Source code for qiskit.aqua.operators.legacy.weighted_pauli_operator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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""" Weighted Pauli Operator """

from copy import deepcopy
import itertools
import logging
import json
from operator import add as op_add, sub as op_sub
import sys

import numpy as np
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli
from import parallel_map
from import TextProgressBar

from qiskit.aqua import AquaError, aqua_globals
from .base_operator import LegacyBaseOperator
from .common import (measure_pauli_z, covariance, pauli_measurement,
                     kernel_F2, suzuki_expansion_slice_pauli_list,
                     check_commutativity, evolution_instruction)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class WeightedPauliOperator(LegacyBaseOperator): """ Weighted Pauli Operator """ def __init__(self, paulis, basis=None, z2_symmetries=None, atol=1e-12, name=None): """ Args: paulis (list[[complex, Pauli]]): the list of weighted Paulis, where a weighted pauli is composed of a length-2 list and the first item is the weight and the second item is the Pauli object. basis (list[tuple(object, [int])], optional): the grouping basis, each element is a tuple composed of the basis and the indices to paulis which are belonged to that group. e.g., if tpb basis is used, the object will be a pauli. By default, the group is equal to non-grouping, each pauli is its own basis. z2_symmetries (Z2Symmetries): recording the z2 symmetries info atol (float, optional): the threshold used in truncating paulis name (str, optional): the name of operator. """ super().__init__(basis, z2_symmetries, name) # plain store the paulis, the group information is store in the basis self._paulis_table = None self._paulis = paulis self._basis = \ [(pauli[1], [i]) for i, pauli in enumerate(paulis)] if basis is None else basis # combine the paulis and remove those with zero weight self.simplify() self._atol = atol
[docs] @classmethod def from_list(cls, paulis, weights=None, name=None): """ Create a WeightedPauliOperator via a pair of list. Args: paulis (list[Pauli]): the list of Paulis weights (list[complex], optional): the list of weights, if it is None, all weights are 1. name (str, optional): name of the operator. Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: operator Raises: ValueError: The length of weights and paulis must be the same """ if weights is not None and len(weights) != len(paulis): raise ValueError("The length of weights and paulis must be the same.") if weights is None: weights = [1.0] * len(paulis) return cls(paulis=[[w, p] for w, p in zip(weights, paulis)], name=name)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def to_opflow(self, reverse_endianness=False): """ to op flow """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from qiskit.aqua.operators import PrimitiveOp pauli_ops = [] for [w, p] in self.paulis: pauli = Pauli.from_label(str(p)[::-1]) if reverse_endianness else p # Adding the imaginary is necessary to handle the imaginary coefficients in UCCSD. # TODO fix these or add support for them in Terra. pauli_ops += [PrimitiveOp(pauli, coeff=np.real(w) + np.imag(w))] return sum(pauli_ops)
@property def paulis(self): """ get paulis """ return self._paulis @property def atol(self): """ get atol """ return self._atol @atol.setter def atol(self, new_value): """ set atol """ self._atol = new_value @property def num_qubits(self): """ Number of qubits required for the operator. Returns: int: number of qubits """ if not self.is_empty(): return self._paulis[0][1].num_qubits else: logger.warning("Operator is empty, Return 0.") return 0 def __eq__(self, other): """ Overload == operation """ # need to clean up the zeros self.simplify() other.simplify() if len(self._paulis) != len(other.paulis): return False for weight, pauli in self._paulis: found_pauli = False other_weight = 0.0 for weight2, pauli2 in other.paulis: if pauli == pauli2: found_pauli = True other_weight = weight2 break if not found_pauli and other_weight != 0.0: # since we might have 0 weights of paulis. return False if weight != other_weight: return False return True def _add_or_sub(self, other, operation, copy=True): """ Add two operators either extend (in-place) or combine (copy) them. The addition performs optimized combination of two operators. If `other` has identical basis, the coefficient are combined rather than appended. Args: other (WeightedPauliOperator): to-be-combined operator operation (callable or str): add or sub callable from operator copy (bool): working on a copy or self Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: operator Raises: AquaError: two operators have different number of qubits. """ if not self.is_empty() and not other.is_empty(): if self.num_qubits != other.num_qubits: raise AquaError("Can not add/sub two operators with different number of qubits.") ret_op = self.copy() if copy else self for pauli in other.paulis: pauli_label = pauli[1].to_label() idx = ret_op._paulis_table.get(pauli_label, None) if idx is not None: ret_op._paulis[idx][0] = operation(ret_op._paulis[idx][0], pauli[0]) else: new_pauli = deepcopy(pauli) ret_op._paulis_table[pauli_label] = len(ret_op._paulis) ret_op._basis.append((new_pauli[1], [len(ret_op._paulis)])) new_pauli[0] = operation(0.0, pauli[0]) ret_op._paulis.append(new_pauli) return ret_op
