# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# that they have been altered from the originals.
""" Weighted Pauli Operator """
from copy import deepcopy
import itertools
import logging
import json
from operator import add as op_add, sub as op_sub
import sys
import numpy as np
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli
from qiskit.tools import parallel_map
from qiskit.tools.events import TextProgressBar
from qiskit.aqua import AquaError, aqua_globals
from .base_operator import LegacyBaseOperator
from .common import (measure_pauli_z, covariance, pauli_measurement,
kernel_F2, suzuki_expansion_slice_pauli_list,
check_commutativity, evolution_instruction)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]class WeightedPauliOperator(LegacyBaseOperator):
""" Weighted Pauli Operator """
def __init__(self, paulis, basis=None, z2_symmetries=None, atol=1e-12, name=None):
paulis (list[[complex, Pauli]]): the list of weighted Paulis, where a weighted pauli is
composed of a length-2 list and the first item is the
weight and the second item is the Pauli object.
basis (list[tuple(object, [int])], optional): the grouping basis, each element is a
tuple composed of the basis
and the indices to paulis which are
belonged to that group.
e.g., if tpb basis is used, the object
will be a pauli.
By default, the group is equal to
non-grouping, each pauli is its own basis.
z2_symmetries (Z2Symmetries): recording the z2 symmetries info
atol (float, optional): the threshold used in truncating paulis
name (str, optional): the name of operator.
super().__init__(basis, z2_symmetries, name)
# plain store the paulis, the group information is store in the basis
self._paulis_table = None
self._paulis = paulis
self._basis = \
[(pauli[1], [i]) for i, pauli in enumerate(paulis)] if basis is None else basis
# combine the paulis and remove those with zero weight
self._atol = atol
[docs] @classmethod
def from_list(cls, paulis, weights=None, name=None):
Create a WeightedPauliOperator via a pair of list.
paulis (list[Pauli]): the list of Paulis
weights (list[complex], optional): the list of weights,
if it is None, all weights are 1.
name (str, optional): name of the operator.
WeightedPauliOperator: operator
ValueError: The length of weights and paulis must be the same
if weights is not None and len(weights) != len(paulis):
raise ValueError("The length of weights and paulis must be the same.")
if weights is None:
weights = [1.0] * len(paulis)
return cls(paulis=[[w, p] for w, p in zip(weights, paulis)], name=name)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def to_opflow(self, reverse_endianness=False):
""" to op flow """
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from qiskit.aqua.operators import PrimitiveOp
pauli_ops = []
for [w, p] in self.paulis:
pauli = Pauli.from_label(str(p)[::-1]) if reverse_endianness else p
# Adding the imaginary is necessary to handle the imaginary coefficients in UCCSD.
# TODO fix these or add support for them in Terra.
pauli_ops += [PrimitiveOp(pauli, coeff=np.real(w) + np.imag(w))]
return sum(pauli_ops)
def paulis(self):
""" get paulis """
return self._paulis
def atol(self):
""" get atol """
return self._atol
def atol(self, new_value):
""" set atol """
self._atol = new_value
def num_qubits(self):
Number of qubits required for the operator.
int: number of qubits
if not self.is_empty():
return self._paulis[0][1].num_qubits
logger.warning("Operator is empty, Return 0.")
return 0
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Overload == operation """
# need to clean up the zeros
if len(self._paulis) != len(other.paulis):
return False
for weight, pauli in self._paulis:
found_pauli = False
other_weight = 0.0
for weight2, pauli2 in other.paulis:
if pauli == pauli2:
found_pauli = True
other_weight = weight2
if not found_pauli and other_weight != 0.0: # since we might have 0 weights of paulis.
return False
if weight != other_weight:
return False
return True
def _add_or_sub(self, other, operation, copy=True):
Add two operators either extend (in-place) or combine (copy) them.
The addition performs optimized combination of two operators.
