Source code for qiskit.chemistry.algorithms.minimum_eigen_solvers.vqe_adapt

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
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An adaptive VQE implementation.

from typing import Optional, List, Union
import logging
import warnings
import re
import numpy as np

from qiskit.providers import BaseBackend
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister
from qiskit.aqua import QuantumInstance, AquaError
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import VQAlgorithm, VQE, VQEResult
from qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms import UCCSD
from qiskit.aqua.operators import WeightedPauliOperator
from qiskit.aqua.operators import LegacyBaseOperator
from qiskit.aqua.components.optimizers import Optimizer
from qiskit.aqua.components.variational_forms import VariationalForm
from qiskit.aqua.utils.validation import validate_min

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VQEAdapt(VQAlgorithm): """ The Adaptive VQE algorithm. See """ # TODO make re-usable, implement MinimumEignesolver interface def __init__(self, operator: LegacyBaseOperator, var_form_base: VariationalForm, optimizer: Optimizer, initial_point: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, excitation_pool: Optional[List[WeightedPauliOperator]] = None, threshold: float = 1e-5, delta: float = 1, max_evals_grouped: int = 1, aux_operators: Optional[List[LegacyBaseOperator]] = None, quantum_instance: Optional[Union[QuantumInstance, BaseBackend]] = None) -> None: """ Args: operator: Qubit operator var_form_base: base parameterized variational form optimizer: the classical optimizer algorithm initial_point: optimizer initial point excitation_pool: list of excitation operators threshold: absolute threshold value for gradients, has a min. value of 1e-15. delta: finite difference step size for gradient computation, has a min. value of 1e-5. max_evals_grouped: max number of evaluations performed simultaneously aux_operators: Auxiliary operators to be evaluated at each eigenvalue quantum_instance: Quantum Instance or Backend Raises: ValueError: if var_form_base is not an instance of UCCSD. See also: qiskit/chemistry/components/variational_forms/ """ validate_min('threshold', threshold, 1e-15) validate_min('delta', delta, 1e-5) super().__init__(var_form=var_form_base, optimizer=optimizer, initial_point=initial_point, quantum_instance=quantum_instance) self._ret = None self._optimizer.set_max_evals_grouped(max_evals_grouped) if initial_point is None: self._initial_point = var_form_base.preferred_init_points self._operator = operator if not isinstance(var_form_base, UCCSD): raise ValueError("var_form_base has to be an instance of UCCSD.") self._var_form_base = var_form_base self._var_form_base.manage_hopping_operators() self._excitation_pool = self._var_form_base.excitation_pool \ if excitation_pool is None else excitation_pool self._threshold = threshold self._delta = delta self._aux_operators = [] if aux_operators is not None: aux_operators = \ [aux_operators] if not isinstance(aux_operators, list) else aux_operators for aux_op in aux_operators: self._aux_operators.append(aux_op) def _compute_gradients(self, excitation_pool, theta, delta, var_form, operator, optimizer): """ Computes the gradients for all available excitation operators. Args: excitation_pool (list): pool of excitation operators theta (list): list of (up to now) optimal parameters delta (float): finite difference step size (for gradient computation) var_form (VariationalForm): current variational form operator (LegacyBaseOperator): system Hamiltonian optimizer (Optimizer): classical optimizer algorithm Returns: list: List of pairs consisting of gradient and excitation operator. """ res = [] # compute gradients for all excitation in operator pool for exc in excitation_pool: # push next excitation to variational form var_form.push_hopping_operator(exc) # construct auxiliary VQE instance vqe = VQE(operator, var_form, optimizer) vqe.quantum_instance = self.quantum_instance # evaluate energies parameter_sets = theta + [-delta] + theta + [delta] energy_results = vqe._energy_evaluation(np.asarray(parameter_sets)) # compute gradient gradient = (energy_results[0] - energy_results[1]) / (2 * delta) res.append((np.abs(gradient), exc)) # pop excitation from variational form var_form.pop_hopping_operator() return res def _run(self) -> 'VQEAdaptResult': """ Run the algorithm to compute the minimum eigenvalue. Returns: dict: Dictionary of results Raises: AquaError: wrong setting of operator and backend. """ self._ret = {} # TODO should be eliminated # self._operator = VQE._config_the_best_mode(self, self._operator, # self._quantum_instance.backend) self._quantum_instance.circuit_summary = True cycle_regex = re.compile(r'(.+)( \1)+') # reg-ex explanation: # 1. (.