# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Assemble function for converting a list of circuits into a qobj."""
from qiskit.qobj import (QasmQobj, QobjExperimentHeader,
QasmQobjInstruction, QasmQobjExperimentConfig, QasmQobjExperiment,
from qiskit.tools.parallel import parallel_map
def _assemble_circuit(circuit):
# header stuff
num_qubits = 0
memory_slots = 0
qubit_labels = []
clbit_labels = []
qreg_sizes = []
creg_sizes = []
for qreg in circuit.qregs:
qreg_sizes.append([qreg.name, qreg.size])
for j in range(qreg.size):
qubit_labels.append([qreg.name, j])
num_qubits += qreg.size
for creg in circuit.cregs:
creg_sizes.append([creg.name, creg.size])
for j in range(creg.size):
clbit_labels.append([creg.name, j])
memory_slots += creg.size
# TODO: why do we need creq_sizes and qreg_sizes in header
# TODO: we need to rethink memory_slots as they are tied to classical bit
header = QobjExperimentHeader(qubit_labels=qubit_labels,
# TODO: why do we need n_qubits and memory_slots in both the header and the config
config = QasmQobjExperimentConfig(n_qubits=num_qubits, memory_slots=memory_slots)
# Convert conditionals from QASM-style (creg ?= int) to qobj-style
# (register_bit ?= 1), by assuming device has unlimited register slots
# (supported only for simulators). Map all measures to a register matching
# their clbit_index, create a new register slot for every conditional gate
# and add a bfunc to map the creg=val mask onto the gating register bit.
is_conditional_experiment = any(op.condition for (op, qargs, cargs) in circuit.data)
max_conditional_idx = 0
instructions = []
for op_context in circuit.data:
instruction = op_context[0].assemble()
# Add register attributes to the instruction
qargs = op_context[1]
cargs = op_context[2]
if qargs:
qubit_indices = [qubit_labels.index([qubit.register.name, qubit.index])
for qubit in qargs]
instruction.qubits = qubit_indices
if cargs:
clbit_indices = [clbit_labels.index([clbit.register.name, clbit.index])
for clbit in cargs]
instruction.memory = clbit_indices
# If the experiment has conditional instructions, assume every
# measurement result may be needed for a conditional gate.
if instruction.name == "measure" and is_conditional_experiment:
instruction.register = clbit_indices
# To convert to a qobj-style conditional, insert a bfunc prior
# to the conditional instruction to map the creg ?= val condition
# onto a gating register bit.
if hasattr(instruction, '_condition'):
ctrl_reg, ctrl_val = instruction._condition
mask = 0
val = 0
for clbit in clbit_labels:
if clbit[0] == ctrl_reg.name:
mask |= (1 << clbit_labels.index(clbit))
val |= (((ctrl_val >> clbit[1]) & 1) << clbit_labels.index(clbit))
conditional_reg_idx = memory_slots + max_conditional_idx
conversion_bfunc = QasmQobjInstruction(name='bfunc',
mask="0x%X" % mask,
val="0x%X" % val,
instruction.conditional = conditional_reg_idx
max_conditional_idx += 1
# Delete condition attribute now that we have replaced it with
# the conditional and bfuc
del instruction._condition
return QasmQobjExperiment(instructions=instructions, header=header,
[docs]def assemble_circuits(circuits, run_config, qobj_id, qobj_header):
"""Assembles a list of circuits into a qobj that can be run on the backend.
circuits (list[QuantumCircuit]): circuit(s) to assemble
qobj_id (int): identifier for the generated qobj
qobj_header (QobjHeader): header to pass to the results
run_config (RunConfig): configuration of the runtime environment
QasmQobj: the qobj to be run on the backends
qobj_config = QasmQobjConfig()
if run_config:
qobj_config = QasmQobjConfig(**run_config.to_dict())
qubit_sizes = []
memory_slot_sizes = []
for circ in circuits:
num_qubits = 0
memory_slots = 0
for qreg in circ.qregs:
num_qubits += qreg.size
for creg in circ.cregs:
memory_slots += creg.size
qobj_config.memory_slots = max(memory_slot_sizes)
qobj_config.n_qubits = max(qubit_sizes)
experiments = parallel_map(_assemble_circuit, circuits)
return QasmQobj(qobj_id=qobj_id,