Source code for qiskit.aqua.utils.random_matrix_generator

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2020.
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""" random matrix generator """

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.stats

from qiskit.aqua import aqua_globals
from qiskit.aqua.utils.tensor_product import tensorproduct

[docs]def random_h1_body(N): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Generate a random one body integrals. Args: N (int): the number of spin orbitals. Returns: np.ndarray: a 2-D matrix with np.complex data type. Raises: ValueError: invalid number of spin orbitals """ pup = np.asarray([[1, 0], [0, 0]]) pdown = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0, 1]]) if N % 2 != 0: raise ValueError('The number of spin-orbitals must be even but {}'.format(N)) h_1 = np.ones((N // 2, N // 2)) - 2 * aqua_globals.random.random_sample((N // 2, N // 2)) h_1 = np.triu(tensorproduct(pup, h_1) + tensorproduct(pdown, h_1)) h_1 = (h_1 + h_1.T) / 2.0 # pylint: disable=no-member return h_1
[docs]def random_unitary(N): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Generate a random unitary matrix with size NxN. Args: N (int): the dimension of unitary matrix Returns: np.ndarray: a 2-D matrix with np.complex data type. """ x = (aqua_globals.random.random_sample(size=(N, N)) * N + 1j * aqua_globals.random.random_sample(size=(N, N)) * N) / np.sqrt(2) q, r = np.linalg.qr(x) r = np.diag(np.divide(np.diag(r), abs(np.diag(r)))) unitary_matrix =, r) return unitary_matrix
[docs]def random_h2_body(N, M): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Generate a random two body integrals. Args: N (int) : number of spin-orbitals (dimension of h2) M (int) : number of non-zero entries Returns: np.ndarray: a numpy 4-D tensor with np.complex data type. Raises: ValueError: invalid spin orbitals """ if N % 2 == 1: raise ValueError("The number of spin orbitals must be even.") h_2 = np.zeros((N // 2, N // 2, N // 2, N // 2)) max_nonzero_elements = 0 if N / 2 != 1: if N / 2 >= 2: max_nonzero_elements += 4 * 4 * scipy.special.comb(N // 2, 2) if N / 2 >= 3: max_nonzero_elements += 4 * 3 * 8 * scipy.special.comb(N // 2, 3) if N / 2 >= 4: max_nonzero_elements += 4 * scipy.special.factorial(N // 2) / \ scipy.special.factorial(N // 2 - 4) # print('Max number of non-zero elements for {} ' # 'spin-orbitals is: {}'.format(N, max_nonzero_elements)) if M > max_nonzero_elements: raise ValueError('Too many non-zero elements required, ' 'given the molecular symmetries. \n' 'The maximal number of non-zero elements for {} ' 'spin-orbitals is {}'.format(N, max_nonzero_elements)) # pylint: disable=invalid-name element_count = 0 while element_count < M: r_i = aqua_globals.random.randint(N // 2, size=(4)) i, j, l, m = r_i[0], r_i[1], r_i[2], r_i[3] if i != l and j != m and h_2[i, j, l, m] == 0: h_2[i, j, l, m] = 1 - 2 * aqua_globals.random.random_sample(1) element_count += 4 # In the chemists notation h2bodys(i,j,l,m) refers to # a^dag_i a^dag_l a_m a_j if h_2[l, m, i, j] == 0: h_2[l, m, i, j] = h_2[i, j, l, m] element_count += 4 if h_2[j, i, m, l] == 0: h_2[j, i, m, l] = h_2[i, j, l, m] element_count += 4 if h_2[m, l, j, i] == 0: h_2[m, l, j, i] = h_2[i, j, l, m] element_count += 4 if j != l and i != m: # if these conditions are not satisfied the symmetries # will produce (negligible) terms that annihilate any state if h_2[j, i, l, m] == 0: h_2[j, i, l, m] = h_2[i, j, l, m] element_count += 4 if h_2[m, l, i, j] == 0: h_2[m, l, i, j] = h_2[i, j, l, m] element_count += 4 if h_2[i, j, m, l] == 0: h_2[i, j, m, l] = h_2[i, j, l, m] element_count += 4 if h_2[l, m, j, i] == 0: h_2[l, m, j, i] = h_2[i, j, l, m] element_count += 4 # Impose spin degeneracy idx_non_zeros = np.where(h_2 != 0) a, b, c, d = idx_non_zeros[0], idx_non_zeros[1], idx_non_zeros[2], idx_non_zeros[3] val = h_2[idx_non_zeros] htemp = np.column_stack((a, b, c, d)).astype(int) dim = htemp.shape h2bodys = np.zeros((N, N, N, N)) h2bodys[0:N // 2, 0:N // 2, 0:N // 2, 0:N // 2] = h_2 for i in range(dim[0]): # recall that in the chemists notation h2bodys(i,j,l,m) refers to # a^dag_i a^dag_l a_m a_j h2bodys[htemp[i, 0] + N // 2, htemp[i, 1] + N // 2, htemp[i, 2] + N // 2, htemp[i, 3] + N // 2] = val[i] h2bodys[htemp[i, 0] + N // 2, htemp[i, 1] + N // 2, htemp[i, 2], htemp[i, 3]] = val[i] # shift i and j to their spin symmetrized h2bodys[htemp[i, 0], htemp[i, 1], htemp[i, 2] + N // 2, htemp[i, 3] + N // 2] = val[i] # shift l and m to their spin symmetrized return h2bodys
def random_diag(N, eigs=None, K=None, eigrange=None): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Generate random diagonal matrix with given properties Args: N (int): size of matrix eigs (Union(list, tuple, np.ndarray)): list of N eigenvalues. Overrides K, eigrange. K (Union(float, list, tuple()): condition number. Either use only condition number K or list/tuple of (K, lmin) or (K, lmin, sgn). Where lmin is the smallest eigenvalue and sign +/- 1 specifies if eigenvalues can be negative. eigrange (Union(list, tuple, nd.ndarray)): [min, max] list for eigenvalue range. (default=[0, 1]) Returns: np.ndarray: diagonal matrix Raises: ValueError: invalid input data """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name eigrange = eigrange if eigrange is not None else [0, 1] if not isinstance(eigs, np.ndarray): if eigs is None: if not isinstance(K, np.ndarray) and K is not None: if isinstance(K, (int, float)): k, lmin, sgn = K, 1, 1 elif len(K) == 2: k, lmin = K sgn = 1 elif len(K) == 3: k, lmin, sgn = K eigs = aqua_globals.random.random_sample(N) a = (k - 1) * lmin / (max(eigs) - min(eigs)) b = lmin * (max(eigs) - k * min(eigs)) / (max(eigs) - min(eigs)) eigs = a * eigs + b if sgn == -1: sgs = aqua_globals.random.random_sample(N) - 0.5 while min(sgs) > 0 or max(sgs) < 0: sgs = aqua_globals.random.random_sample(N) - 0.5 eigs = eigs * (sgs / abs(sgs)) elif isinstance(eigrange, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)) \ and len(eigrange) == 2: eigs = \ aqua_globals.random.random_sample(N) * (eigrange[1] - eigrange[0]) + eigrange[0] else: raise ValueError("Wrong input data: either 'eigs', 'K' or" "'eigrange' needed to be set correctly.") else: assert len(eigs) == N, "NxN matrix needs N eigenvalues." eigs = np.array(list(eigs)) else: assert len(eigs) == N, "NxN matrix needs N eigenvalues." return np.diag(eigs) def limit_paulis(mat, n=5, sparsity=None): """ Limits the number of Pauli basis matrices of a hermitian matrix to the n highest magnitude ones. Args: mat (np.ndarray): Input matrix n (int): number of surviving Pauli matrices (default=5) sparsity (float): sparsity of matrix < 1 Returns: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix: matrix """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from qiskit.aqua.operators import MatrixOperator from qiskit.aqua.operators.legacy.op_converter import to_weighted_pauli_operator # Bringing matrix into form 2**Nx2**N __l = mat.shape[0] if np.log2(__l) % 1 != 0: k = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(__l))) m = np.zeros([k, k], dtype=np.complex128) m[:__l, :__l] = mat m[__l:, __l:] = np.identity(k - __l) mat = m # Getting Pauli matrices # pylint: disable=invalid-name op = MatrixOperator(matrix=mat) op = to_weighted_pauli_operator(op) paulis = sorted(op.paulis, key=lambda x: abs(x[0]), reverse=True) g = 2**op.num_qubits mat = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(([], ([], [])), shape=(g, g), dtype=np.complex128) # Truncation if sparsity is None: for pa in paulis[:n]: mat += pa[0] * pa[1].to_spmatrix() else: idx = 0 while mat[:__l, :__l].nnz / __l ** 2 < sparsity: mat += paulis[idx][0] * paulis[idx][1].to_spmatrix() idx += 1 n = idx mat = mat.toarray() return mat[:__l, :__l]
