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"""Line search with Gaussian-smoothed samples on a sphere."""
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, List
import logging
import numpy as np
from qiskit.aqua import aqua_globals
from .optimizer import Optimizer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class GSLS(Optimizer):
"""Gaussian-smoothed Line Search.
An implementation of the line search algorithm described in
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.01332.pdf, using gradient approximation
based on Gaussian-smoothed samples on a sphere.
_OPTIONS = ['max_iter', 'max_eval', 'disp', 'sampling_radius',
'sample_size_factor', 'initial_step_size', 'min_step_size',
'step_size_multiplier', 'armijo_parameter',
'min_gradient_norm', 'max_failed_rejection_sampling']
# pylint:disable=unused-argument
def __init__(self,
max_iter: int = 10000,
max_eval: int = 10000,
disp: bool = False,
sampling_radius: float = 1.0e-6,
sample_size_factor: int = 1,
initial_step_size: float = 1.0e-2,
min_step_size: float = 1.0e-10,
step_size_multiplier: float = 0.4,
armijo_parameter: float = 1.0e-1,
min_gradient_norm: float = 1e-8,
max_failed_rejection_sampling: int = 50) -> None:
max_iter: Maximum number of iterations.
max_eval: Maximum number of evaluations.
disp: Set to True to display convergence messages.
sampling_radius: Sampling radius to determine gradient estimate.
sample_size_factor: The size of the sample set at each iteration is this number
multiplied by the dimension of the problem, rounded to the nearest integer.
initial_step_size: Initial step size for the descent algorithm.
min_step_size: Minimum step size for the descent algorithm.
step_size_multiplier: Step size reduction after unsuccessful steps, in the
interval (0, 1).
armijo_parameter: Armijo parameter for sufficient decrease criterion, in the
interval (0, 1).
min_gradient_norm: If the gradient norm is below this threshold, the algorithm stops.
max_failed_rejection_sampling: Maximum number of attempts to sample points within
for k, v in locals().items():
if k in self._OPTIONS:
self._options[k] = v
[docs] def get_support_level(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
"""Return support level dictionary.
A dictionary containing the support levels for different options.
return {
'gradient': Optimizer.SupportLevel.ignored,
'bounds': Optimizer.SupportLevel.supported,
'initial_point': Optimizer.SupportLevel.required
[docs] def optimize(self, num_vars: int,
objective_function: callable,
gradient_function: Optional[callable] = None,
variable_bounds: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]] = None,
initial_point: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float, int]:
super().optimize(num_vars, objective_function, gradient_function,
variable_bounds, initial_point)
if initial_point is None:
initial_point = aqua_globals.random.normal(size=num_vars)
initial_point = np.array(initial_point)
if variable_bounds is None:
var_lb = np.array([-np.inf] * num_vars)
var_ub = np.array([np.inf] * num_vars)
var_lb = np.array([l for (l, _) in variable_bounds])
var_ub = np.array([u for (_, u) in variable_bounds])
x, x_value, n_evals, _ = self.ls_optimize(
num_vars, objective_function, initial_point, var_lb, var_ub
return x, x_value, n_evals
[docs] def ls_optimize(self, n: int, obj_fun: callable, initial_point: np.ndarray, var_lb: np.ndarray,
var_ub: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float, int, float]:
"""Run the line search optimization.
n: Dimension of the problem.
obj_fun: Objective function.
initial_point: Initial point.
var_lb: Vector of lower bounds on the decision variables. Vector elements can be -np.inf
if the corresponding variable is unbounded from below.
var_ub: Vector of upper bounds on the decision variables. Vector elements can be np.inf
if the corresponding variable is unbounded from below.
Final iterate as a vector, corresponding objective function value,
number of evaluations, and norm of the gradient estimate.
ValueError: If the number of dimensions mismatches the size of the initial point or
the length of the lower or upper bound.
if len(initial_point) != n:
raise ValueError('Size of the initial point mismatches the number of dimensions.')
if len(var_lb) != n:
raise ValueError('Length of the lower bound mismatches the number of dimensions.')
if len(var_ub) != n:
raise ValueError('Length of the upper bound mismatches the number of dimensions.')