If `other` has identical basis, the coefficient are combined rather than
other (WeightedPauliOperator): to-be-combined operator
operation (callable or str): add or sub callable from operator
copy (bool): working on a copy or self
WeightedPauliOperator: operator
AquaError: two operators have different number of qubits.
if not self.is_empty() and not other.is_empty():
if self.num_qubits != other.num_qubits:
raise AquaError("Can not add/sub two operators with different number of qubits.")
ret_op = self.copy() if copy else self
for pauli in other.paulis:
pauli_label = pauli[1].to_label()
idx = ret_op._paulis_table.get(pauli_label, None)
if idx is not None:
ret_op._paulis[idx][0] = operation(ret_op._paulis[idx][0], pauli[0])
new_pauli = deepcopy(pauli)
ret_op._paulis_table[pauli_label] = len(ret_op._paulis)
ret_op._basis.append((new_pauli[1], [len(ret_op._paulis)]))
new_pauli[0] = operation(0.0, pauli[0])
return ret_op
[docs] def add(self, other, copy=False):
Perform self + other.
other (WeightedPauliOperator): to-be-combined operator
copy (bool): working on a copy or self, if False, the results are written back to self.
WeightedPauliOperator: operator
return self._add_or_sub(other, op_add, copy=copy)
[docs] def sub(self, other, copy=False):
Perform self - other.
other (WeightedPauliOperator): to-be-combined operator
copy (bool): working on a copy or self, if False, the results are written back to self.
WeightedPauliOperator: operator
return self._add_or_sub(other, op_sub, copy=copy)
def __add__(self, other):
""" Overload + operator """
return self.add(other, copy=True)
def __iadd__(self, other):
""" Overload += operator """
return self.add(other, copy=False)
def __sub__(self, other):
""" Overload - operator """
return self.sub(other, copy=True)
def __isub__(self, other):
""" Overload -= operator """
return self.sub(other, copy=False)
def _scaling_weight(self, scaling_factor, copy=False):
Constantly scaling all weights of paulis.
scaling_factor (complex): the scaling factor
copy (bool): return a copy or modify in-place
WeightedPauliOperator: a copy of the scaled one.
ValueError: the scaling factor is not a valid type.
if not isinstance(scaling_factor, (int, float, complex, np.int, np.float, np.complex)):
raise ValueError(
"Type of scaling factor is a valid type. {} if given.".format(
ret = self.copy() if copy else self
for idx in range(len(ret._paulis)):
ret._paulis[idx] = [ret._paulis[idx][0] * scaling_factor, ret._paulis[idx][1]]
return ret
[docs] def multiply(self, other):
Perform self * other, and the phases are tracked.
other (WeightedPauliOperator): an operator
WeightedPauliOperator: the multiplied operator
ret_op = WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[])
for existed_weight, existed_pauli in self.paulis:
for weight, pauli in other.paulis:
new_pauli, sign = Pauli.sgn_prod(existed_pauli, pauli)
new_weight = existed_weight * weight * sign
pauli_term = [new_weight, new_pauli]
ret_op += WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[pauli_term])
return ret_op
def __rmul__(self, other):
""" Overload other * self """
if isinstance(other, (int, float, complex, np.int, np.float, np.complex)):
return self._scaling_weight(other, copy=True)
return other.multiply(self)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other):
""" Overload self * other """
if isinstance(other, (int, float, complex, np.int, np.float, np.complex)):
return self._scaling_weight(other, copy=True)
return self.multiply(other)
def __neg__(self):
"""Overload unary - """
return self._scaling_weight(-1.0, copy=True)
def __str__(self):
""" Overload str() """
curr_repr = 'paulis'
length = len(self._paulis)
name = "" if self._name == '' else "{}: ".format(self._name)
ret = "{}Representation: {}, qubits: {}, size: {}".format(name,
self.num_qubits, length)
return ret
[docs] def print_details(self):
Print out the operator in details.
str: a formatted string describes the operator.
if self.is_empty():
return "Operator is empty."
ret = ""
for weight, pauli in self._paulis:
ret = ''.join([ret, "{}\t{}\n".format(pauli.to_label(), weight)])
return ret
[docs] def copy(self):
""" Get a copy of self """
return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def simplify(self, copy=False):
Merge the paulis whose bases are identical and the pauli with zero coefficient
would be removed.
This behavior of this method is slightly changed,
it will remove the paulis whose weights are zero.
