Source code for qiskit.chemistry.components.initial_states.hartree_fock

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""" Hartree-Fock initial state."""

from typing import Optional, Union, List
import logging
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.aqua.utils.validation import validate_min, validate_in_set
from qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states import InitialState

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HartreeFock(InitialState): """A Hartree-Fock initial state.""" def __init__(self, num_orbitals: int, num_particles: Union[List[int], int], qubit_mapping: str = 'parity', two_qubit_reduction: bool = True, sq_list: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None: """ Args: num_orbitals: number of spin orbitals, has a min. value of 1. num_particles: number of particles, if it is a list, the first number is alpha and the second number if beta. qubit_mapping: mapping type for qubit operator two_qubit_reduction: flag indicating whether or not two qubit is reduced sq_list: position of the single-qubit operators that anticommute with the cliffords Raises: ValueError: wrong setting in num_particles and num_orbitals. ValueError: wrong setting for computed num_qubits and supplied num_qubits. """ validate_min('num_orbitals', num_orbitals, 1) if isinstance(num_particles, list) and len(num_particles) != 2: raise ValueError('Num particles value {}. Number of values allowed is 2'.format( num_particles)) validate_in_set('qubit_mapping', qubit_mapping, {'jordan_wigner', 'parity', 'bravyi_kitaev'}) super().__init__() self._sq_list = sq_list self._qubit_tapering = bool(self._sq_list) self._qubit_mapping = qubit_mapping.lower() self._two_qubit_reduction = two_qubit_reduction if self._qubit_mapping != 'parity': if self._two_qubit_reduction: logger.warning("two_qubit_reduction only works with parity qubit mapping " "but you have %s. We switch two_qubit_reduction " "to False.", self._qubit_mapping) self._two_qubit_reduction = False self._num_orbitals = num_orbitals if isinstance(num_particles, list): self._num_alpha = num_particles[0] self._num_beta = num_particles[1] else:"We assume that the number of alphas and betas are the same.") self._num_alpha = num_particles // 2 self._num_beta = num_particles // 2 self._num_particles = self._num_alpha + self._num_beta if self._num_particles > self._num_orbitals: raise ValueError("# of particles must be less than or equal to # of orbitals.") self._num_qubits = num_orbitals - 2 if self._two_qubit_reduction else self._num_orbitals self._num_qubits = self._num_qubits \ if not self._qubit_tapering else self._num_qubits - len(sq_list) self._bitstr = None def _build_bitstr(self): half_orbitals = self._num_orbitals // 2 bitstr = np.zeros(self._num_orbitals, np.bool) bitstr[-self._num_alpha:] = True bitstr[-(half_orbitals + self._num_beta):-half_orbitals] = True if self._qubit_mapping == 'parity': new_bitstr = bitstr.copy() t_r = np.triu(np.ones((self._num_orbitals, self._num_orbitals))) new_bitstr = % 2 # pylint: disable=no-member bitstr = np.append(new_bitstr[1:half_orbitals], new_bitstr[half_orbitals + 1:]) \ if self._two_qubit_reduction else new_bitstr elif self._qubit_mapping == 'bravyi_kitaev': binary_superset_size = int(np.ceil(np.log2(self._num_orbitals))) beta = 1 basis = np.asarray([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) for _ in range(binary_superset_size): beta = np.kron(basis, beta) beta[0, :] = 1 start_idx = beta.shape[0] - self._num_orbitals beta = beta[start_idx:, start_idx:] new_bitstr = % 2 bitstr = new_bitstr.astype(np.bool) if self._qubit_tapering: sq_list = (len(bitstr) - 1) - np.asarray(self._sq_list) bitstr = np.delete(bitstr, sq_list) self._bitstr = bitstr.astype(np.bool)
[docs] def construct_circuit(self, mode='circuit', register=None): """ Construct the statevector of desired initial state. Args: mode (string): `vector` or `circuit`. The `vector` mode produces the vector. While the `circuit` constructs the quantum circuit corresponding that vector. register (QuantumRegister): register for circuit construction. Returns: QuantumCircuit or numpy.ndarray: statevector. Raises: ValueError: when mode is not 'vector' or 'circuit'. """ if self._bitstr is None: self._build_bitstr() if mode == 'vector': state = 1.0 one = np.asarray([0.0, 1.0]) zero = np.asarray([1.0, 0.0]) for k in self._bitstr[::-1]: state = np.kron(one if k else zero, state) return state elif mode == 'circuit': if register is None: register = QuantumRegister(self._num_qubits, name='q') quantum_circuit = QuantumCircuit(register) for qubit_idx, bit in enumerate(self._bitstr[::-1]): if bit: quantum_circuit.u3(np.pi, 0.0, np.pi, register[qubit_idx]) return quantum_circuit else: raise ValueError('Mode should be either "vector" or "circuit"')
@property def bitstr(self): """Getter of the bit string represented the statevector.""" if self._bitstr is None: self._build_bitstr() return self._bitstr