# Initialize counters and data
iter_count = 0
n_evals = 0
prev_iter_successful = True
prev_directions, prev_sample_set_x, prev_sample_set_y = None, None, None
consecutive_fail_iter = 0
alpha = self._options['initial_step_size']
grad_norm = np.inf
sample_set_size = int(round(self._options['sample_size_factor'] * n))
# Initial point
x = initial_point
x_value = obj_fun(x)
n_evals += 1
while iter_count < self._options['max_iter'] \
and n_evals < self._options['max_eval']:
# Determine set of sample points
directions, sample_set_x = self.sample_set(n, x, var_lb, var_ub, sample_set_size)
if n_evals + len(sample_set_x) + 1 >= self._options['max_eval']:
# The evaluation budget is too small to allow for
# another full iteration; we therefore exit now
sample_set_y = np.array([obj_fun(point) for point in sample_set_x])
n_evals += len(sample_set_x)
# Expand sample set if we could not improve
if not prev_iter_successful:
directions = np.vstack((prev_directions, directions))
sample_set_x = np.vstack((prev_sample_set_x, sample_set_x))
sample_set_y = np.hstack((prev_sample_set_y, sample_set_y))
# Find gradient approximation and candidate point
grad = self.gradient_approximation(n, x, x_value, directions, sample_set_x,
grad_norm = np.linalg.norm(grad)
new_x = np.clip(x - alpha * grad, var_lb, var_ub)
new_x_value = obj_fun(new_x)
n_evals += 1
# Print information
if self._options['disp']:
print('Iter {:d}'.format(iter_count))
print('Point {} obj {}'.format(x, x_value))
print('Gradient {}'.format(grad))
print('Grad norm {} new_x_value {} step_size {}'.format(grad_norm, new_x_value,
print('Direction {}'.format(directions))
# Test Armijo condition for sufficient decrease
if new_x_value <= x_value - self._options['armijo_parameter'] * alpha * grad_norm:
# Accept point
x, x_value = new_x, new_x_value
alpha /= 2 * self._options['step_size_multiplier']
prev_iter_successful = True
consecutive_fail_iter = 0
# Reset sample set
prev_directions = None
prev_sample_set_x = None
prev_sample_set_y = None
# Do not accept point
alpha *= self._options['step_size_multiplier']
prev_iter_successful = False
consecutive_fail_iter += 1
# Store sample set to enlarge it
prev_directions = directions
prev_sample_set_x, prev_sample_set_y = sample_set_x, sample_set_y
iter_count += 1
# Check termination criterion
if grad_norm <= self._options['min_gradient_norm'] \
or alpha <= self._options['min_step_size']:
return x, x_value, n_evals, grad_norm
[docs] def sample_points(self, n: int, x: np.ndarray, num_points: int
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Sample ``num_points`` points around ``x`` on the ``n``-sphere of specified radius.
The radius of the sphere is ``self._options['sampling_radius']``.
n: Dimension of the problem.
x: Point around which the sample set is constructed.
num_points: Number of points in the sample set.
A tuple containing the sampling points and the directions.
normal_samples = aqua_globals.random.normal(size=(num_points, n))
row_norms = np.linalg.norm(normal_samples, axis=1, keepdims=True)
directions = normal_samples / row_norms
points = x + self._options['sampling_radius'] * directions
return points, directions
[docs] def sample_set(self, n: int, x: np.ndarray, var_lb: np.ndarray, var_ub: np.ndarray,
num_points: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Construct sample set of given size.
n: Dimension of the problem.
x: Point around which the sample set is constructed.
var_lb: Vector of lower bounds on the decision variables. Vector elements can be -np.inf
if the corresponding variable is unbounded from below.
var_ub: Vector of lower bounds on the decision variables. Vector elements can be np.inf
if the corresponding variable is unbounded from above.
num_points: Number of points in the sample set.
Matrices of (unit-norm) sample directions and sample points, one per row.
Both matrices are 2D arrays of floats.
RuntimeError: If not enough samples could be generated within the bounds.
# Generate points uniformly on the sphere
points, directions = self.sample_points(n, x, num_points)
# Check bounds
if (points >= var_lb).all() and (points <= var_ub).all():
# If all points are within bounds, return them
return directions, (x + self._options['sampling_radius'] * directions)
# Otherwise we perform rejection sampling until we have
# enough points that satisfy the bounds
indices = np.where((points >= var_lb).all(axis=1) & (points <= var_ub).all(axis=1))[0]
accepted = directions[indices]
num_trials = 0
while len(accepted) < num_points \
and num_trials < self._options['max_failed_rejection_sampling']:
# Generate points uniformly on the sphere
points, directions = self.sample_points(n, x, num_points)
indices = np.where((points >= var_lb).all(axis=1) &
(points <= var_ub).all(axis=1))[0]
accepted = np.vstack((accepted, directions[indices]))
num_trials += 1
# When we are at a corner point, the expected fraction of acceptable points may be
# exponential small in the dimension of the problem. Thus, if we keep failing and
# do not have enough points by now, we switch to a different method that guarantees
# finding enough points, but they may not be uniformly distributed.
if len(accepted) < num_points:
points, directions = self.sample_points(n, x, num_points)
to_be_flipped = (points < var_lb) | (points > var_ub)
directions *= np.where(to_be_flipped, -1, 1)
points = x + self._options['sampling_radius'] * directions
indices = np.where((points >= var_lb).all(axis=1) &
(points <= var_ub).all(axis=1))[0]
accepted = np.vstack((accepted, directions[indices]))
# If we still do not have enough sampling points, we have failed.
if len(accepted) < num_points:
raise RuntimeError('Could not generate enough samples '
'within bounds; try smaller radius.')
return (accepted[:num_points],
x + self._options['sampling_radius'] * accepted[:num_points])
[docs] def gradient_approximation(self, n: int, x: np.ndarray, x_value: float, directions: np.ndarray,
sample_set_x: np.ndarray, sample_set_y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Construct gradient approximation from given sample.
n: Dimension of the problem.
x: Point around which the sample set was constructed.
x_value: Objective function value at x.
directions: Directions of the sample points wrt the central point x, as a 2D array.
sample_set_x: x-coordinates of the sample set, one point per row, as a 2D array.
sample_set_y: Objective function values of the points in sample_set_x, as a 1D array.
Gradient approximation at x, as a 1D array.
ffd = sample_set_y - x_value
gradient = float(n) / len(sample_set_y) * np.sum(ffd.reshape(len(sample_set_y), 1) /
* directions, 0)
return gradient