[docs]def random_hermitian(N, eigs=None, K=None, # pylint: disable=invalid-name eigrange=None, sparsity=None, trunc=None): """ Generate random hermitian (sparse) matrix with given properties. Sparsity is achieved by truncating Pauli matrices. Sparsity settings alternate the eigenvalues due to truncation. Args: N (int): size of matrix eigs (Union(list, tuple, np.ndarray)): list of N eigenvalues. Overrides K, eigrange K (Union(float, list, tuple)): condition number. Either use only condition number K or list/tuple of (K, lmin) or (K, lmin, sgn). Where lmin is the smallest eigenvalue and sign +/- 1 specifies if eigenvalues can be negative. eigrange (Union(list, tuple, nd.ndarray)): [min, max] list for eigenvalue range. (default=[0, 1]) trunc (int): limit for number of Pauli matrices. sparsity (float): sparsity of matrix. Overrides trunc. Returns: np.ndarray: hermitian matrix Raises: ValueError: invalid matrix """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name eigrange = eigrange if eigrange is not None else [0, 1] if N == 1: raise ValueError('The matrix dimension must be larger than 1') u = scipy.stats.unitary_group.rvs(N) d = random_diag(N, eigs, K, eigrange) ret = u.conj() if sparsity or trunc: ret = limit_paulis(ret, trunc, sparsity) return ret
def limit_entries(mat, n=5, sparsity=None): """ Limits the number of entries of a matrix to the n highest magnitude ones. Args: mat (np.array): Input Matrix n (int): number of surviving entries (default=5) sparsity (float): sparsity of matrix < 1 Returns: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix: matrix """ ret = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(mat) entries = list(sorted(zip(ret.row, ret.col,, key=lambda x: abs(x[2]), reverse=True)) if sparsity is not None: n = int(sparsity * mat.shape[0] * mat.shape[1]) entries = entries[:n] # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence row, col, data = np.array(entries).T return scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (data, (row.real.astype(int), col.real.astype(int))))
[docs]def random_non_hermitian(N, M=None, sings=None, K=None, # pylint: disable=invalid-name srange=None, sparsity=None, trunc=None): """ Generate random (sparse) matrix with given properties (singular values). Sparsity is achieved by truncating Pauli matrices. Sparsity settings alternate the singular values due to truncation. Args: N (int): size of matrix M (int): size of matrix sings (Union(list, tuple, np.ndarray)): list of N singular values. Overrides K, srange. K (Union(float, list, tuple)): condition number. Either use only condition number K or list/tuple of (K, lmin). Where lmin specifies the smallest singular value. srange (Union(list, tuple, nd.ndarray)): [min, max] list for singular value range, min >= 0. (default=[0, 1]). sparsity (float): sparsity of matrix. Overrides trunc. trunc (int): limit of Pauli matrices. Returns: np.ndarray: random matrix Raises: ValueError: invalid matrix """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name srange = srange if srange is not None else [0, 1] if N == 1: raise ValueError('The matrix dimension must be larger than 1') if M is None: M = N d = random_diag(min(N, M), sings, K, srange) u = scipy.stats.unitary_group.rvs(M) v = scipy.stats.unitary_group.rvs(N) if M > N: s = np.zeros([M, N]) s[:N, :] = d elif N > M: s = np.zeros([M, N]) s[:, :M] = d else: s = d ret = if sparsity or trunc: ret = limit_entries(ret, trunc, sparsity).toarray() return ret