Source code for qiskit.assembler.assemble_schedules

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Assemble function for converting a list of circuits into a qobj."""
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
import hashlib

from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.pulse import Schedule, Acquire, Delay, Play, reschedule
from qiskit.pulse.pulse_lib import ParametricPulse, SamplePulse
from qiskit.pulse.commands import (Command, PulseInstruction, AcquireInstruction,
                                   DelayInstruction, ParametricInstruction)
from qiskit.qobj import (PulseQobj, QobjHeader, QobjExperimentHeader,
                         PulseQobjInstruction, PulseQobjExperimentConfig,
                         PulseQobjExperiment, PulseQobjConfig, PulseLibraryItem)
from qiskit.qobj.converters import InstructionToQobjConverter, LoConfigConverter
from qiskit.qobj.converters.pulse_instruction import ParametricPulseShapes
from qiskit.qobj.utils import MeasLevel, MeasReturnType

from .run_config import RunConfig

[docs]def assemble_schedules(schedules: List[Schedule], qobj_id: int, qobj_header: QobjHeader, run_config: RunConfig) -> PulseQobj: """Assembles a list of schedules into a qobj that can be run on the backend. Args: schedules: Schedules to assemble. qobj_id: Identifier for the generated qobj. qobj_header: Header to pass to the results. run_config: Configuration of the runtime environment. Returns: The Qobj to be run on the backends. Raises: QiskitError: when frequency settings are not supplied. """ if not hasattr(run_config, 'qubit_lo_freq'): raise QiskitError('qubit_lo_freq must be supplied.') if not hasattr(run_config, 'meas_lo_freq'): raise QiskitError('meas_lo_freq must be supplied.') lo_converter = LoConfigConverter(PulseQobjExperimentConfig, **run_config.to_dict()) experiments, experiment_config = _assemble_experiments(schedules, lo_converter, run_config) qobj_config = _assemble_config(lo_converter, experiment_config, run_config) return PulseQobj(experiments=experiments, qobj_id=qobj_id, header=qobj_header, config=qobj_config)
def _assemble_experiments( schedules: List[Schedule], lo_converter: LoConfigConverter, run_config: RunConfig ) -> Tuple[List[PulseQobjExperiment], Dict[str, Any]]: """Assembles a list of schedules into PulseQobjExperiments, and returns related metadata that will be assembled into the Qobj configuration. Args: schedules: Schedules to assemble. lo_converter: The configured frequency converter and validator. run_config: Configuration of the runtime environment. Returns: The list of assembled experiments, and the dictionary of related experiment config. Raises: QiskitError: when frequency settings are not compatible with the experiments. """ freq_configs = [lo_converter(lo_dict) for lo_dict in getattr(run_config, 'schedule_los', [])] if len(schedules) > 1 and len(freq_configs) not in [0, 1, len(schedules)]: raise QiskitError('Invalid frequency setting is specified. If the frequency is specified, ' 'it should be configured the same for all schedules, configured for each ' 'schedule, or a list of frequencies should be provided for a single ' 'frequency sweep schedule.') instruction_converter = getattr(run_config, 'instruction_converter', InstructionToQobjConverter) instruction_converter = instruction_converter(PulseQobjInstruction, **run_config.to_dict()) compressed_schedules = reschedule.compress_pulses(schedules) user_pulselib = {} experiments = [] for idx, schedule in enumerate(compressed_schedules): qobj_instructions, max_memory_slot = _assemble_instructions( schedule, instruction_converter, run_config, user_pulselib) # TODO: add other experimental header items (see circuit assembler) qobj_experiment_header = QobjExperimentHeader( memory_slots=max_memory_slot + 1, # Memory slots are 0 indexed or 'Experiment-%d' % idx) experiment = PulseQobjExperiment( header=qobj_experiment_header, instructions=qobj_instructions) if freq_configs: # This handles the cases where one frequency setting applies to all experiments and # where each experiment has a different frequency freq_idx = idx if len(freq_configs) != 1 else 0 experiment.config = freq_configs[freq_idx] experiments.append(experiment) # Frequency sweep if freq_configs and len(experiments) == 1: experiment = experiments[0] experiments = [] for freq_config in freq_configs: experiments.append(PulseQobjExperiment( header=experiment.header, instructions=experiment.instructions, config=freq_config)) # Top level Qobj configuration experiment_config = { 'pulse_library': [PulseLibraryItem(name=name, samples=samples) for name, samples in user_pulselib.items()], 'memory_slots': max([exp.header.memory_slots for exp in experiments]) } return experiments, experiment_config def _assemble_instructions( schedule: Schedule, instruction_converter: InstructionToQobjConverter, run_config: RunConfig, user_pulselib: Dict[str, Command] ) -> Tuple[List[PulseQobjInstruction], int]: """Assembles the instructions in a schedule into a list of PulseQobjInstructions and returns related metadata that will be assembled into the Qobj configuration. Lookup table for pulses defined in all experiments are registered in ``user_pulselib``. This object should be mutable python dictionary so that items are properly updated after each instruction assemble. The dictionary is not returned to avoid redundancy. Args: schedule: Schedule to assemble. instruction_converter: A converter instance which can convert PulseInstructions to PulseQobjInstructions. run_config: Configuration of the