Source code for qiskit.chemistry.algorithms.eigen_solvers.q_eom_ee

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019, 2020.
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""" QEomEE algorithm """

from typing import Union, List, Optional
import logging

import numpy as np
from qiskit.aqua.operators import LegacyBaseOperator, Z2Symmetries
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import NumPyMinimumEigensolver
from qiskit.aqua.utils.validation import validate_min, validate_in_set
from .q_equation_of_motion import QEquationOfMotion

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class QEomEE(NumPyMinimumEigensolver): """ QEomEE algorithm (classical) """ def __init__(self, operator: LegacyBaseOperator, num_orbitals: int, num_particles: Union[List[int], int], qubit_mapping: str = 'parity', two_qubit_reduction: bool = True, active_occupied: Optional[List[int]] = None, active_unoccupied: Optional[List[int]] = None, is_eom_matrix_symmetric: bool = True, se_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, de_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, z2_symmetries: Optional[Z2Symmetries] = None, untapered_op: Optional[LegacyBaseOperator] = None, aux_operators: Optional[List[LegacyBaseOperator]] = None) -> None: """ Args: operator: qubit operator num_orbitals: total number of spin orbitals, has a min. value of 1. num_particles: number of particles, if it is a list, the first number is alpha and the second number if beta. qubit_mapping: qubit mapping type two_qubit_reduction: two qubit reduction is applied or not active_occupied: list of occupied orbitals to include, indices are 0 to n where n is num particles // 2 active_unoccupied: list of unoccupied orbitals to include, indices are 0 to m where m is (num_orbitals - num particles) // 2 is_eom_matrix_symmetric: is EoM matrix symmetric se_list: single excitation list, overwrite the setting in active space de_list: double excitation list, overwrite the setting in active space z2_symmetries: represent the Z2 symmetries untapered_op: if the operator is tapered, we need untapered operator to build element of EoM matrix aux_operators: Auxiliary operators to be evaluated at each eigenvalue Raises: ValueError: invalid parameter """ validate_min('num_orbitals', num_orbitals, 1) validate_in_set('qubit_mapping', qubit_mapping, {'jordan_wigner', 'parity', 'bravyi_kitaev'}) if isinstance(num_particles, list) and len(num_particles) != 2: raise ValueError('Num particles value {}. Number of values allowed is 2'.format( num_particles)) super().__init__(operator, aux_operators) self.qeom = QEquationOfMotion(operator, num_orbitals, num_particles, qubit_mapping, two_qubit_reduction, active_occupied, active_unoccupied, is_eom_matrix_symmetric, se_list, de_list, z2_symmetries, untapered_op) def _run(self): super()._run() wave_fn = self._ret['eigvecs'][0] excitation_energies_gap, eom_matrices = self.qeom.calculate_excited_states(wave_fn) excitation_energies = excitation_energies_gap + self._ret['energy'] all_energies = np.concatenate(([self._ret['energy']], excitation_energies)) self._ret['energy_gap'] = excitation_energies_gap self._ret['energies'] = all_energies self._ret['eom_matrices'] = eom_matrices return self._ret