[docs] def add(self, other, copy=False): """ Perform self + other. Args: other (WeightedPauliOperator): to-be-combined operator copy (bool): working on a copy or self, if False, the results are written back to self. Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: operator """ return self._add_or_sub(other, op_add, copy=copy)
[docs] def sub(self, other, copy=False): """ Perform self - other. Args: other (WeightedPauliOperator): to-be-combined operator copy (bool): working on a copy or self, if False, the results are written back to self. Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: operator """ return self._add_or_sub(other, op_sub, copy=copy)
def __add__(self, other): """ Overload + operator """ return self.add(other, copy=True) def __iadd__(self, other): """ Overload += operator """ return self.add(other, copy=False) def __sub__(self, other): """ Overload - operator """ return self.sub(other, copy=True) def __isub__(self, other): """ Overload -= operator """ return self.sub(other, copy=False) def _scaling_weight(self, scaling_factor, copy=False): """ Constantly scaling all weights of paulis. Args: scaling_factor (complex): the scaling factor copy (bool): return a copy or modify in-place Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: a copy of the scaled one. Raises: ValueError: the scaling factor is not a valid type. """ if not isinstance(scaling_factor, (int, float, complex,, np.float, np.complex)): raise ValueError( "Type of scaling factor is a valid type. {} if given.".format( scaling_factor.__class__)) ret = self.copy() if copy else self for idx in range(len(ret._paulis)): ret._paulis[idx] = [ret._paulis[idx][0] * scaling_factor, ret._paulis[idx][1]] return ret
[docs] def multiply(self, other): """ Perform self * other, and the phases are tracked. Args: other (WeightedPauliOperator): an operator Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: the multiplied operator """ ret_op = WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[]) for existed_weight, existed_pauli in self.paulis: for weight, pauli in other.paulis: new_pauli, sign = Pauli.sgn_prod(existed_pauli, pauli) new_weight = existed_weight * weight * sign pauli_term = [new_weight, new_pauli] ret_op += WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[pauli_term]) return ret_op
def __rmul__(self, other): """ Overload other * self """ if isinstance(other, (int, float, complex,, np.float, np.complex)): return self._scaling_weight(other, copy=True) else: return other.multiply(self)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """ Overload self * other """ if isinstance(other, (int, float, complex,, np.float, np.complex)): return self._scaling_weight(other, copy=True) else: return self.multiply(other)
def __neg__(self): """Overload unary - """ return self._scaling_weight(-1.0, copy=True) def __str__(self): """ Overload str() """ curr_repr = 'paulis' length = len(self._paulis) name = "" if self._name == '' else "{}: ".format(self._name) ret = "{}Representation: {}, qubits: {}, size: {}".format(name, curr_repr, self.num_qubits, length) return ret
[docs] def print_details(self): """ Print out the operator in details. Returns: str: a formatted string describes the operator. """ if self.is_empty(): return "Operator is empty." ret = "" for weight, pauli in self._paulis: ret = ''.join([ret, "{}\t{}\n".format(pauli.to_label(), weight)]) return ret
[docs] def copy(self): """ Get a copy of self """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def simplify(self, copy=False): """ Merge the paulis whose bases are identical and the pauli with zero coefficient would be removed. Note: This behavior of this method is slightly changed, it will remove the paulis whose weights are zero. Args: copy (bool): simplify on a copy or self Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: the simplified operator """ op = self.copy() if copy else self new_paulis = [] new_paulis_table = {} old_to_new_indices = {} curr_idx = 0 for curr_weight, curr_pauli in op.paulis: pauli_label = curr_pauli.to_label() new_idx = new_paulis_table.get(pauli_label, None) if new_idx is not None: new_paulis[new_idx][0] += curr_weight old_to_new_indices[curr_idx] = new_idx else: new_paulis_table[pauli_label] = len(new_paulis) old_to_new_indices[curr_idx] = len(new_paulis) new_paulis.append([curr_weight, curr_pauli]) curr_idx += 1 op._paulis = new_paulis op._paulis_table = new_paulis_table # update the grouping info, since this method only reduce the number # of paulis, we can handle it here for both # pauli and tpb grouped pauli # should have a better way to rebuild the basis here. new_basis = [] for basis, indices in op.basis: new_indices = [] found = False if new_basis: for b, ind in new_basis: if b == basis: new_indices = ind found = True break for idx in indices: new_idx = old_to_new_indices[idx] if new_idx is not None and new_idx not in new_indices: new_indices.append(new_idx) if new_indices and not found: new_basis.append((basis, new_indices)) op._basis = new_basis op.chop(0.0) return op
