# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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""" PrimitiveOp Class """
from typing import Optional, Union, Set
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import spmatrix
import scipy.linalg
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit import Instruction, ParameterExpression
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli, SparsePauliOp
from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator as MatrixOperator
from ..operator_base import OperatorBase
from ..legacy.base_operator import LegacyBaseOperator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PrimitiveOp(OperatorBase):
A class for representing basic Operators, backed by Operator primitives from
Terra. This class (and inheritors) primarily serves to allow the underlying
primitives to "flow" - i.e. interoperability and adherence to the Operator formalism
- while the core computational logic mostly remains in the underlying primitives.
For example, we would not produce an interface in Terra in which
``QuantumCircuit1 + QuantumCircuit2`` equaled the Operator sum of the circuit
unitaries, rather than simply appending the circuits. However, within the Operator
flow summing the unitaries is the expected behavior.
Note that all mathematical methods are not in-place, meaning that they return a
new object, but the underlying primitives are not copied.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def __new__(cls,
primitive: Union[Instruction, QuantumCircuit, list,
np.ndarray, spmatrix, MatrixOperator, Pauli] = None,
coeff: Optional[Union[int, float, complex,
ParameterExpression]] = 1.0) -> OperatorBase:
""" A factory method to produce the correct type of PrimitiveOp subclass
based on the primitive passed in. Primitive and coeff arguments are passed into
subclass's init() as-is automatically by new().
primitive (Instruction, QuantumCircuit, list, np.ndarray, spmatrix,
MatrixOperator, Pauli): The operator primitive being wrapped.
coeff (int, float, complex, ParameterExpression): A coefficient multiplying
the primitive.
The appropriate PrimitiveOp subclass for ``primitive``.
TypeError: Unsupported primitive type passed.
if cls.__name__ != PrimitiveOp.__name__:
return super().__new__(cls)
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import,import-outside-toplevel
if isinstance(primitive, (Instruction, QuantumCircuit)):
from .circuit_op import CircuitOp
return CircuitOp.__new__(CircuitOp)
if isinstance(primitive, (list, np.ndarray, spmatrix, MatrixOperator)):
from .matrix_op import MatrixOp
return MatrixOp.__new__(MatrixOp)
if isinstance(primitive, Pauli):
from .pauli_op import PauliOp
return PauliOp.__new__(PauliOp)
raise TypeError('Unsupported primitive type {} passed into PrimitiveOp '
'factory constructor'.format(type(primitive)))
def __init__(self,
primitive: Union[Instruction, QuantumCircuit, list,
np.ndarray, spmatrix, MatrixOperator, Pauli] = None,
coeff: Optional[Union[int, float, complex, ParameterExpression]] = 1.0) -> None:
primitive (Instruction, QuantumCircuit, list, np.ndarray, spmatrix,
MatrixOperator, Pauli): The operator primitive being wrapped.
coeff (int, float, complex, ParameterExpression): A coefficient multiplying
the primitive.
self._primitive = primitive
self._coeff = coeff
def primitive(self) -> Union[Instruction, QuantumCircuit, list,
np.ndarray, spmatrix, MatrixOperator, Pauli]:
""" The primitive defining the underlying function of the Operator.
The primitive object.
return self._primitive
def coeff(self) -> Union[int, float, complex, ParameterExpression]:
The scalar coefficient multiplying the Operator.
The coefficient.
return self._coeff
def num_qubits(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def primitive_strings(self) -> Set[str]:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add(self, other: OperatorBase) -> OperatorBase:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def adjoint(self) -> OperatorBase:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def equals(self, other: OperatorBase) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def mul(self, scalar: Union[int, float, complex, ParameterExpression]) -> OperatorBase:
if not isinstance(scalar, (int, float, complex, ParameterExpression)):
raise ValueError('Operators can only be scalar multiplied by float or complex, not '
'{} of type {}.'.format(scalar, type(scalar)))
# Need to return self.__class__ in case the object is one of the inherited OpPrimitives
return self.__class__(self.primitive, coeff=self.coeff * scalar)
[docs] def tensor(self, other: OperatorBase) -> OperatorBase:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def tensorpower(self, other: int) -> Union[OperatorBase, int]:
