# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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"""The custom initial state."""
from typing import Optional, Union
import logging
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, Qubit
from qiskit import execute as q_execute
from qiskit.aqua import AquaError, aqua_globals
from qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states import InitialState
from qiskit.aqua.circuits import StateVectorCircuit
from qiskit.aqua.utils.arithmetic import normalize_vector
from qiskit.aqua.utils.circuit_utils import convert_to_basis_gates
from qiskit.aqua.utils.validation import validate_in_set, validate_min
from qiskit.aqua.operators import StateFn
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Custom(InitialState):
The custom initial state.
A custom initial state can be created with this component. It allows a state to be defined
in the form of custom probability distribution with the *state_vector*, or by providing a
desired *circuit* to set the state.
Also *state* can be used having a few pre-defined initial states for convenience:
- 'zero': configures the state vector with the zero probability distribution, and is
effectively equivalent to the :class:`Zero` initial state.
- 'uniform': This setting configures the state vector with the uniform probability distribution.
All the qubits are set in superposition, each of them being initialized with a Hadamard gate,
which means that a measurement will have equal probabilities to become :math:`1` or :math:`0`.
- 'random': This setting assigns the elements of the state vector according to a random
probability distribution.
The custom initial state will be set from the *circuit*, the *state_vector*, or
*state*, in that order. For *state_vector* the provided custom probability distribution
will be internally normalized so the total probability represented is :math:`1.0`.
def __init__(self,
num_qubits: int,
state: str = 'zero',
state_vector: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, StateFn]] = None,
circuit: Optional[QuantumCircuit] = None) -> None:
num_qubits: Number of qubits, has a minimum value of 1.
state: Use a predefined state of ('zero' | 'uniform' | 'random')
state_vector: An optional vector of ``complex`` or ``float`` representing the state as
a probability distribution which will be normalized to a total probability of 1
when initializing the qubits. The length of the vector must be :math:`2^q`, where
:math:`q` is the *num_qubits* value. When provided takes precedence over *state*.
circuit: A quantum circuit for the desired initial state. When provided takes
precedence over both *state_vector* and *state*.
AquaError: invalid input
validate_min('num_qubits', num_qubits, 1)
validate_in_set('state', state, {'zero', 'uniform', 'random'})
self._num_qubits = num_qubits
self._state = state
size = np.power(2, self._num_qubits)
self._circuit = None
if isinstance(state_vector, StateFn):
state_vector = state_vector.to_matrix()
# pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable
if circuit is not None:
if circuit.width() != num_qubits:
logger.warning('The specified num_qubits and '
'the provided custom circuit do not match.')
self._circuit = convert_to_basis_gates(circuit)
if state_vector is not None:
self._state = None
self._state_vector = None
logger.warning('The provided state_vector is ignored in favor of '
'the provided custom circuit.')
if state_vector is None:
if self._state == 'zero':
self._state_vector = np.array([1.0] + [0.0] * (size - 1))
elif self._state == 'uniform':
self._state_vector = np.array([1.0 / np.sqrt(size)] * size)
elif self._state == 'random':
self._state_vector = normalize_vector(aqua_globals.random.rand(size))
raise AquaError('Unknown state {}'.format(self._state))
if len(state_vector) != np.power(2, self._num_qubits):
raise AquaError('The state vector length {} is incompatible with '
'the number of qubits {}'.format(
len(state_vector), self._num_qubits))
self._state_vector = normalize_vector(state_vector)
self._state = None
[docs] def construct_circuit(self, mode='circuit', register=None):
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from qiskit import BasicAer
if mode == 'vector':
if self._state_vector is None:
if self._circuit is not None:
self._state_vector = np.asarray(q_execute(self._circuit, BasicAer.get_backend(
return self._state_vector
elif mode == 'circuit':
if self._circuit is None:
# create empty quantum circuit
circuit = QuantumCircuit()
if register is None:
register = QuantumRegister(self._num_qubits, name='q')
if isinstance(register, QuantumRegister):
elif isinstance(register, list):
for q in register:
if isinstance(q, Qubit):
if not circuit.has_register(q.register):
raise AquaError('Unexpected qubit type {}.'.format(type(q)))
raise AquaError('Unexpected register type {}.'.format(type(register)))
if self._state is None or self._state == 'random':
svc = StateVectorCircuit(self._state_vector)
svc.construct_circuit(circuit=circuit, register=register)
elif self._state == 'uniform':
for i in range(self._num_qubits):
circuit.u2(0.0, np.pi, register[i])
elif self._state == 'zero':
AquaError('Unexpected state mode {}.'.format(self._state))
self._circuit = circuit
return self._circuit.copy()
raise AquaError('Mode should be either "vector" or "circuit"')