[docs] def rounding(self, decimals, copy=False): """ Rounding the weight. Args: decimals (int): rounding the weight to the decimals. copy (bool): chop on a copy or self Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: operator """ op = self.copy() if copy else self op._paulis = [[np.around(weight, decimals=decimals), pauli] for weight, pauli in op.paulis] return op
[docs] def chop(self, threshold=None, copy=False): """ Eliminate the real and imagine part of weight in each pauli by `threshold`. If pauli's weight is less then `threshold` in both real and imaginary parts, the pauli is removed. Note: If weight is real-only, the imaginary part is skipped. Args: threshold (float): the threshold is used to remove the paulis copy (bool): chop on a copy or self Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: if copy is True, the original operator is unchanged; otherwise, the operator is mutated. """ threshold = self._atol if threshold is None else threshold def chop_real_imag(weight): temp_real = weight.real if np.absolute(weight.real) >= threshold else 0.0 temp_imag = weight.imag if np.absolute(weight.imag) >= threshold else 0.0 if temp_real == 0.0 and temp_imag == 0.0: return 0.0 else: new_weight = temp_real + 1j * temp_imag return new_weight op = self.copy() if copy else self if op.is_empty(): return op paulis = [] old_to_new_indices = {} curr_idx = 0 for idx, weighted_pauli in enumerate(op.paulis): weight, pauli = weighted_pauli new_weight = chop_real_imag(weight) if new_weight != 0.0: old_to_new_indices[idx] = curr_idx curr_idx += 1 paulis.append([new_weight, pauli]) op._paulis = paulis op._paulis_table = \ {weighted_pauli[1].to_label(): i for i, weighted_pauli in enumerate(paulis)} # update the grouping info, since this method only remove pauli, # we can handle it here for both # pauli and tpb grouped pauli new_basis = [] for basis, indices in op.basis: new_indices = [] for idx in indices: new_idx = old_to_new_indices.get(idx, None) if new_idx is not None: new_indices.append(new_idx) if new_indices: new_basis.append((basis, new_indices)) op._basis = new_basis return op
[docs] def commute_with(self, other): """ Commutes with """ return check_commutativity(self, other)
[docs] def anticommute_with(self, other): """ Anti commutes with """ return check_commutativity(self, other, anti=True)
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Check Operator is empty or not. Returns: bool: True if empty, False otherwise """ if not self._paulis: return True elif not self._paulis[0]: return True else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_name, before_04=False): """ Load paulis in a file to construct an Operator. Args: file_name (str): path to the file, which contains a list of Paulis and coefficients. before_04 (bool): support the format before Aqua 0.4. Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: the loaded operator. """ with open(file_name, 'r') as file: return cls.from_dict(json.load(file), before_04=before_04)
[docs] def to_file(self, file_name): """ Save operator to a file in pauli representation. Args: file_name (str): path to the file """ with open(file_name, 'w') as file: json.dump(self.to_dict(), file)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dictionary, before_04=False): """ Load paulis from a dictionary to construct an Operator. The dictionary must comprise the key 'paulis' having a value which is an array of pauli dicts. Each dict in this array must be represented by label and coeff (real and imag) such as in the following example: .. code-block:: python {'paulis': [ {'label': 'IIII', 'coeff': {'real': -0.33562957575267038, 'imag': 0.0}}, {'label': 'ZIII', 'coeff': {'real': 0.28220597164664896, 'imag': 0.0}}, ... ] } Args: dictionary (dict): dictionary, which contains a list of Paulis and coefficients. before_04 (bool): support the format before Aqua 0.4. Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: the operator created from the input dictionary. Raises: AquaError: Invalid dictionary """ if 'paulis' not in dictionary: raise AquaError('Dictionary missing "paulis" key') paulis = [] for op in dictionary['paulis']: if 'label' not in op: raise AquaError('Dictionary missing "label" key') pauli_label = op['label'] if 'coeff' not in op: raise AquaError('Dictionary missing "coeff" key') pauli_coeff = op['coeff'] if 'real' not in pauli_coeff: raise AquaError('Dictionary missing "real" key') coeff = pauli_coeff['real'] if 'imag' in pauli_coeff: coeff = complex(pauli_coeff['real'], pauli_coeff['imag']) pauli_label = pauli_label[::-1] if before_04 else pauli_label paulis.append([coeff, Pauli.from_label(pauli_label)]) return cls(paulis=paulis)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Save operator to a dict in pauli representation. Returns: dict: a dictionary contains an operator with pauli representation. """ ret_dict = {"paulis": []} for coeff, pauli in self._paulis: op = {"label": pauli.to_label()} if isinstance(coeff, complex): op["coeff"] = {"real": np.real(coeff), "imag": np.imag(coeff) } else: op["coeff"] = {"real": coeff} ret_dict["paulis"].append(op) return ret_dict
[docs] def evaluate_with_statevector(self, quantum_state): """ Args: quantum_state (numpy.ndarray): a quantum state. Returns: float: the mean value float: the standard deviation Raises: AquaError: if Operator is empty """ if self.is_empty(): raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.") # convert to matrix first? # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .op_converter import to_matrix_operator mat_op = to_matrix_operator(self) avg = np.vdot(quantum_state, return avg, 0.0
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def construct_evaluation_circuit(self, wave_function, statevector_mode, qr=None, cr=None, use_simulator_snapshot_mode=False, circuit_name_prefix=''): r""" Construct the circuits for evaluation, which calculating the expectation <psi\|H\|psi>. At statevector mode: to simplify the computation, we do not build the whole circuit for <psi|H|psi>, instead of that we construct an individual circuit <psi\|, and a bundle circuit for H\|psi> Args: wave_function (QuantumCircuit): the quantum circuit. statevector_mode (bool): indicate which type of simulator are going to use. qr (QuantumRegister, optional): the quantum register associated with the input_circuit cr (ClassicalRegister, optional): the classical register associated with the input_circuit use_simulator_snapshot_mode (bool, optional): if aer_provider is used, we can do faster evaluation for pauli mode on statevector simulation circuit_name_prefix (str, optional): a prefix of circuit name Returns: list[QuantumCircuit]: a list of quantum circuits and each circuit with a unique name: circuit_name_prefix + Pauli string Raises: AquaError: if Operator is empty AquaError: if quantum register is not provided explicitly and cannot find quantum register with `q` as the name AquaError: The provided qr is not in the wave_function """ if self.is_empty(): raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.") # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from qiskit.aqua.utils.run_circuits import find_regs_by_name if qr is None: qr = find_regs_by_name(wave_function, 'q') if qr is None: raise AquaError("Either provide the quantum register (qr) explicitly or use" " `q` as the name of the quantum register in the input circuit.") else: if not wave_function.has_register(qr): raise AquaError("The provided QuantumRegister (qr) is not in the circuit.") n_qubits = self.num_qubits instructions = self.evaluation_instruction(statevector_mode, use_simulator_snapshot_mode) circuits = [] if use_simulator_snapshot_mode: circuit = wave_function.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + 'snapshot_mode') # Add expectation value snapshot instruction instr = instructions.get('expval_snapshot', None) if instr is not None: circuit.append(instr, qr) circuits.append(circuit) elif statevector_mode: circuits.append(wave_function.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + 'psi')) for _, pauli in self._paulis: inst = instructions.get(pauli.to_label(), None) if inst is not None: circuit = wave_function.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + pauli.to_label()) circuit.append(inst, qr) circuits.append(circuit) else: base_circuit = wave_function.copy() if cr is not None: if not base_circuit.has_register(cr): base_circuit.add_register(cr) else: cr = find_regs_by_name(base_circuit, 'c', qreg=False) if cr is None: cr = ClassicalRegister(n_qubits, name='c') base_circuit.add_register(cr) for basis, _ in self._basis: circuit = base_circuit.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + basis.to_label()) circuit.append(instructions[basis.to_label()], qargs=qr, cargs=cr) circuits.append(circuit) return circuits