runtime environment. user_pulselib: User pulse library from previous schedule. Returns: A list of converted instructions, the user pulse library dictionary (from pulse name to pulse command), and the maximum number of readout memory slots used by this Schedule. """ max_memory_slot = 0 qobj_instructions = [] acquire_instruction_map = defaultdict(list) for time, instruction in schedule.instructions: if isinstance(instruction, ParametricInstruction): # deprecated instruction = Play(instruction.command, instruction.channels[0], if isinstance(instruction, Play) and isinstance(instruction.pulse, ParametricPulse): pulse_shape = ParametricPulseShapes(type(instruction.pulse)).name if pulse_shape not in run_config.parametric_pulses: instruction = Play(instruction.pulse.get_sample_pulse(),, if isinstance(instruction, PulseInstruction): # deprecated instruction = Play(SamplePulse(name=name, samples=instruction.command.samples), instruction.channels[0], name=name) if isinstance(instruction, Play) and isinstance(instruction.pulse, SamplePulse): name = hashlib.sha256(instruction.pulse.samples).hexdigest() instruction = Play(SamplePulse(name=name, samples=instruction.pulse.samples),, name=name) user_pulselib[name] = instruction.pulse.samples if isinstance(instruction, (AcquireInstruction, Acquire)): max_memory_slot = max(max_memory_slot, *[slot.index for slot in instruction.mem_slots]) # Acquires have a single AcquireChannel per inst, but we have to bundle them # together into the Qobj as one instruction with many channels acquire_instruction_map[(time, instruction.command)].append(instruction) continue if isinstance(instruction, (DelayInstruction, Delay)): # delay instructions are ignored as timing is explicit within qobj continue qobj_instructions.append(instruction_converter(time, instruction)) if acquire_instruction_map: if hasattr(run_config, 'meas_map'): _validate_meas_map(acquire_instruction_map, run_config.meas_map) for (time, _), instructions in acquire_instruction_map.items(): qubits, mem_slots, reg_slots = _bundle_channel_indices(instructions) qobj_instructions.append( instruction_converter.convert_single_acquires( time, instructions[0], qubits=qubits, memory_slot=mem_slots, register_slot=reg_slots)) return qobj_instructions, max_memory_slot def _validate_meas_map(instruction_map: Dict[Tuple[int, Acquire], List[AcquireInstruction]], meas_map: List[List[int]]) -> None: """Validate all qubits tied in ``meas_map`` are to be acquired. Args: instruction_map: A dictionary grouping AcquireInstructions according to their start time and the command features (notably, their duration). meas_map: List of groups of qubits that must be acquired together. Raises: QiskitError: If the instructions do not satisfy the measurement map. """ meas_map_sets = [set(m) for m in meas_map] # Check each acquisition time individually for _, instructions in instruction_map.items(): measured_qubits = set() for inst in instructions: measured_qubits.update([acq.index for acq in inst.acquires]) for meas_set in meas_map_sets: intersection = measured_qubits.intersection(meas_set) if intersection and intersection != meas_set: raise QiskitError('Qubits to be acquired: {0} do not satisfy required qubits ' 'in measurement map: {1}'.format(measured_qubits, meas_set)) def _bundle_channel_indices( instructions: List[AcquireInstruction] ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int]]: """From the list of AcquireInstructions, bundle the indices of the acquire channels, memory slots, and register slots into a 3-tuple of lists. Args: instructions: A list of AcquireInstructions to be bundled. Returns: The qubit indices, the memory slot indices, and register slot indices from instructions. """ qubits = [] mem_slots = [] reg_slots = [] for inst in instructions: qubits.extend(aq.index for aq in inst.acquires) mem_slots.extend(mem_slot.index for mem_slot in inst.mem_slots) reg_slots.extend(reg.index for reg in inst.reg_slots) return qubits, mem_slots, reg_slots def _assemble_config(lo_converter: LoConfigConverter, experiment_config: Dict[str, Any], run_config: RunConfig) -> PulseQobjConfig: """Assembles the QobjConfiguration from experimental config and runtime config. Args: lo_converter: The configured frequency converter and validator. experiment_config: Schedules to assemble. run_config: Configuration of the runtime environment. Returns: The assembled PulseQobjConfig. """ qobj_config = run_config.to_dict() qobj_config.update(experiment_config) # Run config not needed in qobj config qobj_config.pop('meas_map', None) qobj_config.pop('qubit_lo_range', None) qobj_config.pop('meas_lo_range', None) # convert enums to serialized values meas_return = qobj_config.get('meas_return', 'avg') if isinstance(meas_return, MeasReturnType): qobj_config['meas_return'] = meas_return.value meas_level = qobj_config.get('meas_level', 2) if isinstance(meas_level, MeasLevel): qobj_config['meas_level'] = meas_level.value # convert lo frequencies to Hz qobj_config['qubit_lo_freq'] = [freq / 1e9 for freq in qobj_config['qubit_lo_freq']] qobj_config['meas_lo_freq'] = [freq / 1e9 for freq in qobj_config['meas_lo_freq']] # frequency sweep config schedule_los = qobj_config.pop('schedule_los', []) if len(schedule_los) == 1: lo_dict = schedule_los[0] q_los = lo_converter.get_qubit_los(lo_dict) # Hz -> GHz if q_los: qobj_config['qubit_lo_freq'] = [freq / 1e9 for freq in q_los] m_los = lo_converter.get_meas_los(lo_dict) if m_los: qobj_config['meas_lo_freq'] = [freq / 1e9 for freq in m_los] return PulseQobjConfig(**qobj_config)