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# This code is part of Qiskit.
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"""Analytic Quantum Gradient Descent (AQGD) optimizer """
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from numpy import pi, absolute, array, zeros
from qiskit.aqua.utils.validation import validate_range_exclusive_max
from .optimizer import Optimizer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]class AQGD(Optimizer):
"""Analytic Quantum Gradient Descent (AQGD) optimizer.
Performs gradient descent optimization with a momentum term and analytic gradients
for parametrized quantum gates, i.e. Pauli Rotations. See, for example:
* K. Mitarai, M. Negoro, M. Kitagawa, and K. Fujii. (2018).
Quantum circuit learning. Phys. Rev. A 98, 032309.
* Maria Schuld, Ville Bergholm, Christian Gogolin, Josh Izaac, Nathan Killoran. (2019).
Evaluating analytic gradients on quantum hardware. Phys. Rev. A 99, 032331.
for further details on analytic gradients of parametrized quantum gates.
Gradients are computed "analytically" using the quantum circuit when evaluating
the objective function.
_OPTIONS = ['maxiter', 'eta', 'tol', 'disp']
def __init__(self,
maxiter: int = 1000,
eta: float = 3.0,
tol: float = 1e-6,
disp: bool = False,
momentum: float = 0.25) -> None:
maxiter: Maximum number of iterations, each iteration evaluation gradient.
eta: The coefficient of the gradient update. Increasing this value
results in larger step sizes: param = previous_param - eta * deriv
tol: The convergence criteria that must be reached before stopping.
Optimization stops when: absolute(loss - previous_loss) < tol
disp: Set to True to display convergence messages.
momentum: Bias towards the previous gradient momentum in current update.
Must be within the bounds: [0,1)
validate_range_exclusive_max('momentum', momentum, 0, 1)
self._eta = eta
self._maxiter = maxiter
self._tol = tol if tol is not None else 1e-6
self._disp = disp
self._momentum_coeff = momentum
self._previous_loss = None
[docs] def get_support_level(self):
""" Return support level dictionary """
return {
'gradient': Optimizer.SupportLevel.ignored,
'bounds': Optimizer.SupportLevel.ignored,
'initial_point': Optimizer.SupportLevel.required
[docs] def deriv(self, j, params, obj):
Obtains the analytical quantum derivative of the objective function with
respect to the jth parameter.
j (int): Index of the parameter to compute the derivative of.
params (array): Current value of the parameters to evaluate
the objective function at.
obj (callable): Objective function.
float: The derivative of the objective function w.r.t. j
# create a copy of the parameters with the positive shift
plus_params = deepcopy(params)
plus_params[j] += pi / 2
# create a copy of the parameters with the negative shift
minus_params = deepcopy(params)
minus_params[j] -= pi / 2
# return the derivative value
return 0.5 * (obj(plus_params) - obj(minus_params))
[docs] def update(self, j, params, deriv, mprev):
Updates the jth parameter based on the derivative and previous momentum
j (int): Index of the parameter to compute the derivative of.
params (array): Current value of the parameters to evaluate
the objective function at.
deriv (float): Value of the derivative w.r.t. the jth parameter
mprev (array): Array containing all of the parameter momentums
tuple: params, new momentums
mnew = self._eta * (deriv * (1 - self._momentum_coeff) + mprev[j] * self._momentum_coeff)
params[j] -= mnew
return params, mnew
[docs] def converged(self, objval, n=2):
Determines if the objective function has converged by finding the difference between
the current value and the previous n values.
objval (float): Current value of the objective function.
n (int): Number of previous steps which must be within the convergence criteria
in order to be considered converged. Using a larger number will prevent
the optimizer from stopping early.
bool: Whether or not the optimization has converged.
if self._previous_loss is None:
self._previous_loss = [objval + 2 * self._tol] * n
if all([absolute(objval - prev) < self._tol for prev in self._previous_loss]):
# converged
return True
# store previous function evaluations
for i in range(n):
if i < n - 1:
self._previous_loss[i] = self._previous_loss[i + 1]
self._previous_loss[i] = objval
return False
[docs] def optimize(self, num_vars, objective_function, gradient_function=None,
variable_bounds=None, initial_point=None):
super().optimize(num_vars, objective_function, gradient_function,
variable_bounds, initial_point)
params = array(initial_point)
it = 0
momentum = zeros(shape=(num_vars,))
objval = objective_function(params)
if self._disp:
print("Iteration: " + str(it) + " \t| Energy: " + str(objval))
minobj = objval
minparams = params
while it < self._maxiter and not self.converged(objval):
for j in range(num_vars):
# update parameters in order based on quantum gradient
derivative = self.deriv(j, params, objective_function)
params, momentum[j] = self.update(j, params, derivative, momentum)
# check the value of the objective function
objval = objective_function(params)
# keep the best parameters
if objval < minobj:
minobj = objval
minparams = params
# update the iteration count
it += 1
if self._disp:
print("Iteration: " + str(it) + " \t| Energy: " + str(objval))
return minparams, minobj, it