[docs] def evaluation_instruction(self, statevector_mode, use_simulator_snapshot_mode=False): """ Args: statevector_mode (bool): will it be run on statevector simulator or not use_simulator_snapshot_mode (bool): will it use qiskit aer simulator operator mode Returns: dict: Pauli-instruction pair. Raises: AquaError: if Operator is empty """ if self.is_empty(): raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.") instructions = {} qr = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits) qc = QuantumCircuit(qr) if use_simulator_snapshot_mode and self.paulis: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from qiskit.providers.aer.extensions import SnapshotExpectationValue snapshot = SnapshotExpectationValue('expval', self.paulis, variance=True) instructions = {'expval_snapshot': snapshot} elif statevector_mode: for _, pauli in self._paulis: tmp_qc = qc.copy(name="Pauli " + pauli.to_label()) if np.all(np.logical_not(pauli.z)) and np.all(np.logical_not(pauli.x)): # all I continue # This explicit barrier is needed for statevector simulator since Qiskit-terra # will remove global phase at default compilation level but the results here # rely on global phase. tmp_qc.barrier(list(range(self.num_qubits))) tmp_qc.append(pauli.to_instruction(), list(range(self.num_qubits))) instructions[pauli.to_label()] = tmp_qc.to_instruction() else: cr = ClassicalRegister(self.num_qubits) qc.add_register(cr) for basis, _ in self._basis: tmp_qc = qc.copy(name="Pauli " + basis.to_label()) tmp_qc = pauli_measurement(tmp_qc, basis, qr, cr, barrier=True) instructions[basis.to_label()] = tmp_qc.to_instruction() return instructions
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def evaluate_with_result(self, result, statevector_mode, use_simulator_snapshot_mode=False, circuit_name_prefix=''): """ This method can be only used with the circuits generated by the :meth:`construct_evaluation_circuit` method with the same `circuit_name_prefix` name since the circuit names are tied to some meanings. Calculate the evaluated value with the measurement results. Args: result (qiskit.Result): the result from the backend. statevector_mode (bool): indicate which type of simulator are used. use_simulator_snapshot_mode (bool): if aer_provider is used, we can do faster evaluation for pauli mode on statevector simulation circuit_name_prefix (str): a prefix of circuit name Returns: float: the mean value float: the standard deviation Raises: AquaError: if Operator is empty """ if self.is_empty(): raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.") avg, std_dev, variance = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 if use_simulator_snapshot_mode: snapshot_data = circuit_name_prefix + 'snapshot_mode')['snapshots'] avg = snapshot_data['expectation_value']['expval'][0]['value'] if isinstance(avg, (list, tuple)): # Aer versions before 0.4 use a list snapshot format # which must be converted to a complex value. avg = avg[0] + 1j * avg[1] elif statevector_mode: quantum_state = np.asarray(result.get_statevector(circuit_name_prefix + 'psi')) for weight, pauli in self._paulis: # all I if np.all(np.logical_not(pauli.z)) and np.all(np.logical_not(pauli.x)): avg += weight else: quantum_state_i = \ result.get_statevector(circuit_name_prefix + pauli.to_label()) avg += (weight * (np.vdot(quantum_state, quantum_state_i))) else: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Computing the expectation from measurement results:") TextProgressBar(sys.stderr) # pick the first result to get the total number of shots num_shots = sum(list(result.get_counts(0).values())) results = parallel_map(WeightedPauliOperator._routine_compute_mean_and_var, [([self._paulis[idx] for idx in indices], result.get_counts(circuit_name_prefix + basis.to_label())) for basis, indices in self._basis], num_processes=aqua_globals.num_processes) for res in results: avg += res[0] variance += res[1] std_dev = np.sqrt(variance / num_shots) return avg, std_dev
@staticmethod def _routine_compute_mean_and_var(args): paulis, measured_results = args avg_paulis = [] avg = 0.0 variance = 0.0 for weight, pauli in paulis: observable = measure_pauli_z(measured_results, pauli) avg += weight * observable avg_paulis.append(observable) for idx_1, weighted_pauli_1 in enumerate(paulis): weight_1, pauli_1 = weighted_pauli_1 for idx_2, weighted_pauli_2 in enumerate(paulis): weight_2, pauli_2 = weighted_pauli_2 variance += weight_1 * weight_2 * covariance(measured_results, pauli_1, pauli_2, avg_paulis[idx_1], avg_paulis[idx_2]) return avg, variance
[docs] def reorder_paulis(self): """ Reorder the paulis based on the basis and return the reordered paulis. Returns: list[list[complex, paulis]]: the ordered paulis based on the basis. """ # if each pauli belongs to its group, no reordering it needed. if len(self._basis) == len(self._paulis): return self._paulis paulis = [] new_basis = [] curr_count = 0 for basis, indices in self._basis: sub_paulis = [] for idx in indices: sub_paulis.append(self._paulis[idx]) new_basis.append((basis, range(curr_count, curr_count + len(sub_paulis)))) paulis.extend(sub_paulis) curr_count += len(sub_paulis) self._paulis = paulis self._basis = new_basis return self._paulis
