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"""Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation optimizer."""
import logging
import numpy as np
from qiskit.aqua import aqua_globals
from qiskit.aqua.utils.validation import validate_min
from .optimizer import Optimizer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class SPSA(Optimizer):
Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) optimizer.
SPSA is an algorithmic method for optimizing systems with multiple unknown parameters.
As an optimization method, it is appropriately suited to large-scale population models,
adaptive modeling, and simulation optimization.
.. seealso::
Many examples are presented at the `SPSA Web site <http://www.jhuapl.edu/SPSA>`__.
SPSA is a descent method capable of finding global minima,
sharing this property with other methods as simulated annealing.
Its main feature is the gradient approximation, which requires only two
measurements of the objective function, regardless of the dimension of the optimization
.. note::
SPSA can be used in the presence of noise, and it is therefore indicated in situations
involving measurement uncertainty on a quantum computation when finding a minimum.
If you are executing a variational algorithm using a Quantum ASseMbly Language (QASM)
simulator or a real device, SPSA would be the most recommended choice among the optimizers
provided here.
The optimization process includes a calibration phase, which requires additional
functional evaluations.
For further details, please refer to https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.05018v2.pdf#section*.11
(Supplementary information Section IV.)
_C0 = 2 * np.pi * 0.1
_OPTIONS = ['save_steps', 'last_avg']
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def __init__(self,
max_trials: int = 1000,
save_steps: int = 1,
last_avg: int = 1,
c0: float = _C0,
c1: float = 0.1,
c2: float = 0.602,
c3: float = 0.101,
c4: float = 0,
skip_calibration: float = False) -> None:
max_trials: Maximum number of iterations to perform.
save_steps: Save intermediate info every save_steps step. It has a min. value of 1.
last_avg: Averaged parameters over the last_avg iterations.
If last_avg = 1, only the last iteration is considered. It has a min. value of 1.
c0: The initial a. Step size to update parameters.
c1: The initial c. The step size used to approximate gradient.
c2: The alpha in the paper, and it is used to adjust a (c0) at each iteration.
c3: The gamma in the paper, and it is used to adjust c (c1) at each iteration.
c4: The parameter used to control a as well.
skip_calibration: Skip calibration and use provided c(s) as is.
validate_min('save_steps', save_steps, 1)
validate_min('last_avg', last_avg, 1)
for k, v in locals().items():
if k in self._OPTIONS:
self._options[k] = v
self._max_trials = max_trials
self._parameters = np.array([c0, c1, c2, c3, c4])
self._skip_calibration = skip_calibration
[docs] def get_support_level(self):
""" return support level dictionary """
return {
'gradient': Optimizer.SupportLevel.ignored,
'bounds': Optimizer.SupportLevel.ignored,
'initial_point': Optimizer.SupportLevel.required
[docs] def optimize(self, num_vars, objective_function, gradient_function=None,
variable_bounds=None, initial_point=None):
super().optimize(num_vars, objective_function, gradient_function,
variable_bounds, initial_point)
if not isinstance(initial_point, np.ndarray):
initial_point = np.asarray(initial_point)
logger.debug('Parameters: %s', self._parameters)
if not self._skip_calibration:
# at least one calibration, at most 25 calibrations
num_steps_calibration = min(25, max(1, self._max_trials // 5))
self._calibration(objective_function, initial_point, num_steps_calibration)
logger.debug('Skipping calibration, parameters used as provided.')
opt, sol, _, _, _, _ = self._optimization(objective_function,
return sol, opt, None
def _optimization(self, obj_fun, initial_theta, max_trials, save_steps=1, last_avg=1):
"""Minimizes obj_fun(theta) with a simultaneous perturbation stochastic
approximation algorithm.
obj_fun (callable): the function to minimize
initial_theta (numpy.array): initial value for the variables of
max_trials (int) : the maximum number of trial steps ( = function
calls/2) in the optimization
save_steps (int) : stores optimization outcomes each 'save_steps'
trial steps
last_avg (int) : number of last updates of the variables to average
on for the final obj_fun
list: a list with the following elements:
cost_final : final optimized value for obj_fun
theta_best : final values of the variables corresponding to
cost_plus_save : array of stored values for obj_fun along the
optimization in the + direction
cost_minus_save : array of stored values for obj_fun along the
optimization in the - direction
theta_plus_save : array of stored variables of obj_fun along the
optimization in the + direction
theta_minus_save : array of stored variables of obj_fun along the
optimization in the - direction
theta_plus_save = []
theta_minus_save = []
cost_plus_save = []
cost_minus_save = []
theta = initial_theta
theta_best = np.zeros(initial_theta.shape)
for k in range(max_trials):
# SPSA Parameters
a_spsa = float(self._parameters[0]) / np.power(k + 1 + self._parameters[4],
c_spsa = float(self._parameters[1]) / np.power(k + 1, self._parameters[3])
delta = 2 * aqua_globals.random.randint(2, size=np.shape(initial_theta)[0]) - 1
# plus and minus directions
theta_plus = theta + c_spsa * delta
theta_minus = theta - c_spsa * delta
# cost function for the two directions
if self._max_evals_grouped > 1:
cost_plus, cost_minus = obj_fun(np.concatenate((theta_plus, theta_minus)))
cost_plus = obj_fun(theta_plus)
cost_minus = obj_fun(theta_minus)
# derivative estimate
g_spsa = (cost_plus - cost_minus) * delta / (2.0 * c_spsa)
# updated theta
theta = theta - a_spsa * g_spsa
# saving
if k % save_steps == 0:
logger.debug('Objective function at theta+ for step # %s: %1.7f', k, cost_plus)
logger.debug('Objective function at theta- for step # %s: %1.7f', k, cost_minus)
if k >= max_trials - last_avg:
theta_best += theta / last_avg
# final cost update
cost_final = obj_fun(theta_best)
logger.debug('Final objective function is: %.7f', cost_final)
return [cost_final, theta_best, cost_plus_save, cost_minus_save,
theta_plus_save, theta_minus_save]
def _calibration(self, obj_fun, initial_theta, stat):
"""Calibrates and stores the SPSA parameters back.
SPSA parameters are c0 through c5 stored in parameters array
c0 on input is target_update and is the aimed update of variables on the first trial step.
Following calibration c0 will be updated.
c1 is initial_c and is first perturbation of initial_theta.
obj_fun (callable): the function to minimize.
initial_theta (numpy.array): initial value for the variables of
stat (int) : number of random gradient directions to average on in
the calibration.
target_update = self._parameters[0]
initial_c = self._parameters[1]
delta_obj = 0
for i in range(stat):
if i % 5 == 0:
logger.debug('calibration step # %s of %s', str(i), str(stat))
delta = 2 * aqua_globals.random.randint(2, size=np.shape(initial_theta)[0]) - 1
theta_plus = initial_theta + initial_c * delta
theta_minus = initial_theta - initial_c * delta
if self._max_evals_grouped > 1:
obj_plus, obj_minus = obj_fun(np.concatenate((theta_plus, theta_minus)))
obj_plus = obj_fun(theta_plus)
obj_minus = obj_fun(theta_minus)
delta_obj += np.absolute(obj_plus - obj_minus) / stat
self._parameters[0] = target_update * 2 / delta_obj \
* self._parameters[1] * (self._parameters[4] + 1)
logger.debug('Calibrated SPSA parameter c0 is %.7f', self._parameters[0])