# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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""" pauli common functions """
import copy
import logging
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli # pylint: disable=unused-import
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
from qiskit.qasm import pi
from qiskit.circuit import Parameter, ParameterExpression
from qiskit.aqua import AquaError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def pauli_measurement(circuit, pauli, qr, cr, barrier=False):
Add the proper post-rotation gate on the circuit.
circuit (QuantumCircuit): the circuit to be modified.
pauli (Pauli): the pauli will be added.
qr (QuantumRegister): the quantum register associated with the circuit.
cr (ClassicalRegister): the classical register associated with the circuit.
barrier (bool, optional): whether or not add barrier before measurement.
QuantumCircuit: the original circuit object with post-rotation gate
num_qubits = pauli.num_qubits
for qubit_idx in range(num_qubits):
if pauli.x[qubit_idx]:
if pauli.z[qubit_idx]:
# Measure Y
circuit.u1(-np.pi / 2, qr[qubit_idx]) # sdg
circuit.u2(0.0, pi, qr[qubit_idx]) # h
# Measure X
circuit.u2(0.0, pi, qr[qubit_idx]) # h
if barrier:
circuit.measure(qr[qubit_idx], cr[qubit_idx])
return circuit
[docs]def measure_pauli_z(data, pauli):
Appropriate post-rotations on the state are assumed.
data (dict): a dictionary of the form data = {'00000': 10} ({str: int})
pauli (Pauli): a Pauli object
float: Expected value of paulis given data
observable = 0.0
num_shots = sum(data.values())
p_z_or_x = np.logical_or(pauli.z, pauli.x)
for key, value in data.items():
bitstr = np.asarray(list(key))[::-1].astype(np.int).astype(np.bool)
# pylint: disable=no-member
sign = -1.0 if np.logical_xor.reduce(np.logical_and(bitstr, p_z_or_x)) else 1.0
observable += sign * value
observable /= num_shots
return observable
[docs]def covariance(data, pauli_1, pauli_2, avg_1, avg_2):
Compute the covariance matrix element between two
Paulis, given the measurement outcome.
Appropriate post-rotations on the state are assumed.
data (dict): a dictionary of the form data = {'00000': 10} ({str:int})
pauli_1 (Pauli): a Pauli class member
pauli_2 (Pauli): a Pauli class member
avg_1 (float): expectation value of pauli_1 on `data`
avg_2 (float): expectation value of pauli_2 on `data`
float: the element of the covariance matrix between two Paulis
cov = 0.0
num_shots = sum(data.values())
if num_shots == 1:
return cov
p1_z_or_x = np.logical_or(pauli_1.z, pauli_1.x)
p2_z_or_x = np.logical_or(pauli_2.z, pauli_2.x)
for key, value in data.items():
bitstr = np.asarray(list(key))[::-1].astype(np.int).astype(np.bool)
# pylint: disable=no-member
sign_1 = -1.0 if np.logical_xor.reduce(np.logical_and(bitstr, p1_z_or_x)) else 1.0
sign_2 = -1.0 if np.logical_xor.reduce(np.logical_and(bitstr, p2_z_or_x)) else 1.0
cov += (sign_1 - avg_1) * (sign_2 - avg_2) * value
cov /= (num_shots - 1)
return cov
[docs]def row_echelon_F2(matrix_in): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Computes the row Echelon form of a binary matrix on the binary finite field
matrix_in (numpy.ndarray): binary matrix
numpy.ndarray: matrix_in in Echelon row form
size = matrix_in.shape
for i in range(size[0]):
pivot_index = 0
for j in range(size[1]):
if matrix_in[i, j] == 1:
pivot_index = j
for k in range(size[0]):
if k != i and matrix_in[k, pivot_index] == 1:
matrix_in[k, :] = np.mod(matrix_in[k, :] + matrix_in[i, :], 2)
matrix_out_temp = copy.deepcopy(matrix_in)
indices = []
matrix_out = np.zeros(size)
for i in range(size[0] - 1):
if np.array_equal(matrix_out_temp[i, :], np.zeros(size[1])):
for row in np.sort(indices)[::-1]:
matrix_out_temp = np.delete(matrix_out_temp, (row), axis=0)
matrix_out[0:size[0] - len(indices), :] = matrix_out_temp
matrix_out = matrix_out.astype(int)
return matrix_out
[docs]def kernel_F2(matrix_in): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Computes the kernel of a binary matrix on the binary finite field
matrix_in (numpy.ndarray): binary matrix
list[numpy.ndarray]: the list of kernel vectors
size = matrix_in.shape
kernel = []
matrix_in_id = np.vstack((matrix_in, np.identity(size[1])))
matrix_in_id_ech = (row_echelon_F2(matrix_in_id.transpose())).transpose()
for col in range(size[1]):
if (np.array_equal(matrix_in_id_ech[0:size[0], col], np.zeros(size[0])) and not