copy (bool): simplify on a copy or self
WeightedPauliOperator: the simplified operator
op = self.copy() if copy else self
new_paulis = []
new_paulis_table = {}
old_to_new_indices = {}
curr_idx = 0
for curr_weight, curr_pauli in op.paulis:
pauli_label = curr_pauli.to_label()
new_idx = new_paulis_table.get(pauli_label, None)
if new_idx is not None:
new_paulis[new_idx][0] += curr_weight
old_to_new_indices[curr_idx] = new_idx
new_paulis_table[pauli_label] = len(new_paulis)
old_to_new_indices[curr_idx] = len(new_paulis)
new_paulis.append([curr_weight, curr_pauli])
curr_idx += 1
op._paulis = new_paulis
op._paulis_table = new_paulis_table
# update the grouping info, since this method only reduce the number
# of paulis, we can handle it here for both
# pauli and tpb grouped pauli
# should have a better way to rebuild the basis here.
new_basis = []
for basis, indices in op.basis:
new_indices = []
found = False
if new_basis:
for b, ind in new_basis:
if b == basis:
new_indices = ind
found = True
for idx in indices:
new_idx = old_to_new_indices[idx]
if new_idx is not None and new_idx not in new_indices:
if new_indices and not found:
new_basis.append((basis, new_indices))
op._basis = new_basis
return op
[docs] def rounding(self, decimals, copy=False):
Rounding the weight.
decimals (int): rounding the weight to the decimals.
copy (bool): chop on a copy or self
WeightedPauliOperator: operator
op = self.copy() if copy else self
op._paulis = [[np.around(weight, decimals=decimals), pauli] for weight, pauli in op.paulis]
return op
[docs] def chop(self, threshold=None, copy=False):
Eliminate the real and imagine part of weight in each pauli by `threshold`.
If pauli's weight is less then `threshold` in both real and imaginary parts,
the pauli is removed.
If weight is real-only, the imaginary part is skipped.
threshold (float): the threshold is used to remove the paulis
copy (bool): chop on a copy or self
WeightedPauliOperator: if copy is True, the original operator is unchanged; otherwise,
the operator is mutated.
threshold = self._atol if threshold is None else threshold
def chop_real_imag(weight):
temp_real = weight.real if np.absolute(weight.real) >= threshold else 0.0
temp_imag = weight.imag if np.absolute(weight.imag) >= threshold else 0.0
if temp_real == 0.0 and temp_imag == 0.0:
return 0.0
new_weight = temp_real + 1j * temp_imag
return new_weight
op = self.copy() if copy else self
if op.is_empty():
return op
paulis = []
old_to_new_indices = {}
curr_idx = 0
for idx, weighted_pauli in enumerate(op.paulis):
weight, pauli = weighted_pauli
new_weight = chop_real_imag(weight)
if new_weight != 0.0:
old_to_new_indices[idx] = curr_idx
curr_idx += 1
paulis.append([new_weight, pauli])
op._paulis = paulis
op._paulis_table = \
{weighted_pauli[1].to_label(): i for i, weighted_pauli in enumerate(paulis)}
# update the grouping info, since this method only remove pauli,
# we can handle it here for both
# pauli and tpb grouped pauli
new_basis = []
for basis, indices in op.basis:
new_indices = []
for idx in indices:
new_idx = old_to_new_indices.get(idx, None)
if new_idx is not None:
if new_indices:
new_basis.append((basis, new_indices))
op._basis = new_basis
return op
[docs] def commute_with(self, other):
""" Commutes with """
return check_commutativity(self, other)
[docs] def anticommute_with(self, other):
""" Anti commutes with """
return check_commutativity(self, other, anti=True)
[docs] def is_empty(self):
Check Operator is empty or not.
bool: True if empty, False otherwise
if not self._paulis:
return True
elif not self._paulis[0]:
return True
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, file_name, before_04=False):
Load paulis in a file to construct an Operator.
file_name (str): path to the file, which contains a list of Paulis and coefficients.
before_04 (bool): support the format before Aqua 0.4.
WeightedPauliOperator: the loaded operator.
with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
return cls.from_dict(json.load(file), before_04=before_04)
[docs] def to_file(self, file_name):
Save operator to a file in pauli representation.
file_name (str): path to the file
with open(file_name, 'w') as file:
json.dump(self.to_dict(), file)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, dictionary, before_04=False):
Load paulis from a dictionary to construct an Operator. The dictionary must
comprise the key 'paulis' having a value which is an array of pauli dicts.
Each dict in this array must be represented by label and coeff (real and imag)
such as in the following example:
.. code-block:: python
{'label': 'IIII',
'coeff': {'real': -0.33562957575267038, 'imag': 0.0}},
{'label': 'ZIII',
'coeff': {'real': 0.28220597164664896, 'imag': 0.0}},
dictionary (dict): dictionary, which contains a list of Paulis and coefficients.
before_04 (bool): support the format before Aqua 0.4.
WeightedPauliOperator: the operator created from the input dictionary.