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def evolve(self, state_in=None, evo_time=0, num_time_slices=1, quantum_registers=None, expansion_mode='trotter', expansion_order=1): """ Carry out the eoh evolution for the operator under supplied specifications. Args: state_in (QuantumCircuit): a circuit describes the input state evo_time (Union(complex, float, Parameter, ParameterExpression)): The evolution time num_time_slices (int): The number of time slices for the expansion quantum_registers (QuantumRegister): The QuantumRegister to build the QuantumCircuit off of expansion_mode (str): The mode under which the expansion is to be done. Currently support 'trotter', which follows the expansion as discussed in, and 'suzuki', which corresponds to the discussion in expansion_order (int): The order for suzuki expansion Returns: QuantumCircuit: The constructed circuit. Raises: AquaError: quantum_registers must be in the provided state_in circuit AquaError: if operator is empty """ if self.is_empty(): raise AquaError("Operator is empty, can not evolve.") if state_in is not None and quantum_registers is not None: if not state_in.has_register(quantum_registers): raise AquaError("quantum_registers must be in the provided state_in circuit.") elif state_in is None and quantum_registers is None: quantum_registers = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits) qc = QuantumCircuit(quantum_registers) elif state_in is not None and quantum_registers is None: # assuming the first register is for evolve quantum_registers = state_in.qregs[0] qc = QuantumCircuit() + state_in else: qc = QuantumCircuit(quantum_registers) instruction = self.evolve_instruction(evo_time, num_time_slices, expansion_mode, expansion_order) qc.append(instruction, quantum_registers) return qc
[docs] def evolve_instruction(self, evo_time=0, num_time_slices=1, expansion_mode='trotter', expansion_order=1): """ Carry out the eoh evolution for the operator under supplied specifications. Args: evo_time (Union(complex, float, Parameter, ParameterExpression)): The evolution time num_time_slices (int): The number of time slices for the expansion expansion_mode (str): The mode under which the expansion is to be done. Currently support 'trotter', which follows the expansion as discussed in, and 'suzuki', which corresponds to the discussion in expansion_order (int): The order for suzuki expansion Returns: QuantumCircuit: The constructed QuantumCircuit. Raises: ValueError: Number of time slices should be a non-negative integer NotImplementedError: expansion mode not supported AquaError: if operator is empty """ if self.is_empty(): raise AquaError("Operator is empty, can not build evolve instruction.") # pylint: disable=no-member if num_time_slices <= 0 or not isinstance(num_time_slices, int): raise ValueError('Number of time slices should be a non-negative integer.') if expansion_mode not in ['trotter', 'suzuki']: raise NotImplementedError('Expansion mode {} not supported.'.format(expansion_mode)) pauli_list = self.reorder_paulis() if len(pauli_list) == 1: slice_pauli_list = pauli_list else: if expansion_mode == 'trotter': slice_pauli_list = pauli_list # suzuki expansion else: slice_pauli_list = suzuki_expansion_slice_pauli_list( pauli_list, 1, expansion_order ) instruction = evolution_instruction(slice_pauli_list, evo_time, num_time_slices) return instruction
[docs]class Z2Symmetries: """ Z2 Symmetries """ def __init__(self, symmetries, sq_paulis, sq_list, tapering_values=None): """ Args: symmetries (list[Pauli]): the list of Pauli objects representing the Z_2 symmetries sq_paulis (list[Pauli]): the list of single - qubit Pauli objects to construct the Clifford operators sq_list (list[int]): the list of support of the single-qubit Pauli objects used to build the Clifford operators tapering_values (list[int], optional): values determines the sector. Raises: AquaError: Invalid paulis """ if len(symmetries) != len(sq_paulis): raise AquaError("Number of Z2 symmetries has to be the same as number " "of single-qubit pauli x.") if len(sq_paulis) != len(sq_list): raise AquaError("Number of single-qubit pauli x has to be the same " "as length of single-qubit list.") if tapering_values is not None: if len(sq_list) != len(tapering_values): raise AquaError("The length of single-qubit list has " "to be the same as length of tapering values.") self._symmetries = symmetries self._sq_paulis = sq_paulis self._sq_list = sq_list self._tapering_values = tapering_values @property def symmetries(self): """ return symmetries """ return self._symmetries @property def sq_paulis(self): """ returns sq paulis """ return self._sq_paulis @property def cliffords(self): """ Get clifford operators, build