# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2020.
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""" matrix operator """
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import reduce
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse as scisparse
from scipy import linalg as scila
from qiskit.aqua import AquaError
from .base_operator import LegacyBaseOperator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class MatrixOperator(LegacyBaseOperator):
Operators relevant for quantum applications
For grouped paulis representation, all operations will always convert
it to paulis and then convert it back.
(It might be a performance issue.)
def __init__(self, matrix, basis=None, z2_symmetries=None, atol=1e-12, name=None):
matrix (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix):
a 2-D sparse matrix represents operator (using CSR format internally)
basis (list[tuple(object, [int])], optional): the grouping basis, each element is a
tuple composed of the basis
and the indices to paulis which are
belonged to that group.
e.g., if tpb basis is used, the object
will be a pauli.
by default, the group is equal to
non-grouping, each pauli is its own basis.
z2_symmetries (Z2Symmetries): represent the Z2 symmetries
atol (float): atol
name (str): name
super().__init__(basis, z2_symmetries, name)
if matrix is not None:
matrix = matrix if scisparse.issparse(matrix) else scisparse.csr_matrix(matrix)
matrix = matrix if scisparse.isspmatrix_csr(matrix) else matrix.to_csr(copy=True)
self._matrix = matrix
self._atol = atol
[docs] def to_opflow(self):
""" to op flow """
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from qiskit.aqua.operators import PrimitiveOp
return PrimitiveOp(self.dense_matrix)
def atol(self):
""" return atol """
return self._atol
def atol(self, new_value):
""" sets atol """
self._atol = new_value
[docs] def add(self, other, copy=False):
""" add """
out = self.copy() if copy else self
out._matrix += other._matrix
return out
[docs] def sub(self, other, copy=False):
""" sub """
out = self.copy() if copy else self
out._matrix -= other._matrix
return out
def __add__(self, other):
"""Overload + operation"""
return self.add(other, copy=True)
def __iadd__(self, other):
"""Overload += operation"""
return self.add(other, copy=False)
def __sub__(self, other):
"""Overload - operation"""
return self.sub(other, copy=True)
def __isub__(self, other):
"""Overload -= operation"""
return self.sub(other, copy=False)
def __neg__(self):
"""Overload unary - """
out = self.copy()
out._matrix *= -1.0
return out
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Overload == operation"""
return np.all(self._matrix == other.matrix)
def __str__(self):
"""Overload str()"""
curr_repr = 'matrix'
length = "{}x{}".format(2 ** self.num_qubits, 2 ** self.num_qubits)
ret = "Representation: {}, qubits: {}, size: {}".format(curr_repr, self.num_qubits, length)
return ret
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Get a copy of self."""
return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def chop(self, threshold=None, copy=False):
Eliminate the real and imagine part of coeff in each pauli by `threshold`.
If pauli's coeff is less then `threshold` in both real and imagine parts,
the pauli is removed.
To align the internal representations, all available representations are chopped.
The chopped result is stored back to original property.
Note: if coeff is real-only, the imag part is skipped.
threshold (float): threshold chops the paulis
copy (bool): copy or self
MatrixOperator: self or copy
threshold = self._atol if threshold is None else threshold
def chop_real_imag(coeff):
temp_real = coeff.real if np.absolute(coeff.real) >= threshold else 0.0
temp_imag = coeff.imag if np.absolute(coeff.imag) >= threshold else 0.0
if temp_real == 0.0 and temp_imag == 0.0:
return 0.0
new_coeff = temp_real + 1j * temp_imag
return new_coeff
op = self.copy() if copy else self
rows, cols = op._matrix.nonzero()
for row, col in zip(rows, cols):
op._matrix[row, col] = chop_real_imag(op._matrix[row, col])
return op
[docs] def __mul__(self, other):
Overload * operation. Only support two Operators have the same representation mode.
MatrixOperator: the multiplied Operator.
TypeError, if two Operators do not have the same representations.
ret_matrix = self._matrix.dot(other.matrix)
return MatrixOperator(matrix=ret_matrix)
def dia_matrix(self):
""" diagonal matrix """
dia_matrix = self._matrix.diagonal()
if not scisparse.csr_matrix(dia_matrix).nnz == self._matrix.nnz:
dia_matrix = None
return dia_matrix
def matrix(self):
"""Getter of matrix."""
return self._matrix if self.dia_matrix is None else self.dia_matrix
def dense_matrix(self):
"""Getter of matrix in dense matrix form."""
return self._matrix.toarray()
def num_qubits(self):
number of qubits required for the operator.
int: number of qubits
if self.is_empty():
logger.warning("Operator is empty, Return 0.")
return 0
return int(np.log2(self._matrix.shape[0]))
[docs] def print_details(self):
str: a formatted operator.
ret = str(self._matrix)
return ret
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def construct_evaluation_circuit(self, wave_function, statevector_mode=True,
use_simulator_snapshot_mode=None, circuit_name_prefix=''):
Construct the circuits for evaluation.
wave_function (QuantumCircuit): the quantum circuit.