AquaError: Invalid dictionary
if 'paulis' not in dictionary:
raise AquaError('Dictionary missing "paulis" key')
paulis = []
for op in dictionary['paulis']:
if 'label' not in op:
raise AquaError('Dictionary missing "label" key')
pauli_label = op['label']
if 'coeff' not in op:
raise AquaError('Dictionary missing "coeff" key')
pauli_coeff = op['coeff']
if 'real' not in pauli_coeff:
raise AquaError('Dictionary missing "real" key')
coeff = pauli_coeff['real']
if 'imag' in pauli_coeff:
coeff = complex(pauli_coeff['real'], pauli_coeff['imag'])
pauli_label = pauli_label[::-1] if before_04 else pauli_label
paulis.append([coeff, Pauli.from_label(pauli_label)])
return cls(paulis=paulis)
[docs] def to_dict(self):
Save operator to a dict in pauli representation.
dict: a dictionary contains an operator with pauli representation.
ret_dict = {"paulis": []}
for coeff, pauli in self._paulis:
op = {"label": pauli.to_label()}
if isinstance(coeff, complex):
op["coeff"] = {"real": np.real(coeff),
"imag": np.imag(coeff)
op["coeff"] = {"real": coeff}
return ret_dict
[docs] def evaluate_with_statevector(self, quantum_state):
quantum_state (numpy.ndarray): a quantum state.
float: the mean value
float: the standard deviation
AquaError: if Operator is empty
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.")
# convert to matrix first?
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from .op_converter import to_matrix_operator
mat_op = to_matrix_operator(self)
avg = np.vdot(quantum_state, mat_op._matrix.dot(quantum_state))
return avg, 0.0
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def construct_evaluation_circuit(self, wave_function, statevector_mode,
qr=None, cr=None, use_simulator_snapshot_mode=False,
Construct the circuits for evaluation, which calculating the expectation <psi\|H\|psi>.
At statevector mode: to simplify the computation, we do not build the whole
circuit for <psi|H|psi>, instead of
that we construct an individual circuit <psi\|, and a bundle circuit for H\|psi>
wave_function (QuantumCircuit): the quantum circuit.
statevector_mode (bool): indicate which type of simulator are going to use.
qr (QuantumRegister, optional): the quantum register associated with the input_circuit
cr (ClassicalRegister, optional): the classical register associated
with the input_circuit
use_simulator_snapshot_mode (bool, optional): if aer_provider is used, we can do faster
evaluation for pauli mode on
statevector simulation
circuit_name_prefix (str, optional): a prefix of circuit name
list[QuantumCircuit]: a list of quantum circuits and each circuit with a unique name:
circuit_name_prefix + Pauli string
AquaError: if Operator is empty
AquaError: if quantum register is not provided explicitly and
cannot find quantum register with `q` as the name
AquaError: The provided qr is not in the wave_function
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.")
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from qiskit.aqua.utils.run_circuits import find_regs_by_name
if qr is None:
qr = find_regs_by_name(wave_function, 'q')
if qr is None:
raise AquaError("Either provide the quantum register (qr) explicitly or use"
" `q` as the name of the quantum register in the input circuit.")
if not wave_function.has_register(qr):
raise AquaError("The provided QuantumRegister (qr) is not in the circuit.")
n_qubits = self.num_qubits
instructions = self.evaluation_instruction(statevector_mode, use_simulator_snapshot_mode)
circuits = []
if use_simulator_snapshot_mode:
circuit = wave_function.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + 'snapshot_mode')
# Add expectation value snapshot instruction
instr = instructions.get('expval_snapshot', None)
if instr is not None:
circuit.append(instr, qr)
elif statevector_mode:
circuits.append(wave_function.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + 'psi'))
for _, pauli in self._paulis:
inst = instructions.get(pauli.to_label(), None)
if inst is not None:
circuit = wave_function.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + pauli.to_label())
circuit.append(inst, qr)
base_circuit = wave_function.copy()
if cr is not None:
if not base_circuit.has_register(cr):
cr = find_regs_by_name(base_circuit, 'c', qreg=False)
if cr is None:
cr = ClassicalRegister(n_qubits, name='c')
for basis, _ in self._basis:
circuit = base_circuit.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + basis.to_label())
circuit.append(instructions[basis.to_label()], qargs=qr, cargs=cr)
return circuits
[docs] def evaluation_instruction(self, statevector_mode, use_simulator_snapshot_mode=False):
statevector_mode (bool): will it be run on statevector simulator or not
use_simulator_snapshot_mode (bool): will it use qiskit aer simulator operator mode
dict: Pauli-instruction pair.
