string(_dipole): dips = [round(x, 8) for x in _dipole] value = '[' for i, _ in enumerate(dips): value += Hamiltonian._float_to_string(dips[i]) value += ' ' if i < len(dips) - 1 else ']' return value @staticmethod def _float_to_string(value, precision=8): return '0.0' if value == 0 else ('{:.' + str(precision) + 'f}').format(value).rstrip('0')