np.array_equal(matrix_in_id_ech[size[0]:, col], np.zeros(size[1]))):
kernel.append(matrix_in_id_ech[size[0]:, col])
return kernel
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def suzuki_expansion_slice_pauli_list(pauli_list, lam_coef, expansion_order):
Compute the list of pauli terms for a single slice of the suzuki expansion following the paper
pauli_list (list[list[complex, Pauli]]): The slice's weighted Pauli list for the
suzuki expansion
lam_coef (float): The parameter lambda as defined in said paper,
adjusted for the evolution time and the number of time slices
expansion_order (int): The order for suzuki expansion
list: slice pauli list
if expansion_order == 1:
half = [[lam_coef / 2 * c, p] for c, p in pauli_list]
return half + list(reversed(half))
p_k = (4 - 4 ** (1 / (2 * expansion_order - 1))) ** -1
side_base = suzuki_expansion_slice_pauli_list(
lam_coef * p_k,
expansion_order - 1
side = side_base * 2
middle = suzuki_expansion_slice_pauli_list(
lam_coef * (1 - 4 * p_k),
expansion_order - 1
return side + middle + side
[docs]def check_commutativity(op_1, op_2, anti=False):
Check the (anti-)commutativity between two operators.
op_1 (WeightedPauliOperator): operator
op_2 (WeightedPauliOperator): operator
anti (bool): if True, check anti-commutativity, otherwise check commutativity.
bool: whether or not two operators are commuted or anti-commuted.
com = op_1 * op_2 - op_2 * op_1 if not anti else op_1 * op_2 + op_2 * op_1
return bool(com.is_empty())
[docs]def evolution_instruction(pauli_list, evo_time, num_time_slices,
controlled=False, power=1,
use_basis_gates=True, shallow_slicing=False,
Construct the evolution circuit according to the supplied specification.
pauli_list (list([[complex, Pauli]])): The list of pauli terms corresponding
to a single time slice to be evolved
evo_time (Union(complex, float, Parameter, ParameterExpression)): The evolution time
num_time_slices (int): The number of time slices for the expansion
controlled (bool, optional): Controlled circuit or not
power (int, optional): The power to which the unitary operator is to be raised
use_basis_gates (bool, optional): boolean flag for indicating only using basis
gates when building circuit.
shallow_slicing (bool, optional): boolean flag for indicating using shallow
qc.data reference repetition for slicing
barrier (bool, optional): whether or not add barrier for every slice
Instruction: The Instruction corresponding to specified evolution.
AquaError: power must be an integer and greater or equal to 1
ValueError: Unrecognized pauli
if not isinstance(power, (int, np.int)) or power < 1:
raise AquaError("power must be an integer and greater or equal to 1.")
state_registers = QuantumRegister(pauli_list[0][1].num_qubits)
if controlled:
inst_name = 'Controlled-Evolution^{}'.format(power)
ancillary_registers = QuantumRegister(1)
qc_slice = QuantumCircuit(state_registers, ancillary_registers, name=inst_name)
inst_name = 'Evolution^{}'.format(power)
qc_slice = QuantumCircuit(state_registers, name=inst_name)
# for each pauli [IXYZ]+, record the list of qubit pairs needing CX's
cnot_qubit_pairs = [None] * len(pauli_list)
# for each pauli [IXYZ]+, record the highest index of the nontrivial pauli gate (X,Y, or Z)
top_xyz_pauli_indices = [-1] * len(pauli_list)
for pauli_idx, pauli in enumerate(reversed(pauli_list)):
n_qubits = pauli[1].num_qubits
# changes bases if necessary
nontrivial_pauli_indices = []
for qubit_idx in range(n_qubits):
# pauli I
if not pauli[1].z[qubit_idx] and not pauli[1].x[qubit_idx]:
if cnot_qubit_pairs[pauli_idx] is None:
if pauli[1].x[qubit_idx]:
# pauli X
if not pauli[1].z[qubit_idx]:
if use_basis_gates:
qc_slice.u2(0.0, pi, state_registers[qubit_idx])
# pauli Y
elif pauli[1].z[qubit_idx]:
if use_basis_gates:
qc_slice.u3(pi / 2, -pi / 2, pi / 2, state_registers[qubit_idx])
qc_slice.rx(pi / 2, state_registers[qubit_idx])
# pauli Z
elif pauli[1].z[qubit_idx] and not pauli[1].x[qubit_idx]:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized pauli: {}'.format(pauli[1]))
if nontrivial_pauli_indices:
top_xyz_pauli_indices[pauli_idx] = nontrivial_pauli_indices[-1]
# insert lhs cnot gates
if cnot_qubit_pairs[pauli_idx] is None:
cnot_qubit_pairs[pauli_idx] = list(zip(
for pair in cnot_qubit_pairs[pauli_idx]:
qc_slice.cx(state_registers[pair[0]], state_registers[pair[1]])
# insert Rz gate
if top_xyz_pauli_indices[pauli_idx] >= 0:
# Because Parameter does not support complexity number operation; thus, we do
# the following tricks to generate parameterized instruction.
# We assume the coefficient in the pauli is always real. and can not do imaginary time
# evolution
if isinstance(evo_time, (Parameter, ParameterExpression)):
lam = 2.0 * pauli[0] / num_time_slices
lam = lam.real if lam.imag == 0 else lam
lam = lam * evo_time
lam = (2.0 * pauli[0] * evo_time / num_time_slices).real
if not controlled:
if use_basis_gates:
qc_slice.u1(lam, state_registers[top_xyz_pauli_indices[pauli_idx]])
qc_slice.rz(lam, state_registers[top_xyz_pauli_indices[pauli_idx]])
if use_basis_gates:
qc_slice.u1(lam / 2, state_registers[top_xyz_pauli_indices[pauli_idx]])
qc_slice.u1(-lam / 2, state_registers[top_xyz_pauli_indices[pauli_idx]])
qc_slice.crz(lam, ancillary_registers[0],
# insert rhs cnot gates
for pair in reversed(cnot_qubit_pairs[pauli_idx]):
qc_slice.cx(state_registers[pair[0]], state_registers[pair[1]])
# revert bases if necessary
for qubit_idx in range(n_qubits):
if pauli[1].x[qubit_idx]:
# pauli X
if not pauli[1].z[qubit_idx]:
if use_basis_gates:
qc_slice.u2(0.0, pi, state_registers[qubit_idx])
# pauli Y
elif pauli[1].z[qubit_idx]:
if use_basis_gates:
qc_slice.u3(-pi / 2, -pi / 2, pi / 2, state_registers[qubit_idx])
qc_slice.rx(-pi / 2, state_registers[qubit_idx])
# repeat the slice
if shallow_slicing:
logger.info('Under shallow slicing mode, the qc.data reference is repeated shallowly. '
'Thus, changing gates of one slice of the output circuit might affect '
'other slices.')
if barrier:
qc_slice.data *= (num_time_slices * power)
qc = qc_slice
qc = QuantumCircuit(name=inst_name)
for _ in range(num_time_slices * power):
qc += qc_slice
if barrier:
return qc.to_instruction()
[docs]def commutator(op_a, op_b, op_c=None, threshold=1e-12):
Compute commutator of `op_a` and `op_b` or
the symmetric double commutator of `op_a`, `op_b` and `op_c`.
See McWeeny chapter 13.6 Equation of motion methods (page 479)
| If only `op_a` and `op_b` are provided:
| result = A\*B - B\*A;
| If `op_a`, `op_b` and `op_c` are provided:
| result = 0.5 \* (2\*A\*B\*C + 2\*C\*B\*A - B\*A\*C - C\*A\*B - A\*C\*B - B\*C\*A)
op_a (WeightedPauliOperator): operator a
op_b (WeightedPauliOperator): operator b
op_c (Optional(WeightedPauliOperator)): operator c
threshold (float): the truncation threshold
WeightedPauliOperator: the commutator
For the final chop, the original codes only contain the paulis with real coefficient.
op_ab = op_a * op_b
op_ba = op_b * op_a
if op_c is None:
res = op_ab - op_ba
op_ac = op_a * op_c
op_ca = op_c * op_a
op_abc = op_ab * op_c
op_cba = op_c * op_ba
op_bac = op_ba * op_c
op_cab = op_c * op_ab
op_acb = op_ac * op_b
op_bca = op_b * op_ca
tmp = (op_bac + op_cab + op_acb + op_bca)
tmp = 0.5 * tmp
res = op_abc + op_cba - tmp
return res