AquaError: if Operator is empty
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.")
instructions = {}
qr = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits)
qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
if use_simulator_snapshot_mode and self.paulis:
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from qiskit.providers.aer.extensions import SnapshotExpectationValue
snapshot = SnapshotExpectationValue('expval', self.paulis, variance=True)
instructions = {'expval_snapshot': snapshot}
elif statevector_mode:
for _, pauli in self._paulis:
tmp_qc = qc.copy(name="Pauli " + pauli.to_label())
if np.all(np.logical_not(pauli.z)) and np.all(np.logical_not(pauli.x)): # all I
# This explicit barrier is needed for statevector simulator since Qiskit-terra
# will remove global phase at default compilation level but the results here
# rely on global phase.
tmp_qc.append(pauli.to_instruction(), list(range(self.num_qubits)))
instructions[pauli.to_label()] = tmp_qc.to_instruction()
cr = ClassicalRegister(self.num_qubits)
for basis, _ in self._basis:
tmp_qc = qc.copy(name="Pauli " + basis.to_label())
tmp_qc = pauli_measurement(tmp_qc, basis, qr, cr, barrier=True)
instructions[basis.to_label()] = tmp_qc.to_instruction()
return instructions
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def evaluate_with_result(self, result, statevector_mode, use_simulator_snapshot_mode=False,
This method can be only used with the circuits generated by the
:meth:`construct_evaluation_circuit` method with the same `circuit_name_prefix`
name since the circuit names are tied to some meanings.
Calculate the evaluated value with the measurement results.
result (qiskit.Result): the result from the backend.
statevector_mode (bool): indicate which type of simulator are used.
use_simulator_snapshot_mode (bool): if aer_provider is used, we can do faster
evaluation for pauli mode on
statevector simulation
circuit_name_prefix (str): a prefix of circuit name
float: the mean value
float: the standard deviation
AquaError: if Operator is empty
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.")
avg, std_dev, variance = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
if use_simulator_snapshot_mode:
snapshot_data = result.data(
circuit_name_prefix + 'snapshot_mode')['snapshots']
avg = snapshot_data['expectation_value']['expval'][0]['value']
if isinstance(avg, (list, tuple)):
# Aer versions before 0.4 use a list snapshot format
# which must be converted to a complex value.
avg = avg[0] + 1j * avg[1]
elif statevector_mode:
quantum_state = np.asarray(result.get_statevector(circuit_name_prefix + 'psi'))
for weight, pauli in self._paulis:
# all I
if np.all(np.logical_not(pauli.z)) and np.all(np.logical_not(pauli.x)):
avg += weight
quantum_state_i = \
result.get_statevector(circuit_name_prefix + pauli.to_label())
avg += (weight * (np.vdot(quantum_state, quantum_state_i)))
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("Computing the expectation from measurement results:")
# pick the first result to get the total number of shots
num_shots = sum(list(result.get_counts(0).values()))
results = parallel_map(WeightedPauliOperator._routine_compute_mean_and_var,
[([self._paulis[idx] for idx in indices],
result.get_counts(circuit_name_prefix + basis.to_label()))
for basis, indices in self._basis],
for res in results:
avg += res[0]
variance += res[1]
std_dev = np.sqrt(variance / num_shots)
return avg, std_dev
def _routine_compute_mean_and_var(args):
paulis, measured_results = args
avg_paulis = []
avg = 0.0
variance = 0.0
for weight, pauli in paulis:
observable = measure_pauli_z(measured_results, pauli)
avg += weight * observable
for idx_1, weighted_pauli_1 in enumerate(paulis):
weight_1, pauli_1 = weighted_pauli_1
for idx_2, weighted_pauli_2 in enumerate(paulis):
weight_2, pauli_2 = weighted_pauli_2
variance += weight_1 * weight_2 * covariance(measured_results, pauli_1, pauli_2,
avg_paulis[idx_1], avg_paulis[idx_2])
return avg, variance
[docs] def reorder_paulis(self):
Reorder the paulis based on the basis and return the reordered paulis.
list[list[complex, paulis]]: the ordered paulis based on the basis.