+) will match at least one number and try to match as many as possible # 2. the match of this part is placed into capture group 1 # 3. ( \1)+ will match a space followed by the contents of capture group 1 # -> this results in any number of repeating numbers being detected threshold_satisfied = False alternating_sequence = False prev_op_indices = [] theta = [] max_grad = () iteration = 0 while not threshold_satisfied and not alternating_sequence: iteration += 1'--- Iteration #%s ---', str(iteration)) # compute gradients cur_grads = self._compute_gradients(self._excitation_pool, theta, self._delta, self._var_form_base, self._operator, self._optimizer) # pick maximum gradient max_grad_index, max_grad = max(enumerate(cur_grads), key=lambda item: np.abs(item[1][0])) # store maximum gradient's index for cycle detection prev_op_indices.append(max_grad_index) # log gradients gradlog = "\nGradients in iteration #{}".format(str(iteration)) gradlog += "\nID: Excitation Operator: Gradient <(*) maximum>" for i, grad in enumerate(cur_grads): gradlog += '\n{}: {}: {}'.format(str(i), str(grad[1]), str(grad[0])) if grad[1] == max_grad[1]: gradlog += '\t(*)' if np.abs(max_grad[0]) < self._threshold:"Adaptive VQE terminated succesfully with a final maximum gradient: %s", str(np.abs(max_grad[0]))) threshold_satisfied = True break # check indices of picked gradients for cycles if' '.join(map(str, prev_op_indices))) is not None:"Alternating sequence found. Finishing.")"Final maximum gradient: %s", str(np.abs(max_grad[0]))) alternating_sequence = True break # add new excitation to self._var_form_base self._var_form_base.push_hopping_operator(max_grad[1]) theta.append(0.0) # run VQE on current Ansatz algorithm = VQE(self._operator, self._var_form_base, self._optimizer, initial_point=theta) vqe_result = self._ret['opt_params'] = vqe_result.optimal_point theta = vqe_result.optimal_point.tolist() # once finished evaluate auxiliary operators if any if self._aux_operators is not None and self._aux_operators: algorithm = VQE(self._operator, self._var_form_base, self._optimizer, initial_point=theta, aux_operators=self._aux_operators) vqe_result = self._ret['opt_params'] = vqe_result.optimal_point if threshold_satisfied: finishing_criterion = 'Threshold converged' elif alternating_sequence: finishing_criterion = 'Aborted due to cyclicity' else: raise AquaError('The algorithm finished due to an unforeseen reason!') # extend VQE returned information with additional outputs result = VQEAdaptResult() result.combine(vqe_result) result.num_iterations = iteration result.final_max_gradient = max_grad[0] result.finishing_criterion = finishing_criterion'The final energy is: %s', str(result.optimal_value.real)) return result
[docs] def get_optimal_cost(self): if 'opt_params' not in self._ret: raise AquaError("Cannot return optimal cost before running the " "algorithm to find optimal params.") return self._ret['min_val']
[docs] def get_optimal_circuit(self): if 'opt_params' not in self._ret: raise AquaError("Cannot find optimal circuit before running the " "algorithm to find optimal params.") return self._var_form_base.construct_circuit(self._ret['opt_params'])
[docs] def get_optimal_vector(self): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from qiskit.aqua.utils.run_circuits import find_regs_by_name if 'opt_params' not in self._ret: raise AquaError("Cannot find optimal vector before running the " "algorithm to find optimal params.") qc = self.get_optimal_circuit() if self._quantum_instance.is_statevector: ret = self._quantum_instance.execute(qc) self._ret['min_vector'] = ret.get_statevector(qc) else: c = ClassicalRegister(qc.width(), name='c') q = find_regs_by_name(qc, 'q') qc.add_register(c) qc.barrier(q) qc.measure(q, c) tmp_cache = self._quantum_instance.circuit_cache self._quantum_instance._circuit_cache = None ret = self._quantum_instance.execute(qc) self._quantum_instance._circuit_cache = tmp_cache self._ret['min_vector'] = ret.get_counts(qc) return self._ret['min_vector']
@property def optimal_params(self): if 'opt_params' not in self._ret: raise AquaError("Cannot find optimal params before running the algorithm.") return self._ret['opt_params']
class VQEAdaptResult(VQEResult): """ VQE Result.""" @property def num_iterations(self) -> int: """ Returns number of iterations """ return self.get('num_iterations') @num_iterations.setter def num_iterations(self, value: int) -> None: """ Sets number of iterations """['num_iterations'] = value @property def final_max_gradient(self) -> float: """ Returns final maximum gradient """ return self.get('final_max_gradient') @final_max_gradient.setter def final_max_gradient(self, value: float) -> None: """ Sets final maximum gradient """['final_max_gradient'] = value @property def finishing_criterion(self) -> str: """ Returns finishing criterion """ return self.get('finishing_criterion') @finishing_criterion.setter def finishing_criterion(self, value: str) -> None: """ Sets finishing criterion """['finishing_criterion'] = value def __getitem__(self, key: object) -> object: if key == 'final_max_grad': warnings.warn('final_max_grad deprecated, use final_max_gradient property.', DeprecationWarning) return super().__getitem__('final_max_gradient') return super().__getitem__(key)