# Hack to make Z^(I^0) work as intended.
if other == 0:
return 1
if not isinstance(other, int) or other < 0:
raise TypeError('Tensorpower can only take positive int arguments')
temp = PrimitiveOp(self.primitive, coeff=self.coeff)
for _ in range(other - 1):
temp = temp.tensor(self)
return temp
[docs] def compose(self, other: OperatorBase) -> OperatorBase:
raise NotImplementedError
def _check_zero_for_composition_and_expand(self, other: OperatorBase) -> OperatorBase:
if not self.num_qubits == other.num_qubits:
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import,import-outside-toplevel
from ..operator_globals import Zero
if other == Zero:
# Zero is special - we'll expand it to the correct qubit number.
other = Zero.__class__('0' * self.num_qubits)
raise ValueError(
'Composition is not defined over Operators of different dimensions, {} and {}, '
'respectively.'.format(self.num_qubits, other.num_qubits))
return other
[docs] def power(self, exponent: int) -> OperatorBase:
if not isinstance(exponent, int) or exponent <= 0:
raise TypeError('power can only take positive int arguments')
temp = PrimitiveOp(self.primitive, coeff=self.coeff)
for _ in range(exponent - 1):
temp = temp.compose(self)
return temp
[docs] def exp_i(self) -> OperatorBase:
""" Return Operator exponentiation, equaling e^(-i * op)"""
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import,import-outside-toplevel
from qiskit.aqua.operators import EvolvedOp
return EvolvedOp(self)
[docs] def log_i(self, massive: bool = False) -> OperatorBase:
"""Return a ``MatrixOp`` equivalent to log(H)/-i for this operator H. This
function is the effective inverse of exp_i, equivalent to finding the Hermitian
Operator which produces self when exponentiated."""
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from ..operator_globals import EVAL_SIG_DIGITS
from .matrix_op import MatrixOp
return MatrixOp(np.around(scipy.linalg.logm(self.to_matrix(massive=massive)) / -1j,
def __str__(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "{}({}, coeff={})".format(type(self).__name__, repr(self.primitive), self.coeff)
[docs] def eval(self,
front: Union[str, dict, np.ndarray,
OperatorBase] = None) -> Union[OperatorBase, float, complex]:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def assign_parameters(self, param_dict: dict) -> OperatorBase:
param_value = self.coeff
if isinstance(self.coeff, ParameterExpression):
unrolled_dict = self._unroll_param_dict(param_dict)
if isinstance(unrolled_dict, list):
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from ..list_ops.list_op import ListOp
return ListOp([self.assign_parameters(param_dict) for param_dict in unrolled_dict])
if self.coeff.parameters <= set(unrolled_dict.keys()):
binds = {param: unrolled_dict[param] for param in self.coeff.parameters}
param_value = float(self.coeff.bind(binds))
return self.__class__(self.primitive, coeff=param_value)
# Nothing to collapse here.
[docs] def reduce(self) -> OperatorBase:
return self
[docs] def to_matrix(self, massive: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_matrix_op(self, massive: bool = False) -> OperatorBase:
""" Returns a ``MatrixOp`` equivalent to this Operator. """
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
prim_mat = self.__class__(self.primitive).to_matrix(massive=massive)
from .matrix_op import MatrixOp
return MatrixOp(prim_mat, coeff=self.coeff)
[docs] def to_legacy_op(self, massive: bool = False) -> LegacyBaseOperator:
mat_op = self.to_matrix_op(massive=massive)
return mat_op.to_legacy_op(massive=massive)
[docs] def to_instruction(self) -> Instruction:
""" Returns an ``Instruction`` equivalent to this Operator. """
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_circuit(self) -> QuantumCircuit:
""" Returns a ``QuantumCircuit`` equivalent to this Operator. """
qc = QuantumCircuit(self.num_qubits)
qc.append(self.to_instruction(), qargs=range(self.primitive.num_qubits))
return qc.decompose()
[docs] def to_circuit_op(self) -> OperatorBase:
""" Returns a ``CircuitOp`` equivalent to this Operator. """
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from .circuit_op import CircuitOp
return CircuitOp(self.to_circuit(), coeff=self.coeff)
# TODO change the PauliOp to depend on SparsePauliOp as its primitive
[docs] def to_pauli_op(self, massive: bool = False) -> OperatorBase:
""" Returns a sum of ``PauliOp`` s equivalent to this Operator. """
mat_op = self.to_matrix_op(massive=massive)
sparse_pauli = SparsePauliOp.from_operator(mat_op.primitive)
if not sparse_pauli.to_list():
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from ..operator_globals import I
return (I ^ self.num_qubits) * 0.0
return sum([PrimitiveOp(Pauli.from_label(label),
coeff.real if coeff == coeff.real else coeff)
for (label, coeff) in sparse_pauli.to_list()]) * self.coeff