# if each pauli belongs to its group, no reordering it needed.
if len(self._basis) == len(self._paulis):
return self._paulis
paulis = []
new_basis = []
curr_count = 0
for basis, indices in self._basis:
sub_paulis = []
for idx in indices:
new_basis.append((basis, range(curr_count, curr_count + len(sub_paulis))))
curr_count += len(sub_paulis)
self._paulis = paulis
self._basis = new_basis
return self._paulis
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def evolve(self, state_in=None, evo_time=0, num_time_slices=1, quantum_registers=None,
expansion_mode='trotter', expansion_order=1):
Carry out the eoh evolution for the operator under supplied specifications.
state_in (QuantumCircuit): a circuit describes the input state
evo_time (Union(complex, float, Parameter, ParameterExpression)): The evolution time
num_time_slices (int): The number of time slices for the expansion
quantum_registers (QuantumRegister): The QuantumRegister to build
the QuantumCircuit off of
expansion_mode (str): The mode under which the expansion is to be done.
Currently support 'trotter', which follows the expansion as discussed in
and 'suzuki', which corresponds to the discussion in
expansion_order (int): The order for suzuki expansion
QuantumCircuit: The constructed circuit.
AquaError: quantum_registers must be in the provided state_in circuit
AquaError: if operator is empty
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, can not evolve.")
if state_in is not None and quantum_registers is not None:
if not state_in.has_register(quantum_registers):
raise AquaError("quantum_registers must be in the provided state_in circuit.")
elif state_in is None and quantum_registers is None:
quantum_registers = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits)
qc = QuantumCircuit(quantum_registers)
elif state_in is not None and quantum_registers is None:
# assuming the first register is for evolve
quantum_registers = state_in.qregs[0]
qc = QuantumCircuit() + state_in
qc = QuantumCircuit(quantum_registers)
instruction = self.evolve_instruction(evo_time, num_time_slices,
expansion_mode, expansion_order)
qc.append(instruction, quantum_registers)
return qc
[docs] def evolve_instruction(self, evo_time=0, num_time_slices=1,
expansion_mode='trotter', expansion_order=1):
Carry out the eoh evolution for the operator under supplied specifications.
evo_time (Union(complex, float, Parameter, ParameterExpression)): The evolution time
num_time_slices (int): The number of time slices for the expansion
expansion_mode (str): The mode under which the expansion is to be done.
Currently support 'trotter', which follows the expansion as discussed in
and 'suzuki', which corresponds to the discussion in
expansion_order (int): The order for suzuki expansion
QuantumCircuit: The constructed QuantumCircuit.
ValueError: Number of time slices should be a non-negative integer
NotImplementedError: expansion mode not supported
AquaError: if operator is empty
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, can not build evolve instruction.")
# pylint: disable=no-member
if num_time_slices <= 0 or not isinstance(num_time_slices, int):
raise ValueError('Number of time slices should be a non-negative integer.')
if expansion_mode not in ['trotter', 'suzuki']:
raise NotImplementedError('Expansion mode {} not supported.'.format(expansion_mode))
pauli_list = self.reorder_paulis()
if len(pauli_list) == 1:
slice_pauli_list = pauli_list
if expansion_mode == 'trotter':
slice_pauli_list = pauli_list
# suzuki expansion
slice_pauli_list = suzuki_expansion_slice_pauli_list(
instruction = evolution_instruction(slice_pauli_list, evo_time, num_time_slices)
return instruction
[docs]class Z2Symmetries:
""" Z2 Symmetries """
def __init__(self, symmetries, sq_paulis, sq_list, tapering_values=None):
symmetries (list[Pauli]): the list of Pauli objects representing the Z_2 symmetries
sq_paulis (list[Pauli]): the list of single - qubit Pauli objects to construct the
Clifford operators
sq_list (list[int]): the list of support of the single-qubit Pauli objects used to build
the Clifford operators
tapering_values (list[int], optional): values determines the sector.