based on symmetries and single-qubit X. Returns: list[WeightedPauliOperator]: a list of unitaries used to diagonalize the Hamiltonian. """ cliffords = [WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[[1 / np.sqrt(2), pauli_symm], [1 / np.sqrt(2), sq_pauli]]) for pauli_symm, sq_pauli in zip(self._symmetries, self._sq_paulis)] return cliffords @property def sq_list(self): """ returns sq list """ return self._sq_list @property def tapering_values(self): """ returns tapering values """ return self._tapering_values @tapering_values.setter def tapering_values(self, new_value): """ set tapering values """ self._tapering_values = new_value def __str__(self): ret = ["Z2 symmetries:"] ret.append("Symmetries:") for symmetry in self._symmetries: ret.append(symmetry.to_label()) ret.append("Single-Qubit Pauli X:") for x in self._sq_paulis: ret.append(x.to_label()) ret.append("Cliffords:") for c in self.cliffords: ret.append(c.print_details()) ret.append("Qubit index:") ret.append(str(self._sq_list)) ret.append("Tapering values:") if self._tapering_values is None: possible_values = \ [str(list(coeff)) for coeff in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=len(self._sq_list))] possible_values = ', '.join(x for x in possible_values) ret.append(" - Possible values: " + possible_values) else: ret.append(str(self._tapering_values)) ret = "\n".join(ret) return ret
[docs] def copy(self): """ Get a copy of self. Returns: Z2Symmetries: copy """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Check the z2_symmetries is empty or not. Returns: bool: empty """ if self._symmetries != [] and self._sq_paulis != [] and self._sq_list != []: return False else: return True
[docs] @classmethod def find_Z2_symmetries(cls, operator): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Finds Z2 Pauli-type symmetries of an Operator. Returns: Z2Symmetries: a z2_symmetries object contains symmetries, single-qubit X, single-qubit list. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name pauli_symmetries = [] sq_paulis = [] sq_list = [] stacked_paulis = [] if operator.is_empty():"Operator is empty.") return cls([], [], [], None) for pauli in operator.paulis: stacked_paulis.append(np.concatenate((pauli[1].x, pauli[1].z), axis=0).astype( stacked_matrix = np.array(np.stack(stacked_paulis)) symmetries = kernel_F2(stacked_matrix) if not symmetries:"No symmetry is found.") return cls([], [], [], None) stacked_symmetries = np.stack(symmetries) symm_shape = stacked_symmetries.shape for row in range(symm_shape[0]): pauli_symmetries.append(Pauli(stacked_symmetries[row, : symm_shape[1] // 2], stacked_symmetries[row, symm_shape[1] // 2:])) stacked_symm_del = np.delete(stacked_symmetries, row, axis=0) for col in range(symm_shape[1] // 2): # case symmetries other than one at (row) have Z or I on col qubit Z_or_I = True for symm_idx in range(symm_shape[0] - 1): if not (stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col] == 0 and stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] in (0, 1)): Z_or_I = False if Z_or_I: if ((stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 1 and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 0) or (stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 1 and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1)): sq_paulis.append(Pauli(np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2), np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2))) sq_paulis[row].z[col] = False sq_paulis[row].x[col] = True sq_list.append(col) break # case symmetries other than one at (row) have X or I on col qubit X_or_I = True for symm_idx in range(symm_shape[0] - 1): if not (stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col] in (0, 1) and stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 0): X_or_I = False if X_or_I: if ((stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 0 and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1) or (stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 1 and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1)): sq_paulis.append(Pauli(np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2), np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2))) sq_paulis[row].z[col] = True sq_paulis[row].x[col] = False sq_list.append(col) break # case symmetries other than one at (row) have Y or I on col qubit Y_or_I = True for symm_idx in range(symm_shape[0] - 1): if not ((stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col] == 1 and stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1) or (stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col] == 0 and stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 0)): Y_or_I = False if Y_or_I: if ((stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 0 and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1) or (stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 1 and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 0)): sq_paulis.append(Pauli(np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2), np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2))) sq_paulis[row].z[col] = True sq_paulis[row].x[col] = True sq_list.append(col) break return cls(pauli_symmetries, sq_paulis, sq_list, None)
