Source code for qiskit.aqua.operators.expectations.aer_pauli_expectation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
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""" AerPauliExpectation Class """

import logging
from typing import Union

from ..operator_base import OperatorBase
from .expectation_base import ExpectationBase
from ..list_ops.list_op import ListOp
from ..list_ops.composed_op import ComposedOp
from ..list_ops.summed_op import SummedOp
from ..primitive_ops.pauli_op import PauliOp
from ..state_fns.circuit_state_fn import CircuitStateFn
from ..state_fns.operator_state_fn import OperatorStateFn

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AerPauliExpectation(ExpectationBase): r""" An Expectation converter for using Aer's operator snapshot to take expectations of quantum state circuits over Pauli observables. """
[docs] def convert(self, operator: OperatorBase) -> OperatorBase: """ Accept an Operator and return a new Operator with the Pauli measurements replaced by AerSnapshot-based expectation circuits. Args: operator: The operator to convert. Returns: The converted operator. """ if isinstance(operator, OperatorStateFn) and operator.is_measurement: return self._replace_pauli_sums(operator.primitive) * operator.coeff elif isinstance(operator, ListOp): return operator.traverse(self.convert) else: return operator
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements,import-outside-toplevel @classmethod def _replace_pauli_sums(cls, operator): from qiskit.providers.aer.extensions import SnapshotExpectationValue # The 'expval_measurement' label on the snapshot instruction is special - the # CircuitSampler will look for it to know that the circuit is a Expectation # measurement, and not simply a # circuit to replace with a DictStateFn # Change to Pauli representation if necessary if not {'Pauli'} == operator.primitive_strings(): logger.warning('Measured Observable is not composed of only Paulis, converting to ' 'Pauli representation, which can be expensive.') # Setting massive=False because this conversion is implicit. User can perform this # action on the Observable with massive=True explicitly if they so choose. operator = operator.to_pauli_op(massive=False) if isinstance(operator, SummedOp): paulis = [[meas.coeff, meas.primitive] for meas in operator.oplist] snapshot_instruction = SnapshotExpectationValue('expval_measurement', paulis, variance=True) snapshot_op = CircuitStateFn(snapshot_instruction, is_measurement=True) return snapshot_op if isinstance(operator, PauliOp): paulis = [[operator.coeff, operator.primitive]] snapshot_instruction = SnapshotExpectationValue('expval_measurement', paulis, variance=True) snapshot_op = CircuitStateFn(snapshot_instruction, is_measurement=True) return snapshot_op if isinstance(operator, ListOp): return operator.traverse(cls._replace_pauli_sums)
[docs] def compute_variance(self, exp_op: OperatorBase) -> Union[list, float]: r""" Compute the variance of the expectation estimator. Because Aer takes this expectation with matrix multiplication, the estimation is exact and the variance is always 0, but we need to return those values in a way which matches the Operator's structure. Args: exp_op: The full expectation value Operator after sampling. Returns: The variances or lists thereof (if exp_op contains ListOps) of the expectation value estimation, equal to 0. """ # Need to do this to mimic Op structure def sum_variance(operator): if isinstance(operator, ComposedOp): return 0.0 elif isinstance(operator, ListOp): return operator._combo_fn([sum_variance(op) for op in operator.oplist]) return sum_variance(exp_op)