AquaError: Invalid paulis
if len(symmetries) != len(sq_paulis):
raise AquaError("Number of Z2 symmetries has to be the same as number "
"of single-qubit pauli x.")
if len(sq_paulis) != len(sq_list):
raise AquaError("Number of single-qubit pauli x has to be the same "
"as length of single-qubit list.")
if tapering_values is not None:
if len(sq_list) != len(tapering_values):
raise AquaError("The length of single-qubit list has "
"to be the same as length of tapering values.")
self._symmetries = symmetries
self._sq_paulis = sq_paulis
self._sq_list = sq_list
self._tapering_values = tapering_values
def symmetries(self):
""" return symmetries """
return self._symmetries
def sq_paulis(self):
""" returns sq paulis """
return self._sq_paulis
def cliffords(self):
Get clifford operators, build based on symmetries and single-qubit X.
list[WeightedPauliOperator]: a list of unitaries used to diagonalize the Hamiltonian.
cliffords = [WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[[1 / np.sqrt(2), pauli_symm],
[1 / np.sqrt(2), sq_pauli]])
for pauli_symm, sq_pauli in zip(self._symmetries, self._sq_paulis)]
return cliffords
def sq_list(self):
""" returns sq list """
return self._sq_list
def tapering_values(self):
""" returns tapering values """
return self._tapering_values
def tapering_values(self, new_value):
""" set tapering values """
self._tapering_values = new_value
def __str__(self):
ret = ["Z2 symmetries:"]
for symmetry in self._symmetries:
ret.append("Single-Qubit Pauli X:")
for x in self._sq_paulis:
for c in self.cliffords:
ret.append("Qubit index:")
ret.append("Tapering values:")
if self._tapering_values is None:
possible_values = \
[str(list(coeff)) for coeff in itertools.product([1, -1],
possible_values = ', '.join(x for x in possible_values)
ret.append(" - Possible values: " + possible_values)
ret = "\n".join(ret)
return ret
[docs] def copy(self):
Get a copy of self.
Z2Symmetries: copy
return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def is_empty(self):
Check the z2_symmetries is empty or not.
bool: empty
if self._symmetries != [] and self._sq_paulis != [] and self._sq_list != []:
return False
return True
[docs] @classmethod
def find_Z2_symmetries(cls, operator): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Finds Z2 Pauli-type symmetries of an Operator.
Z2Symmetries: a z2_symmetries object contains symmetries,
single-qubit X, single-qubit list.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
pauli_symmetries = []
sq_paulis = []
sq_list = []
stacked_paulis = []
if operator.is_empty():
logger.info("Operator is empty.")
return cls([], [], [], None)
for pauli in operator.paulis:
stacked_paulis.append(np.concatenate((pauli[1].x, pauli[1].z), axis=0).astype(np.int))
stacked_matrix = np.array(np.stack(stacked_paulis))
symmetries = kernel_F2(stacked_matrix)
if not symmetries:
logger.info("No symmetry is found.")
return cls([], [], [], None)
stacked_symmetries = np.stack(symmetries)
symm_shape = stacked_symmetries.shape
for row in range(symm_shape[0]):
pauli_symmetries.append(Pauli(stacked_symmetries[row, : symm_shape[1] // 2],
stacked_symmetries[row, symm_shape[1] // 2:]))
stacked_symm_del = np.delete(stacked_symmetries, row, axis=0)
for col in range(symm_shape[1] // 2):
# case symmetries other than one at (row) have Z or I on col qubit
Z_or_I = True
for symm_idx in range(symm_shape[0] - 1):
if not (stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col] == 0
and stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] in (0, 1)):
Z_or_I = False
if Z_or_I:
if ((stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 1
and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 0)
or (stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 1
and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1)):
sq_paulis.append(Pauli(np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2),
np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2)))
sq_paulis[row].z[col] = False
sq_paulis[row].x[col] = True
# case symmetries other than one at (row) have X or I on col qubit
X_or_I = True
for symm_idx in range(symm_shape[0] - 1):
if not (stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col] in (0, 1)
and stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 0):
X_or_I = False
if X_or_I:
if ((stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 0
and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1)
or (stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 1
and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1)):
sq_paulis.append(Pauli(np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2),
np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2)))
sq_paulis[row].z[col] = True
sq_paulis[row].x[col] = False
# case symmetries other than one at (row) have Y or I on col qubit
Y_or_I = True
for symm_idx in range(symm_shape[0] - 1):
if not ((stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col] == 1
and stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1)
or (stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col] == 0
and stacked_symm_del[symm_idx, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 0)):
Y_or_I = False
if Y_or_I:
if ((stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 0
and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 1)
or (stacked_symmetries[row, col] == 1
and stacked_symmetries[row, col + symm_shape[1] // 2] == 0)):
sq_paulis.append(Pauli(np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2),
np.zeros(symm_shape[1] // 2)))
sq_paulis[row].z[col] = True
sq_paulis[row].x[col] = True
return cls(pauli_symmetries, sq_paulis, sq_list, None)
[docs] def taper(self, operator, tapering_values=None):
Taper an operator based on the z2_symmetries info and sector defined by `tapering_values`.