[docs] def taper(self, operator, tapering_values=None): """ Taper an operator based on the z2_symmetries info and sector defined by `tapering_values`. The `tapering_values` will be stored into the resulted operator for a record. Args: operator (WeightedPauliOperator): the to-be-tapered operator. tapering_values (list[int], optional): if None, returns operators at each sector; otherwise, returns the operator located in that sector. Returns: list[WeightedPauliOperator] or WeightedPauliOperator: If tapering_values is None: [:class`WeightedPauliOperator`]; otherwise, :class:`WeightedPauliOperator` Raises: AquaError: Z2 symmetries, single qubit pauli and single qubit list cannot be empty """ if not self._symmetries or not self._sq_paulis or not self._sq_list: raise AquaError("Z2 symmetries, single qubit pauli and " "single qubit list cannot be empty.") if operator.is_empty(): logger.warning("The operator is empty, return the empty operator directly.") return operator for clifford in self.cliffords: operator = clifford * operator * clifford tapering_values = tapering_values if tapering_values is not None else self._tapering_values def _taper(op, curr_tapering_values): z2_symmetries = self.copy() z2_symmetries.tapering_values = curr_tapering_values operator_out = WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[], z2_symmetries=z2_symmetries, for pauli_term in op.paulis: coeff_out = pauli_term[0] for idx, qubit_idx in enumerate(self._sq_list): if not (not pauli_term[1].z[qubit_idx] and not pauli_term[1].x[qubit_idx]): coeff_out = curr_tapering_values[idx] * coeff_out z_temp = np.delete(pauli_term[1].z.copy(), np.asarray(self._sq_list)) x_temp = np.delete(pauli_term[1].x.copy(), np.asarray(self._sq_list)) pauli_term_out = WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[[coeff_out, Pauli(z_temp, x_temp)]]) operator_out += pauli_term_out operator_out.chop(0.0) return operator_out if tapering_values is None: tapered_ops = [] for coeff in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=len(self._sq_list)): tapered_ops.append(_taper(operator, list(coeff))) else: tapered_ops = _taper(operator, tapering_values) return tapered_ops
[docs] @staticmethod def two_qubit_reduction(operator, num_particles): """ Eliminates the central and last qubit in a list of Pauli that has diagonal operators (Z,I) at those positions Chemistry specific method: It can be used to taper two qubits in parity and binary-tree mapped fermionic Hamiltonians when the spin orbitals are ordered in two spin sectors, (block spin order) according to the number of particles in the system. Args: operator (WeightedPauliOperator): the operator num_particles (Union(list, int)): number of particles, if it is a list, the first number is alpha and the second number if beta. Returns: WeightedPauliOperator: a new operator whose qubit number is reduced by 2. """ if operator.is_empty():"Operator is empty, can not do two qubit reduction. " "Return the empty operator back.") return operator if isinstance(num_particles, list): num_alpha = num_particles[0] num_beta = num_particles[1] else: num_alpha = num_particles // 2 num_beta = num_particles // 2 par_1 = 1 if (num_alpha + num_beta) % 2 == 0 else -1 par_2 = 1 if num_alpha % 2 == 0 else -1 tapering_values = [par_2, par_1] num_qubits = operator.num_qubits last_idx = num_qubits - 1 mid_idx = num_qubits // 2 - 1 sq_list = [mid_idx, last_idx] # build symmetries, sq_paulis: symmetries, sq_paulis = [], [] for idx in sq_list: pauli_str = ['I'] * num_qubits pauli_str[idx] = 'Z' z_sym = Pauli.from_label(''.join(pauli_str)[::-1]) symmetries.append(z_sym) pauli_str[idx] = 'X' sq_pauli = Pauli.from_label(''.join(pauli_str)[::-1]) sq_paulis.append(sq_pauli) z2_symmetries = Z2Symmetries(symmetries, sq_paulis, sq_list, tapering_values) return z2_symmetries.taper(operator)
[docs] def consistent_tapering(self, operator): """ Tapering the `operator` with the same manner of how this tapered operator is created. i.e., using the same Cliffords and tapering values. Args: operator (WeightedPauliOperator): the to-be-tapered operator Returns: TaperedWeightedPauliOperator: the tapered operator Raises: AquaError: The given operator does not commute with the symmetry """ if operator.is_empty(): raise AquaError("Can not taper an empty operator.") for symmetry in self._symmetries: if not operator.commute_with(symmetry): raise AquaError("The given operator does not commute with " "the symmetry, can not taper it.") return self.taper(operator)