statevector_mode (bool): mode
use_simulator_snapshot_mode (bool): uses simulator operator mode
circuit_name_prefix (str, optional): a prefix of circuit name
list[QuantumCircuit]: the circuits for computing the expectation of the operator over
the wavefunction evaluation.
del use_simulator_snapshot_mode # unused
return [wave_function.copy(name=circuit_name_prefix + 'psi')]
[docs] def evaluate_with_result(self, result, statevector_mode=True,
use_simulator_snapshot_mode=None, circuit_name_prefix=''):
Use the executed result with operator to get the evaluated value.
result (qiskit.Result): the result from the backend
statevector_mode (bool): mode
use_simulator_snapshot_mode (bool): uses simulator operator mode
circuit_name_prefix (str, optional): a prefix of circuit name
float: the mean value
float: the standard deviation
AquaError: if Operator is empty
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.")
del use_simulator_snapshot_mode # unused
avg, std_dev = 0.0, 0.0
quantum_state = np.asarray(result.get_statevector(circuit_name_prefix + 'psi'))
avg = np.vdot(quantum_state, self._matrix.dot(quantum_state))
return avg, std_dev
[docs] def evaluate_with_statevector(self, quantum_state):
quantum_state (numpy.ndarray): quantum state
float: the mean value
float: the standard deviation
AquaError: if Operator is empty
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.")
avg = np.vdot(quantum_state, self._matrix.dot(quantum_state))
return avg, 0.0
def _suzuki_expansion_slice_matrix(pauli_list, lam, expansion_order):
Compute the matrix for a single slice of the suzuki expansion following the paper
pauli_list (list): The operator's complete list of pauli terms for the suzuki expansion
lam (complex): The parameter lambda as defined in said paper
expansion_order (int): The order for the suzuki expansion
numpy.array: The matrix representation corresponding to the specified suzuki expansion
# pylint: disable=no-member
if expansion_order == 1:
left = reduce(
lambda x, y: x @ y,
[scila.expm(lam / 2 * c * p.to_spmatrix().tocsc()) for c, p in pauli_list]
right = reduce(
lambda x, y: x @ y,
[scila.expm(lam / 2 * c * p.to_spmatrix().tocsc()) for c, p in reversed(pauli_list)]
return left @ right
p_k = (4 - 4 ** (1 / (2 * expansion_order - 1))) ** -1
side_base = MatrixOperator._suzuki_expansion_slice_matrix(
lam * p_k,
expansion_order - 1
side = side_base @ side_base
middle = MatrixOperator._suzuki_expansion_slice_matrix(
lam * (1 - 4 * p_k),
expansion_order - 1
return side @ middle @ side
[docs] def evolve(self, state_in, evo_time=0, num_time_slices=0, expansion_mode='trotter',
Carry out the eoh evolution for the operator under supplied specifications.
state_in (Union(list,numpy.array)): A vector representing the initial state
for the evolution
evo_time (Union(complex, float)): The evolution time
num_time_slices (int): The number of time slices for the expansion
expansion_mode (str): The mode under which the expansion is to be done.
Currently support 'trotter', which follows the expansion as discussed in
and 'suzuki', which corresponds to the discussion in
expansion_order (int): The order for suzuki expansion
numpy.array: Return the matrix vector multiplication result.
ValueError: Invalid arguments
AquaError: if Operator is empty
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from .op_converter import to_weighted_pauli_operator
if self.is_empty():
raise AquaError("Operator is empty, check the operator.")
# pylint: disable=no-member
if num_time_slices < 0 or not isinstance(num_time_slices, int):
raise ValueError('Number of time slices should be a non-negative integer.')
if expansion_mode not in ['trotter', 'suzuki']:
raise ValueError('Expansion mode {} not supported.'.format(expansion_mode))
if num_time_slices == 0:
return scila.expm(-1.j * evo_time * self._matrix.tocsc()) @ state_in
pauli_op = to_weighted_pauli_operator(self)
pauli_list = pauli_op.reorder_paulis()
if len(pauli_list) == 1:
approx_matrix_slice = scila.expm(
-1.j * evo_time / num_time_slices * pauli_list[0][0]
* pauli_list[0][1].to_spmatrix().tocsc()
if expansion_mode == 'trotter':
approx_matrix_slice = reduce(
lambda x, y: x @ y,
scila.expm(-1.j * evo_time
/ num_time_slices * c * p.to_spmatrix().tocsc())
for c, p in pauli_list
# suzuki expansion
elif expansion_mode == 'suzuki':
approx_matrix_slice = MatrixOperator._suzuki_expansion_slice_matrix(
-1.j * evo_time / num_time_slices,
raise ValueError('Unrecognized expansion mode {}.'.format(expansion_mode))
return reduce(lambda x, y: x @ y, [approx_matrix_slice] * num_time_slices) @ state_in
[docs] def is_empty(self):
Check Operator is empty or not.
bool: is empty?
return bool(self._matrix is None or self._matrix.nnz == 0)