The `tapering_values` will be stored into the resulted operator for a record.
operator (WeightedPauliOperator): the to-be-tapered operator.
tapering_values (list[int], optional): if None, returns operators at each sector;
otherwise, returns
the operator located in that sector.
list[WeightedPauliOperator] or WeightedPauliOperator: If
tapering_values is None: [:class`WeightedPauliOperator`];
otherwise, :class:`WeightedPauliOperator`
AquaError: Z2 symmetries, single qubit pauli and single qubit list cannot be empty
if not self._symmetries or not self._sq_paulis or not self._sq_list:
raise AquaError("Z2 symmetries, single qubit pauli and "
"single qubit list cannot be empty.")
if operator.is_empty():
logger.warning("The operator is empty, return the empty operator directly.")
return operator
for clifford in self.cliffords:
operator = clifford * operator * clifford
tapering_values = tapering_values if tapering_values is not None else self._tapering_values
def _taper(op, curr_tapering_values):
z2_symmetries = self.copy()
z2_symmetries.tapering_values = curr_tapering_values
operator_out = WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[], z2_symmetries=z2_symmetries,
for pauli_term in op.paulis:
coeff_out = pauli_term[0]
for idx, qubit_idx in enumerate(self._sq_list):
if not (not pauli_term[1].z[qubit_idx] and not pauli_term[1].x[qubit_idx]):
coeff_out = curr_tapering_values[idx] * coeff_out
z_temp = np.delete(pauli_term[1].z.copy(), np.asarray(self._sq_list))
x_temp = np.delete(pauli_term[1].x.copy(), np.asarray(self._sq_list))
pauli_term_out = WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[[coeff_out, Pauli(z_temp, x_temp)]])
operator_out += pauli_term_out
return operator_out
if tapering_values is None:
tapered_ops = []
for coeff in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=len(self._sq_list)):
tapered_ops.append(_taper(operator, list(coeff)))
tapered_ops = _taper(operator, tapering_values)
return tapered_ops
[docs] @staticmethod
def two_qubit_reduction(operator, num_particles):
Eliminates the central and last qubit in a list of Pauli that has
diagonal operators (Z,I) at those positions
Chemistry specific method:
It can be used to taper two qubits in parity and binary-tree mapped
fermionic Hamiltonians when the spin orbitals are ordered in two spin
sectors, (block spin order) according to the number of particles in the system.
operator (WeightedPauliOperator): the operator
num_particles (Union(list, int)): number of particles, if it is a list,
the first number is alpha
and the second number if beta.
WeightedPauliOperator: a new operator whose qubit number is reduced by 2.
if operator.is_empty():
logger.info("Operator is empty, can not do two qubit reduction. "
"Return the empty operator back.")
return operator
if isinstance(num_particles, list):
num_alpha = num_particles[0]
num_beta = num_particles[1]
num_alpha = num_particles // 2
num_beta = num_particles // 2
par_1 = 1 if (num_alpha + num_beta) % 2 == 0 else -1
par_2 = 1 if num_alpha % 2 == 0 else -1
tapering_values = [par_2, par_1]
num_qubits = operator.num_qubits
last_idx = num_qubits - 1
mid_idx = num_qubits // 2 - 1
sq_list = [mid_idx, last_idx]
# build symmetries, sq_paulis:
symmetries, sq_paulis = [], []
for idx in sq_list:
pauli_str = ['I'] * num_qubits
pauli_str[idx] = 'Z'
z_sym = Pauli.from_label(''.join(pauli_str)[::-1])
pauli_str[idx] = 'X'
sq_pauli = Pauli.from_label(''.join(pauli_str)[::-1])
z2_symmetries = Z2Symmetries(symmetries, sq_paulis, sq_list, tapering_values)
return z2_symmetries.taper(operator)
[docs] def consistent_tapering(self, operator):
Tapering the `operator` with the same manner of how this tapered operator
is created. i.e., using the same Cliffords and tapering values.
operator (WeightedPauliOperator): the to-be-tapered operator
TaperedWeightedPauliOperator: the tapered operator
AquaError: The given operator does not commute with the symmetry
if operator.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Can not taper an empty operator.")
for symmetry in self._symmetries:
if not operator.commute_with(symmetry):
raise AquaError("The given operator does not commute with "
"the symmetry, can not taper it.")
return self.taper(operator)